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The paper outlines the significant influence of constructivism in contemporary science and mathematics education, and emphasises the central role that epistemology plays in constructivist theory and practice. It is claimed that despite the anti-empiricism of much constructivist writing, in most forms its epistemology is nevertheless firmly empiricist. In particular it is subject-centered and experience-based. It is argued that its relativist, if not skeptical conclusions, only follow given these empiricist assumptions. Further it is suggested that such assumptions belong to Aristotelian science, and were effectively overthrown with the modern science of Galileo and Newton. Thus constructivism cannot provide understanding of post-Aristotelian science. Specializations: history, philosophy and science teaching.  相似文献   


This paper discusses, compares, and contrasts 4 different models for bringing evidence from randomised controlled trials (RCTs) into practice and into practical reasoning. I look at what questions the models can and cannot answer, what role they accord to RCT evidence, and what their possible attraction for practitioners might be. The models are those of Philip Davies, Nancy Cartwright, Stephen Toulmin, and Harald Grimen. The first 2 are constructed for the purpose of using evidence in practice, the 3rd is an adapted argumentation model, and the 4th is based on phronesis and represents an alternative to evidence-based education. It is argued that of these, Toulmin’s model has the narrative qualities that make it the most usable and practitioner-friendly model.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT John Wilson argued, in a recent paper, that equality of opportunity is neither coherent nor reasonable. It seems that we can better understand Wilson's points If we distinguish between what one might call perfect equality of opportunity and greater equality of opportunity. Further, the familiar notions of formal opportunity and substantive opportunity still seem crucial to an understanding of the issues.  相似文献   

Key issues for research in self‐directed learning   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper consists of two parts. The first part gives an overview of two major paradigms which have influenced research in education; the positivist/empiricist and the interpretive. It is argued that research into self‐direction has been dominated by the positivist/empiricist paradigm and that, because of a fundamental incompatibility between the assumptions underlying positivism and those underlying ‘self‐direction,’ research into self‐direction has been ‘blocked.’ It is suggested that the adoption of an interpretive paradigm promises to reinvigorate and redirect research into self‐direction in learning.

The second part of the paper represents an attempt to develop a research agenda into self‐direction from an interpretive perspective; that is, one which takes account of the learner's subjective construing of the learning situation. This subjective construing includes pur elements: (1) the learner's view of learning in general; (2) the learner's view of the specific learning endeavour being researched; (3) the learner's view of assistance or direction received; and (4) the learner's view of autonomous leaming and the development of personal autonomy. It is also suggested that any adequate research into ‘self‐direction’ should ideally take account of the perspective of the facilitator or other person offering help and assistance, since learning situations depend largely on the quality of the relationship established between the learner and the ‘helper’.  相似文献   

Potentials for empowerment in critical education research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Within the typology of research orientations commonly represented in the social science literature — empiricist, interpretive and critical — it is the methodologies of the critical orientation that are burgeoning. Significantly, the moral imperative in the critical theorising which drives and shapes these methodologies is empowerment and emancipation. That is to say, critical educational research is potentially empowering because of its emancipatory intent. However, as cogently argued and demonstrated by a number of researchers, “an emancipatory intent is no guarantee of an emancipatory outcome” (Acker et al., 1983: 431). Just being informed by critical theory then, is no guarantee that a critical research approach will be empowering, or be empowering in a way we recognise as significant. This paper has been prepared with two objectives in mind: to clarify three ways empowerment has been conceptualised in the literature, and to use this conceptual scheme as a template to ascertain the empowerment potentials in critical educational research methodologies.  相似文献   

This paper takes a sideways look at the controversial topic of educational assessment, raising the question: what place should the success/failure distinction have in an effective and humane educational system? Though the experience of failure may undermine the self‐esteem that is conducive to learning, its possibility is clearly important educationally. Instead of asking whether teachers should be truthful about children’s achievements or dishonestly promote their self‐esteem, we need to recognise a certain logical indeterminacy about what young children can do. Given this, it is reasonable to presume in favour of many of their capacities rather than against them, for this is how children develop the confidence to act. This includes the confidence to fail as well as the confidence to succeed. It is argued that both are crucial for learning.  相似文献   

论张爱玲的“俗”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“俗”是张爱玲研究中无法回避的一个问题。对“俗”寓意的理解 ,直接影响着我们对张爱玲创作的评价及其在 2 0世纪中国文学中的定位。不能否认张爱玲身上的“俗”与其潜意识中的家族自恋情结之间存在的微妙关系 ,但同时也应当看到她的“俗”,是日伪政府殖民统治时期的一种生存选择。张爱玲并不是个为“俗”而“俗”的作家 ,在“庸人俗事”的叙事中 ,她寄寓着凌厉的文化批判精神与苍凉的乱世人生体悟。看不到“俗”的这一层意义 ,是没有读懂张爱玲。在“俗”的叙事模式中 ,张爱玲追求一种与喜剧相对衬的悲剧效果 ,通过审丑的方式去审美 ,以此形成一种参差对照的“苍凉”审美意味。  相似文献   

