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In the last few decades physical mobility has become one of the key elements of contemporary societies. This centrality of mobility also means the development of a new kind of social exclusion caused by the problems of living in a social context in which one has to be increasingly “on the move” to access goods and services. In this article, based on fieldwork conducted with 20 low-income family inhabitants of the city of Santiago, Chile, we study the role that mobile phone usage has in relation to physical mobility in the everyday lives of these individuals. Through an analysis of the pattern of usage and mobility of these devices, we arrive at the conclusion that rather than giving rise to an experience of constant mobility and “anytime-anywhere” availability, the individuals studied face limitations and exclusions that profoundly constrict the potential “mobility” afforded by these devices.  相似文献   

In this study, we first explore whether individuals with the greatest number of weak ties to others will have more connections to a greater number of unrelated social clusters. Secondly, we explore whether individuals with the greatest number of weak ties to others will serve as bridges between isolated social clusters. Thirdly, we analyse whether the level of call activity is dependant on different types of social network structures (i.e. strong ties and weak ties). Here, we investigate the effects of social ties on mobile phone usage behaviour. The research conceptual model represents the relationship between three independent variables and one dependant variable. The three independent variables — (i) call activity; (ii) connection to unrelated social clusters; and (iii) social bridges between unrelated social clusters. We suggest that each of the three independent variables has an impact on the way individuals use mobile phone devices. By exploring the MIT Reality Mining Data, we first found a trend where the individuals who have the greatest number of strong social ties to others display the highest levels of call activity. On the contrary, individuals who have a modest number of strong ties, but have a high number of acquaintances show lower levels of call activity purely because the weak tie relationships do not require as much maintenance as the strong ties. Secondly, we visualise where unrelated social clusters within a social network displayed some connections to one another. We propose that the majority of these connections interlinking such unrelated social clusters would be weak ties. Thirdly, we discover that the individuals who display the greatest number of weak tie relationships are linked to the individuals in various social clusters.  相似文献   

经过,20多年的探索与发展,我国形成了困难群众基本生活救助、专项救助、临时救助三位一体、惠及城乡居民的救助体系。社会救助的“托底性”、“安全网”作用越发明显。但也还存在资金使用效率不高、服务专业性不强等问题,这就将社会救助的专业化提上了日程。本文以北京市T街道为例,分析了社会救助工作中存在的问题,提出了推动社会救助专业化的对策建议。  相似文献   

The literature on trolling has viewed trolling as discrete instances of transgression undertaken by antagonistic individuals. We identify three main issues with current theorizations: diffuse definitions of “trolling,” blurred boundaries between trolling and other online anti-social behaviors, and the context dependency of trolling. To address these unresolved issues, we adopt a practice-based theoretical approach. Informed by this approach, we analyze trolling behaviors not as products of individuals' attitudes, values, and decisions, but rather as behaviors embedded within and occurring as part of social practices. Specifically, we conduct a practice-based theoretical analysis in a multi-site exploratory study involving online archival research and in-depth interviews with online community members. Based on this analysis, we propose that trolling be conceived as a constellation of three social practices: learning, assimilating, and transgressing. Also, we find that practices of trolling transgression can have a dual pro-social and anti-social impact in online communities.  相似文献   

In November 2007, Dutch secondary school students revolted against a requirement known as the “1040-hour norm.” New Web technologies, like instant messaging, YouTube, and social networking sites, played an important role in the mobilization effort. In this article, the authors argue that these technologies facilitate a shift toward micromobilization by individuals and small groups. In this “1040-hour norm” case study, the authors analyze how the course of the political agenda-setting process is being transformed through the interplay between processes of meso- and micromobilization, and through new micro-to-mass media crossover effects. When supported by micromedia, the effects of micromobilization can create strategic surprises for traditional intermediary organizations and policymakers.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, information and communication technologies have become an essential part of daily life, affecting education, employment, and leisure, among other activities. Nonetheless, many individuals still reap few or no benefits from these technologies, and there are resilient gaps in their use. Within this larger context, the authors examine the Internet digital divide between people with and without disabilities from a multidimensional approach. Rather than analyzing the gap in terms of “haves” and “have-nots,” a range of Internet-related dimensions—affordability, motivation and attitudes, skills, usage, and others—is taken into account.  相似文献   

