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Biomagnetometry is a non-invasive technique for detecting magnetic fields associated with the electrophysiology and magnetic susceptibility of body tissues. The aims of this paper are to provide a review of the discipline of biomagnetism and its measurement using a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID), and to discuss the potential utility of this technique in sport and exercise science. A tutorial section is presented to provide an introduction to the theory and practical application of SQUID biomagnetometry. A review of the biomagnetism literature demonstrates the variety of previous biomagnetic investigations and suggests several potential applications of biomagnetometry in sport and exercise science. A discussion of these includes an assessment of the advantages of measuring biomagnetic fields as opposed to electrical potentials, with particular reference to the improved precision and accuracy of physiological source modelling using biomagnetic data. There is evidence to suggest that SQUID biomagnetometry would provide useful (and perhaps unique) information on functional, anatomical and physiological assessments in sport and exercise science. Further investigations of biomagnetometry in this discipline should focus on three main areas: cardiology, encephalography and neurology, and body composition assessment.  相似文献   

This article aims at balancing chances and risks of a stronger public health focus of sport science. It addresses current opportunities and challenges for sport science research and consultation. In order to highlight both the specific potential of sport science for public health and the particular opportunities of public health for sport science, three central aspects are analyzed: (1) the concept of movement, (2) the health promotion approach, and (3) the constitution of sport science as science of practice. In the concluding section, potential consequences of a more systematic public health orientation in sport science are discussed. Both external evaluation criteria (e.?g. consultation services, third party funding) as well as aspects primarily internal to science (e.?g. theory development, scientific publications) are considered.  相似文献   

A common practice in general linear model (GLM) analyses is to interpret regression coefficients (e.g., standardized β weights) as indicators of variable importance. However, focusing solely on standardized beta weights may provide limited or erroneous information. For example, β weights become increasingly unreliable when predictor variables are correlated, which is often the case in the social sciences. To address this issue, structure coefficients, which are simply the bivariate correlation between a predictor and the synthetic ? variable, should also be interpreted. By examining β weights and structure coefficients in conjunction, the predictive worth of each independent variable can be more accurately judged. Despite this benefit, researchers in the field of sport and exercise science have rarely reported structure coefficients when conducting multiple regression analysis. Thus, the purpose of the present article is to discuss problems associated with the sole interpretation of β weights and to demonstrate how structure coefficients can be incorporated to improve accuracy of interpretation. Additionally, a content analysis was conducted to examine current trends in reporting multiple regression results within sport and exercise science research.  相似文献   

Despite the limitations of overgeneralizing cutoff values for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA; e.g., Marsh, Hau, & Wen, 2004), they are still often employed as golden rules for assessing factorial validity in sport and exercise psychology. The purpose of this study was to investigate the appropriateness of using the CFA approach with these cutoff values for typical multidimensional measures. Furthermore, we ought to examine how a model could be respecified to achieve acceptable fit and explored whether exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) provides a more appropriate assessment of model fit. Six multidimensional measures commonly used in sport and exercise psychology research were examined using CFA and ESEM. Despite demonstrating good validity in previous research, all eight failed to meet the cutoff values proposed by Hu and Bentler. ESEM improved model fit in all measures. In conclusion, we suggest that model misfit in this study demonstrates the problem with interpreting cutoff values rigidly. Furthermore, we recommend ESEM as a preferred approach to examining model fit in multidimensional measures.  相似文献   

Aging is associated with oxidative stress that may increase susceptibility to respiratory infections (RIs). We aimed to assess the impact of exercise training on the risk of RIs in older adults and on a targeted metabolomic profile of stress oxidative lipid peroxidation-related metabolites. Methods: In an 8-month clinical trial, 38 participants over 60 years of age were allocated to an exercise group (EG), in which participants underwent 90-min training sessions three times/week(n?=?20), or a control group (CG), in which participants maintained daily physical activities(n?=?18). Daily respiratory symptoms and RIs number and severity were collected. Serum by-products were assessed by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry with time of flight analyzer. Serum metabolomic profiling comprised 76 metabolites (alcohols, aldehydes, alkanes, and ketones). Principal components analysis and ANOVA-simultaneous component analysis were used to evaluate the metabolomic profile change. Results: The odds ratio of RIs for the EG was 2.0 CI 95% [0.2;25]. The incidence of RIs was 47% [23;70] in the EG vs. 44%[12;77] in the CG. The metabolomic profiling showed that alkanes and aldehydes classes differed between the EG and the CG before and after intervention. A calibration model showed a relation between the metabolites from four main classes (ketones, alcohols, alkanes and aldehydes) and the prediction of the number of RIs. Conclusion: Moderate exercise training, in older adults, compared with no exercise in controls, did not show a difference in the risk of RIs. A pattern of lipid peroxidation was associated with the number of RIs.  相似文献   

