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Electromagnetism is an umbrella encapsulating several different concepts like electric current, electric fields and forces, and magnetic fields and forces, among other topics. However, a number of studies in the past have highlighted the poor conceptual understanding of electromagnetism concepts by students even after instruction. This study aims to identify novel forms of “hands-on” instruction that can result in representational competence and conceptual gain. Specifically, this study aimed to identify if the use of visuohaptic simulations can have an effect on student representations of electromagnetic-related concepts. The guiding questions is How do visuohaptic simulations influence undergraduate students’ representations of electric forces? Participants included nine undergraduate students from science, technology, or engineering backgrounds who participated in a think-aloud procedure while interacting with a visuohaptic simulation. The think-aloud procedure was divided in three stages, a prediction stage, a minimally visual haptic stage, and a visually enhanced haptic stage. The results of this study suggest that students’ accurately characterized and represented the forces felt around a particle, line, and ring charges either in the prediction stage, a minimally visual haptic stage or the visually enhanced haptic stage. Also, some students accurately depicted the three-dimensional nature of the field for each configuration in the two stages that included a tactile mode, where the point charge was the most challenging one.  相似文献   

The heuristic value of the concept ofzone of proximal development in the field of scientific instruction is demonstrated by means of a study on the construction of the concept offorce by students aged 14 and 15. Based on an analysis of the differences between the students’ intuitive concepts and those taught in school, a sequence of learning steps are proposed to allow students to achieve the “shifts” needed to receive the concept of force, defined as an interaction between systems. Acting on the zone of proximal development means taking advantage of what students already know in order to help them construct precursory concepts in preparation for new conceptual propositions. The original teaching sequence presented is based on experimental problem situations designed to promote modelling skills. Students are asked to make predictions about measurement variations. To perform these prediction tasks, they must construct new concepts and use specific representation techniques. The study enabled us to show that it is possible in ten sessions to lead students to construct a precursor for the formal concept of force.  相似文献   

There is great interest in the processes by which learners reorganize and reformulate knowledge. This research adds to the current understanding by exploring two questions. “How does the learner's understanding change during the study of elementary thermodynamics?,” and “What motivates learners to restructure or reorganize their knowledge?” The conceptual changes and factors affecting that change over the course of a semester within an eighth grade physical science class are presented. General student understanding was assessed through open ended pretests, short tests and posttests given to the entire population (N=180). This was combined with a series of five clinical interviews over the course of the 13 week instruction period for each of 33 students selected by stratified random design for gender and class period. Analysis combined interview and written test data for the experimental groups and written test data for the entire population, allowing both within subject and between subject analyses. A detailed process of conceptual change emerges with individual differences illustrating impediments to knowledge integration. Inferences that have broader application in science instruction are made.  相似文献   

科学探究是物理学科重要的核心素养之一,探究活动兼具知识教学与能力教学功能。目前,物理教学中的探究活动存在“伪探究”与“试卷型知识理解”等现实问题。据此提出探究活动设计策略:在生活视域下创设问题情境,以知识为目标、生活为问题载体,打破知识与生活间的界限,将知识与生活相联系构建情境性问题;丰富证据来源,提供多样实验工具,激发多种探究方案;提供多种形式的学习“脚手架”,激发学生自主性知识建构,促进探究活动结论的解释与交流;以问题为核心,问题、证据、解释与交流四者联动,相互支撑与反馈。  相似文献   

Many studies have previously focused on how people with different levels of expertise solve physics problems. In early work, focus was on characterising differences between experts and novices and a key finding was the central role that propositionally expressed principles and laws play in expert, but not novice, problem-solving. A more recent line of research has focused on characterising continuity between experts and novices at the level of non-propositional knowledge structures and processes such as image-schemas, imagistic simulation and analogical reasoning. This study contributes to an emerging literature addressing the coordination of both propositional and non-propositional knowledge structures and processes in the development of expertise. Specifically, in this paper, we compare problem-solving across two levels of expertise—undergraduate students of chemistry and Ph.D. students in physical chemistry—identifying differences in how conceptual metaphors (CMs) are used (or not) to coordinate propositional and non-propositional knowledge structures in the context of solving problems on entropy. It is hypothesised that the acquisition of expertise involves learning to coordinate the use of CMs to interpret propositional (linguistic and mathematical) knowledge and apply it to specific problem situations. Moreover, we suggest that with increasing expertise, the use of CMs involves a greater degree of subjective engagement with physical entities and processes. Implications for research on learning and instructional practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The interpretation of data and construction and understanding of graphs are central practices in science; therefore, an important skill needed in the undergraduate physics laboratory is the ability to analyze data obtained from experiments. Often students are not able to reach logical deductions based on data, acquired from the experiments that they conducted, because they lack appropriate analysis skills. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a short teaching unit developed for this purpose, among undergraduate students. Learning in context approach was implemented in building the unit. Also, both procedural and conceptual knowledge were given emphasis. The “data analysis” questionnaire was used to compare the results between the experimental group and control group. The findings indicate that students who participated in the teaching unit arrived at significantly better results in the data analysis questionnaire as compared to students in the control group. This study may contribute to those who wish to design a contextual-based learning environment for physics laboratory data analysis.  相似文献   

