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By 1986 (a decade after their invention) microprocessors had diffused to about 18 percent of all U.S. households and 6 percent of U.S. farmers. In addition to general consumer uses, farm households in the United States utilize microcomputers for such small business applications as record keeping, word‐processing, payroll handling, etc. A special application of microprocessor technology occurred in 1980–1981 when 200 Kentucky farmers participated in a trial of the Green Thumb Box, a video‐text system providing market, weather, and technological information. The nature of the information needs of U.S. farm people seems to fit well with the new information technologies built around the microprocessor, although little of this potential has yet been realized. Since that experiment, videotex has shown itself to have doubtful value as a channel for the distribution of agricultural information, leaving open the question of what might be the best technological vehicle for this audience. Research is needed on two issues: (1) the adoption and use of the new communication technologies, and (2) their social impacts on rural society.  相似文献   


The worldwide use of computers, telecommunications, and other information technologies is giving rise to the formation of new communities called “information communities.” In the United States, for example, more people are employed as information givers, takers, or orchestrators in these communities than in any other occupation class. With so many social resources going into the conduct of these communities, it is essential that they are designed to be ethical. This requires that we identify the parties involved in each community, that we be empathetic and sympathetic to their needs and that we follow Kant's dictum by always treating them as “ends in themselves.”  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between US R&D expenditures and the pattern of US manufacturing exports and foreign affiliate sales across industries and regions for the years 1966 and 1976. While differences in relative research capability between the United States and the rest of the world have narrowed over this period, research effort still significantly explains the pattern of US sales in foreign markets. For any region, the export and foreign affiliate sales performance of research-intensive industries exceeds that of non-research-intensive industries. The relative performance of the formed is greater in regions with larger market size and high per capita income. The analysis also reveals that over the time period studied the ratio of US exports to foreign affiliate sales has generally fallen for all industries and foreign markets.These observations accord with a broad interpretation of the product cycle theory. While the United States has lost its uniqueness as a location of innovation, the ability to develop and market new products through R&D expenditures is still a strong force behind its exports and sale abroad. The decrease in exports relative to foreign affiliate sales may reflect a more rapid shift in comparative advantage in the production of such products to foreign locations. Hence the positive effect on US exports of development of any given new product may be becoming more short-lived.  相似文献   


The dangers to life and property resulting from various toxic releases are a matter of rising concern throughout the United States. Whether the focal problem is centered on “dump sites” or the often more spectacular hazardous waste incidents involving tanker truck explosions or manufacturing plant plumes, there is an acknowledged need for an orchestrated program of information collection, processing, and analysis from which can come the products and services useful to the emergency management community. Both public and private entities have assumed action responsibilities in this realm, and are seeking ways to achieve optimum collaborative results.  相似文献   


The last few years have seen unprecedented growth in information and communication technologies (I&C) and products, which has led to a robust growth in the whole world, and especially in the United States. Euphoria was such that the term 'New Economy' was coined about 4 years ago, and was taken to mean almost the same as 'New Technologies', mostly information and communication technologies. These technologies are truly global. They are important instruments for further globalisation, and for reducing the international digital divide; they offer important opportunities for further world economic growth. There is increasing competition in their operation, which brings great benefits to customers in the form of reduced prices and new applications. International co-ordination of standards, trade and regulatory frameworks is increasingly necessary. PTOs and other operators need to keep constantly abreast of developments in various international fora, especially the ITU, the WTO and the OECD.  相似文献   


This is an appraisal of the impact that the mechanization of knowledge has had upon modern society, and a search for the driving force behind this mechanization. The investigation starts by examining the multimodal structure of social systems, giving special consideration to the discrete modal orders that are found in a civilized and humane society. It proposes a multimodal definition of information that determines the information requirements of such a society. A distinction is then suggested between information systems and information machines, followed by an inquiry into the historical roots that have urged society to rely increasingly upon information machines for knowledge while dismissing information systems. The discussion concludes with some social illustrations that show the effect of mechanistic information upon modern lives.  相似文献   


