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手型是学琴过程中不可忽视的一个难点,它看似浅显但却很复杂。手型即手的形状或姿势,对钢琴初学者来说,正确的基本手型训练是非常重要的。因为在学习钢琴演奏的基础阶段,为适应钢琴琴键的排列结构和弹奏技巧,学琴者的手或手指必须时刻保持一种正确状态,才能利于弹奏动作的舒展和力的传送。但是过分在意的话,又会造成手腕的紧张,所以我们要追求一种最自然也是最正确的手型。文章从各个阶段手型的保持、技巧练习、手型的固定来认识和了解一下手型的重要性。  相似文献   

车尔尼钢琴练习曲OP849是学习钢琴的必弹教材。这本练习曲所包含的技术型有:固定手型位置的五指型;各种类型的音阶技术练习;轮指练习;阿尔贝蒂低音型;两手交替弹奏;装饰音和颤音练习;其他类型练习  相似文献   

学前教育专业钢琴教学中应重视培养学生学习钢琴的兴趣,训练弹奏钢琴的正确手型及姿势,养成严格正确的识谱习惯。  相似文献   

学习钢琴的演奏过程中,掌握正确的姿势和自然准确的手型,是学习钢琴的前提和有效保证。  相似文献   

苏静芬 《教师》2013,(8):76-77
中职幼教专业学生钢琴弹奏的训练,应区别于中、高职校艺术专业中键盘专业学生的教学与训练。在钢琴弹奏的训练和方法的采用上,应从幼教生源的实际情况出发,根据幼教的专业特点,围绕幼教专业钢琴弹奏进行有效教学,由易到难地安排教学内容,在识谱、手型、指法等多方面加强提升;同时从一开始就教导学生养成良好的手型及弹奏习惯,培养他们的学习兴趣和学习热情,为今后更高层次的学习和发展打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

2019年1月16日钢琴家盛原和早期钢琴家汪月含登台中山公园音乐堂,带来“寻找莫扎特-早期钢琴与现代钢琴·独奏与四手联弹音乐会”,用早期钢琴与现代钢琴演绎“音乐天才”经典。一起来找寻多变的莫扎特!  相似文献   

本文主要针对学龄前儿童进行钢琴入门的启蒙教育,分别从坐姿、手型、基本弹奏方法、音乐感觉的培养等几个部分,详细论述了在早期学习钢琴时常见的毛病和教师如何加以矫正的正确方法.  相似文献   

钢琴学习中有许多看似很小但是关系到以后的问题,如指法问题,折指问题,手型问题等,科学解决好这些问题是掌握正确弹奏钢琴的基础。  相似文献   

钢琴四手联弹与双钢琴表演是钢琴重奏中的主要表演形式。近年来,随着素质教育的实施,被广泛应用于高校钢琴教学中。本文首先对双钢琴表演形式与钢琴四手联弹的特征做简要的概括,再以采用多样化的教学模式、加强对声部控制的训练、重视技术方法的运用三项策略为切入点,探析钢琴四手联弹和双钢琴表演形式在高校钢琴教学中的应用。  相似文献   

从手指接触钢琴那一刻开始,作为初学者,就必须要注意加强对正确手型和弹奏方法的掌握。手型的正确与否,决定了手指正确施力以及能否弹奏出优美的音色。弹奏方法的掌握,则决定了学生能否为未来的音乐表现或技术发展找到一个正确的基点。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于Leap Motion识别手势控制机械臂的方法.该方法首先使用Leap Motion对人体手部深度点云信息进行提取,获得手部位姿态、手指位姿以及手势识别.然后将手部各关节点的空间姿态坐标转换为机械臂每个关节的控制角度.最后通过串口与下位机Arduino进行信息交互,实现机械臂向前、左右、抓取等动作.实验表明,该方法可以准确识别人体手势,实时控制机械臂.  相似文献   

When teachers gesture during instruction, children retain and generalize what they are taught (Goldin-Meadow, 2014). But why does gesture have such a powerful effect on learning? Previous research shows that children learn most from a math lesson when teachers present one problem-solving strategy in speech while simultaneously presenting a different, but complementary, strategy in gesture (Singer & Goldin-Meadow, 2005). One possibility is that gesture is powerful in this context because it presents information simultaneously with speech. Alternatively, gesture may be effective simply because it involves the body, in which case the timing of information presented in speech and gesture may be less important for learning. Here we find evidence for the importance of simultaneity: 3rd grade children retain and generalize what they learn from a math lesson better when given instruction containing simultaneous speech and gesture than when given instruction containing sequential speech and gesture. Interpreting these results in the context of theories of multimodal learning, we find that gesture capitalizes on its synchrony with speech to promote learning that lasts and can be generalized.  相似文献   

