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This study examined the influence of integrative motivation, instrumental motivation and second language (L2) proficiency on socio-cultural/academic adaptation in a sample of two groups of international students studying Chinese in China. Results revealed that the non-Asian student group reported higher levels of integrative motivation, socio-cultural adaptation and Chinese language proficiency than the Asian student group, who reported a higher level of instrumental motivation. No significant difference was found in academic adaptation between the two groups. Moreover, the relationships between study variables are the same across Asian and non-Asian student groups. Further evidence from this research indicated that socio-cultural adaptation was influenced more by integrative motivation and less by L2 proficiency. Integrative motivation was found to be the only significant predictor of academic adaptation. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relation between teachers’ instructional practices and students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) in Hong Kong Chinese language classes using quantitative and qualitative methods. Participants were 1121 Grade 10 students from six secondary schools in Hong Kong. A Chinese reading comprehension (RC) test was used to assess the students’ reading performance and a self-reported questionnaire measured their perception of reading instruction, strategy use and reading motivation. Classroom observations and in-depth interviews were conducted in one class at each school to explore what and how instructional practices supported or impeded SRL in real contexts. The findings of this study generally support the positive relation between SRL-based instruction and Chinese students’ SRL. Among the four instructional variables, instrumental support from teachers showed the strongest relation with students’ strategy use, motivation and RC. The degree of autonomy was low in Chinese language classes and was associated with students’ negative reading behaviours.  相似文献   

师范专科院校非英语专业学生外语学习动机研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动机是影响语言学习成功的一个重要因素,从不同层面可分为:融合性动机与工具型动机,内在动机和外在动机等。师范专科院校非英语专业学生的英语水平层次不齐,学习英语的兴趣也不浓。因此,文章对师范专科院校非英语专业学生外语学习的动机作了研究分析,以帮助教师理解学生个体差异,激发学生学习外语的主动性和积极性,进一步促进师范专科院校非英语专业的外语教学工作。  相似文献   

The effects of the language medium of instruction on students' approaches to learning has been little researched, despite its obvious importance in cultures that use second-language instruction. Existing research is counter-intuitive, associating deep approaches with bilinguality, not surface. Confidence in one's competence in the L2 medium is suggested to be an important moderating variable. Two studies were conducted (1) involving Hong Kong University students, and (2) Nepalese high school students. Both suggested that language confident students were low on surface and high on deep approaches, as might be expected. Relations with achievement motivation however varied between the two cultures.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, Mainland China has witnessed a massive outflow of students to higher education institutions in Hong Kong. In the context of an up-surge in Mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong, this research aims to explore (1) why Mainland Chinese students choose to study in Hong Kong over other higher education systems, (2) perceptions about the advantages and disadvantages of studying in Hong Kong, and (3) challenges in the process of acculturation from their homeland to Hong Kong. Five key themes are identified: education, finance, learning culture, language, and discrimination/labelling. While Mainland Chinese students often struggle to blend into the new environment, most gradually become accustomed to the local way of life. What remains a challenge is (perceived) discrimination following political tensions over the “one China, two systems” framework. This paper identifies the expectations and dissatisfactions of the participants with regard to studying in Hong Kong, ultimately offering higher-education administrators an insight into how to better cater for the expanding share of Mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong’s universities. This research is significant because it extends the literature by examining acculturation and cultural adaptation issues in an increasingly globalized context.  相似文献   

作为一种教学和测试手段,听写能够较好地反映语言学习者总体语言能力,这在英语教学界已得到较为广泛的认同。在汉语二语教学研究领域,将听写用于诊断外国留学生学习状况的研究尚未引起足够重视。留学生在学习汉语的过程中对某些偏误采取回避策略,使教师难以监测语言学习过程。本文报道一项在留学生中开展的听写实证研究,发现听写在汉语二语教学中不仅能够评估学习者的综合汉语水平,而且还有着快捷有效的诊断功能,包括诊断学习者的辨音能力、词汇理解能力、汉字书写能力以及学习者所回避使用的教学内容。  相似文献   

为了检测词汇自主学习策略培训对词汇水平的影响,以及词汇自主学习策略培训对于不同语言水平的学生是否有不同的效果,试验以158名大一新生为研究对象.试验组接受了为期14周的自主学习策略培训,而对照组不接受培训.所有参加试验的学生都参加了两次词汇水平测试,分别作为前测试和后测试.测试的结果用独立样本T检验和多因素方差检测来分析.分析结果表明自主学习策略的培训对于提高不同语言水平学生的词汇水平同样有效.  相似文献   