This issue of the journal Prometheus includes an edited collection of papers by communication and media scholars from around the globe treating the social and societal aspects of the use of telecommunication and mass media tied to the tragic events that occurred in the United States on September 11, 2001.  相似文献   


The Bell Labs of decades ago was well recognized as a national treasure for its pioneering innovations and its creation of new knowledge. However, the breakup of the Bell System that occurred in 1984 resulted in considerable change for research and development in telecommunication. This paper reviews that history and, in anticipation of continuing uncertainty and a possible impending crisis, examines possible options for the future to assure leadership by the United States in basic research in telecommunication.  相似文献   


The U.S. Department of Agriculture has been mandated to “acquire and diffuse among the people of the United States useful information on subjects connected with agriculture in the most general and comprehensive sense of that word. …” With this authority the department has taken advantage of continuing advances of communications and computer technologies by initiating several programs related to the electronic dissemination of agricultural information. For example, the Foreign Agricultural Service has begun testing the release of agricultural trade leads through the University of Nebraska's AGNET computer‐based network. The Agricultural Marketing Service disseminates updated market data on more than 150 farm commodities over its leased wire market news network; the system has 140 terminals linked by some 14,500 miles of leased wires. Additional projects described in the article include a pilot project to deliver market news information to farmers via public television, programs testing the electronic marketing of livestock, and the electronic mail network operated by the department's Office of Governmental and Public Affairs.  相似文献   

从全球5G技术的研发背景入手,梳理美国、欧盟、韩国等主要国家在5G相关技术领域出台的政策规划和研究计划,通过分析5G技术专利数据,揭示了5G技术研究的发展历程和创新趋势及专利活动特点和创新趋势,为制定行业发展政策提供重要的科学参考。利用PatSnap专利信息检索工具,对全球5G专利的年申请趋势、专利权人竞争力、IPC分类和核心专利进行统计分析,获得该技术研发现状、技术分布、专利布局等重要信息。由上述分析可知,全球5G技术研发正处于快速发展时期,中国近年来异军突起,拥有该领域大量专利,但绝大多数核心专利掌握在美日研发人员手中。国内企业与科研院所应加大5G核心技术研发和专利申请与保护。  相似文献   


Computer science in the United States is hard pressed to show broad utility to help justify billion dollar research programs and the value of educating well over 40,000 bachelor of science and master of science specialists annually in the United States. The Computer Science and Telecommunications Board of the U.S. National Research Council recently has issued a report, “Computing the Future” (Hartmanis &; Lin 1992), which sets a new agenda for computer science. The report recommended that computer scientists broaden their conceptions of the discipline to include computing applications and domains to help understand them. This article argues that many computer science graduates need some skills in analyzing human organizations to help develop appropriate systems requirements, because they are trying to develop high‐performance computing applications that effectively support higher performance human organizations. It is time for academic computer science to embrace organizational analysis (the field of Organizational Informatics) as a key area of research and instruction.  相似文献   

In the context of a general critique of the present system for providing information about public services, librarians are proposed as producers and deliverers of a file of “administrative publicity” for such services—particularly those affording opportunities, as opposed to relief from distress. Political rapport between libraries and other public agencies is seen as essential if maldistribution of information is to be overcome. Fourteen characteristics of an ideal file of administrative publicity are set forth, in an attempt to set standards by which maldistribution and shortcomings of present files may be judged. Practical models for an ideal file include the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance; the structure and indexing of these models are discussed. The essay as a whole is related to recent writings on libraries as community information centers, on cable television and libraries, and on the politics of information in the United States.  相似文献   


There is a paucity of granular, high-resolution broadband data in the United States, which limits the prospects of informed telecommunications policy debates. In the absence of regulation requiring telecommunication providers to accurately report service footprints, pricing, and service quality data, providers refuse to disclose this information, routinely citing competition as the primary reason for keeping network and pricing data obfuscated. In addition, many secondary datasets needed for broadband planning and policy research, such as parcel or address point data, are equally challenging to gather. These datasets are often controlled by county governments, with no overarching access policy, resulting in neighboring counties with widely divergent policies for the release of these important data. In this article we explore the challenges of open data and its impacts on telecommunication policy development. A recent project which explored the spatial provision of Google Fiber in the Kansas City metropolitan area helps to highlight these difficulties. Basic strategies for mitigating information asymmetries and the lack of data transparency for telecommunication policy analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