“死亡之谷”是发明到产品之间的鸿沟,“美国高级研究计划局”(DARPA)在短短50多年时间里,为世界带来了互联网、GPS等技术与产品,常常成功跨越鸿沟。从产业发展角度,跨越“死亡之谷”需要物质、智力和社会等三种资本,还要跨越技术培育和转移各个关键阶段。DARPA利用其独特的政治地位、雄厚的资金和有远见的战略思想,依靠优秀项目官员、办公室主任和局长的协同合作,以及长年培育的“DARPA社区”,一次次成功跨越“死亡之谷”。近年,DARPA为缩短跨越“死亡之谷”的时间,还采取了“众包”等一系列新举措,最后总结了DARPA成功跨越“死亡之谷”的关键。  相似文献   

以2000-2019年间获得国家自然科学奖、国家技术发明奖和国家科学技术进步奖的2661名高层次科技人才为研究对象,通过分析这一高端人才群体从出生地、教育地到成就地的流动轨迹总结出了京津冀、长三角、粤港澳三大城市群的科技人才流动模式。研究发现:京津冀、长三角、粤港澳的科技人才流动分别呈现为“单核吸引”、“自产自销”和“创新吸引”模式。三个区域的科技人才均存在程度不一的在地化流动现象,区域内部人才流动不平衡、不通畅。为实现各区域人才的一体化发展,本文建议京津冀、长三角、粤港澳将科技人才流动模式分别转变为“单核辐射”、“内循环”和“合力吸引”模式。  相似文献   

Social metadata are receiving interest from many domains, mainly as a way to aggregate various patterns in social networks. Few scholars have, however, taken the perspective of end users and examined how they utilize social metadata to enrich interpersonal communication. The results of a study of end-user practices of social metadata usage are presented in this article. Data were gathered from a variety of online forums by collecting and analyzing user discussions relating to social metadata supporting features in Facebook. Three hundred and fifteen relevant comments on social metadata usage were extracted. The analysis revealed the use of experimental profiles, clashes between work-and non-work-related social metadata usage and differences in users' social investment, causing social dilemmas. The study also resulted in developments of theory relating to social metadata and relationship maintenance. In conclusion, social metadata expand a pure “attention economy,” conveying a much wider qualitative range of social information.  相似文献   

Science, technology and innovation (STI) policy is borne by a set of historically contingent concepts, models, and metaphors. From around 1950 to 1980, its language was dominated by the contract metaphor and the linear model of innovation, both of which have catered for beliefs in stability, orderliness, and distinct social roles for scientists and policymakers. While prominent new models of the 1990s (mode 2, post-normal science, triple helix) had challenged the old contract metaphor, they remained experts’ brainchildren. After 2000, in contrast, we observe the emergence and pluralization of several new and powerful concepts. Building on conceptual history and cognitive linguistics, we analyze three of these new concepts: “frontier research,” “grand challenges,” and “responsible research and innovation” (RRI). Whereas the “frontier” and “grand challenges” convey many layered historical meanings, a distinct metaphorical appeal, and have become popularized beyond expert’s communities, the RRI discourse, though the most ambitious one, has not yet shaken off its roots in the bureaucratic structures of the European Commission. Finally, we discuss which conceptual and metaphorical properties enable the career of STI policy discourses in the 21st century.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(7):104790
Unpaid individuals are an important source of contributions to many ecosystems. An understudied phenomenon is how such contributions are shaped by competition. In this paper, we study how the rate and type of new product creation are shaped by competition. We contrast its impact on “paid” developers that profit by selling their products to that on “unpaid” developers that release their software for free. Using a hand-collected dataset on the jailbreak ecosystem, we find that increasing competition has a stronger negative effect on the rate of innovation by paid developers than that of unpaid developers. We also find that increasing competition is associated with a reduction in the reuse of existing technological components by unpaid developers, relative to paid developers, suggesting that the types of products developed also shift as competition increases. The results suggest that competition has an important role in shaping innovation in platform-based ecosystems, but that it differs for paid and unpaid contributors.  相似文献   

