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We often assume that policy and laws are the outcome of national deliberative discourse. As we have seen with other domains such as intellectual property and trade, policies that influence privacy and civil liberties are increasingly resulting from international policy dynamics. This article presents a number of these policy mechanisms used to take advantage of international dimensions of our current environment. These mechanisms include policy laundering, modeling, and forum shifting. Using these mechanisms, policies are being developed outside of national deliberative forums and then adopted locally in the interests of national governments. A number of policy instances are presented, tracing the influence of national and international actors, and the implications for national discourse. The article concludes with discussion of some implications for an open society.  相似文献   

This article provides prospective appraisal of key policy instruments intended to stimulate innovation to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR). AMR refers to the ability of microbes to evolve resistance to those treatments designed to kill them, and is associated with the overuse or misuse of medicines such as antibiotics. AMR is an emerging global challenge with major implications for healthcare and society as a whole. Diagnostic tests for infectious diseases can guide decision making when prescribing medicines, so reducing inappropriate drug use. In the context of growing international interest in policies to stimulate innovation in AMR diagnostics, this study uses multicriteria mapping (MCM) to appraise a range of policy instruments in order to understand their potential performance while also highlighting the uncertainties that stakeholders hold about such interventions in complex contexts. A contribution of the article is the demonstration of a novel method to analyse and visualise MCM data in order to reveal stakeholder inclinations towards particular options while exploring interviewees’ uncertainties about the effectiveness of each instrument's design or implementation. The article reports results from six European countries (Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK). The findings reveal which policy instruments are deemed most likely to perform well, and why, across stakeholder groups and national settings, with areas of common ground and difference being identified. Importantly, the conclusions presented here differ from prominent policy discourse, with international implications for the design of mixes of policy instruments to combat AMR. Strategic and practical methodological implications also emerge for general appraisal of innovation policy instrument mixes.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》1999,28(2-3):317-336
The paper develops a taxonomy of the globalisation of innovation based on three categories: (a) the international exploitation of technology produced on a national basis; (b) the global generation of innovations; (c) the global technological collaborations. The most evident changes implied by the increasing globalisation of innovation and technology are the tougher and increased competition and the greater collaboration between actors, both across and within national boundaries. The advantages, just as the costs, of these tendencies can be substantial, leading to a higher risk of `winners and losers'. The paper analyses the different impact that each category might have on the economic and innovative performance of countries and regions, with the aim of defining the implications for national policies. It is suggested that public policies play a different role in each of the three processes of the globalisation of innovation and that a single strategy does not exist, neither from a firm's nor from a government's perspective. The paper emphasis that none of the three categories in this taxonomy renders national policy obsolete. On the contrary, public policies are necessary on a far wider range than those currently implemented in the majority of countries.  相似文献   


The open flow and sharing of information are essential for the economic and scientific progress and political freedom of nations as well as the promotion of international peace and harmony. Yet, more and more nations are developing restrictive information policies to maintain their political, cultural and economic status. The author calls this phenomenon, “information protectionism,” and examines a number of cooperative steps that are being taken to assure the open exchange of ideas and information and to create a policy of global information interdependence. The basic challenge, the article concludes, is to find and maintain a realistic balance between open transborder data flow and national concerns and priorities.  相似文献   

筛选了2007-2015年间国家颁布的227条光伏产业政策,提出了光伏产业政策评估标准,在此基础上,构建了产业政策协同度模型,探讨了政策措施协同对产业绩效的影响,并对2011年前后的产业政策措施实施状况进行了对比分析。研究结果表明:我国光伏产业政策措施协同度不断上升的同时,政策力度呈下降趋势,但光伏产业政策措施协同并非越强越好,不同政策措施协同对产业绩效影响具有方向性差异;政府在使用财政税收措施时应当首先考虑监管保障措施而非规范措施的协同使用,而实施金融措施时,则应强化引导措施的协同使用,适度弱化过多的监管保障和规范措施;此外,从政策梳理看,“外围技术包围”的技术突破路径无法改变我国光伏领域低端技术锁定局面,适当增强科技部门话语权,走“核心技术突围”之路。  相似文献   


The discourse of openness has proved to be a very powerful instrument for promoting new research policies and the (neoliberal) reforms of higher education in all so-called ‘advanced economies’. It has triggered positive democracy-, transparency-, and accountability-related associations when used in the context of politics, fair resource distribution when used in the sphere of public service, and free access to information and knowledge when used in the field of science and higher education. At the same time, international research shows that university autonomy is increasingly being attacked, reduced, and marginalized by the same policies. Power instances outside academia impose new criteria, such as ‘accountability,’ ‘performance,’ ‘quality assurance,’ and ‘good practice.’ They also impose ideas about what good research is, which scientific method is to be prioritized, and what good data are. The process of the de-professionalization, polarization, and proletarianization of the academic profession is increasingly affecting academia. However, none of this has much in common with the open-access discourse. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how this discussion applies to Sweden. Courses, forces, and discourses of the national research infrastructure development policy in general, and qualitative data preservation policy in particular, are described and deliberated.  相似文献   

