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Over the past two decades, both developed and developing countries have been investing a significant portion of their resources in the creation of an information infrastructure. However, speculation abounds regarding the efficacy of information infrastructure investments, especially when the opportunity cost for investing in information technology (IT) is measurably high among developing nations. This longitudinal study introduces and explores infrastructure development and service-sector growth as key metrics for IT investment success. It also traces the notional evidence of IT infrastructure development as mediating the causal relationship between information infrastructure investments and service-sector growth. Using data from low-income, middle-income, and high-income countries, the mediating and lagged impact of information infrastructure on service-sector growth reveals that information infrastructure development does play a significant role as a mediator. It points out that information infrastructure investments can be a misleading causal antecedent if countries fail to develop their infrastructure. It also provides evidence of a recursive relationship between infrastructure development and service-sector growth. An exploratory time-series analysis across different country categories suggests that information infrastructures must be properly developed to reconcile the paradox. In addition, exploratory tests reveal a distinct divergence between infrastructure investments and infrastructure development among different country tiers.  相似文献   


The Internet is creating a global digital economy with new opportunities. Developing countries have to catch up with the developed world by establishing the required information infrastructure to overcome the dangers of isolation and polarisation. The growth path is through the development of IT industries and greater application of IT in society. These IT industries must be compatible with local conditions and conducive to industrialisation.  相似文献   

A comparison is made between the application of computers and other information technology (IT) in China and the West. Computers started being applied much later in developing countries. China, the largest developing country, geographically, in the world has a wish to catch up with the advanced countries and to build its own information technology infrastructure. Much of the technology, theory, and application methods have been introduced into China from the West and other countries over the past 15 years. There is a problem in that a large proportion of the technology and methods cannot simply be transferred between the West and China. On the one hand Chinese people become suspicious of the results of introducing IT from the West, and on the other hand China is a mysterious country for many western people. What has happened when IT has been introduced to China? Will there be a similar growth pattern for China as in the West? This paper compares the environment in terms of culture and the stages of growth model in an attempt to answer those questions, and improve understanding.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(8):104786
We study how technology upgrading through investment in information and communication technologies (IT henceforth) influences firm performance in the context of a developing country. We rely on a novel firm-level data set covering a large sample of Mexican manufacturing companies with detailed information on IT. We show that the impact of IT investment is only positive for firms that were exposed to an exogenous competitive shock due to the increase in competition from China after its WTO accession. We argue that incentives provided by competition are key in leading firms to make more effective use of the new information technologies. We also find evidence that these results are driven by the complementarity between IT investments and organizational or process changes within firms, specifically under the incentives of heightened international competitive pressures.  相似文献   

美国在关键基础设施的信息安全相关领域的法规主要围绕关键基础设施界定、机构设置、责任落实、政企合作、信息共享机制等方面展开,相关政策规定既有变化性又有延续性。总体上,有宏观层面国家顶层法规政策,细节上,有微观层面的具体针对性法规,同时,还有对进口关键基础设施的信息安全保护。总结美国基于关键基础设施信息安全的法律法规特点,对我国关键基础设施的信息安全建设是很好的借鉴。  相似文献   

传统企业电子商务与信息化管理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
电子商务与信息化是紧密联系的。信息化不是信息基础设施的堆砌 ,而是带有人的因素 ,不仅涉及信息化技术 ,而且涉及信息化管理。发达国家是自然进入 ,发展中国家是被动选择。发展中国家信息化与发达国家相比有很大差距 ,学会和加强传统企业信息化管理是发展中国家发展电子商务的当务之急。我国是发展中国家 ,以加强传统企业信息化管理推进我国电子商务发展是我们变被动为主动的有效途径  相似文献   


Information technology (IT) policy in New Zealand has closely paralleled the broader economic policies that have prevailed in the country. Until the mid‐1980s, economic policy was inwardly oriented, marked by high trade barriers and heavy government regulation. In 1984, the Labor government responded to a balance of payments crisis with a radical program of economic liberalization. By the end of the decade, this process had fundamentally altered the New Zealand economy through deregulation, privatization, and public sector reform.

IT policy likewise moved from protectionism and centralized control to almost pure laissez faire. Tariffs on computer hardware were lowered from 40% to 10%. Government computing was moved from a central data processing bureau and placed under the control of individual departments. In terms of IT production, the government has refused to provide any significant incentives or subsidies to the fledgling software industry, feeling the industry should succeed or fail on its own.