The article explores the potential for a critical realist approach to researching learning in international and comparative education (ICE) with a particular focus on the emerging post-2015 education and development agenda. It provides a critique of existing empiricist and interpretivist approaches to researching learning. It is suggested that whilst both have strengths, they are based on an ontologically reductionist view of learning with implications for research, policy and practice. As a ‘third’ research approach critical realism has the potential to build on the strengths whilst avoiding the pitfalls of both empiricism and interpretivism. Such an approach it is argued needs to start from an ontologically inclusive and laminated view of learning. Further, it is suggested that comparative research should focus on the development of theories of learning that are able to explain the natural and social structures and causal mechanisms that give rise to and inhibit learning at different scales and levels and in different contexts. The development of theory ought to embrace epistemological pluralism drawing critically on, cross-cultural, inter-disciplinary and mixed methods enquiry and making use of abductive and retroductive forms of inference. In this way it is argued it becomes possible to move beyond the dominant ‘what works’ agenda favoured by empiricists to critically consider what works, for who and under what circumstances.  相似文献   

It is argued that two plausible goals of the educational enterprise are (i) to develop the intellectual character, and thus the intellectual virtues, of the student, and (ii) to develop the student's intellectual self-confidence, such that they are able to have conviction in what they believe. On the face of it, however, these two educational goals seem to be in tension with one another, at least insofar as intellectual humility is a genuine intellectual virtue. This is because intellectual humility seems to require that one does not have conviction in one's beliefs. It is argued that this tension can be avoided so long as we have the right account of intellectual humility in play. This enables us to understand what educating for intellectual humility might involve, and how it might co-exist with the educational development of a student's intellectual self-confidence.  相似文献   

This article focuses on how confession operates in contemporary discourses on reflective practices. By revisiting and mobilising Foucault's genealogy of confession in relation to how reflective practices are mobilised in an in‐service training programme for healthcare assistants (HCA) in elderly care, it is argued that the HCAs are shaped as their own confessors. It is further argued that we need to take into account traces from both Stoic and Christian times to fully understand how reflective practices operate and shape subjects. The empirical material consists of interviews with HCAs, their managers, supervisors and teachers in an in‐service training programme where the use of reflective practices was a key component.  相似文献   

Leon Cooper’s Perspective on Teaching Science: An Interview Study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors of this paper portray the perspective of Professor Leon Cooper, a theoretical physicist, Nobel laureate, active researcher, and physics textbook author, on teaching science and on the nature of science (NOS). The views presented emerged from an interview prepared by the authors and responded to in writing by Professor Cooper. Based on the gathered data and the subsequent interpretation of it, the authors identified several educational implications and drew the following conclusions: (a) science should be taught within an historical perspective; (b) textbook authors generally have an empiricist epistemology which makes their presentation of science difficult to understand; (c) an historical perspective inevitably involves comparing, contrasting, and scrutinizing different historical accounts of the same events; (d) varying interpretations of observations do not undermine the objective nature of science; (e) new ideas in physics comprise an imposed vision of the world, and these ideas are then slowly accepted by the scientific community; (f) the current view in any science is almost always a mixture of data, hypotheses, theoretical ideas, and conjectures; (g) since experiments are difficult to perform and understand, scientists rely on their presuppositions to guide the integration of data, theory, and conjectures; (h) inconsistencies in the construction of theories can facilitate new theoretical ideas; and (i) case studies based on various experiments show that scientists use intuition which is guided by facts, conjectures, and speculations.  相似文献   

Several recent interpretations of the nature and development of competence are discussed, focusing on Gelman's proposal to view the development of concepts as the product of the interaction of conceptual, procedural, and utilization competences. In so doing, she proposes a solution to the dilemma (which many other theories could not avoid) of emphasizing either the construction of knowledge or the influence of experience in the development of understanding. However, Gelman does not consider the basically social nature of the development of competence. In this essay, it is argued that adults transmit perspectives on reality to children and in this way introduce them to what is considered worth knowing in the culture. Because a child's present abilities are integrated into such perspectives, these abilities are, at the same time, both utilized and modified. It is, therefore, implausible to ascribe the availability of general principles to very young children, as Gelman does in her theory of numerical competence. Two rival experiments on the development of numerical concepts are discussed. It is argued that the solution the children construct in these experiments is dependent on the perspective transmitted to them by the experimenter. Some educational consequences of a social context view on competence are presented.  相似文献   

本文从"局内人—局外人"视角考量国际与比较教育研究问题。本文的论点是全球化背景已经变得愈加复杂,我们如何能够在自身所处的文化背景内外理解复杂问题的本质?我们是"局内人"还是"局外人"?"局外人"和"局内人"术语起源于许多与教育相关的学科,我们在对其理解时不能够将其仅仅作为一对完全相反的概念。这一对概念不断发生改变并不断适应不同的文化背景和环境。全球视角与权力、压迫和镇压相关。个体视角中的"个体"是指在国外生活和经历他国文化的人。他们可能同时兼有"局内人"和"局外人"身份。当越来越多的合作研究在不同的国家和文化背景下开展时,采用"局内人—局外人"视角研究国际比较教育问题将为研究者提供更多的研究思路。  相似文献   

