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Industry advocates argue that by tailoring services and commercial solicitations to match media users’ personal interests, data-driven marketing benefits both consumers and businesses. This article shows, however, that advertisers and marketers who are taking up ideas and techniques from behavioral economics tell their clients a very different story about the aims and use of digital marketing and consumer surveillance. Listening in on this discourse demonstrates that some digital marketers conceptualize their own practices as forms of social control, appropriating concepts from behavioral economics to identify consumers’ cognitive and affective biases and target their vulnerabilities. Behavioral economics recognizes that economic decisions are not simply dictated by rational self-interest; rather, such choices depend on cognitive heuristics and habits, and can be manipulated through the design of “choice architecture.” This article discusses implications of the behavioral turn in data-driven marketing for critical advertising scholars, public advocates, and regulators.  相似文献   

信息经济学体系探索   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
王芳  赖茂生 《情报学报》2004,23(1):117-123
本文从国内经济学界与情报学界关于信息经济学体系的争论入手 ,介绍了目前国内外信息经济学的研究进展。提出以信息经济的问题为导向 ,信息经济学的研究范围不应只局限于不对称信息经济学 ,而应该扩展到信息经济的研究 ,将已经和正在进行的关于信息商品、信息技术、信息资源、信息产业等方面的研究纳入进来。指出信息经济学是一个动态体系 ,正在向相关的学科群组的方向发展。  相似文献   

During the last decade, behavioral economics has become an important and pervasive field. Since it draws from both psychology and economics, we tested four databases to compare coverage: EconLit, PsycINFO, Business Source Premier, and Academic Search Premier. We also explored which journals contain most articles on the subject, tracked the dates of those articles, and looked at trends in authorship. Finally, we show how the boom in behavioral economics research is reflected in the increase of working papers on the subject.  相似文献   

胡潜  石宇 《图书情报工作》2016,60(8):106-112
[目的/意义] 更全面地理解用户标签使用行为的影响因素,为标签推荐和应用实践提供指导。[方法/过程] 采用日志分析法,从人均标签个数、标签类型分布两个方面分析图书主题的影响,并以计算机、心理学、经济学、文学作品、绘画5类图书为例,基于社会化标注社区豆瓣网的用户数据进行实证分析。[结果/结论] 图书主题会对用户的标签个数及类型分布具有显著影响:①在标签个数方面,计算机、心理学、经济学、文学作品主题图书的人均标签个数相近,显著高于绘画主题图书;②在标签类型分布上,根据5类图书间的差异可分为3组:计算机、心理学和经济学、文学作品和绘画。这一结论对图书标签推荐及图书分面检索和导航系统的设计具有参考作用。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 比较分析不同学科的外文学术电子图书影响力差异,丰富电子图书评价方法,为完善电子图书分类分学科的科学评价体系提供有益参考。[方法/过程] 采用Bookmetrix,以经管类、教育类的学术电子图书为研究对象,对其传统引文指标与Altmetrics指标(Mendeley读者数、关注量、下载量)、书评量的相关性与一致性定量分析,比较两学科外文电子图书各指标之间的差异并进行非参数检验。[结果/结论] 研究发现:被引量、读者数、下载量等具有较高的指标覆盖率;经K-S Z独立双样本检验,经管类和教育类电子图书的被引量、下载量存在显著差异,关注量、读者数、书评量无显著差异(p=0.05);指标相关性具有学科差异性,被引量与Mendeley读者数的相关性,经管类图书高于教育类图书;被引量测度的是学术电子图书的学术影响力,使用数据(下载量等)与补充计量学数据较多反映图书的社会影响力。评价中文学术电子图书应将多源异构数据处理转化,构建多指标综合评价体系,将定性与定量方法相融合,使评价更全面、科学。  相似文献   

This study replicates and extends Yates and Chapman's [(2007), Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian, 26(1), 39–51] study of references from Communication Monographs, Communication Research, and Journal of Communication for the years 2010 and 2015 to draw further conclusions on the use of monographs in journal literature in the field of communication. Results show that the use of monographs in these journals has been outpaced by references to journal articles by a ratio of 5 to 1. The references were further analyzed by date and publisher. The authors then selected a random sample of the monographs cited in the journals to explore the availability of these monographs in electronic format and found that many are available as ebooks, particularly the more recent titles. The authors also examined the references from a collection of scholarly books in communication from 2005, 2010, and 2015 and found that the use of monographs may be declining slightly. The most notable trend in these references was the increase in the number of references to items in other formats such as film, television, comic books, and websites. The authors conclude that the monographs crisis is indeed affecting citation patterns in the field of communication.  相似文献   

Publishing research, to be effective and useful, requires the participation of scholars and practitioners in many disciplines: literature, history, sociology, psychology, technology, economics, and education. Examples are drawn from trade and scholarly publishing. The results of such research can benefit all segments of the industry. Beth Luey is director, Scholarly Publishing Program at Arizona State University and have been editor of Publishing Research Quarterly since 1988. She is the author of several books, includingHandbook for Academic Authors.  相似文献   

通过对技术创新领域1950年到2013年的期刊论文数据从领域、期刊、国家和关键词等角度进行文献计量分析以及利用CiteSpaceⅢ生成的文献共引时区图谱对技术创新理论的演化开展深入研究,分析得出技术创新理论研究的五大领域--创新经济学、技术创新政策、创新系统、企业技术创新和技术创新与创新转移,并提出演化路径的四大阶段论--重拾熊彼特创新经济学、解构技术创新领域、整合技术创新系统和开放创新,为技术创新理论未来的发展提供坚实的历史性解读视角。  相似文献   

