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阿舍曼  李起 《海外英语》2009,(11):50-52
意识到那一天将是多么重要,我简直无法入眠。昨天,妈妈在麦金利小学为我办理了入学注册。我的年龄终于够了,可以与所有其他的大孩子一起上学了。我自幼儿起就已经认识了字母表与数字,但我盼望着学会阅读,这样我就能独自看故事书。更重要的是将会与别的孩子在一起玩耍。我穿第一天上学时的衣服时,闻到了油煎熏猪肉的味道,就匆匆下楼了。  相似文献   

Vivienne  Liu  刘雪 《英语沙龙》2009,(7):40-42
我上六年级时,星期三是一周中我最喜欢的一天。原因有好几条。 第一,每周三我在学校有三项额外工作:图书馆小助手、艺术天使和艺术大使。这几项额外工作很特殊,只有为数不多的几个同学得到了,而我是幸运儿之一。  相似文献   

The rain     
I used to be a boy deeply loving the rain.Running in the rain without my beautiful umbrella was once one of my favorite things.However,as time went by,I was not even the half the one I had been.The rain would bring me some convenience,like no P.E.class that day.In another way,it made me depressed.Loneliness came to bother me all day.Facing the crowded bus,I felt somewhat complicated.Though it took me more time and strength,I still enjoyed walking home.At least I didn't have to stay out of breath on the hot wet bus...  相似文献   

那是一个充满忧伤的清晨。准备的各种食物的香味通常将标志着某个欢庆的节日或者是亲属的聚会,那时才赶着做这些东西,但这天清晨完全是另一回事。我从床上爬起来,尽最大努力只为面对这一天时,全身强烈地感到一阵未曾有过的寒冷。那是我宁愿很快忘却的一天,但不幸的是,我无法忘却。  相似文献   

I still remember what i experienced when i was a little girl my father used to tell me many stories about the world and said that english is a very useful tool in our life and work,so i wanted to learn english quickly and speak it well.  相似文献   

一天.当我离开家时.我看见一只黄色的小狗.它坐在门旁看着我。我不喜欢这个小宠物.但我想它可能有什么事要说吧。  相似文献   

Last Sunday was mybirthday,I was just fourteen.It was a fine day,I got upvery early in the morningand put on the newclothes that my parents bought me as my birthday presents.I felt happy,  相似文献   

<正>When I lay in hot, uncomfortable hospital bed, all I can think about is how much I want to leave this place. It has been four days that doctors told me the bad news and injected1 me with medicine. I have been able to eat only one meal a day due to the surgeries~2 I was scheduled~3. I  相似文献   

Cass译 《高中生》2013,(8):62-63
那天是1997年3月13日。我当时把车停进车库,然后走进厨房。那一刻,我震惊得完全哑口无言。窝在桌子上一个小花篮里的是一只可爱的杏色小贵宾犬,它直愣愣地盯着我看。毫无疑问,我对它一见钟情,而这种爱意一直延续,直至瞑目,直至永远。布鲁娜从那天起就进入了我的生活。那时候,我并不知道它是为了我而存活于这个世上的。  相似文献   

牛津大学在以前是那么的遥不可及,但我真正走进她时,才发现,努力去证明自己,总会有梦想成真的一天,而这一切,也仅仅是我下一个梦想的起点。  相似文献   

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