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This paper investigates the impact of studying the first-choice university subject on dropout and switching field of study for a cohort of students in Germany. Using detailed survey data, and employing an instrumental variable strategy based on variation in the local field of study availability, we provide evidence that students who are not enrolled in their preferred field of study are more likely to change their field, delay graduation and drop out of university. The estimated impact on dropout is particularly strong among students of low socio-economic status and is likely to be driven by lower effort and motivation.  相似文献   


Three thousand, one hundred sixty students involved in online instruction at 31 colleges and universities across the United States completed a survey designed to probe into whether statements derived from 8 standards in the Quality MattersTM (QM) rubric contributed to their success. The 43-item survey instrument measured students’ perceptions of online course quality. The effect of age and employment status on their perceptions was measured. Based on a series of ANOVA (analysis of variance)s, it was found that the highest rated standard was QM3 on Assessment and Measurement. There were significant differences between age groups. Students under 45, contrasted to those over 45, highly valued clarity and appropriateness of assessments and clear criteria for grading. For students above the age of 45, QM6 on Course Technology was valued highest. They placed a high value on the tools and media that support learning objectives and classmate interactivity. QM3 was rated highest across all employment groups—those employed part-time, full-time, and those who were unemployed. Standards 1 (Course Overview and Introduction), 2 (Learning Objectives), 4 (Resources and Materials), and 7 (Learner Support) were valued higher by students working full-time and those who were unemployed compared with those working part-time. It is likely that students who work part-time are not as focused on academics as are those who do not work. They may not be as motivated to perform well as students who work full-time. Implications for course designers and instructors are discussed.  相似文献   

Students working part-time while studying for a full-time university degree are commonplace in many Western countries. This paper, however, examines the historically uncommon part-time working activities and career aspirations among Nigerian university students. In particular, how working is perceived to contribute to developing employability skills, and whether it is influenced by their self-efficacy. Survey data from 324 questionnaires were collected from a federal university, although the data analysis used a mixed method. The findings indicate that despite low levels of part-time working generally among students, older, more experienced, higher level and female students place a premium on the skills that part-time work can develop. Moreover, self-efficacy and being female is a significant predictor in understanding part-time work and career aspirations. This study offers originality by focusing on students’ part-time work, the value working provides and its link with career aspirations, within a relatively unexplored context of Nigeria.  相似文献   

随着社会竞争日趋激烈,大学生就业形势日益严峻,面临着高校收费体制改革和用工单位对工作经历青睐的双重压力,越来越多的在校大学生利用课余时间走出校园,走入社会,从事兼职工作。调查发现,师范院校大学生参与兼职存在兼职大学生的正当权益得不到保障、兼职渠道较少、兼职种类单一、兼职的目的性不强、兼职与自身专业相关程度较低等问题。文章应用成因分析从国家、学校和学生自身三个层面寻找解决问题的对策,使每个兼职大学生都能在兼职过程中有所收获、提升自我。  相似文献   

基本处于中东部地区的鄂豫苏冀四省市高考人数逐年下降,原因主要是中东部地区中小学辍学率增高,未成年人打工经商者增多、高中升学率减少,受大学生就业难冲击,中考放弃报考普通高中而选择中职的人数增加,随迁子女就地报名高考,东部地区在高中和中小学阶段出国留学的人数增多,受都市影响中东部农村地区出生率下降等诸多原因。稳定高考人数、提高农业人口的综合素质的最好办法是:国家应该采取一切措施控制中部地区的辍学率,改革高校课程设置和培养人才的理念,提高大学生的就业率,减少大学生就业难对中小学的冲击,做好中职与高考的接轨工作。  相似文献   

