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The field of science and technology studies provides three landmarks useful for orienting the loose constellation of intellectual projects pursued under the rubric of Internet research. Interdisciplinarity, networks, and politics offer a foundation from which social change and progress can be assessed. These landmarks can help to examine the rapid change, the micro and macro connections, the constraints and possibilities for self-organization that stand to reconfigure the substance of power, class, and culture associated with the adoption of new communication technologies.  相似文献   

目的】通过对《中国化学快报》办刊经验的总结和遇到问题的剖析,探讨中国英文科技期刊的发展之路。【方法】对《中国化学快报》近年的发展历程进行研究,从中发现中国英文科技期刊发展过程的共性问题,并进行提炼总结。【结果】中国英文科技期刊的生存环境已得到较大改善,但在评价体系等大政策的影响下,优质稿件匮乏、人才流失严重、国际显示度低等共性问题依然存在。【结论】在大政策暂时无法突破的现状下,加强内功修炼,寻找适合自身发展的办刊道路,尽快提高中国英文科技期刊的办刊水平。  相似文献   


Pulp and paper is a major impact industry, in which environmental impacts can be seen to be complex, diverse and characterised by uncertainty and interdependence. A greening process within this industry requires wide ranging environmental knowledge. Also fundamental are effective networks for information exchange and greening is therefore dependent on changes to such networks. This study investigates the issue of how greening occurs, focusing on the process at the Fletcher Challenge New Zealand integrated pulp and paper mill situated in Tasmania, Australia. It was seen that effective greening within this industry relies on information processing capabilities to access external and internal knowledge and skills, and that this is fundamentally dependent on structural arrangements. Appropriate organisational structure and external networks are therefore essential for accessing information and facilitating its dissemination and integration, thereby enhancing the firm's ability to address environmental concerns. The study highlights interaction between the formal change process, one which sought limited change, and an informal change process that continued greening the company beyond the official aims. The reasons for this are located in the power of informal information exchange.  相似文献   

IntroductionIt is common for patients to switch between several healthcare providers. In this context, the long-term follow-up of medical conditions based on laboratory test results obtained from different laboratories is a challenge. The measurement uncertainty in an inter-laboratory context should also be considered in data mining research based on routine results from randomly selected laboratories. As a proof-of-concept study, we aimed at estimating the inter-laboratory reference change value (IL-RCV) for exemplary analytes from publicly available data on external quality assessment (EQA) and biological variation.Materials and methodsExternal quality assessment data of the Reference Institute for Bioanalytics (RfB, Bonn, Germany) for serum creatinine, calcium, aldosterone, PSA, and of whole blood HbA1c from campaigns sent out in 2019 were analysed. The median CVs of all EQA participants were calculated based on 8 samples from 4 EQA campaigns per analyte. Using intra-individual biological variation data from the EFLM database, positive and negative IL-RCV were estimated with a formula based on log transformation under the assumption that the analytes under examination have a skewed distribution.ResultsWe estimated IL-RCVs for all exemplary analytes, ranging from 13.3% to 203% for the positive IL-RCV and - 11.8% to - 67.0% for the negative IL-RCV (serum calcium - serum aldosterone), respectively.ConclusionExternal quality assessment data together with data on the biological variation – both freely available – allow the estimation of inter-laboratory RCVs. These differ substantially between different analytes and can help to assess the boundaries of interoperability in laboratory medicine.  相似文献   


During the late 1990s, photography moved from being a primarily analogue medium to being an almost entirely digital medium. The development of digital cameras and software for working with photographs has led to the wholesale computerization of photography in many different domains. This paper reports on the findings of a study of the social and organizational changes experienced by marine mammal scientists who have changed from film‐based photography to digital photography. This technical change might be viewed as a simple substitution of a digital for an analogue camera, with little significance for how scientists do what they do. However, a perspective anchored in social informatics leads to the expectation that such incremental technical changes can have significant outcomes, changing not only how scientists work, but also the outcomes of their research. This present study finds that key consequences of this change have been the composition of the personnel working on the scientific research teams for marine biology projects and the ways in which these scientists allocate their time.  相似文献   


The Bell Labs of decades ago was well recognized as a national treasure for its pioneering innovations and its creation of new knowledge. However, the breakup of the Bell System that occurred in 1984 resulted in considerable change for research and development in telecommunication. This paper reviews that history and, in anticipation of continuing uncertainty and a possible impending crisis, examines possible options for the future to assure leadership by the United States in basic research in telecommunication.  相似文献   