目前一些相对成熟的手势识别算法,如基于模板匹配的方法、基于人工神经网络的方法以及基于隐马尔科夫模型的方法,都存在计算复杂的劣势,而基于深度学习的手势识别具有一定优势。通过深度学习提取多层网络简化的高价值易用特征,通过向量等表示,简化算法以实现良好的识别效果。通过摄像头采集室内复杂背景下的手势图像,在计算能力、存储能力强大的PC平台通过深度学习处理图像,提取特征,然后进行分类识别,能提高识别准确率。通过改进硬件或算法还可提高识别效率及安全性。  相似文献   

This research project uses the methods of Crowder and Callinan and Sharp to assess year one children's (age 5–6) personal understanding of scientific concepts. This research project uses video recording as a primary resource of data collection within a case study approach using a participant observer method. Analysis supports the work of Crowder and Callinan and Sharp with one child demonstrating an understanding of a scientific concept that her scientific language did not transmit, therefore, answering the research question in the affirmative. This research, like others calls for more research to be carried out and offers a refined taxonomy to strengthen future research findings. More questions arise from this research such as: What effect does the type of questions asked by the teacher have on the type of gesture used? What is the effect of using gesture in teaching? And can gesture recognition be used by the teacher to aid with assessment?  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of teachers' speech and hand gestures on the task performances of students with Attention‐Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Forty‐five 7½‐year‐old students clinically diagnosed with ADHD participated in the study. The students were asked to solve three sets of puzzles. The teachers supported the students in the tasks by using three different scaffolding modalities: speech‐only, gesture‐only and speech in conjunction with gestures. The results indicate that when the teachers used the scaffolding that contained gesture components (either speech scaffolding in conjunction with gesture scaffolding or gesture‐only scaffolding), the ADHD students were more responsive, focused longer on the tasks and were more successful in completing the tasks. Moreover, teachers' representational and deictic gestures were found to be the most effective gestures in scaffolding. This study suggests that when teachers' hand gestures are used together with speech, they are a powerful pedagogical means to engage ADHD children in tasks.  相似文献   

Explanations are typically accompanied by hand gestures. While research has shown that gestures can help learners understand a particular concept, different learning effects in different types of gesture have been less understood. To address the issues above, the current study focused on whether different types of gestures lead to different levels of improvement in understanding. Two types of gestures were investigated, and thus, three instructional videos (two gesture videos plus a no gesture control) of the subject of mitosis—all identical except for the types of gesture used—were created. After watching one of the three videos, participants were tested on their level of understanding of mitosis. The results showed that (1) differences in comprehension were obtained across the three groups, and (2) representational (semantic) gestures led to a deeper level of comprehension than both beat gestures and the no gesture control. Finally, a language proficiency effect is discussed as a moderator that may affect understanding of a concept. Our findings suggest that a teacher is encouraged to use representational gestures even to adult learners, but more work is needed to prove the benefit of using gestures for adult learners in many subject areas.  相似文献   

对聋人面部与手势间注意转换差异进行分析有利于明晰聋人在综合沟通背景下的注意资源分配策略。通过对聋人整体面部与手势、局部面部与手势转换关系进行探究发现,聋人在口语和手势双重信息流下对面部与手势的注意转换受视觉系统和认知系统交互作用的影响。整体面部与手势转换中,表现出面部集中性和手势集中性两种注意模式,受到语言经验和手势词汇特性的调节。局部面部与手势转换中,口形与手势的转换受聋人视觉注意资源再分配的影响,支持劳动分工说,且听觉线索的补偿增强了口形与手势的整合加工能力;眼部注意在手势理解中多发挥支持性作用。聋人在面部与手势间的注意转换差异总体支持了认知资源理论。  相似文献   

Children who observe gesture while learning mathematics perform better than children who do not, when tested immediately after training. How does observing gesture influence learning over time? Children (= 184, ages = 7–10) were instructed with a videotaped lesson on mathematical equivalence and tested immediately after training and 24 hr later. The lesson either included speech and gesture or only speech. Children who saw gesture performed better overall and performance improved after 24 hr. Children who only heard speech did not improve after the delay. The gesture group also showed stronger transfer to different problem types. These findings suggest that gesture enhances learning of abstract concepts and affects how learning is consolidated over time.  相似文献   

低音艾捷克的演奏应当是情感、理性和技巧的统一,它的外在形式是体态和手势的统一。演奏低音艾捷克时,左右手技巧浑然一体,右手技巧应为左手服务,两者必须很好的配合,训练习中要求同等严格。本文主要谈谈有关持琴姿式和左、右手训练的一些问题。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Usingfree handgesturesforremotecontrolofob jectsisaneffectivewayofinteraction .Handgesturesarenaturalformsofcommunicationandareeasytolearn .Asinglegesturecanbeusedtospecifybothacommandanditsparametersindicatingthepositionsandmovementsofthehandandfingers,whichpro videahigherpotentialofexpression .Usingafreehand ,astheinputdevice ,eliminatestheneedforem ployingintermediatetransducers[1] . Thewaysforrecognizingahandgesturewereclas sifiedassensors basedoneandvision basedone .Int…  相似文献   

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