This paper examines the motivations and outcomes for mature students who study part-time in higher education (HE) in the UK. Although many students in HE are mature part-time learners, they have not been the specific focus of much research or policy interest. In-depth narrative interviews were carried out with 18 graduates who had studied part-time at a university college specialising in part-time provision. The sample was drawn from a quantitative survey of 1539 graduates concerning their motivations for studying and the benefits derived. Researchers could therefore choose respondents on the basis of previously reported outcomes of study and on other life course information, which was included in the survey. The paper reports a wide range of motivations and outcomes, which are regarded as forms of capital, and illustrates how studying part-time as a mature student can have a profound effect on people’s lives.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to estimate a conceptual model of nontraditional student attrition. Data were gathered from 624 nontraditional (commuter, part-time) freshmen at a midwestern urban university enrolling 22,000 students. For these nontraditional students, dropout was a function of GPA and credit hours enrolled, as well as the utility of education for future employment, satisfaction with the student role, opportunity to transfer, and age affecting dropout through intent to leave. In addition, absence from class, age, high school performance, and ethnicity had indirect effects on dropout through GPA. These results suggested that nontraditional students dropped out of college for academic reasons or because they were not committed to attending the institution, but their reasons for leaving were unrelated to social factors at school. The findings helped validate the conceptual model.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April 1986.  相似文献   

现实的勤工助学工作对勤工助学的育人目标、育人内涵、育人主体认识不足。勤工助学是高校教育人、教养人工作的重要组成部分。高校勤工助学工作的根本在于育人,必须坚持以育人为主导,实现思想扶助与经济扶助相统一;坚持以育人为内核,实现劳动实践与全面培养相统一;坚持以育人为原则,实现重点帮扶与全体教育相统一。从坚持德育要求,强化管理育人、加强心理引导、拓展育人内涵等发面加强其工作。  相似文献   

Increasing Inequality in Higher Education: The role of term-time working   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As the costs of higher education in the UK have moved increasingly from the state to students (and their parents), more university students have term-time jobs. Based on a survey of students in four universities, this paper identifies the pattern of term-time working, its effects on studying and its implications for equity and for the higher education system. The study found term-time employment affected the quality of education. Both cultural and financial factors affected who worked during term-time. Students whose father did not have a degree and female students (especially those from ethnic minorities) were more likely to work during term-time and, hence, benefit less educationally from university. The extent of term-time working varied across the four universities. The research suggested that the financial system might lead to an increasingly polarised university system: those that facilitate term-time working and those that do not, with the more prestigious universities tending to be in the latter category. This would distort the university choice of those who needed to work during term-time, inhibiting their access to prestigious universities, and lead to greater disadvantage amongst those who worked despite being at universities which made fewer concessions for term-time working.  相似文献   

This article examines the extent of part-time studying among students in ordinary university courses in Norway, the reasons for studying part-time, and its effects on study behaviour, study progression, and academic achievement. The article, based on six surveys among university students, indicates that between one fourth and one third of the student population at Norwegian universities must be regarded as part-time students. There are, however, large differences between fields of study.  相似文献   

This paper examines current part-time mature learners’ views on the potential impact upon future students as full fees are introduced from 2012. It investigates the problems which part-time mature learners may face with the advent of student loans and subsequent debt, given that they are usually combining complex lives with their studies, with less time to repay any loan in their working lifetime. Despite government rhetoric about the need to increase participants from these groups, most advice and guidance has focused on the traditional full-time market, with little being done to investigate the views of part-time mature learners or to provide appropriate support for them from 2012 onwards.

The views have been gathered through focus group discussions with students in a traditional English university and four of its further education partner colleges via online forums. Resultant data have been analysed to look at emerging themes, which can be summarised as: relief that the respondents had avoided the new fee regime; lack of understanding about current funding; fear that their families would suffer and taking a loan would somehow be a ‘selfish’ strategy; fear that graduate employment would still elude them; fear that their age would mean that they would never be able to repay the debt; a perception that the new regime would generate ‘extra’ money for universities which would be reflected in increased contact hours and wariness about the generous repayment terms currently offered because a change of government could signal new policies and processes.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the factors of combining study and work and the factors explaining intensity of work during study in Russia, based on cross-sectional survey data. The issue of how Russian students combine work and study is analysed through the set of financial, academic, social and demographic predictors, quality of university and quality of students. These factors may have an effect on student employment and student labour supply, and help shed light on what motivates students to enter the labour market. We discovered that 64.7% of Russian students combined study and work and most of them begin working during their third year of study. Our results indicate that factors associated with the quality of students, such as studying in a top university and participating in research activities, positively affect the probability of student employment, but negatively affect the intensity of employment. Financial motivations for student employment are also significant. We found that students receiving financial support from their families are less likely to be employed during their study and work less hours. However, we found no evidence that combining study and work affects students’ academic achievements.  相似文献   