As the English language has become a global lingua franca today, it is not surprising that changes in attitudes and perceptions towards learning English in the international context have taken place at the same time. In this paper, I critically examine the notion of ‘integrative motivation’ in the literature of second language (L2) learning with respect to the changing role of the English language in the global context. In particular, this paper attempts to re-conceptualise the notion of integrative motivation by considering the results of recent empirical research on L2 motivation. It is argued that the predominant motivation of learning English among most L2 learners is no longer concerned with ‘integration’ in the target native English-speaking culture, but with the construction of a ‘bi-cultural’ or ‘world citizen’ identity, as well as identification with the international community. The paper ends by suggesting new ways of understanding the concept of motivation in L2 learning in today’s global context.  相似文献   

对理工科大学生英语学习状况和学习成绩调查、统计和分析的基础上,研究了英语学习策略运用水平和学习风格倾向与英语成绩的关系。研究表明:(1)学习者都能积极运用学习策略,元认知和补偿策略运用得最多,社会/情感策略运用得较少;(2高分组和低分组在元认知策略上有显著差异;(3)学习风格偏好呈多样性,英语水平与学习风格本身无关。  相似文献   

文章以南京森林警察学院268名非英语专业的学生为研究对象,通过问卷调查与分析考试成绩的方法对学生英语学习态度的变化及其与学习成绩的相关性进行了纵向研究。研究结果表明,在校学习英语的两年期间,学生学习的工具型动机逐渐变强,功利性目的越来越明显;而英语语言和文化本身对他们学习的激励作用逐渐下降,即融合性动机逐渐走弱。但是,调查发现学生的努力程度并没有发生大的变化,处于比较稳定的状态。学习态度与两次的期末成绩呈现显著正相关,书面考试成绩和口语成绩具有统计意义上的相关性。  相似文献   

于姗姗 《海外英语》2014,(9):110-111
For years,learning English has always been a popular trend in China.However,for most of students,the main purpose of learning this language is not to improve their English proficiency but to obtain the related English proficiency certificates,which will contribute to their graduation or competition.Under such instrumental motivation,students may succeed in shortterm competition but fail in long-term development,especially when studying abroad or working in a foreign company.In order to help Chinese students improve their English proficiency effectively;this article will introduce several strategies that could be considered and implemented in English classes in China.  相似文献   

陈峥嵘 《六安师专学报》2013,(6):113-118,122
动机被视为影响二语学习成效的一个重要的情感因素。本文用定量研究方法对62位高校英语教师进行了调查,旨在研究动机策略重要性的认识程度以及具体运用程度,并探讨两者之间是否存在显著差异。研究结果表明:教师总体上在动机策略的重要性认识程度和实际课堂运用频率上保持很高的一致性,但在实际教学中也存在策略运用不足,主要体现在学生自主能力、课堂任务及教师层面等策略上。传统的以教师为中心的教学方法、应试教育、基础差和大班教学很大程度上影响和制约了教师的动机策略,并限制了学生动机的形成与维持。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship of the attitudes and cultural background of Arab students in Israel to their reading comprehension of stories from Jewish and Arab culture. Participants were 74 eighth-grade Arab students (age 14–15 years) from Israel, learning Hebrew as a second language (L2). An attitude questionnaire, stories from Arab and Jewish culture and multiple-choice questions about each story were used. Results indicated that students scored higher on tasks of reading comprehension with texts from their own cultural setting than with texts from a culturally unfamiliar setting. Furthermore, results of the attitude questionnaire showed that motivation of Arab students to learning Hebrew was primarily instrumental rather than integrative. A conclusion of this study is that problematic social contexts negatively affect L2 learning of minority students. In order to facilitate Hebrew L2 learning, L2 curricula should include Hebrew language texts with content culturally familiar and relevant to the life of Arab learners.  相似文献   

在跨语言学习测评研究中,目前尚未有学者探究同一群体的中国学生的中英文学习心理是如何相互影响,并最终影响语言能力。为弥补这一研究空白,本研究调查了中国北京267名初中生中英文阅读动机,并同时测试他们的和中英文阅读能力。在八个维度的阅读动机中,对中文作为母语和英文作为外语的阅读动机进行量化对比,中文阅读动机在自我效能感、好奇心、投入度、消遣娱乐性、社会伙伴态度五个维度上的表现高于英文阅读动机;而在学业成绩、工具性、社会家庭态度三个维度上,两者没有差异。同时,相关分析表明工具性与英文阅读水平密切相关;消遣娱乐性与中文阅读水平密切相关。此外,多元线性回归分析显示,不同维度的阅读动机分别解释中英文阅读水平的差异。这些研究结果验证了阅读动机的跨语言性迁移特征,不同的阅读动机对中英文阅读水平起着不同作用。文章最后对中英文阅读教学提出了指导意见。  相似文献   