This study deals with the school instruction of the concept of weight. The historical review reveals the major steps in changing weight definition reflecting the epistemological changes in physics. The latest change drawing on the operation of weighing has been not widely copied into physics education. We compared the older instruction based on the gravitational definition of weight with the newer one based on the operational definition. The experimental teaching was applied in two versions, simpler and extended. The study examined the impact of this instruction on the middle school students in regular teaching environment. The experiment involved three groups (N = 486) of 14-year-old students (ninth grade). The assessment drew on a written questionnaire and personal interviews. The elicited schemes of conceptual knowledge allowed to evaluate the impact on students’ pertinent knowledge. The advantage of the new teaching manifested itself in the significant decrease of the well-known misconceptions such as “space causes weightlessness,” “weight is an unchanged property of the body considered,” and “heavier objects fall faster”. The twofold advantage—epistemological and conceptual—of the operational definition of weight supports the correspondent curricular changes of its adoption.  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation centered on a guided conceptual path concerning magnetic and gravitational fields, proposed for children aged 9–11. The goal is to appreciate to what extent the idea of “mapping” two fields of interaction is accessible and fruitful for children of that age. The conceptual target is to link magnetic and gravitational sources with their respective field lines, and then use this linkage to differentiate between the two kinds of interactions. This study shows that the proposed “mapping” and the differences between the maps are accessible to a large proportion of pupils. By contrast, only a minority can differentiate between the two types of interactions: the idea of mere attraction remains dominant and may screen the idea of orientation. Finally, we discuss to what extent these exploratory results confirm the relevancy of such teaching goals and how they inform the design of research‐based teaching sequences concerning this topic.  相似文献   

以布迪厄社会实践理论为分析框架,对一位优秀的初中特级教师Y老师的个人生活史进行探究,可以发现教师实践性知识的养成得益于教师在一定的“场域”中,在特定的“惯习”驱动下所采取的一系列活动。教师的实践性知识是一种复杂综合的知识样态,是教师在一定“场域”中进行“文化再生产”时,他过往的“实践”积累下的“惯习”和“资本”的外在表征,它集历史经验与现实创造于一体,是社会客观条件制约与教师内在创造力高度统一的产物。  相似文献   

Providing learners with computer-generated feedback on their learning process in simulation-based discovery environments cannot be based on a detailed model of the learning process due to the “open” character of discovery learning. This paper describes a method for generating adaptive feedback for discovery learning based on an “opportunistic” learning model that takes the current hypothesis of the learner and the experiments performed to test this hypothesis as input. The method was applied in a simulation–based learning environment in the physics domain of collisions. Additionally, the method was compared to an environment in which subjects received predefined feedback on their hypotheses, not taking the experimentation behavior into account. Results showed that overall both groups did not differ on knowledge acquired. A further analysis indicated that, in their learning processes, the learners in the experimental condition built upon their intuitive knowledge base, whereas the learners in the control condition built upon their conceptual knowledge base. In addition, measures of the learning process showed that the subjects in the experimental condition adopted a more inquiry-based learning strategy compared to the subjects in the control condition. We concluded, therefore, that providing learners with adaptive feedback had a different and beneficial effect on the learning process compared to more traditional predefined feedback.  相似文献   

在中国知网以"主题=‘中国制造2025’并含‘职业教育’"进行搜索,获得该领域在2015-2018年收录的157篇文献样本。利用文献计量学的相关知识和Citespace V软件,根据期刊来源、机构分布、作者分布、关键词共现和聚类等方面对其进行研究。结果显示,该领域的研究3年来不断深化,发文期刊广泛性和集中性并存,职业技术院校是中坚研究力量,研究群体也在不断更新与扩大。衍生出"现代学徒制""智能制造""现代职业教育体系"等研究领域,出现了"校企合作""工匠精神""高技能人才"等研究热点。如何改革职业教育人才培养模式使其培养出高技能人才,以及如何更好地促进制造业与职业教育间的产教融合问题是该领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

专业课程是课程思政建设的基本载体。财务管理作为高职财经大类财务会计类相关专业的专业核心课程,其相关知识点与课程思政有着诸多融合点。通过《财务管理》课程思政建设,充分发挥教师队伍“主力军”、课程建设“主战场”、课堂教学“主渠道”的作用,建立健全课程思政评价标准和激励机制,将价值塑造、知识传授和能力培养三者融为一体,实现立德树人目标。  相似文献   