大学生档案是个人档案的基础,是大学生就业、择业、用人单位筛选人才的重要依据。笔者根据高校学生档案工作的现状及存在问题,对高校学生档案管理方法进行初步探讨,旨在提高大学生档案管理的工作效率,促进大学生的就业。  相似文献   

职业教育规模的扩大拓宽了职业教育的受益面,但也加大了高职学校学生就业的压力。如何提升高职毕业生的职场竞争力,提高高职毕业生与职业的匹配度,已成为高职学校关注的重点问题。传统教学理念里学生实践能力的提升主要依靠校内教学与课程实践,对于高职学生普遍从事的兼职对就业能力的影响研究比较少。文章以高职女生为样本,以兼职工作对于职业期望的关联影响为目标,对兼职工作同高职女生职业能力的影响做了分析,对高职女生实践能力提升的路径做了探索。  相似文献   

家教是大学生校外兼职的首选形式,是大学生生活费的重要来源。大学生主要是通过中介寻找家教的。大学生家庭教师身份的特殊性、“从业”的非正规性、维权成本高及维权意识淡薄等使大学生家庭教师维权陷入了困境。在现有法律框架下,探索大学生、政府、实施法律援助的组织和个人(律师)、高校、社会媒体共同参与的大学生校外兼职维权机制,有助于帮助大学生家庭教师走出维权困境。  相似文献   

This paper explores the perceptions of degree students at two UK universities regarding their work placement and part-time working activities, to assess if the two activities converge. The research comprises three stages: interviews for preliminary exploration of students’ perceptions towards work placement and part-time work; interviews to examine how placement opportunities link with career aspirations; a survey of students who had completed a placement, and those currently on placement. Students acknowledged part-time working helped their placement activity, providing transferable skills beneficial to both study and career aspirations. A significant finding was with respect to time: the closer to the placement activity the data was collected, the stronger the impact of appreciating the value of placement. The paper therefore highlights the value of timing in the assessment of work placement. It also offers value for universities’ by providing insight into students’ perceptions regarding embedded external work activities that can enhance graduate employability and career prospects.  相似文献   

There is growing concern about the detrimental effect of term-time employment on university students’ academic success. We report results from an online survey of 1837 students of the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, whose responses were later matched to their academic records for a semester. The majority of employed students reported working out of financial necessity. There was no difference in grades between employed and non-employed students, but hours worked had a direct negative linear effect on the grades of employed students. Subsequent analysis suggested that employed students might have had significantly higher grades than the non-employed subsample if they had not worked. Mediating and moderating effects on the relationship between hours worked and academic performance were identified, and a model of the work–achievement relationship developed. Universities could do more to accommodate the reality of part-time work by their students.  相似文献   

Factors of students’ dropout can be studied either by surveys among students or by analyzing data the university collects. In the work reported in this paper, we analyzed data known about students at the time of admission as well as data about the students' study achievements collected on a semester basis. Using data about students who enrolled in the academic year 2013/14, we created several data mining models to predict who will finish their studies successfully and who will not. Our results show that the key factor is the percentage of lost credit vouchers in the most recent semester. The pre-entry attributes have only a very small impact. We also created association rules of different types to find characteristics of students who did not successfully complete the first semester of study. Here, the factor that mainly increases the probability of a failure is the time gap between secondary and tertiary education.  相似文献   

The study considered 10,072 third-year college students in Taiwan who had paid jobs while studying and found that students who worked in jobs related to their academic majors scored significantly higher on the academic involvement scale than students working in unrelated jobs. In addition, the effect of relatedness between jobs and majors did not interact significantly with either the effect of working on/off campus or the effect of working part-time/full-time.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the adaptation of curriculum to meet the differential needs of part-time, work study students who have many years of prior work experience in the field, maintain full-time employment while earning their degree and use their employment setting for the field work practicum. Specifically, the authors examines key issues in curriculum delivery including the sequencing and progression of practice concepts, the depth and breadth of content and the engagement of the experienced student in the learning process. Also presented are approaches to such curriculum design issues as the integration or separation of part-time and full-time students, the application of specialization or concentrations as well as adaptations in structures for advisement.  相似文献   

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