Under laissez faire policies, New Zealand has become a heavy user of IT, ranking behind only Japan in the Asia‐Pacific region for IT spending as a percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). It has also had some success as a producer and exporter of software. However, the hands‐off approach to the industry is likely to prove problematic in an international environment in which many countries have explicit strategies to improve their infrastructure for IT production and/or directly subsidize the industry. New Zealand is unlikely to become a hardware producer, but it has a number of endowments favoring software production, particularly its well‐educated, English‐speaking workforce. However, it faces obstacles, such as a small domestic market, distance from international markets, and a shortage of venture capital. Although software may be a potential growth industry in the ailing New Zealand economy, it is unclear whether the industry can thrive without at least some government support. Even the government now seems to be considering this possibility, and is considering the creation of an IT unit within the Ministry of Commerce.  相似文献   

An important characteristic of the role of foreign trade in the technological catch-up of countries is the complementary nature with technological change, human capital development and local R&D efforts. Using cointegration techniques, evidence based on Portuguese long-run growth suggests that by investing in certain capacity-building activities, namely human capital and local R&D efforts, countries can improve their ability to identify, value, assimilate, and apply (or exploit) knowledge that is developed in other (more developed) countries. Although human capital has a stronger direct impact on total factor productivity than internal R&D efforts, the latter's indirect impact, by means of machinery and equipment imports, is tremendous. Trade also emerges as a powerful direct contributor to long-term total factor productivity, especially in its embodied form, through the acquisition of advanced machinery and equipment from more developed countries. The (smaller) productivity enhancing effect of licenses and FDI seems to be strongly dependent on institutional circumstances, namely those related to human capital investments and incentives.  相似文献   

大数据、人工智能等新一代信息技术正不断渗透和改变着创业行为和结果,为新创企业发展带来机遇与挑战。目前,企业的信息技术能力对创业活动的影响研究仍处于探索阶段。本文基于创业机会理论与资源依赖理论,考察IT能力对创业绩效的影响机制,探讨创业机会识别与开发的中介作用以及数字化业务强度的调节作用。实证分析发现:IT设施运用能力、IT业务跨越能力和IT前瞻性立场等三种IT能力均有助于提升创业绩效;创业机会识别与开发在3种IT能力与创业绩效间扮演中介角色;数字化业务强度在IT能力和创业机会识别与开发间发挥正向调节作用,并进一步调节创业机会识别与开发在3种IT能力与创业绩效间的中介作用,即:数字化业务强度越高,创业机会识别与开发的中介效应越显著。本研究丰富了信息技术赋能创业的研究内容,有助于推进信息技术在创业理论与实践中的运用。  相似文献   

产业集群已成为我国区域发展重要的产业组织形式,特别是对中小企业的发展其有重要影响。通过基于产业集群的投入政策加强对产业集群的支持有助于国家调整产业结构、实现保增长促发展。本文探讨了基于产业集群的投入政策在国内外的现状,认为区域政策、产业政策的重点应转向基于产业集群的投入政策,重点是建立基于产业集群的多层次的财政和金融投入体系;完善集群产业基础设施,特别是集群类企业技术创新的公共平台和服务体系等。  相似文献   


Australia's treatment of information technology (IT) has vacillated between two policy directions: laissez faire, market directed strategy on the one hand, and strong government interventionist, plan directed strategy on the other. The resultant policy mix is more a collection of individual initiatives than a coherent strategy. It produces conflict between initiatives aimed at developing indigenous information industries and those improving the productivity and competitiveness of all industry by encouraging the wider application of IT. Unlike its East Asian neighbors, Australia does not have a powerful, independent economic planning agency capable of creating and implementing industrial and technology policy. Policies must be developed through the give and take of a democratic political process, a process that can lead to fragmented, uncoordinated policies based on bureaucratic inertia, the demands of special interest groups, and short‐term political considerations, rather than long‐term strategic plans. The future of IT policy in Australia will depend upon the kinds of consensus that can be achieved on the role of IT in economic development. It will also depend on the government's skill in implementing policy and on the reactions of the private sector to whatever policies emerge.  相似文献   

研究了影响跨国公司R&D投资的国家层面因素,结果表明,一个国家创新能力的差异,包括国家技术创新能力、技术基础设施以及人力技能发展是吸引R&D投资的重要因素;不同的国家创新能力吸引外来R&D投资的战略动机不同;此外,知识产权保护强度、R&D投资的国际化经验是吸引外来R&D投资的关键因素。  相似文献   

针对现有的IAM在技术进步机制上存在缺陷,本文CIECIA模型(Wang等,2016)中引入广义低碳技术概念,以研发投资驱动过程技术进步速度的方式实现了技术进步的内生化,对世界主要经济体未来的经济发展和碳排放进行预测,并模拟了研发投资率提高对经济和碳排放的影响。结果显示:基准情景下中国、印度等发展中国家由于经济快速发展仍然存在较大的碳排放需求,其中中国在2034年左右达到碳高峰,而已经完成工业化的欧美发达国家经济增长缓慢,其碳排放处于下降趋势。研发投资率的提高可以明显降低各国,尤其是发展中国家的碳排放,使其碳高峰大幅提前。当研发投资率提高到7%以上时大多数国家可实现其INDC目标,并将地表温度控制在2℃以内,而16%的研发投资率可实现2100年1.5℃温控目标。然而,由于各国的研发能力有限,短期内研发投资率很难大幅上升,因此单纯提高研发投资难以实现全球气候保护目标。从政策设计的角度出发,提高研发投资促进经济发展,适合与其他生产破坏型减排措施组成政策簇,补偿由其他减排措施带来的经济损失,提高减排政策的可行性。  相似文献   