Richard Rose, writing in this journal in his role as Research Section Editor (BJSE, Volume 29, Number 1), argued that teachers should learn to do research in collaboration with other professionals, as part of a drive to make teaching a 'research-based profession'. In this article, Joan Forbes, Senior Lecturer in Educational Studies in the Faculty of Education at the University of Aberdeen, explores this idea in greater depth from her perspective as course leader for an MEd module on inter-agency collaboration. She proposes that recommendations for collaboration to support children with language and communication disorders do not attend to the difficulties involved between professionals from different backgrounds who use different discourses and draw upon different research evidence as a basis for practice. Her paper draws on 'postmodern' research approaches and Michael Foucault's views of 'discourse' to examine a variety of theoretical perspectives previously applied to collaboration. It argues for the value of further theoretical diversity and methodological plurality and introduces discourse analysis as a tool for helping to understand the notion of collaboration. At the end of her challenging and intriguing paper, Joan Forbes offers some suggestions concerning the value of 'new' questioning kinds of analysis.  相似文献   

It is well established that thought experiments are both scientifically and philosophically significant, and even that they are pedagogically significant. However, the basis and methodology for their pedagogical use is not as well established. Pedagogical thought experiments are defined as mental simulations with special features to isolate certain conceptual elements. It is argued that thought experiments are made pedagogically effective through the process of re-enactment of the thought-experimental process. The process of re-enactment is best captured by rewriting thought experiments as stories. Several examples of thought experiments are analysed for their narrative content and an example is given of a pedagogical thought experiment re-written as a story. Recommendations are made as to how such thought experimental stories can be used effectively.  相似文献   

帕蒂古丽是用汉语创作的维吾尔作家,她的散文《模仿者的生活》以真切的笔触展望了她童年及目前的生活状况,表达了自己在不同文化之间的穿梭、迷茫、困顿及反抗。论文从文化认同的角度对这篇散文进行了分析,既肯定了帕蒂古丽对本族文化的追寻,也指出在文化全球化、多元化的今天,了解别人并不一定意味着去证明他们和我们相似,而应该试着去理解他们,承认并尊重他们与我们的差异。人们发现的差别越多,眼光就越开阔,能够承认的差别也就越多,就能生活得更好,就能更好地相聚在一种相互理解的氛围之中。  相似文献   

How can we understand the relationship between art, education and democracy in the contemporary Western political condition? The recent presidential elections in the USA showed that the classical model of liberal representative democracy is shaking on its foundations. The question is how can artists and education respond to this political condition? In this article it is argued that art has a special quality to address political, and especially democratic, issues. It can strengthen education in its lessons in democracy and citizenship. Art has a special quality to walk on an alternative path of democracy, namely that of the civil domain. In the civil sphere artistic qualities and skills of designing and of imagination can play a crucial role.  相似文献   

本文主要对莫言的《丰乳肥臀》这部小说的主人公上官鲁氏进行分析,发掘这一人物身上伟大的母性光辉。文章是从以下几个角度对其进行解析的:热爱生命,敢于反抗的母亲,无奈、宽容无私的母亲;呕心沥血、无所不能的母亲;真实而悲哀的母亲。从母亲所散发的母性光辉中,我们可以进一步理解作者所赋予作品的悲剧意味及文化内涵。  相似文献   

近年来,我国学术界对罗莎.卢森堡的研究视野大大拓宽,除了对罗莎.卢森堡的社会主义民主和党内民主思想继续进行更为透彻和更具针对性的研究之外,还对她的具有独特视角的资本主义观、社会主义观和方法论,以及她的思想对当代哲学、政治经济学和政治学的贡献,她与马克思、列宁的关系和与西方马克思主义的关系,进行了综合性、开拓性的探讨和研究,取得了丰硕的学术成果。同时,我国学术界今后对罗莎.卢森堡的研究应该更紧密地结合当代中国的实际,对她的思想进行"现代化"、"中国化"的解读,最终达到既继承又超越,为创建和谐的社会主义中国获取更多的理论上的借鉴。  相似文献   

In this paper, we identify ways in which the learning of very young children can be supported by practitioners developing a schematic pedagogy which focuses on structures of children's thinking. First, we provide a critical overview of relevant literature on schemas and schematic approaches to pedagogy. We then outline an original study undertaken to identify and support the learning of seven young children. Taking one child, whom we call Annie, we illustrate how her attention to the fine detail of elements of her home and group environments as she played offered strong clues to her pedagogues about her persistent interests (schemas). We show how careful observation by practitioners can be used to understand and support future learning encounters through a schematic pedagogy, and we consider implications of such an approach for practice in toddlers’ early learning.  相似文献   

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