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对《论语·里仁》篇解说纷纭而未得要领。但对"贫与贱,是人之所恶也"为什么还要"得之"且是"不以其道得之"这一显然不合逻辑的问题,大都没有过多关注或给予合理的解决。文章深入分析文本义并结合孔子生平,认为一个人处于"贫贱"的状态中,有内部和外部两种原因:其一是因为自身内部的原因;其二是因为外部环境的原因,如政治的黑暗、君主的无能、时机的不成熟等,但仁者君子却能"于富贵则审处之,于贫贱则安守之。"  相似文献   

隐士,作为"士"阶层的独特部分,代表了先秦时期十分重要的一个文化群体。他们或笑傲山林、吟风弄月,或出入市井,甘居贫巷,或隐以蓄志,以待时机。尽管目的、动机或许有所不同,价值取向亦参差各异,但隐而不发则是他们的共同特点。隐士一般具有一定的知识素养,对于世道人生,尤其是社会的动荡和政治的昏乱具有较为深刻的感知。而隐逸文化以及表现于其中的道德生活都是对于这种感知的反映,由此而成为了先秦时期值得重视的一种社会风尚。  相似文献   

重民是传统政治思维的重要特征之一。以唐太宗为首的贞观君臣,把治理民众、安定民生列为君主政治的首要任务,确定了君主"无为"、"因民心"、"不竭民力"、"及时修政"、"以农为本"和"君主调节官民关系"等"安人宁国"的策略原则。民本思想是封建统治者的一种御民之术。封建君主的重民思想不会发展为民主思想,和民主思想有着本质的区别。  相似文献   

司马迁《史记》中对隐士的描写融合了"立德""立功""立言"3个方面,他对隐士"立德"的描写,奠定了我国隐逸文化的基调;而对隐士"立功""立言"的着力表现则反映了对隐士群体的独特理解。他写隐士不独是为隐士作传,更倾注着自己对理想人格的追求和对现实社会的反思。  相似文献   

儒家思想是中国两千多年来的主流思想,儒家德治理念形成了中国道德至善的优秀文化,但儒家德治是在西周君主天命论的基础之上发展延伸的,君主依托"天命"而拥有了至高无上的特权,从而决定了"德"的走向,形成了古代"有权即有德"的政治与社会局面。君主拥有特权以及导致的不平等,本身是与"德"相违背的。  相似文献   

青山之下,秀水之边,隐士对坐,品茗论道。稍年长的隐士一身黑袍,坐在水边。稍年轻的隐士一袭白衣坐在对面。黑袍隐士背后,一条不宽不窄的小溪绕着一块不大不小的石头不急不缓地流淌。白衣隐士手中,一杯不凉不热的茶悠悠散出茶雾。  相似文献   

隐逸是我国特有的文化现象。隐士是隐逸行为的实践者,是隐逸文化的主体,承载了隐逸文化的主要内涵。理清了"隐士"名称的种种迷障,便可把握住隐逸文化发展的主要脉络。本文主要考察了隐士的二十三种名称和两种别名的来历,并论及十个既可称呼隐士又含有对隐士分类性质的名词。  相似文献   

马基雅维利对后世影响十分深远,特别是"政治无道德"的思想,把政治与神学相分离,从神学中解放了政治学,对欧洲很多君主的执政方式起到过影响。它以其平实的语言、惊世骇俗的观点,论述了为君之道,成为欧洲历代君主、政治家的"最高指南",是人类历史上最精辟、最独到的"政治原则",后世统治阶级巩固其统治的"治国原则"。  相似文献   

庄子家境贫寒,有时靠借米、打草鞋度日。他住在穷街僻巷,形容枯槁,显得十分疲惫。可是,当他有进阶为官、食禄千钟的机会时,却又不愿步入仕途。这是什么原因呢?有人说这是典型的弃世隐士行为。但从有关庄子的记载来看,说他是位隐士似乎又不是十分准确。因为隐士大都喜欢遁迹山林、与世隔绝,而庄子不但喜欢交友、与弟子探讨人生,而且喜欢周游列国,与各国君主频繁交谈。例如,他一边拒绝楚相千金之聘,一边又在魏王面前大发议论:“士有道德不能行,惫也;衣弊履穿,贫也,非惫也,此所谓非遭时也。”这种既傲视王侯权贵又感叹生不逢时的双重表现能说是弃世而隐吗?  相似文献   

儒家主张以德治国,推行惠政、薄敛、节用、爱人;重教轻刑,反对"不教而杀";"君使臣以礼、臣事君以忠",臣子不能欺君,但君主有错应犯颜谏争。法家主张以法治国,峭法严刑,"重一奸之罪而止境内之邪";君主用"术"驾驭群臣;独揽大权建立专制,"人主虽不肖,臣不敢侵也"。汉武帝以后的统治者,根据封建统治的需要,"德主刑辅",德治与法治结合,刚柔相济,成为中国传统的治国方略。  相似文献   

We examined how preschoolers coped with anger in interactions with well liked and not well liked peers. The free-play interactions of preschool-aged children ( M age = 66.27 months) were observed for 6 months. The frequency, causes, and intensity of children's anger, as well as their anger-related reactions, were compared for incidents provoked by peers who were "really liked" to those provoked by peers who were liked only "a little bit." Although there were no differences in the intensity of anger provocations by well liked and not well liked provocateurs, children's responses to provocations by well liked peers were more controlled than was the case for anger provoked by peers who were not well liked. In general, boys were more responsive to how they felt about the provocateur than were girls. These findings suggest that anger episodes with well liked children were less stressful than those with peers who were not well liked.  相似文献   

