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古细菌是一类生活在今天的生物,被称为“活化石”细菌,它们不是细菌,因为它们有着与细菌不同的遗传基因。它们是独立的一类生物。我们的生物界被划分为真核生物(细胞中含有细胞核)、细菌和古细菌三大类。古细菌之所以被称为古细菌,只是因为它们是地球上最早出现的生物并且在形态上跟细菌差不了多少。古细菌的生命沉浮 古细菌出现于38亿年以前的生命诞生之初。那时的地球,大气中充满了有毒气体(比如硫化氢),完全没有氧气(即使有那么一点,也会与其他物质反应而被消耗),大气的化学性质是呈还原性的。在这样奇特的环境影响…  相似文献   

从人类起为看,人是大自然发展演变的产物,天人相应是人体具有的自然属性,人体是小宇宙,是天地大宇宙的全息。人与自然气息通融,阴阳相交,天体运动在生命体上留下深刻痕迹与信息,从结构和节律上相互对应,天体运动地人的生命运动规律有着深刻的影响,使得天地与人体有合一的趋向。  相似文献   

中科院上海生命科学院神经科学所博士生黄菊等在王佐仁研究员的指导下。通过配对膜片钳记录的方法,发现eLNs与投射神经元(PNs)之间存在广泛但强度上有差异的相互兴奋作用。这种相互兴奋作用从eLNs到PNs方向主要由电突触(gapjunctions)介导,从PNs到eLNs方向则主要由胆碱能化学突触所介导。  相似文献   

人体生物摩擦学的基础科学问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人体的生物摩擦副包含头发、皮肤、眼睛、味觉、牙齿、关节、心脏 、血液等,它们 对人体健康和康复质量具有重要影响。本文对人体生物摩擦学的特点、生物摩擦学行为对人 体生命质量的影响、人体生物摩擦学的科学问题进行了探讨,提出了人体内植物“少磨损、 低危害”的生物摩擦学质量概念,以及实现这个目标所需要的NBIC摩擦学融合技术,即Nano tribology,Biotribology,Implants materials, Coating technology四方面相互交叉融 合产生的摩擦学新技术。  相似文献   

任秋凌 《百科知识》2011,(24):16-17
18世纪以来,有人(其中甚至包括著名的天文学家)不断声称观察到火星表面出现的奇特景象,一些人甚至声称发现火星生命存在的证据。但事实证明,这些证据根本无法令人信服,它们其实是火星表面上的普通地貌,只不过它们让人们出现一系列错觉。  相似文献   

是什么在为我们的生命负责?是生物大分子。生物大分子是指生命体内一些组织结构复杂的高分子,它们是生命活动的主要物质基础,从细菌到动植物等一切生命,都由生物大分子主宰,可以说,生命的本质归根结底在于生物在分子水平上的微观运动。生物大分子的主要类型有蛋白质、核酸(包括DNA和RNA)、多糖类、脂类,其中又以蛋白质特别重要。 “看清”它们的真面目曾经是科学家的梦想,如今这一梦想已成为现实。2002年诺贝尔化学奖表彰的就是这一领域的两项成果。生物分子革命性的解析法 在过去几年中,越来越多的生物有机体的基…  相似文献   

太阳系拥有海洋的星球潜在孕育生命 腾讯科学讯(悠悠/编译)据国外媒体报道,近年来,美国宇航局向火星发射了由轨道勘测器、登陆器和火星车等组成的小型星际舰队,它们的目的是寻找火星上的水资源。只要存在水的区域,就可能存在着生命,需要水作为一种溶剂集合复杂的大分子来构成生命系统。  相似文献   

长链多不饱满和脂肪酸是指链长在十八个碳原子以上并含有多个顺型烯式键的脂肪酸,包括:花生四烯酸(二十碳四烯酸,AA,n-6)、二十碳五烯酸(EPA,n-3)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA,n-3)等。n-6和n-3分别是指这些脂肪酸链的末端第6位和第3位的碳原子上为烯式键。介绍了长链多不饱和脂肪酸对人体生命早期所起到的重要作用以及合理补充的方法。  相似文献   

2010年第08期宛超读者问:假如人类乘坐一艘接近光速的飞船,那么在船上.时间相对于处于普通速度的人来说,就应该是静止的.飞船上的人就应该是长生不老的.可是人体的细胞分裂次数是有限的(除癌细胞外),人即使在飞船上也应该有正常的生理功能,这样的话,飞船上的人照样会衰老.这两者是不是相互矛盾的?  相似文献   

以下是读者提出的问题,欢迎广大读者对此各抒己见。 假如人类乘坐一艘接近光速的飞船,那么在船上,时间相对于处于普通速度的人来说,就应该是静止的,飞船上的人就应该是长生不老的,可是人体的细胞分裂次数是有限的(除癌细胞外),人即使在飞船上也应该有正常的生理功能,这样的的话,飞船上的人照样会衰老,这两者是不是相互矛盾的?  相似文献   