This article reports a study of eLearning in 21 courses in Hong Kong universities that had a blended design of face-to-face classes combined with online learning. The main focus of the study was to examine possible relationships between features of online learning designs and student learning outcomes. Data-collection strategies included expert reviews of the learning designs, student surveys of perceptions of the web environment and their own learning outcomes, and a SOLO (structure of observed learning outcomes) analysis of assessment evidence of student learning outcomes. The findings of this correlational study indicate mild relationships between features of learning design and student perceptions of their learning outcomes. Both the provision of learning resources and the engagement of students in online communication relate to aspects of learning (acquisition of knowledge and skills, and enhancement of learning motivation). Also, the relationship was stronger when eLearning strategies were more extensively used. However, no relationship was found between learning design and the student performance in assessment tasks, possibly because of the limited assessment data that was examined.  相似文献   

在语言习得过程中,词汇起着至关重要的作用。非日语专业学生若想提高日语能力水平,词汇量的积累是前提。因此非日语专业学生要学好日语词汇,关键是要明确学习日语词汇的动机和掌握正确的认知策略。本文通过对非日语专业学生日语词汇学习动机的分析,以及日语词汇学习中认知策略与巩固策略的阐述,使非日语专业学生能够有效地认知日语词汇,有效地掌握所学日语词汇。  相似文献   

本文采用定量研究的方法,调查研究了高职艺术专业学生英语学习动机与学习策略运用的特点。得出以下结论:高职艺术专业学生的学习功利性外在动机较强,内在动机较弱;各项学习策略中学生的母语策略使用最频繁;记忆策略和认知策略与学生的英语成绩呈正相关,但这两项策略的使用频率却偏低等。为此,本文最后就高职艺术专业学生英语教学提出几点建议。  相似文献   

This work reports on the results obtained from the application of learning environments on the basis of one integrative problem and a series of other smaller problems that limit the contents to be investigated and learned by the students. This methodology, which is a variation to traditional problem-based learning approaches, is here illustrated in terms of its application in an engineering economics course, a subject that is taught in most engineering programs. The purpose of this methodology is to improve students’ learning, which is measured through the students’ academic performance and their learning strategies, and to characterise them as a function of these variables. The results obtained after the systematic application of this methodology are positive. The surveyed students showed significant changes in the examined variables as well as in their satisfaction and motivation level, and in their commitment to learning.  相似文献   

Immigrant students’ school success is often hampered by limited second language (L2) proficiency, yet the effectiveness of different approaches to L2 support is unclear. Using a summer camp setting, we tested effects of (1) implicit support focusing on meaning of language by engaging students in language-intensive activities without drawing their attention to rules (operationalization: theatre program) and (2) combined implicit and explicit support focusing students’ attention on both meaning and form of language (operationalization: theatre program and instruction in German as L2). A baseline group received no support. N = 149 third-graders with German as L2 participated. There was no effect for the implicit condition on L2, yet children in the combined condition performed significantly better in grammar and reading after the treatment than the baseline group. The difference for vocabulary did not reach significance. Three months later, a significant effect for the combined condition was only found for reading.  相似文献   

The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) offers 199 courses with online features to enhance the distance learning environment. The university has arranged these courses to provide students with greater flexibility in interacting with tutors, classmates, and the content itself. Integral to learner flexibility online is access, valuing computers and online learning, endorsement, and language proficiency. The current investigation attempts to explore these issues by examining the perceptions of OUHK students enrolled in courses with online tutorial supports. The methods of questionnaire survey and semi‐structured interview were employed. Surveyed using multistage stratified sampling technique were 449 OUHK students enrolled in 18 upper level courses (9 English, 9 Chinese) at the OUHK. Forty‐two students were randomly selected for a follow‐up interview. Five major topics were explored including: (1) accessing the Internet; (2) perceptions of technology; (3) rationale for using the Internet in course work; (4) learning strategies used by the tutor online; and (5) perceptions of the online tutorial support.  相似文献   

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