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从我国创业教育的现状出发,针对体育专业大学生实施创业教育的实际情况,从课程改革、创建创业平台、完善创业服务体系等方面提出对策.  相似文献   

"四加一"模式在高职会计实践教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实践教学在高职教育中占有很重要的地位。本文着重论述“四加一”模式在高职会计实践教学中的应用,通过该模式的教学,体现了高职教学的根本任务。“四加一”模式让学生身临其境,真切地体验了会计业务的工作流程,加深了对会计理论知识的理解,使学生对会计工作有了更为感性的认识,收到了良好的效果。  相似文献   

自1996年教育部联合多个部委确定每年3月份最后一周的星期一为全国中小学生安全教育日起,中小学生安全教育工作受到学校及社会各界的重视。但是目前全国并没有一个统一的安全教育教材或者教育大纲,各个学校多是各自为战。究竟中小学安全教育应该包括哪些内容,选择受教育的对象又有谁,成为了一个不可回避的话题。只有解决以上两个问题,才能够更好地提高我国中小学生安全教育的整体水平,同时提升中小学生在面临危机时的自救能力。  相似文献   

当前在校大学生从事各种商业活动已经成为一种较为普遍的现象。深入分析部分大学生"经商"的社会背景、思想动因和形式,并就当前高校这类现象提出四点建议:一是转变高校教育观念;二是明确对大学生"经商"行为的教育原则;三是注重对大学生"经商"行为的参与、教育和引导;四是完善大学生"经商"行为的相关教育和管理机制。  相似文献   

参照CDIO大纲要求和能力培养、全面实施以及检验测评的12条标准,结合计算机信息管理专业建设目标,利用开放式的自主学习网站和校企合作企业的资源,以企业生产过程为环境,以ERP系统实践过程为载体,让学生以主动的、实践的、课程之间有机联系的方式学习ERP管理,构建一体化学习经验,再把学习考核和专业评估标准相融合,实时测评学生在业务流程中的应用能力.  相似文献   

This account reports on some experiences of facilitating action learning with international business students. Interest in international student learning and the international student experience is significant and increasing with a considerable range of literature on the subject. Some of this literature is concerned with the perceived ‘problems’ or ‘deficits’ which international learners are said to bring to the UK university experience. Elsewhere the benefits which international students bring to the learning process are more positively highlighted. This paper describes some of the experiences derived from implementing action learning with a number of sets of international postgraduate business and management students in an HE business school setting. Specifically, it considers how educational, learning and cultural differences, expectations and assumptions influence the student experience, and how collaborative learning can be developed.  相似文献   

Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP) are very large and complex software packages that run every aspect of an organization. Increasingly, ERP systems are being used in higher education as one way to teach business processes, essential knowledge for students competing in today’s business environment. Past research attempting to measure learning business processes with ERP has been inconclusive and lacking in rigor. This paper reports on a comprehensive research study that uses a critical realist approach to measure business process learning from experiential ERP. Using a business simulation game as a proxy for understanding business processes, students from a US undergraduate program in three separate classes, one using ERP experientially, are assessed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The data analysis uncovers a causal mechanism for learning, complemented by an understanding of the factors that trigger or suppress that mechanism in particular cases. The results validate the efforts of those using ERP in the classroom, and reaffirm other educational business school endeavours to teach business processes, with educational implications as follows. First, before attempting to learn business processes, students must have an understanding of core business concepts. Second, hands-on experience of ERP systems indeed helps students understand business processes. Third, students are showing that they can use the knowledge gained in university classes and apply it to making business decisions. Fourth, students should be encouraged to use all information possible for making business decisions instead of relying on their personal understanding of today’s current market or on their own business intuition.  相似文献   