The structuralist thinking that generates industry and technology policies does not arise in a vacuum since all economic policies have structuralist implications. As economic policies change over time, so do the structuralist implications that can be drawn from them. An examination of specific major postwar Western European economic policies reveals that they do tend to influence the nature of industry and technology policies. But these industry and technology policies do not provide simple recipes for changing the industrial mix so that it is relevant to contemporary economic policy goals.  相似文献   

张米尔  李海鹏  国伟 《科研管理》2019,40(8):189-197
在经济全球化背景下,专利国际化快速发展,正深刻改变着全球专利体系的格局,相关研究近年来开始受到关注;现有研究主要是围绕专利国际化的正面效应、负面影响、企业行为和专利政策展开,针对专利国际化质量的研究还很薄弱,无法对专利国际化的质量进行定量评价。为此,研究构建专利国际化质量指数,运用该质量指数,定量评价中国专利国际化进程;为定量评价专利国际化的质量,首先回顾专利国际化的演进过程,分析专利国际化的运作流程,选择主流的PCT体系,构建专利国际化质量指数;然后,选取PCT专利申请进入国家的数量,作为构建该质量指数的基础数据;由于各国或地区的专利申请量存在巨大差异,为反映专利国际化质量,还需要以申请总量进行修正;最后,根据国际专利申请的进展状况,提取该项申请进入的国家数,逐项累加获得进入国家的累计数,计算进入国家的累计数与年度申请总量的比值,构建专利国际化质量指数(PIQI)。运用构建的专利国际化质量指数,评价我国1994年以来的专利国际化进程;基于专利国际化质量指数的时间序列,采用层次聚类分析,分析不同阶段特点与差异,从而揭示我国专利国际化质量的阶段特征。研究结果表明,专利国际化的整体质量偏低,大幅低于同期的美国、日本和德国的质量指数;我国专利国际化的过程可划分为两个阶段,1994年至2009年,我国专利国际化质量指数呈现波动趋势;2009年以来,在专利国际化资助政策不断推出,国际专利申请快速增长之际,我国专利国际化质量指数却呈现下降趋势。近年来,专利国际化质量指数下降的原因,是大部分的国际专利申请未进入国家阶段,但在现行申请资助政策下,申请者却仍然可以套取资助,催生了大量未进入国家阶段的无效专利申请,背离了专利国际化的政策目标。因此,针对申请资助的专利政策必须调整,将专利政策的着力点后移到进入国家阶段,以鼓励国际专利申请进入国家阶段。  相似文献   

国外创业政策的主要特征及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创业对一国经济创新发展具有重要意义,创业政策则是推动各国创业活动开展的重要推动力.本文分析了国外创业政策发展的主要特征,结合国内创业政策现状,指出现阶段中国创业政策存在的若干问题,最后是启示和相关政策建议.  相似文献   

余波  宋艳辉 《情报杂志》2021,(1):104-110
[目的/意义]学术话语权是国家科技创新、发展和软实力的重要标志,体现了一个国家的国际学术权力结构的地位和影响。因此,对中国学术话语权评价的内涵、产生和构成要素进行全面、综合研究具有重要理论及现实意义。[方法/过程]首先,在明确学术话语权基本内涵的基础上,分析学术话语权的产生及过程。其次,从学术主体层面,详细分析了学术个体、学术机构和学术国家。最后,对中国学术话语权的构成要素及有关评价的组织实施要点和评价的局限性问题进行了深入的探讨。[结果/结论]研究发现,中国学术话语权评价涉及多方面的构成要素,主要从学术主体层面将构成要素大致归结为学术引领力、学术影响力和学术竞争力。  相似文献   

随着中国的崛起,其创新政策越来越受到国际力量的关注,并不可避免地受到国际力量的干预和影响。因此,从国际视野审视创新政策及过程对中国科学地制定创新政策具有重要意义。已有研究主要关注全球化影响下创新政策目标、内容和工具的变化,并把创新政策看作一个主权国家的内部政治活动,从政策过程讨论全球化和国际因素对创新政策的影响还不多见。本文从国际视野出发构建了基于“过程—主体—影响力”的创新政策过程三维分析框架,并对“中国自主创新产品政府采购”政策和“中国制造2025”政策的政策过程进行了比较分析。研究认为,中国的创新政策与贸易乃至对外事务的界限模糊化使得创新政策过程成为国际—国内双重博弈的复杂过程,创新政策制定的各个阶段都受到国际因素的影响,各类利益相关者基于形势变化和利益需求在不同政策中发挥的作用有明显区别,政策出台国和政策干预国的相互依赖程度和国际影响力最终决定了一国创新政策的受干预程度。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(1):104634
Business angels who invest in start-ups are important not only because of their input of financial capital, but even more so because of their experience and skill. Recognizing these benefits, policies that encourage business angels to invest in start-ups are very popular across countries. We use a natural experiment setting to examine the effect of such a policy on the number of angels investing in each start-up targeted by the incentivizing policy. Using data on 6840 Israeli start-ups in seven high-tech industries with 9095 angels, we find that a policy encouraging angels to invest in seed-stage start-ups effectively reduced the number of angels investing in each firm. Evidence suggests that the investments by angels in these start-ups also decreased compared to what would have been expected in the absence of the incentive policy. Interviews we conducted with angels shed some light on potential reasons for the decline. We discuss potential policy implications.  相似文献   