张风歧 《科学学研究》2003,21(3):244-248
简要叙述了美国《化学和工程新闻》期刊从创刊到发展 ,在经历了艰苦的困难时期后 ,又重新崛起走向繁荣的近 80年的历史。办刊人的不懈努力 ,顽强的拼搏精神值得我们学习 ,办刊经验值得我们借鉴。这些对我国化学杂志提高办刊水平 ,更好地为社会服务提供了一些启示  相似文献   


Meta-tags are one of the 'associational tools' considered essential to the operation of the World Wide Web. Their significance has been highlighted by recent controversies in the United States which focus on one of their important functions, i.e. as indices of websites which search engines read and rely upon in looking for the appropriate content relative to queries submitted to them. This article deals with the effect of meta-tags on the intellectual property rights of website owners. The author presents a critical survey of the American meta-tag cases and offers an Australian perspective.  相似文献   


When the United States entered World War I in 1917, there was no elaborate framework for providing scientific advice to the government. Engineers and scientists struggled to find an appropriate mechanism, but the former found themselves subordinated to a scientific community which sought to dominate emerging structures. At stake was not merely the credit for helping win the war, but also an advantage in the coming postwar definition and expansion of industrial research. Scientific leaders sought advantage by making a distinction between ‘engineering research’ and engineering practice, and claiming jurisdiction over the former.  相似文献   


The researchers working on information society measures have recently started to consider how people use the Internet not only as a tool but also as a platform for social relations. As the ultimate objective of information society measures is to provide reliable guidelines for social policy, finding criteria for separating “positive” uses of Internet from “negative” ones is an important task. This article employs the concepts of communicative and strategic action as defined by Habermas for that purpose. A general conceptual typology of three communicative and three strategic social uses of Internet is offered, which can be applied to measure uses of any of the Internet's interactive services. A specific empirical application to social uses of personal web sites demonstrates that the deduced measurement instruments achieve satisfying levels of validity and reliability.  相似文献   

The foregoing notes trace the history of the measurement of the propagation times of radio waves as a means for determining distance. While the reader may feel that undue emphasis has been placed upon the KHL height measurements, a survey of the literature will show that only a small proportion of the reported observations have been cited here. Out of the hundreds of published articles on KHL height measurements, the writer has endeavored to select those which present the step-by-step improvements in the methods and apparatus. In the period just prior to the War, the United States Patents offered the principal means for tracing the development of the art. In the war period the notes are necessarily incomplete because of the scarcity of publications; this is no doubt due to secrecy conditions.  相似文献   


This article compares videotext in France and the United States, the two advanced industrialized countries where videotext was the most and least successful, respectively, in order to demonstrate how videotext as a techno-political project foreshadows the explosive growth of the Internet as the dominant global communications platform. It draws upon the theory of network effects, in combination with a comparative analysis of both the institutional settings for research and development and political discourse, to explain how the interaction between state, market, and culture shaped network development and policy outcomes. Data are drawn primarily from official policy documents and trade journals from the era.  相似文献   


Virtually everywhere, there is governmental interest in developing and using science and technology as a tool for economic development and other public purposes. States within the United States look to advance vis-à-vis other states, just as nations seek to rise in competitiveness. What institutional mechanisms work? What research and other strategies are effective? The Georgia Research Alliance (GRA) represents an important model that appears successful. During the 1990s, key business executives, university presidents, and state government forged a research partnership - GRA. A non-profit entity, GRA played a catalytic role in getting state government, industry, and universities in a specific region to work in concert to hire scientific luminaries, attract federal research funds, and translate research into economic development. The dynamics of this catalytic entity are discussed using a life-cycle model of organizational development.  相似文献   

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