“We the Media” networks are real time and open, and such networks lack a gatekeeper system. As netizens’ comments on emergency events are disseminated, negative public opinion topics and confrontations concerning those events also spread widely on “We the Media” networks. Gradually, this phenomenon has attracted scholarly attention, and all social circles attach importance to the phenomenon as well. In existing topic detection studies, a topic is mainly defined as an "event" from the perspective of news-media information flow, but in the “We the Media” era, there are often many different views or topics surrounding a specific public opinion event. In this paper, a study on the detection of public opinion topics in “We the Media” networks is presented, starting with the characteristics of the elements found in public opinions on “We the Media” networks; such public opinions are multidimensional, multilayered and possess multiple attributes. By categorizing the elements’ attributes using social psychology and system science categories as references, we build a multidimensional network model oriented toward the topology of public opinions on “We the Media” networks. Based on the real process by which multiple topics concerning the same event are generated and disseminated, we designed a topic detection algorithm that works on these multidimensional public opinion networks. As a case study, the “Explosion in Tianjin Port on August 12, 2015″ accident was selected to conduct empirical analyses on the algorithm's effectiveness. The theoretical and empirical research findings of this paper are summarized along the following three aspects. 1. The multidimensional network model can be used to effectively characterize the communication characteristics of multiple topics on “We the Media” networks, and it provided the modeling ideas for the present paper and for other related studies on “We the Media” public opinion networks. 2. Using the multidimensional topic detection algorithm, 70% of the public opinion topics concerning the case study event were effectively detected, which shows that the algorithm is effective at detecting topics from the information flow on “We the Media” networks. 3. By defining the psychological scores of single and paired Chinese keywords in public opinion information, the topic detection algorithm can also be used to judge the sentiment tendencies of each topic, which can facilitate a timely understanding of public opinion and reveal negative topics under discussion on “We the Media” networks.  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide new insights to debates on group privacy, which can be seen as part of a social turn in privacy scholarship. Research is increasingly showing that the classic individualistic understanding of privacy is insufficient to capture new problems in algorithmic and online contexts. An understanding of privacy as an “interpersonal boundary-control process” (Altman, The environment and social behavior, Brooks and Cole, Monterey, 1975) framing privacy as a social practice necessary to sustain intimate relationships is gaining ground. In this debate, my research is focused on what I refer to as “self-determined groups” which can be defined as groups whose members consciously and willingly perceive themselves as being part of a communicative network. While much attention is given to new forms of algorithmically generated groups, current research on group privacy fails to account for the ways in which self-determined groups are affected by changes brought about by new information technologies. In an explorative case study on self-organized therapy groups, I show how these groups have developed their own approach to privacy protection, functioning on the basis of social practices followed by all participants. This informal approach was effective in pre-digital times, but online, privacy threats have reached a new level extending beyond the scope of a group’s influence. I therefore argue that self-determined sensitive topic groups are left facing what I present as a dilemma: a tension between the seemingly irreconcilable need for connectivity and a low threshold, on the one hand, and the need for privacy and trust, on the other. In light of this dilemma, I argue that we need new sorts of political solutions.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(7):104818
Transformative innovation policies can provide systemic solutions to socio-environmental challenges because of their “experimental”, “reflexive” and “inclusive” character. We contend that social enterprises can act as catalysts for transformative innovation for the geographically and socially marginalized. Thus, including social enterprises in transformative innovation policies can mitigate the negative effects of innovation-based growth, making policies more socially and geographically inclusive. Following a syncretic approach to the literatures on transformative innovation policies and social entrepreneurship, this paper identifies the key dimensions of social enterprises' transformative innovation potential: directionality (i.e., social goals as the purpose of innovation); social and geographical inclusiveness (i.e., the inclusion of marginalized areas and individuals in the provision of goods or services); reflexivity (in terms of participatory governance and monitoring the achievement of goals); and experimental character (in terms of establishing partnerships with heterogeneous actors). We then assess this capacity through an exploratory cluster analysis of Italian social enterprises. We identify three distinct groups that suggest a range of entrepreneurial approaches from largely transformative to not at all. The transformative innovation readiness of social enterprises has implications for policymakers seeking to undertake pilot schemes and implement actions that support an appropriately transformative innovation ecosystem.  相似文献   