近些年来关于高血压中医证型与客观血液生化指标的相关性研究广泛开展并已取得一些进展,血液指标能反映出高血压中医辨证分型的分布规律,文章就高血压中医证型与血液指标的相关性研究作一综述,但由于采用的证型缺乏统一性,与高血压发病密切相关的一些血液指标与中医证型相关性研究仍缺乏可比性。  相似文献   

动物血液的开发利用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
阐述了利用动物血液提取超氧化物歧化酶、凝血酶、血红素的工艺及用途,介绍了在食品工业、饲料加工业中的应用。  相似文献   

Blood analysis plays a major role in medical and science applications and white blood cells (WBCs) are an important target of analysis. We proposed an integrated microfluidic chip for direct and rapid trapping WBCs from whole blood. The microfluidic chip consists of two basic functional units: a winding channel to mix and arrays of two-layer trapping structures to trap WBCs. Red blood cells (RBCs) were eliminated through moving the winding channel and then WBCs were trapped by the arrays of trapping structures. We fabricated the PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) chip using soft lithography and determined the critical flow velocities of tartrazine and brilliant blue water mixing and whole blood and red blood cell lysis buffer mixing in the winding channel. They are 0.25 μl/min and 0.05 μl/min, respectively. The critical flow velocity of the whole blood and red blood cell lysis buffer is lower due to larger volume of the RBCs and higher kinematic viscosity of the whole blood. The time taken for complete lysis of whole blood was about 85 s under the flow velocity 0.05 μl/min. The RBCs were lysed completely by mixing and the WBCs were trapped by the trapping structures. The chip trapped about 2.0 × 103 from 3.3 × 103 WBCs.  相似文献   

This study proposes a capillary dielectrophoretic chip to separate blood cells from a drop of whole blood (approximately 1 μl) sample using negative dielectrophoretic force. The separating efficiency was evaluated by analyzing the image before and after dielectrophoretic force manipulation. Blood samples with various hematocrits (10%–60%) were tested with varied separating voltages and chip designs. In this study, a chip with 50 μm gap design achieved a separation efficiency of approximately 90% within 30 s when the hematocrit was in the range of 10%–50%. Furthermore, glucose concentration was electrochemically measured by separating electrodes following manipulation. The current response increased significantly (8.8-fold) after blood cell separation, which was attributed not only to the blood cell separation but also to sample disturbance by the dielectrophoretic force.  相似文献   

文章总结了中西医对于血瘀型先兆流产的认识,并论述了医家对于不同原因导致血瘀证,采用行气活血、补肾活血、清热补肾活血、养血化瘀及单纯活血化瘀,同时介绍了中西医结合治疗血瘀型先兆流产的疗效。  相似文献   

Clinical point of care testing often needs plasma instead of whole blood. As centrifugation is labor intensive and not always accessible, filtration is a more appropriate separation technique. The complexity of whole blood is such that there is still no commercially available filtration system capable of separating small sample volumes (10-100 μl) at the point of care. The microfluidics research in blood filtration is very active but to date nobody has validated a low cost device that simultaneously filtrates small samples of whole blood and reproducibly recovers clinically relevant biomarkers, and all this in a limited amount of time with undiluted raw samples. In this paper, we show first that plasma filtration from undiluted whole blood is feasible and reproducible in a low-cost microfluidic device. This novel microfluidic blood filtration element (BFE) extracts 12 μl of plasma from 100 μl of whole blood in less than 10 min. Then, we demonstrate that our device is valid for clinical studies by measuring the adsorption of interleukins through our system. This adsorption is reproducible for interleukins IL6, IL8, and IL10 but not for TNFα. Hence, our BFE is valid for clinical diagnostics with simple calibration prior to performing any measurement.  相似文献   

The non-Newtonian properties of blood are of great importance since they are closely related with incident cardiovascular diseases. A good understanding of the hemodynamics through the main vessels of the human circulatory system is thus fundamental in the detection and especially in the treatment of these diseases. Very often such studies take place in vitro for convenience and better flow control and these generally require blood analogue solutions that not only adequately mimic the viscoelastic properties of blood but also minimize undesirable optical distortions arising from vessel curvature that could interfere in flow visualizations or particle image velocimetry measurements. In this work, we present the viscoelastic moduli of whole human blood obtained by means of passive microrheology experiments. These results and existing shear and extensional rheological data for whole human blood in the literature enabled us to develop solutions with rheological behavior analogous to real whole blood and with a refractive index suited for PDMS (polydymethylsiloxane) micro- and milli-channels. In addition, these blood analogues can be modified in order to obtain a larger range of refractive indices from 1.38 to 1.43 to match the refractive index of several materials other than PDMS.  相似文献   

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