Clinical interviews were conducted with three elementary school children, who varied in age but not in family or school environment, to determine the extent to which they held naive misconceptions about important biological topics and to determine agewise trends in the development of biological knowledge. Does early biological knowledge acquisition follow a pattern of spontaneous naive theory construction and cognitive conflict or does it follow a pattern of gradual accretion to an initially blank slate? Contrary to findings in the physical sciences, little evidence was found for biological “misconceptions” as knowledge acquisition appeared to more directly follow the gradual accretion hypothesis with the primary source of that knowledge adult authority rather than personal experience. However, “conceptual change teaching” is still advocated due to its ability to provoke students to consider and test alternative conceptions (even if they are not their own) as a means of encouraging the development of important general reasoning patterns utilized in the testing of causal hypotheses.  相似文献   

This study further extends a conceptual framework that explores science teaching as a “practice” not reducible to the application of formal knowledge, but as informed by teachers' practical‐moral knowledge. A hermeneutic model was developed to examine practical‐moral knowledge indirectly by investigating teachers' commitments, interpretations, actions, and dialectic interactions between them. The study also aimed to analyze teachers' actions in terms of their interpretations and commitments as they realize “internal goods” of their practice. Ethnographic case studies of three science teachers were conducted through classroom observation, in‐depth interviews and dialogues, and artifact analysis. A commitment of preparing students for national exams was common to the three teachers but was manifested differently in classroom practices. This commitment originated from interpretations about the duty of “good” teachers not letting students and schools down. Other emergent commitments were commitments: to conceptual understandings, to “challenge” learners, and to social modeling. We present each with associated interpretations and actions. The concepts of practical wisdom (phronesis) and gap closing are used to characterize teachers' practical knowledge and its development respectively. Implications for teacher education are discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47: 929–951, 2010  相似文献   

James Clerk Maxwell ??translated?? Michael Faraday??s experimentally-based field theory into the mathematical representation now known as ??Maxwell??s Equations.?? Working with a variety of mathematical representations and physical models Maxwell extended the reach of Faraday??s theory and brought it into consistency with other results in the physics of electricity and magnetism. Examination of Maxwell??s procedures opens many issues about the role of mathematical representation in physics and the learning background required for its success. Specifically, Maxwell??s training in ??Cambridge University?? mathematical physics emphasized the use of analogous equations across fields of physics and the repeated solving of extremely difficult problems in physics. Such training develops an array of overlearned mathematical representations supported by highly sophisticated cognitive mechanisms for the retrieval of relevant information from long term memory. For Maxwell, mathematics constituted a new form of representation in physics, enhancing the formal derivational and calculational role of mathematics and opening a cognitive means for the conduct of ??experiments in the mind?? and for sophisticated representations of theory.  相似文献   

林恩·埃里克森建立的“知识的结构”模型,很好地解释了以“大概念”组织单元的原理和机制。该模型分两个层面:第一层面是事实性知识,有“事实”和“主题”两个层级;第二层面是概括性知识,主要有“概念”和“概括性理解”两个层级。在教学中需依赖具体的事实性知识去发现或获得某一概念,经由理解某一概念构成一种“概念性视角”,凭借“概念性视角”去处理相应主题的具体事实。在两个层面相互作用的认知探究过程中,建立某一概念与其他概念的联系。“概念性理解”就是“由事实性实例支撑的真理”,可称为“概括性知识”。从学习内容的角度,“大概念”实际上是跨学科或学科“核心的概括性知识”。  相似文献   

Chi, Feltovich, and Glaser (1981) observed that experts (physics faculty) organized problems into groups according to the underlying physics law or principle applicable, whereas the groupings of novice physics students focused on objects, literal physics terms, and physical configurations in the problems. Replication of these findings in a number of similar studies has led to the general acceptance of the proposition that the mental schemes used by experts to organize information within a content domain are organized according to the “deep structure” of the domain, whereas the schemes of novices are bound by “surface” dimensions. Categorizations of genetics problems produced by genetics counselor and faculty experts in comparison to student novices obtained in the present study, however, are inconsistent with a deep structure/surface structure dichotomy. As expected, faculty experts focused almost exclusively on conceptual principles, but student sorts focused primarily on problem knowns and unknowns. The expert counselor sortings unexpectedly resembled those of the students in this regard. Counselors also emphasized solution techniques to be used, whereas students emphasized the verbatim wording of the problem statement. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that as expertise is attained, a person restructures his/her knowledge of the domain into a framework that is based on critical dimensions that facilitate the daily use of that knowledge. Implications for theoreticians, researchers, and teachers are drawn. Whenever possible, future studies of expertise should include noneducator experts; teachers should help students develop the ability to construct and reconstruct the organizational frameworks of their knowledge so as to facilitate the effective use of that knowledge in the face of change.  相似文献   

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