基于信息技术的创业活动已成为推动中国经济创新发展的重要力量,但是信息技术创业企业在成长过程中面临较高的失败风险,培育和提升关键成长能力是解决新创企业成长脆弱性的一个重要路径。通过对4家信息技术企业的多案例分析,基于动态演化过程视角对新创企业成长能力的作用机制及其动态演进过程进行探索性分析。研究发现,创业能力、动态能力和创新能力是驱动新创企业成长的3种关键能力,他们相互关联、共同作用于企业发展的各个阶段,通过动态演进不断循环改善;同时还发现,企业创建期主要依靠创业能力驱动,存活期以动态能力为主,创新能力在成长期发挥关键作用。  相似文献   

Despite increased interest and growing investments in web-based supply chain management (SCM) applications, firms face numerous challenges in successfully web-enabling their SCM activities. In this research, we focus on two main objectives – (i) to understand the key antecedents that affect the web-enablement of SCM activities; (ii) to document the performance impacts of web-enabled SCM efforts. Based on a large-scale, questionnaire survey of North American organizations, we assessed the influence of six factors namely – supplier synergy, information intensity, managerial IT knowledge, interoperable IT infrastructure, perceived IT returns on investments (ROI) and formal governance mechanisms – on the extent of web-enabled SCM. Our results revealed a strong positive influence of supplier synergy, information intensity, managerial IT knowledge, inter-operability and formal governance mechanisms on the extent of web-enabled SCM. We also found a negative association between relative cost–benefit perceptions and the extent of web-enabled SCM. Further, we also found strong positive association between extent of web-enabled SCM and the benefits realized from SCM efforts. We discuss the implications of our results for research and practice.  相似文献   

供应链的结构模式决定了其应有的IT架构,适当的IT架构能提升供应链的整体效用,两者之间存在着一定的匹配关系。本文通过对相关文献的分析,研究了影响供应链IT架构建设的主要因素。  相似文献   

科研基础设施是科技创新的基础和物质条件。促进科研基础设施共享,是各国政府重要政策目标。本文简单回顾了近年来我国促进科研基础设施共享所做的努力及当前面临人的挑战,细致梳理了主要国家在大型科学仪器与设备、自然科技资源、科学数据和科技文献等领域促进共享的有益经验;在此基础上提出进一步促进我国科研基础设施共享的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文以2004-2014年中国企业有海外研发投资项目的 79个国家为样本,采用负二项回归模型实证分析了中国企业海外研发投资区位选择的影响因素。通过实证检验发现东道国的市场需求和技术水平对中国企业海外研发投资区位选择存在显著的积极影响,而研发人员成本有着显著的消极影响。而东道国的制度质量在其中起着显著的正向调节作用,随着东道国制度质量的上升,市场需求、技术水平与区位选择之间的正向关系在加强,研发人员成本与区位选择之间负向关系在减弱。最后对中国企业在海外研发投资进行区位选择时提出建议。  相似文献   

Historically, organizations owned and controlled the information technologies (IT) their employees used: telephone, inter-office memos, mainframes and timesharing systems. Today, employees often want to use their own IT: not only personal smart phones and tablets, but also Twitter and Google Docs. This new trend can diversify and extend enterprise IT infrastructure, but leaves organizations struggling with technology uses that they cannot control. With the emergence of new technological paradigms in consumer markets and organizations, the management of IT infrastructure requires a more pragmatic and holistic approach that goes beyond simple technological considerations. In this paper, we present a three-part framework—technology, people and practice—that helps managers understand and mitigate these tensions. Drawing on two empirical studies of European executives and consultants form multiple management consulting firms, the paper further outlines changes taking place along the three aspects of the framework. It concludes by discussing three distinct approaches to the management of organizational IT infrastructure (passive, reactive, and pragmatic), and by offering greater insight regarding a pragmatic approach.  相似文献   

金巍  章恒全  毛广雄  陈淑云  张陈俊 《资源科学》2016,38(12):2283-2294
本文基于1994-2014年省际面板数据模型,利用交通基础设施投资规模并在考虑滞后一期的基础上,分别对全国及东中西部各类交通投资与能源消耗之间的关系进行研究,结果表明:①全国层面,铁路、公路、航空、水运投资均与能源消耗之间关系呈倒“U”型形态,但需警惕航空、水运投资与能耗之间“N”型形态;②区域层面,交通投资与能源消耗存在倒“U”型形态(西部水运投资整体不显著);铁路、公路投资拐点与经济发展关联性大,经济越发达地区投资拐点值小,反之则大,航空、水运投资拐点与经济发展关联性小;③进一步分析发现,铁路、公路投资对降低能源消耗作用最大,高铁和高速公路网建设有利于区域间产业转移和经济结构调整,促进低能耗产业发展(如旅游等)。通过全国和区域数据验证,继续加大交通基础设施投资有利于降低能源消耗,有助于“三去一降一补”目标的实现和“一带一路”战略的实施。  相似文献   

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