This study examined the social preference nominations (i.e., “liked most” and “liked least”) in relation to peer group and classroom social dynamics in a sample of 622 fifth graders from 11 schools in a southeastern state. Liked most and liked least nominations were given to a small concentration of students within classrooms. The top five nominees for liked most and liked least tended to be in peer groups and associated with at least one classmate who shared their position as a top nominee. The majority of liked most nominations in a classroom were made toward members inside the nominator's group, whereas the majority of liked least nominations were made toward peers outside one's group. Students in the same peer group were more likely to nominate the same peers as liked most than were students who did not affiliate together. In contrast, the concordance for liked least nominations was moderate at both the peer‐group and classroom level. Implications for school‐based social interventions are discussed. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

To examine the relations of preschoolers' social acceptance to peer ratings and self-perceptions, 53 preschoolers were asked to rate how much they liked or disliked their peers and to justify these ratings. Preschoolers also rated their peers' aggressive, prosocial, and sociable behavior. Finally, they completed a pictorial self-perception scale that assessed their views of their physical competence and their relationships with mother and with peers. Children who were better liked by peers were rated as more prosocial, more sociable, and less aggressive than less liked children. Preschoolers often reported liking certain peers because they perceived that those peers liked them; they often reported disliking certain peers because they perceived those peers as aggressive. In contrast to findings with older children, preschoolers' social acceptance was not significantly related to any aspect of their self-perceptions. The results provide evidence for the validity of peer ratings by preschool-age children and bring up issues related to the development and assessment of self-perceptions among preschoolers.  相似文献   

To examine the relations of preschoolers' social acceptance to peer ratings and self-perceptions, 53 preschoolers were asked to rate how much they liked or disliked their peers and to justify these ratings. Preschoolers also rated their peers' aggressive, prosocial, and sociable behavior. Finally, they completed a pictorial self-perception scale that assessed their views of their physical competence and their relationships with mother and with peers. Children who were better liked by peers were rated as more prosocial, more sociable, and less aggressive than less liked children. Preschoolers often reported liking certain peers because they perceived that those peers liked them; they often reported disliking certain peers because they perceived those peers as aggressive. In contrast to findings with older children, preschoolers' social acceptance was not significantly related to any aspect of their self-perceptions. The results provide evidence for the validity of peer ratings by preschool-age children and bring up issues related to the development and assessment of self-perceptions among preschoolers.  相似文献   

先秦隐逸思想与士人心态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
先秦时,隐逸思想已大量存在,并表现出复杂的内涵。先秦隐逸思想既带有深刻的审时态度,体现出士人在出处方面灵活、开放的心态,又含有藉隐逸以避祸存身、或持守道德人格、或追求个体自由等内涵。而且,先秦隐逸思想已逐渐分疏为以儒、道两家为主的两种路径:前者对"时"的态度相对乐观,其隐逸思想主要在言论层面且带有权宜性,侧重于隐逸以持守道德人格;后者把握到"时"的无望,将隐逸落实到现实人生,侧重于隐逸以追求个体自由。  相似文献   

The film was about the caring and smart banker Andy Dufresne,who is falsely accused and convicted of the murder of his wife and her lover.He is sent to Shawshank prison in 1940,he met many fellow prisoners,including Red,a fellow inmate serving a life sentence,who has recently failed to gain parole became his important friend later.During his time at Shawshank Andy’s way of life is changed,he helped the head of the prison do the illegal things in order to gain some freedom,he rebuilt the library and helped the other prisoners,they all liked him,for he helped them find hope again,he was the model of dignity among them,also he never lost his hope.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Two forms of exercise play (toy mediated and non-mediated) and 2 forms of rough-and-tumble (R&T) play (chase and fighting) were examined in relation to preschoolers' peer competence. A total of 148 preschoolers (78 boys, 89 Euro-Americans) were observed during free play at their university-sponsored child care center. The gender makeup of children's play companions (same gender, other gender, or mixed gender) as well as the type of play that children engaged in was recorded. Sociometric interviews assessed how well liked children were by their classmates. Analyses revealed that toy-mediated exercise play with mixed-gender and same-gender peers was associated with boys' and girls' peer acceptance. Girls' non-mediated exercise play and boys' R&T chasing was associated with peer acceptance. Boys who engaged in R&T fighting with same-gender peers were better liked by peers, whereas boys who engaged in R&T chasing with other-gender peers were not liked by peers. Practice or Policy: The results suggest that child gender and the gender of one's playmate are important factors in associations between physical activity play and peer acceptance.  相似文献   

当代作家笔下的"文革"日常生活   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当代“文革”题材作品中,有相当一部分旨在凸现动乱年代中普通人远离政治狂热、逍遥于平凡日常生活中的主题。这些作品既开辟了“文革”题材文学的新天地,又揭示了意味深长的人生哲理:中国平民对日常生活情趣的执着,以及善于和政治狂热周旋的心态,这是他们抵御政治狂热的一股不可低估的力量。由此也产生了重新认识世俗心态与日常生活积极意义的思考。  相似文献   

罗浮山是中国诸多名山中以仙山文化著称者,它的这一文化特色既吸引了各朝隐士隐居游历,同时,部分在罗浮山隐居过的隐士死后亦被神仙化,从中可以窥见隐居处所的地方文化传统对文人隐逸的影响。  相似文献   

Directors of American Psychological Association (APA)-approved school psychology programs were surveyed to determine what responsibilities and benefits attend their role as training director; they also were asked to identify what they liked about serving in the training director role. Of 42 possible respondents, 33 (79%) returned usable questionnaires. Several responsibilities that all or virtually all of the training directors engaged in were identified (e.g., end-of-year APA report preparation); many respondents (61%) received release time from a class, but otherwise any benefits they received were few; and several important, motivating reasons (e.g., contributing to the future of school psychology) for functioning as a training director were identified. The implications of these findings for school psychology programs are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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