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To determine the mix of resources used in social gerontology research, a citation analysis was conducted. A representative sample of citations was selected from three prominent gerontology journals and information was added to determine subject scatter and database coverage for the cited materials. Results indicate that a significant portion of gerontology research, even from a social science perspective, relies roughly equally on medical resources as it does social science resources. Furthermore, there is a small but defined core of literature constituting scholarly “territory” unique to gerontology. Analysis of database indexing indicated that broad, interdisciplinary databases provide more comprehensive coverage of the cited materials than do subject-specific databases.  相似文献   

The objective of the Starting Points Web page series at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UT HSC) Libraries is to provide specialized information resources in an organized online format. Highlighted resources include databases, journals, UT HSC campus information, funding sources, PubMed® RSS article feeds, and information about professional associations. This paper discusses the development process, planning, challenges, and outcomes of the Starting Points series.  相似文献   

立足上海交通大学图书馆所负责的CALIS三期“馆员素养培训与资质认证”项目实践,从培训目标、培训方式、课程内容、考核办法与组织管理机制5个方面,重点阐述学科馆员培训体系的设计思路与主要内容.结合 CALIS 学科馆员培训的实施情况,分析、总结学科馆员培训的特色以及需要注意的问题.  相似文献   


Aliens: It is the subject of conspiracy theories and nightmares, the name of a blockbuster science fiction/horror movie franchise, and also how the de facto national library of the United States refers to “persons who are not citizens of the country in which they reside.” In 2016, the Library of Congress announced that it would reconsider the usage of “Aliens” and its related terms in the Library of Congress Subject Headings, following a student-led movement to change the pejorative term “Illegal Aliens.” Yet, three years on, these terms remain in the LCSH. Using the “Illegal Aliens” controversy as a case study, this article explores how the LCSH works, its role in research, and its vulnerabilities to bias, and offers proposals for how librarians can help improve the situation.  相似文献   

The authors examine the effect the renovation and rebranding of a traditional reference department into a more modern Knowledge Commons has had on public services at a university. The authors also discuss how this physical transformation led to a philosophical shift in the service model and how that model continues to evolve. This article discusses the adoption of the Subject Librarian Initiative as a means toward creating a more proactive form of outreach that is more conducive to the environment of the Knowledge Commons. This case study examines the first year of a 5-year implementation plan and discusses how the remaining years of the plan will be implemented.  相似文献   

This article argues that the use of the Library of Congress subject heading “East Indians” in reference to individuals from India represents not only a problematic vestige of colonialism, but also a failure of the principle of literary warrant. It provides an overview of the term's historical roots and then examines whether the term is still widely used in published resources. Although assigning a subject heading is not easy and can involve a choice between contested realities of diverse peoples, the author contends that a rejection of outdated terminology is central to providing any culturally sensitive tool for resource organization.  相似文献   

Cataloging and classification provide intellectual access for organizing resources in libraries. In New Zealand, bibliographic control is largely through the application of Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH). LCSH provide a sense of context and order. In Indigenous frameworks this sense of order can be found in the link between epistemology and knowledge structure. This article argues that the development and application of Māori subject headings is directly related to the natural order that is pivotal to a Māori worldview. The impact of this worldview and its associated values are explored in the context of the construction of Ngā ūpoko Tukutuku.  相似文献   

A sample of 325 students, faculty, and staff at a graduate business school completed an online survey designed to assess their knowledge and utilization of the library's e-book collection as well as their desired method of accessing various types of books. Participants were asked about their format preference for reading four different types of books: course textbooks, computer software guides, career development books, and popular business titles. The final section of the survey gave respondents an opportunity to provide free form comments and thoughts about e-books. The implications of this research for collection development are discussed.  相似文献   

同学圈里最近都在谈一件事。林同学要跟老婆离婚了,事情的起因是林同学家养了一条萨莫耶犬,每天晚饭后,林同学都会牵着狗到附近的绿地遛一圈。某天遇到一个很漂亮的年轻女人也来遛狗,恰好  相似文献   

Q:独立访问者,总访问次数、访问频率和平均每次访问停留时间是如何被定义和统计的? A:☆独立访问者:该指标代表的是在所选时间段内所有访问目标网站的独立访问者数量。根据国际通行统计方法,每台独立上网电脑被视为一个独立访问者。同一电脑多人使用时,不重复计算,仍视作一个独立访问者。(注:报告中该指标已经过统计周期内排重运算,即同一电脑在统计周期内多次访问同一站点,仍被认作是一个独立访问者。)  相似文献   


This article is a collection of short pieces by various authors containing hints, tips and best practices reguarding Adobe Acrobat and its constituent pieces including Adobe Capture. Ariel, interlibrary loan and electronic reserve applications are included.  相似文献   

近日,云南省委、丽江市委和永胜县委三套领导班子在绿A基地参加了“绿A、红A生产线开工仪式”。云南省工信委巡视员许坚、丽江市市长和良辉、永胜县县委书记陈星元和绿A生物工程有限公司董事长胡志祥为项目开工剪彩。  相似文献   

老公当了办公室主任后,经常会打着官腔给二红布置各种应酬任务。比如限10分钟之内奔赴本市最高档的商场给局长夫人买生日礼物,而后火速赶到大鹏酒店23层烛光西餐厅参加其生日晚宴。二红不敢怠慢,即刻领命出发,在珠宝专柜,挑了条寒光凛凛的白金钻石项链。  相似文献   

采编漫笔一篇通讯拟了80个标题刘承武 刘承武,主任记者。1935年生人,曾任河南日报驻开封地区记者站站长、新乡县委宣传部副部长等职。迄今发表新闻稿件2986篇,其中上人民日报38篇(含2个整版),上河南日报头版头题28个,推出省市级以上获奖作品50余件。 标题是文章的眼睛。有道是“百稿易发,一题难求”。近年来,我经常向自己提出这样一个问题;从事新闻报道工作30余年。最值得回味的东西是什么?是公开发表的2000多篇稿件吗?不是。是上河南日报的28个头版头条吗?也不是。是推出的50多件获奖作品吗?还不…  相似文献   

摆脱了恐洋症的A股市场终于开门揖客了,这批新来者将给中国股市带来什么样的即期效应和深远影响[编者按]  相似文献   

惠州纳伟仕近年来在多媒体音箱领域发展迅猛,自从签下了欧洲明模julia做代言人后,更是打出了“服务全球的低音炮专家”这一响亮的旗号,而且最近更是新品不断,不久前笔者刚刚评测了纳伟仕一款高密板材的音箱A60A.它那端庄的外表还有优秀的全频域表现给人留下了深刻的印象。这一次笔者拿到的.是它的同门师弟纳伟仕全木质系列标准型产品A30A。  相似文献   

"双向圈钱、两头减持"的特征,不仅扭曲了A股价格,同时还导致股市与实体经济走势持续脱钩,并最终丧失其作为经济晴雨表所应有的功能2011年股市的糟糕表现,如一把尖刀,无情地刺破了很多人的钱袋子。这一年,沪深两地股指大部分时候都是一片惨绿,毫不理会10%的实体经济增速,最终表现出21%的跌幅,总市值缩水近6万亿元——这也是自1990年中国重新开设证券市场以来,跌幅第三大的年度。粗略计算,蒸发的这6万亿市值,若平摊至一亿股民人头上,人均损失将近6万元,超过北京市普通居民一年总收入。股市与楼市是中国民众的两个投资主渠道,如今,住宅已经成为限购品,股票价格又与公司业绩脱钩,民间财富合法投资渠道  相似文献   

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