Contemporary aspects of research methods in sport and exercise psychology are discussed in this wide-ranging review. After an introduction centred on trends in sport and exercise psychology methods, the review is organized around the major themes of quantitative and qualitative research. Our aim is to highlight areas that may be problematic or controversial (e.g. stepwise statistical procedures), underused (e.g. discriminant analysis), increasingly used (e.g. meta-analysis, structural equation modelling, qualitative content analysis) and emergent (e.g. realist tales of writing). Perspectives range from the technical and speculative to the controversial and critical. While deliberately not providing a ‘cookbook’ approach to research methods, we hope to provide enough material to help researchers to appreciate the diversity of potential methods and to adopt a more critical perspective in their own research consumption and production.  相似文献   

Contemporary aspects of research methods in sport and exercise psychology are discussed in this wide-ranging review. After an introduction centred on trends in sport and exercise psychology methods, the review is organized around the major themes of quantitative and qualitative research. Our aim is to highlight areas that may be problematic or controversial (e.g. stepwise statistical procedures), underused (e.g. discriminant analysis), increasingly used (e.g. meta-analysis, structural equation modelling, qualitative content analysis) and emergent (e.g. realist tales of writing). Perspectives range from the technical and speculative to the controversial and critical. While deliberately not providing a 'cookbook' approach to research methods, we hope to provide enough material to help researchers to appreciate the diversity of potential methods and to adopt a more critical perspective in their own research consumption and production.  相似文献   

为了方便国内读者阅读和理解美国国家体能协会(NSCA)于2022年出版的NSCA′s Essentials of Sport Science,从出版背景、翻译中的若干问题、对我国训练科学与训练实践未来发展的启示3个方面撰写此书评。本书的推出是NSCA填补美国训练科学衰败留下的空白的一次主动作为,来自全球13个国家的51名专家基于最新研究成果和实践经验向读者呈现了近十年世界训练科学与训练实践的前沿动态。我国运动训练学亟待向训练科学迈进,加强学科的科学性、实践性、多学科性和应用性,更大程度实现体育多学科的融合、理论与实践的融合、科学与经验的融合、知识生产与转换的融合、行业建设与学科发展的融合,在竞技体育强国建设中勇挑重任、主动作为。  相似文献   

Monte Carlo methods can be used in data analytic situations (e.g., validity studies) to make decisions about sample size and to estimate power. The purpose of using Monte Carlo methods in a validity study is to improve the methodological approach within a study where the primary focus is on construct validity issues and not on advancing statistical theory. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate how Monte Carlo methods can be used to determine sample size and to estimate power for a confirmatory factor analytic model under model-data conditions commonly encountered in exercise and sport. Because the purpose is pursued by way of demonstration with the Coaching Efficacy Scale II-High School Teams, related sample size recommendations are provided: N > or = 200 for the theoretical model; N > or = 300 for the population model. Technical terms (e.g., coverage) are defined when necessary.  相似文献   

Emotions have firmly established their place in sport psychology research over the past 40 years. For many decades following World War II, mainstream psychology researchers placed negative emotions (e.g., anxiety) ahead of positive emotions (e.g., happiness) but positive emotions are now a genuine, promising field of research because of their influence on specific components of performance (e.g., attention) and psychological well-being. The benefits of these emotions have hitherto not been wholly realized in a sport context, especially in their capacity to generate greater self-efficacy, motivation, attention, problem-solving, and coping with adversity. Although the sport emotion literature is sprinkled with studies that specifically examined positive emotion in sport settings, the breadth and depth of this research is too thin to make bold claims about the value of positive emotions in the emotion-performance relation. There are, however, at least three theoretical models available to sport psychologists to better understand the influence of positive emotions on sport performance and two of these models are specifically designed for sport contexts. Not only can these models deepen and widen this knowledge base, but they can also support interventions in applied settings to improve performance and psychological well-being.  相似文献   