文章首先分析了国际互联网产业发展的总体前景及竞争态势,进而从战略地位、政策措施、市场秩序和创新能力四方面探讨了中国互联网产业发展面临的基本形势,最后从战略、政策、市场和创新四方面提出政策建议,以促进企业有序竞争并将产业导向创新驱动。  相似文献   

The role of university research in France is examined in the light of recent science policy shifts and structural changes at both the national and university levels. The efforts of the government to develop a science policy and to make that policy serve social and economic goals have eroded the traditional conception of the individual university scientist autonomously pursuing his own research on funds routinely channeled through the administrative hierarchy. The growth of contractfunding, the proliferation of public sources of financing, the elevation of higher education affairs to ministerial status, the call for universities to devise distinctive research profiles and policies, the shifting, overlapping responsibilities of national agencies and departments, and the general leveling off of public expenditure in R&D -all these are factors contributing to increased tension in the university research community. The interaction of these developments with persistent patterns of behavior and influence of the university scientific community in local and national decision-making has produced a series of contradictions and conflicts in university research policy which recently announced decisions are unlikely to dispel.  相似文献   

王程韡 《科学学研究》2011,29(3):321-326
 跨国家层面的政策学习是全球化时代的基本特征之一。而原本旨在“解决问题”的政策学习却在造成大规模政策趋同的同时,也不断剥夺着发展中国家的话语权力。拉美国家经济政策和中国技术标准政策学习的两个案例,都表明了传统政策学习理论所信仰的政策知识中立的预设难以成立。引入STS建构主义的视角则可揭示出:一方面政策话语作为一种边界对象,更多是为发展中国家的施政提供了“合法性”;另一方面,发达国家通过话语权力的建构形塑发展中国家的认知和行动。在发达国家过河拆桥地限制真正的“好”政策并通过智库渗透等更加隐蔽的手段宣扬所谓的“好”政策的形势下,发展中国家更应该对政策学习中的话语权争夺提高警惕。  相似文献   

在充分考量当前先行先试政策研究在政策实施效果和推广评估以及普适性方法论不足等缺口的基础上,基于制度分析与发展(IAD)框架,从先行先试政策的行动舞台、外部变量、互动模式、评估准则、结果等方面提出普适性的先行先试政策推广评估理论模型;在此基础上,以国家大数据(贵州)综合试验区的先行先试政策为例开展案例研究,从大数据制度创...  相似文献   

The concept of universal access, which originated in the United States, is now part of the telecommunications policy frameworks of many developing countries. This article uses the case of Bangladesh as a vehicle for examining the transferability of the universal service concept to developing countries. The analysis suggests that liberalization and privatization of the telecommunications sector policies pushed by the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Bank, and other international agencies, will not by themselves create universal access in countries with rudimentary urban-centric networks. The policymakers need to incorporate build-out obligations when licensing operators and also develop cross-subsidy mechanisms even though they are now out of fashion in the industrialized world.  相似文献   

The article reviews implications for Australian cultural policy likely to arise from proposals for the development of a binding UNESCO convention on cultural diversity that would allow countries to pursue domestic cultural assistance policies that might otherwise be in conflict with trade liberalisation of cultural goods and services. The proposal, which is supported by a sizeable number of countries, is seen as an alternative to a GATS cultural exception. Recent Australian undertakings in bilateral trade agreements suggest that Australian Cultural Policy favours a GATS cultural exception approach.  相似文献   

The concept of universal access, which originated in the United States, is now part of the telecommunications policy frameworks of many developing countries. This article uses the case of Bangladesh as a vehicle for examining the transferability of the universal service concept to developing countries. The analysis suggests that liberalization and privatization of the telecommunications sector policies pushed by the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Bank, and other international agencies, will not by themselves create universal access in countries with rudimentary urban-centric networks. The policymakers need to incorporate build-out obligations when licensing operators and also develop cross-subsidy mechanisms even though they are now out of fashion in the industrialized world.  相似文献   

国际有关开放存取政策及其对我国的启示   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
杜海洲 《现代情报》2010,30(8):113-118,122
探讨了国际上开放存取政策的制定与实施情况,重点对美国国立卫生研究院、英国研究理事会,瑞典、印度、中国和欧洲研究委员会等国家和国际组织机构相继制定的OA政策介绍和探讨,并据此得到对我国制定OA政策的一些启示,主要包括选择和确定制定OA政策的机构,应制定强制性的政策,选择适当的数据库作为国家的科技论文仓储等。  相似文献   

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