The Graph-Theoretical Field Model provides a unifying approach for developing numerical models of field and continuum problems. The methodology examines the field problem from the first stages of conceptualization without recourse to the governing differential equations of the field problem; this is accomplished by deriving discrete statements of the physical laws which govern the field behaviour. There are generally three laws, and these are modelled by the “cutset equations”, the “circuit equations”, and the “terminal equations”. In order to establish these three sets of equations it is expedient first to spatially discretize the field in a manner similar to the finite difference method and then to associate a linear graph (denoted as the field graph) with the spatial discretization. The concept of “through” and “across” variables, which underlies the cutset and circuit equations respectively, enables one to define the graph in an unambiguous manner such that each “edge” of the graph identifies a pair of complementary variables. From a knowledge of the constitutive properties and the boundary conditions of the field it is possible to associate terminal equations with sets of edges. Since the resulting sets of equations represent the field equations, these equations provide the basis for a complete (but approximate) solution to the field or continuum problem. In fact, this system approach uses a two part model: one for the components and another for the interconnection pattern of the components which renders the formulation procedures totally independent of the solution procedure.This paper presents the theoretical basis of the model and several graph-theoretic formulations for steady-state problems. Examples from heat conduction and small- deformation elasticity are included.  相似文献   

This perspective explores the production of user-generated content by contrasting two analyses that are convergent in some respects, divergent in others. In our first line of analysis we use the work of Negri (1996) and Moulier-Boutang (2007) on “cognitive capitalism” to extend some elements explored by Fuchs (2010; 2012) and Arvidsson and Colleoni (2012) on labor and value. This approach foregrounds the adaptability of capitalism and suggests that workers are endowed with “an inventive subjective power” that simultaneously influences and reproduces the mode of production. Our second line of analysis explores the later work of André Gorz (1997; 2003), who invites us to imagine a society in which social relationships would no longer be determined by the laws of the market, a postmarket utopia. This approach points to the importance of collective organization and relational value production of user-generated content and suggests recentering the debate not around individuals and their labor, but on the web of affective connections between them.  相似文献   

数字化时代背景下,数字技术的成长速度正在赶超人类社会的发展速度,关于数字技术重塑物理世界所引发的人与技术关系异化问题,已然成为当代技术管理研究的首要“攻坚战役”。在这场逆向塑造过程中,数字技术凭借开放性、可供性与自生长性共同作用的重构能力,逐渐获得脱离于社会经济系统而独立构建的力量。具体表现为数字化技术形态由“小圈子”“大生态”向“智能社会”演进,数字化技术靶向由“粗放”“精准”向“重构”转变。进一步地,通过数字技术逆向塑造现实世界,构建了“人与技术关系倒置”的解释框架,以及阐述了数字技术驱动下的“数字脚本-数字模块-数字生态-数字世界”的重塑路径,为深入了解数字技术逆向塑造物理世界的内在机理和实现路径提供了新见解。  相似文献   

Due to the worldwide accessibility to the Internet along with the continuous advances in mobile technologies, physical and digital worlds have become completely blended, and the proliferation of social media platforms has taken a leading role over this evolution. In this paper, we undertake a thorough analysis towards better visualising and understanding the factors that characterise and differentiate social media users affected by mental disorders. We perform different experiments studying multiple dimensions of language, including vocabulary uniqueness, word usage, linguistic style, psychometric attributes, emotions’ co-occurrence patterns, and online behavioural traits, including social engagement and posting trends.Our findings reveal significant differences on the use of function words, such as adverbs and verb tense, and topic-specific vocabulary, such as biological processes. As for emotional expression, we observe that affected users tend to share emotions more regularly than control individuals on average. Overall, the monthly posting variance of the affected groups is higher than the control groups. Moreover, we found evidence suggesting that language use on micro-blogging platforms is less distinguishable for users who have a mental disorder than other less restrictive platforms. In particular, we observe on Twitter less quantifiable differences between affected and control groups compared to Reddit.  相似文献   

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