Training and nutrition are highly interrelated in that optimal adaptation to the demands of repeated training sessions typically requires a diet that can sustain muscle energy reserves. As nutrient stores (i.e. muscle and liver glycogen) play a predominant role in the performance of prolonged, intense, intermittent exercise typical of the patterns of soccer match-play, and in the replenishment of energy reserves for subsequent training sessions, the extent to which acutely altering substrate availability might modify the training impulse has been a key research area among exercise physiologists and sport nutritionists for several decades. Although the major perturbations to cellular homeostasis and muscle substrate stores occur during exercise, the activation of several major signalling pathways important for chronic training adaptations take place during the first few hours of recovery, returning to baseline values within 24 h after exercise. This has led to the paradigm that many chronic training adaptations are generated by the cumulative effects of the transient events that occur during recovery from each (acute) exercise bout. Evidence is accumulating that nutrient supplementation can serve as a potent modulator of many of the acute responses to both endurance and resistance training. In this article, we review the molecular and cellular events that occur in skeletal muscle during exercise and subsequent recovery, and the potential for nutrient supplementation (e.g. carbohydrate, fat, protein) to affect many of the adaptive responses to training.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(2):183-199
Elite sport provides an exciting and dynamic emotional experience for spectators. Social marketers using sport sponsorship to promote health messages are yet to consider the impact of the temporal emotional sporting context in which health messages are promoted. The authors provide a critical review of the evidence for the influence of emotion on behavior and seek to elucidate the implications for health sponsorship in sport. Articles were identified via electronic database searches and returned-article references, with thirty-three suitable articles included. Drawing on evidence from sport sponsorship, social marketing, advertising, and cause-related marketing, the review highlights few studies have investigated emotion, health communication, and behavior in a sport sponsorship context. The findings indicate that positive (e.g. happiness, compassion) and negative (e.g. fear, guilt) emotions influence intentions and behaviors with the interaction of message framing important when delivering social marketing messages. A conceptual model presents how emotions may influence behavioral health sponsorship outcomes and provides areas of future research to develop best policy and practice when delivering health sponsorship in a sporting context.  相似文献   

During the last few years, research interest on interindividual differences in acute affective reactions on sport activities has increased. Moreover, current studies show that besides interindividual differences, substantial intraindividual variations exist. Therefore, we assume that the potential of regulating affective well-being through sport activities varies situationally. This ambulatory assessment study analyzes affective reactions on sport activities in daily routine to identify possible factors for situational variability of changes in affective well-being. First, situational differences in affective well-being (valence, calmness, energetic arousal), goals for sport activities (e.g., regulation of body weight, activation), and activity characteristics (e.g., activity dose, perceived exertion) were analyzed. Second, associations between these parameters and activity characteristics were dissected. Third, associations with affective well-being after sport activities are identified. For 7 days, 25 women and 21 men (Mage = 32 years) participated. Activity characteristics were captured objectively (accelerometer, electrocardiogramm). Affective well-being, situational goals, and perceived exertion were gathered via smartphone. Multilevel analyses confirmed situational heterogeneity of affective well-being (e.g., intraclass-coefficient ICCvalence = 0.48), situational goals (e.g., ICCactivation = 0.59), and activity characteristics (e.g., ICCactivity dose = 0.21). Furthermore, we observed that higher feelings of calmness and stronger situational goals for body weight and activation are followed by a higher activity dose. This higher activity dose comes along with higher energetic arousal after sport activities, whereas higher perceived exertion is followed by lower feelings of calmness. Study results confirm intraindividual variation of affective well-being, specific goals, and activity characteristics. They emphasize the relevance of situational characteristics for the regulation of affective well-being through sport activities.  相似文献   