[目的]认识科技期刊和科技智库互动发展的必要性和可行性,揭示二者互动发展的机理与路径。[方法]运用逻辑演绎推理方法,阐述双方互动发展的必要性、可行性以及机理与路径。[结果]科技期刊与科技智库互动发展的战略意义显著且可行。从机理上看,科技期刊可为科技智库建设输送知识资源并提供人才团队支持,还可张扬智库研究成果的价值;科技智库则能提高科技期刊学术质量、提升期刊社会影响力和塑造科技期刊品牌。二者互动发展的路径主要有协同创新、资源融合、常态化合作和互为环境与保障等。[结论]互动发展既对双方有利,又能使其更好地履行社会责任、更好地提升国家软实力并强化决策咨询功能。  相似文献   

目的】作者队伍的建设是提升科技期刊质量和学术影响力的重要方法之一。【方法】依托官方微信的优点,介绍了官方微信的建立和维护方法。【结果】 结合多家期刊的办刊实践,通过增加作者对期刊的依赖度、助力作者跟踪学科前沿、加速青年作者的成长和作者队伍的扩大等举措,可以促进期刊作者队伍的建设。【结论】科技期刊在官方微信的建立和维护过程中,可以调动作者的积极性来共同完成,同时依托官方微信的构建,加大对作者队伍的进一步完善建设,形成良性循环。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨利用PC结合手写板、平板电脑、电纸书进行电子化、无纸化校对的方法。[方法]以PC结合汉王手写板、联想S5000平板电脑、ONYX BOOX M96电纸书为例,利用PC版Adobe Reader和Adobe Acrobat以及Adobe Reader for Android、智器阅读等移动版PDF阅读器作为校对软件,直接在PDF电子校样上绘制线条、书写文字进行校对。[结果]采用PC、平板电脑、电纸书等电子终端可以对PDF电子校样如同对纸质稿一样直接手写(绘)文字、线条进行直观、便捷的校对。[结论]利用电子终端可以替代或者部分替代纸质稿进行电子化校对,具有节约环保、省时便捷的优点,符合数字出版的发展趋势。  相似文献   

目的】对数学类中文核心期刊进行综合评价,以期为数学期刊综合水平的提高提供定量参考。【方法】以2013版中国期刊引证报告(扩刊版)提供的8个计量指标数据为依托,采用基于变异系数法的距离综合评价法对《中文核心期刊要目总览》(北京大学第六版)刊登的15种数学核心期刊进行分析和排名。【结果】距离综合评价法的排名比总被引频次的排名和影响因子的排名更合理。【结论】利用距离综合评价法评价期刊的学术水平是行之有效的,具有科学性和可操作性。  相似文献   

[目的]总结数字化办刊经验,为提高科技期刊影响力提供参考。[方法]以《中国物理B》数字化办刊的具体实践为例,从内容数字化、采编系统、出版发行模式、期刊宣传四个方面详细介绍了提高科技期刊影响力的数字化手段。分析说明数字化办刊的重要性和成效。[结果]发现提高数字化办刊水平可以缩短稿件发表周期,提高服务水平和审稿质量,提高期刊影响力。[结论]国内期刊必须审时度势,借鉴国内外优秀期刊的数字化办刊经验,不断摸索创新,才能在激烈竞争中不被淘汰。  相似文献   

目的】使用excel宏程序从定版后的方正fbd小样文件提取多刊数据。【方法】 使用InputBox语句由用户输入刊物代号、年份、期次,确定并打开fbd文件为excel文件,数据基本都在第一列单元格中,用Ctrl Find语句定位数据,用循环语句和判断语句采集一个或多个单元格数据,最后是对数据的处理和写入。【结果】程序可有效用于提取《河北科技大学学报》、《河北工业科技》两个刊物的中英文题目、作者、单位、摘要、关键词,以及doi、收稿日期、e-mail、参考文献等数据,程序运行过程中只需使用者输入刊物代号、年和期。【结论】单独使用excel宏程序即可实现所有数据的提取,相对简单易行。【局限】此种编程容错能力较差,要求期刊格式固定不变。  相似文献   

基于JATS数据标准的全文文献管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的]为科技期刊电子文档交换和存储标准的制定和使用提供借鉴,促进文献的全文管理。[方法]介绍JATS(Journal Article Tag Suite)标准的特点及实践,分析比较其三组标签集的不同应用场景。[结果]出版集团、数据仓储、图书馆以及文章作者可以根据其使用需求选择一组JATS标签来完成文档的转换、存储及管理。根据JATS标准管理中文文献,实现了文献的全文阅读、个性化标记和全文内容的搜索等功能。[结论] JATS标准根据不同应用场景制定了三种标签类型。基于JATS标准的全文文献管理及医学图书管理为JATS标准的本地化推广与应用提供了可行性依据。  相似文献   


The information age is bringing about a change in the world division of labor. Many of the great trading cities that arose during the Industrial Revolution as shipping, railroad, and financial centers are now facing new challenges, challenges brought about by global telecommunications. Information technology and the changing nature of business and government offer new opportunities and threats to these and other cities as they strive to acquire or retain treasured economic activity. Telecommunications and computation capacity are among the tools cities can use as they vie with one another for this commerce.