Despite decades of policy and practice oriented at improving educational outcomes for Aboriginal students in Australia, achievements on most measures indicate that there is a long way to go in this endeavour. One avenue for improving Aboriginal education that has received little attention is accessing the views of Aboriginal students themselves about best practice in engaging Aboriginal students. While there is a body of research in education that attempts to privilege ‘student voices,’ little work has explicitly focussed on accessing the voices of Aboriginal students. This paper reports on my study that involved asking Aboriginal students their views on schools, teachers and the curriculum in culturally safe discussion spaces. The Aboriginal students highlighted the need for their culture to be represented at schools and the recognition of their Aboriginality in safe environments at school. These findings reinforce the importance of engaging with Aboriginal people in the development of best practice so as to build Aboriginal understandings within a Western educational system.  相似文献   

The business side of the Lancasterian system of mass schooling has been highlighted by some researchers. However, this feature is usually considered of minor importance compared to other dimensions of that system, namely the social control role of popular education in early nineteenth-century Britain. The present surge of projects and mechanisms directed to capitalist valorisation within public education systems provides an enhanced relevance to the study of past experiments with similar meaning and content. In this paper, I seek to understand the processes of educational production and capital valorisation in the Lancasterian undertaking. Succinctly as it may be, I refer to initiatives originated in the Benthamite circle in support of the Lancasterian system and aimed at extending it to superior branches of knowledge and to other social classes.  相似文献   

It is well documented that the application of business models to the higher education sector has precipitated a managerialistic approach to organisational structures ( Preston, 2001 ). Less well documented is the impact of this business ideal on the student-teacher encounter. It is argued that this age-old relation is now being configured (conceptually and organisationally) in terms peculiar to the business sector: as a customer-product relation. It is the applicability and suitability of such a configuration that specifically concerns this contribution. The paper maintains that the move to describe the student-teacher relation in these terms is indeed inappropriately reductive, but not straightforwardly so. The problem arises in that we remain unsure of the contemporary purpose of education. We lack any firm educational ideals that, in themselves, cannot be encompassed by the business paradigm. Indeed, the pedagogical critique of education (broadly, that education is only of use in as much as it is of use to society) extends further than has yet been intimated and prevents one securing any educational ideal that does not immediately succumb to critique. This pedagogical logic is unassailable in any linear way but, when pressed, precipitates an aporetic moment that prevents it from assuming any totalising hold over education. We draw on the work of Emmanuel Levinas and Jacques Derrida to consider whether one might yet imagine an educational 'quasi-ideal' that will enable practitioners and institutions to counter the effects of customerisation.  相似文献   

在当前我国积极推进教育现代化、信息化的大背景下,倡导和探索中学信息技术课程的教学改革,对于普及信息技术教育,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,有着十分重要的现实意义。在实践中通过设计与开发专题学习网站进行信息技术教学,能够解决信息技术课程教学中存在的一些突出问题,调动了学生学习的积极性,有效地提高了信息技术课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

Over the last 20 years, the voice of business and its impact upon Australian vocational education have transformed. These changes comprise the reluctance of enterprise to be involved; industry determining what is taught and assessed, and how; the principles for administering vocational education; and attempts to use vocational education to reform the schooling system. These transformations and government complicity in them are enmeshed in the restructuring of the Australian economy, allegedly in response to an increasingly competitive and globalised economy. They were also facilitated by vocational education continuing to be misunderstood and having low status. However, the expanded leadership role afforded to Australian business has not been matched by its purchase on the complexity of educational issues and practice, including the need to encompass other interests (e.g. small business and students). While vocational education has become the business of business, it seems it is business not understood. Even in addressing its own purposes (i.e. work readiness), business has demonstrated a preference for ideological and näive imperatives that have proved inadequate. Along the way, the goals for vocational education and standing of its institutions, practitioners and students have all been transformed, probably to their detriment.  相似文献   

本研究基于西部农村地区一个县域学校布局调整的田野调查发现:1.农村学校布局调整有其必然性;2.经过10年的学校布局调整取得了一定的成效,同时出现了一些问题。针对这些问题,今后需要关注教育效益追求中的价值取向,切实保证贫困边远地区学生能够公平的享受优质教育,科学制定区域教育发展规划和学校建设国家标准。实事求是地做好农村学校布局调整工作,以保障农村义务教育健康发展。  相似文献   