Larry Locke's timely and well-written introduction to qualitative research procedures will undoubtedly serve its purpose. It makes us reassess our traditional beliefs and practices, educates us on the rudiments of qualitative methodology, and, hopefully, makes us more tolerant and appreciative of alternate ways of conducting research. Although Locke focuses his paper on pedagogical research issues, it is important to realize that many other sub-disciplines within the general field of physical education also utilize qualitative procedures. For example, 10 years ago Martens (1979) called for a paradigm shift in sport psychology by appealing to researchers to abandon their labs and to embark on naturalistic field studies. While North American sport psychologists, and psychologists in general, have been slow to formalize qualitative techniques, the European psychology community has been much more active (e.g., Ashworth, Giorgi, & de Koning, 1986). Perhaps Locke's article will encourage researchers in all our sub-disciplines to consider the utility of qualitative research. Hopefully, readers will treat Locke's article as an introduction to the broad area of qualitative research and not as a rigorous set of procedures for conducting participant observation research in school physical education studies. Additionally, it must be recognized that there are other approaches and other applications, that the area has its critics and its unresolved methodological problems, and that qualitative research does not necessarily exclude the application of formalized data analyses. Keeping these issues in mind, the addition of qualitative approaches to our repetoire of research methodologies can only enhance the quality of research in physical education and exercise and sport science.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the Latent Growth Model (LGM) to researchers in exercise and sport science. Although the LGM has several merits over traditional analysis techniques in analyzing change and was first introduced almost 20 years ago, it is still underused in exercise and sport science research. This statistical model can be applied to any repeated measures data, but it is most useful when one has an a priori hypothesis about the patterns of change. The strengths of latent growth modeling include: (a) both individual and group levels of change are estimated, (b) either a linear or a curvilinear trajectory can represent individual change, (c) occasions of measurement need not be equally spaced, (d) the statistical model can account for measurement errors, (e) the model can easily include multiple predictors or correlates of change, and (f) as in general structural equation models, statistical models are flexible and allow one to extend the basic idea in several ways, such as comparing changes between groups and examining the change in multivariate latentfactors. In this paper, the basics and an extension of latent growth modeling are explained, and examples with longitudinal physical performance data are presented, along with detailed analysis procedures and considerations.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to review current literature on visual attentional processes in the area of sport expertise. Based on recent findings in neuroscience, attention can be divided into four distinct sub-processes, all of which differ across individuals to varying extents: orienting attention, selective attention, divided attention, and sustained attention. These four sub-processes serve as a heuristic tool to categorize the presented studies. Then, a critical assessment of the merits and limitations of the discussed studies is provided. Following that, conceptual and methodological issues in the field of attention and sport will be discussed. Finally, new potential directions for further research in the field of attention processes and expertise will be presented with a link to other research topics (e.g., motivation, creativity) and disciplines (e.g., developmental psychology). The overall aim is to show that human movement science can use important insights from other branches of the discipline (e.g., social psychology) in order to test and optimize sports training programs. At the same time, though, it is hoped that the use of ecological and complex settings will, in future, enable further development of theoretical models from other disciplines, like general, or developmental psychology.  相似文献   

Sample size can be chosen to achieve a specified width in a confidence interval. The probability of obtaining a narrow width given that the confidence interval includes the population parameter is defined as the power of the confidence interval, a concept unfamiliar to many practitioners. This article shows how to utilize the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) proc power procedure to determine an appropriate sample size and achieve sufficient power for a specified confidence interval. Two examples in sport and exercise science are used to illustrate sample size determination for confidence intervals in the dependent and independent t tests. The relevant SAS code and output are provided with detailed annotations. As the use of confidence intervals becomes a more integral part of studies in sport and exercise science, the reporting and analysis of their power should be considered much like that of hypothesis tests.  相似文献   

The revenue composition of for-profit and non-profit organisations is fundamentally different. Non-profit organisations have diversified revenues and must therefore manage an income portfolio. For the management of the income portfolio of a non-profit sport club it is not only important that sufficient revenues are available, but also where they come from as complex interactions exist among different revenue sources. These interactions are referred to as crowd-out effects (increases in one revenue source lead to decreases in another source) and crowd-in effects, respectively. The interactions among revenue categories of non-profit sport clubs were analysed using a longitudinal dataset from a nationwide sport club survey in Germany (n = 5026). Elasticity measures were calculated within a regression framework which provided information about the nature and significance of interactions. The results revealed a significant positive interaction between revenues from donations and sport supply (e.g., membership and service fees) pointing towards a crowd-in effect, i.e., increased revenues from donations have crowded in revenues from sport supply. Moreover, increased revenues from subsidies were found to crowd in revenues from donations and economic activities (e.g., sponsorship). Significant negative interactions were observed for revenues from economic activities and other supply suggesting that increased revenues from economic activities have crowded out revenues from other supply. The findings indicated an increased level of commercialisation supporting a modernisation of German clubs. Furthermore, the uncertainties have increased and therefore sport clubs have to consider the level of uncertainty of their revenue sources when they manage their income portfolio.  相似文献   

运动与自由基   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文采用文献综述法,阐述了自由基的类型、功能、自由基产生的机制以及抗氧化系统的种类等基本理论,特别随着自由基理论在竞技体育运动领域的运用,在运动过程中,不同形式的运动对体内自由基代谢及抗氧化酶活性的影响,成为运动医学关注的热点。通过4种不同形式的运动(急性运动、耐力运动、力竭运动和无氧运动)对自由基代谢及抗氧化酶活性的研究现状进行分析得出结论,并提出目前自由基研究中存在的不足。  相似文献   

Current reviews outside of sport indicate that the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) items load on two separate factors (optimism and pessimism) and, therefore, should be treated as independent constructs. However, researchers in the sport sciences continue to use the single composite score reflecting a unidimensional definition of optimism. Hence, I sought to explicitly examine the factor structure of the LOT-R with athletes. Results of this study support the two-factor structure, which is consistent with accumulating evidence outside of sport and exercise science. This contribution is an important first step toward continued examination of this instrument and future work on the influence of optimism (versus pessimism) on sport and exercise behavior.  相似文献   

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