This study describes how U. S. cities are affected by these trends and summarizes some of the key technological and policy issues involved. Several case studies are reported, which show the various strategies used by large cities such as New York and Boston, progressive Midwest cities such as Omaha, and small cities such as Heathrow, Florida. Some preliminary principles of success are adduced.  相似文献   


This paper provides a detailed analysis of the change process of academic science. The change pressures currently visible in UK science have been conceptualised as the product of three interdependent dynamics: a shift towards neo‐liberal ideologies and discourses of government; a process of reconstitution of the relationship between government and science; and the resulting reshaping of science itself. Focusing on the universities and academic science, we argue that this process of transformation has adverse consequences the end result of which may be a loss of capacity within the science system to maintain knowledge bases.  相似文献   

Diabetes Mellitus in obese and non-obese Indian individuals.AIMS: Effect of Obesity and insulin resistance on diabetic control.SETTINGS AND DESIGN: 50 each groups Diabetic individuals obese and non-obese.METHODS AND MATERIAL: On selected 50 each group diabetic patient and normal, following blood investigations has been performed—Plasma Glucose, Glycohemoglobin and Serum Insulin.STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Individuals patient’s results were analyzed and compared with the normal controls.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The changes in glycosylated haemoglobin are mainly proportional to the post lunch glucose level (r=0.773) (p<0.01) and not correlated to circulating insulin or the body mass index. However the levels were higher in obese diabetes (Type I and II both) than in non-obese. Mechanism of resistance in insulin receptor interactions due to obesity is well known. However, obesity does not seem to affect directly glycosylated haemoglobin. Under such circumstances, the reduction of weight for a diabetic person can improve sugar control by minimizing insulin resistance and thereby can improve glycosylated haemoglobin levels.  相似文献   

科技期刊微信公众平台运营指标与模式研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
[目的]探讨建立科技期刊微信公众平台运营考核指标体系,促进科技期刊跨媒体融合,发挥微信公众平台的传播优势。[方法]采取跨学科研究法和经验总结法相结合的研究方式,提出多个核心的考核指标与考核方法。[结果]通过建构科技期刊微信公众平台考核指标体系,为科技期刊微信公众平台运营提供重要参考依据。[结论]科技期刊微信公众平台跨媒体运营的核心是要建立科学的考核指标体系,利用考核指标提升微信公众平台的运营效率,提升科技期刊的品牌形象和市场竞争力。  相似文献   

科技期刊开放式同行评议模式探索   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
[目的]同行评议是科技期刊出版过程中至关重要的部分,其重要性已被广泛认可,探索开放式同行评议模式以期为中国科技期刊实现有效的开放式同行评议提供参考。[方法]在分析同行评议的定义及现有模式基础上,探讨了科技期刊开放式同行评议的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战。[结果]提出了三类开放式同行评议模式,即完全开放式同行评议、有限开放式同行评议和部分开放式同行评议。[结论]不同的开放式评议模式具有不同的适宜性,可以很好的实现科技论文评审的透明性和公正性,需要在鼓励专家学者参与、审稿形式标准化、审稿平台建设、编辑能力培养上继续改进。  相似文献   

目的】剖析化学学科领域科学期刊的数据发表政策,了解期刊数据政策的现状。【方法】 以ACS期刊为例,以期刊投稿指南为数据源,梳理和比较分析ACS期刊对发表论文的数据内容、数据格式、数据共享的要求。【结果】ACS的47种期刊要求论文作者将数据作为支撑信息提交,对于包含序列数据、结构数据、电子显微镜数据、微阵列数据、转基因生物和突变体五类特定类型数据的论文要求将该数据存储到推荐的数据仓储中,涉及五类数据的期刊总共有20种。【结论】可作为化学领域科研人员在ACS上发表论文的参考依据,为国内学术期刊数据政策的实施提供借鉴。  相似文献   


In April 1997, Tasmania (Australia) adopted the reputably successful New Brunswick (Canada) industrial strategy to build an information technology (IT) industry of significance. The strategy aims to overcome isolation in small regional economies and structurally change from declining natural resource industries. Both plans reject neo-classical economics-based industry policy, opting instead for a strong state-based investment planning approach. An analytical framework is set out, using Adolph Lowe's 'Instrumental Analysis', to examine implementation of both IT strategies. Implications of this analysis are drawn for any attempts at developing IT regional plans and, more generally, as a guide for broad strategic-based national industrial strategies.  相似文献   

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