陈昕 《出版科学》2011,19(1):14-21
运用现代经济学的理论和方法对图书商品的属性进行分析,深入探究其价格形成的内在机制,指出图书商品具有低价格弹性、高收入弹性和正外部性等经济属性;在分析图书市场基本特征的基础上,采用相应的定价模型对图书定价策略进行综合分析;认为图书市场存在一定的垄断性,三级价格歧视和跨期价格递减是图书市场的基本定价机制,图书市场容易出现生产过剩;还论述了欧美国家的图书定价模式及其对我国的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper describes the steps taken to adjust the profile for business and economics for an approval plan at Bowling Green State University. It posits that characteristics of business publishing—the role of academic writing in a subject field heavily weighted toward selling books to professionals, the tendency toward buzzwords and managerial panaceas, and the rate and number of titles published—complicate writing an effective approval profile for business. The paper enumerates situational factors and steps taken, including the importance of vendor-library cooperation, in developing a profile that better matched the university user communities.  相似文献   

Business librarians at Brigham Young University's Harold B. Lee Library are confronted with considerable and consistent declines in usage of print books in business and economic disciplines. Inspired by commercial businesses, where in-store displays are commonly used to increase sales, business librarians decided to highlight the library's business and economics collections by creating book displays. The study revealed that displays produced a substantial increase in circulation. Prior to the displays, featured books had an average usage of less than four times per year; after these books were featured in the displays, their usage per year increased by 58%.  相似文献   

基于零借阅图书分析的馆藏优化和质量控制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以上海师范大学图书馆经济类中文图书的零借阅情况为数据源,在统计、比较、分析零借阅图书的基础上提出馆藏优化和质量控制的策略,即根据图书的零借阅情况控制入藏比例、调整各类目图书数量、把握好出版社的选择等。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 为改进当前图书评价体系在反映图书内容质量方面的不足,将图书评论指标纳入评价体系,并应用不同学科图书分析评价体系的适应性,探索中文图书质量评价。[方法/过程] 从传统计量指标、Altmetrics指标和图书评论指标中筛选出16个指标,构建以CRITIC方法赋权的中文图书综合评价体系,同时选取经济学、计算机科学和物理学图书进行实证研究,分析图书评论指标在图书质量评价中的效用,并检验该评价体系在评价不同学科图书方面的适应性。[结果/结论] 实证结果表明,中文图书综合评价体系对不同学科图书具有较好的适应性,评价结果可以对总被引、入藏馆量反映的图书影响力和质量进行补充;图书评论指标可以反映不同学科图书读者的阅读倾向,有助于筛选出具有较高可读性、科学性与知识性的学科图书,为阅读推广、书目推荐等图书质量评价活动提供参考。  相似文献   

文章描述徽州商人的三个帐簿,即盘货帐簿、当铺经营帐簿与生活消费帐簿。徽州商人经商的帐簿现存很少,特别是清咸丰年间的帐簿,图书馆少见,是经济史研究的珍贵文献。文章重点研究了帐簿的版本状况、帐簿的记帐格式,及其帐目内容,并做了相应分析。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):253-273
The desperate need for organ donors in the United States could be filled if every person eligible became an organ donor. Unfortunately, few organ donation campaigns exist, and fewer still have been evaluated empirically. This study has two objectives: to describe a worksite organ donation campaign and test campaign effects, and to test the Model of Behavioral Willingness to Donate Organs. Results of the campaign evaluation demonstrate that the worksite campaign was successful in increasing knowledge, favorable attitudes toward organ donation, behavioral intent to sign an organ donor card, actual rates of signed organ donor cards, and the willingness to talk to family members about the decision to donate organs. Results of path analyses produced mixed results with regard to model testing. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

明清海南刻书藏书初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海南的刻书藏书开始于宋元时期.明清时期,海南社会经济的发展,加速了文教事业的普及,推动了海南刻书、售书和藏书的兴盛.海南高温、高湿及飓风等气候,给藏书业发展造成了困难,但海南的官私藏书仍十分活跃,尤以明代丘溶石室藏书最富特色.  相似文献   

Arguing that the First Amendment does not allow for the suppression of ideas, constitutional scholars and historians have long been concerned about legal attempts to censor books in the United States. In this article Kenneth C. Davis explores the complex relationship between pivotal court cases on censorship, congressional committees, various movements, and secular and religious organizations in attempts to curtail the publication and distribution of certain types of books in this nation. Davis's trenchant analyses enrich our understanding of censorship and the history of the book in the United States. Most of the publishers engaged in this sordid competition operate in the field of cheap reprints selling [for] from 10 to 75 cents. —Reports of the Select Committee on Current Pornographic Materials (1952)It is not so much the publisher's right to publish that needs protection as the reader's right to read. —Douglas M. Black, President, American Book Publishers Council (1952) Kenneth C. Davis is the author of the definitiveTwo-Bit Culture: The Paperbacking of America in which this article originally appeared.  相似文献   

《中图法》(第四版)将“旅游学”列于经济大类下,给旅游文献的归类实践带来了困惑,解决的根本办法是充分认识旅游学的学科地位和发展现状,在《中图法》中给予一个一级类目——第23大类即“L旅游学”。  相似文献   

李彬 《出版科学》2010,18(4):28-30
分析经管类译著常见的五类错误:译文不忠于原文,译文不符合汉语表达习惯,译文不统一,关键词或短语翻译不准确,正文与注释不匹配,并提出编辑加工策略。  相似文献   

本文通过对国外两本传媒经济研究专著的比较,就研究方法进行一些比较和评论。  相似文献   

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