The last decade has seen a groundswell of developments in educational policy in the UK relating to inclusive education for students with special educational needs (SEN). However, whether government policy has been fully implemented in schools remains a concern. The experience of students with autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs) provides an excellent case in point. An increasing number of such students are now educated in mainstream schools, but the limited research in this area has indicated that their experience of school is often marked by bullying, social isolation and anxiety. In light of this, the aim of the current study was to examine the extent to which inclusive educational policy was actually reflected in the practices of four mainstream secondary schools. An exploratory case study approach was adopted, utilising interviews with pupils, teachers, other school staff (e.g., senior managers, learning support assistants) and parents, observations of lessons and other contexts (e.g., lunch time), and document analysis. Our findings highlighted a number of school practices which acted as facilitators or barriers to students’ learning and participation, some of which were generic to SEN provision, and some of which appeared to be specific to those on the autistic spectrum. A discussion of these is presented to enable further understanding of, and inform practice relating to, the inclusion process for students with ASDs.  相似文献   

Technology is modifying the way companies do business all over the world. The education sector is no exception; virtual education has emerged as a basic tool to satisfy the changing needs of traditional and newly incorporated students, as well as meet the new requirements of educational institutions. This article therefore tries to achieve a double objective: to analyze what drives the development of online education within the Universities of the European Union and to design a theoretical framework that permits to obtain responses to que question of why students continue their estudies at the same educational institution. Thus, first, the analysis of external factors identifies social, political and technological capacity as issues that explain the rise of e-learning within the field of European higher education. Second, the empirical work shows the design of a cause-effect model with relationships between different variables in which market orientation of Universities and usability play an important role in the future intentions of use for students.  相似文献   

This two-year study was conducted to explore the experience of international direct-entry students making the transition from overseas higher education partners to a UK University. Using mainly qualitative data from forum discussion, focus-group interviews and face-to-face interviews with students and staff, we document how international direct-entry students cope with academic and social anxieties during their transition. The findings reveal that there are some similarities, such as language issues, which are experienced by most international students. However, this study has highlighted a distinguishing factor for direct-entry students which relates to the use of intra-networks to overcome their social anxieties. The exploratory analysis also indicates that international students entering directly into an academic programme at a later study stage face a steep learning curve and require additional support to adapt quickly to a UK educational system.  相似文献   

Most Australian universities have among their goals to increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students at their institutions. In the Australian higher education context, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are seriously under-represented, particularly in business education compared to other disciplines. An understanding of why a larger proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students do not choose to study a discipline that provides promising employment opportunities, is fundamental to improving the status quo. This paper reviews the literature to identify key barriers to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students’ participation and engagement in business education. Apart from multiple general barriers to participation in higher education, factors specific to business as a profession and as an academic discipline are also considered. The paper then discusses a number of strategies Australian educational institutions could pursue when seeking to increase participation and engagement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in business. Drawing on the review, the paper concludes with recommendations for higher education institutional policy to further improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student participation and engagement in business studies.  相似文献   

作为大学生思想政治教育的新平台,红色网站建设一是要建立网站的工作机制,二是要明确网站建设和管理的原则,三是在主体内容上注重特色建设,发挥其应有的教育功能。  相似文献   

针对现代教育技术课程特点及教学中所存在的问题,就如何达到更好的教学效果、如何培养师范专业学生教育技术能力等,探讨了对该课程的改革,即将教学内容划分成模块,不同模块采用不同的教学策略、充分利用专题学习网站开展研究性学习、改革考核方式等。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育大规模扩招,创业成为更多毕业生的就业选择。在越来越多大学生创业成功的同时,存在的主要问题也凸显出来。只有通过构建创业教育架构、加强鼓励引导、提升创新科技含量等对症下药的方式方法,才能彻底打破高校大学生创业障碍,从而形成以良性创业为导向的大学生就业局面。  相似文献   

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