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Over the last 20 years, Poland has gone through a major transition process in which the challenges for education in terms of new approaches to learning and teaching have been compounded by broader changes such as the democratisation of structures and processes and the major economic and social changes. This article is a case study that examines the early stages of significant shifts in the learning and teaching process, the stepped approach that was taken and the different international influences. It was decided to focus on the top-down, policy level actions in order to trace how influences have shaped current policy on outcomes-based approaches and key competences, which are increasingly implemented in schools today. The Polish education and training system has been through a complex series of reforms, many simultaneously. The introduction of outcome-based approaches and key competences is part of much broader reforms that have affected mindsets and attitudes by having addressed the structure of the system (e.g. the length of compulsory education), school governance, the roles of principals and teachers, teacher training, etc. Parents' expectations have evolved and students are growing up in a much more connected environment with Internet and social networks and an exponential development of access to ICT and the need for digital competences and a range of key competences for lifelong learning and work (Gordon et al., 2009). Although change has taken place at all levels and in all sub-sectors of the system, this article focuses on general education in primary and secondary schools.  相似文献   

This article analyses the growing focus on teacher competences in European policy discourse against the backdrop of global convergences in education reforms. It traces key ideas, policy recommendations, peer learning and documents which underscore the relevance of teacher quality for education improvement, as recently stressed in the European Commission Communication and Staff Working Documents Rethinking Education. The intertwining of teacher competence frameworks with other areas of education policy is outlined — key competences in school education, the quality of initial teacher education, and the continuous professional development of teachers — teasing out reasons for their central role. Some insights from research and peer learning then explore key implications in the defining and implementing of teacher competence frameworks in national education systems. A comparative viewpoint further analyses current policy trends about teacher competences across European national contexts, in discourse and practice. In order to do so, a framework of analysis takes into account system features as key variables affecting national policy — roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, governance and education cultures, and the status of the teaching profession. Across the variety of policy practices, the analysis endeavours to trace some emerging patterns and trends, highlighting paradigmatic national examples, with some food for thought.  相似文献   

教育信息化已经成为我国在新世纪新阶段实现教育现代化的突破口。本文从教学方式、学习方式、教材形式、新评价体系以及新学校管理观的建立等几个方面阐述了教育信息化引起的教育思想、观念、内容、方法的深刻变革,强调教育信息化与课程改革的不断融合与创新。  相似文献   

The evolution in Europe towards more competence-based curricula in the last ten years or so is the result of several exogenous factors and a determined European policy. The Reference Framework of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, a Recommendation approved by the European Parliament and the Council in 2006, and the work carried out within the Open Method of Coordination as well as by European research bodies have had a significant impact on Member States' curriculum reforms. This article shows that some terminology issues, both conceptual and practical, may explain, together with other causes, the diverse formulations of key competences and the way in which they are being integrated into the compulsory education curricula by the Member States or at intra-national levels. The focus of the article is on cross-curricular competences because these are the key competences which require the most significant innovations in teaching and learning practices, on assessment tools and procedures, and school organisation. The analysis illustrates the main differences and convergences in policy formulation and implementation strategies among the EU Member States. It also identifies key obstacles that must be overcome for an effective implementation before suggesting some policy recommendations.  相似文献   

The progressive education movement was known in Spain from its very inception, and in fact many of its pedagogical theories and practices reached Spain before reaching other European countries. Yet traditional historiography has always maintained that Spain was never integrated in the progressive education movement, a misconception that helps explain the lack of research in the field. Recent historiographical research, however, has shown that numerous Spanish schools served as laboratories for the implementation of progressive education methods in the 1920s and 1930s. The Spanish educational system proved itself to be especially open to international innovation in general and Spain actually enjoyed a privileged position for the study of how innovative pedagogical ideas could be incorporated and appropriated. Proof of this affirmation can be found in the introduction and dissemination throughout Spain of the experimental public school movement of Hamburg known as Gemeinschaftsschulen.

This article will focus on the way this movement was received in Spain. We will examine the phenomenon from a double perspective, corresponding to the different positions that scholars found themselves in within the educational panorama of the time. On the one hand we will examine the role of the “grass-roots” educators who wished to change schools “from below”, starting with classroom practices. On the other hand we will take a look at the representatives of “high pedagogy”, who were intent on formulating a pedagogical theory on which to base a political–ideological model that would serve to change the school “from above”. Tensions arising among the different pedagogical groups, along with the ambiguity of the translation into Spanish of the term Gemeinschaftsschulen, led to the different groups appropriating the concept in different ways. The evolution of the term Gemeinschaftsschulen, from its original identification with a localised school experiment in Hamburg to its becoming a symbol for virtually all European school vanguards, will be addressed at the conclusion of the article.  相似文献   

智力障碍儿童所表现出的个别差异,常常比正常儿童更为显著,创造出针对个人特征展开的“个别化”教育模式,是决定特殊教育成败的关键。为了真正实施“个别化”的特殊教育,得到良好的教学效果,重在开展校内的教育行动研究,加强校本课程的规划与开发,努力实施系统的校本管理。利用现代科学技术,实施课程资源动态的信息管理,通过教学信息资料的获取和构成、整理和储存、转换与流通、运用与创新,使每个教学人员都是课程资源库的使用者,也是课程资源库的建设者,同时可以使学校成为“学习型”的学校。  相似文献   

Despite the advocated importance of twenty-first century competences in education, it appears that they are not systematically integrated in national curricula, school curricula and classroom activities. Potential explanations can be found in the current ambiguity of definitions for twenty-first century competences and the absence of educational actors in curriculum development. Responding to both shortcomings, this study aims to explore how teachers’ conceptualization and enactment of twenty-first century competences constitute dimensions that can inform curricular guidelines. An exploratory factor analysis of teachers’ self-reported classroom activities that foster students’ twenty-first century competences was conducted. The data comprised responses of 2,804 primary- and secondary-school teachers to a web-survey about the perceived occurrence of specific classroom activities targeting twenty-first century competences. Results suggested six coherent dimensions of classroom activities that foster twenty-first century competences: digital literacy, innovative thinking, critical thinking and communication, (digital) citizenship, self-regulated learning, and (computer-supported) collaborative learning. Nevertheless, there were substantial interrelationships among the six dimensions. This demonstrated that teachers did not perceive twenty-first century competences to be fostered by disconnected classroom activities, but that they already have a more integrative conception of the curricular innovation. The implications of these findings for curricula, teaching practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

张逸 《教师教育研究》2005,17(2):18-21,37
在语言学和英语教学理论不断更新的今天,如何对中学英语教师进行继续教育,是当前师资继续教育亟需解决的新课题。中学英语教师均已受过正规的8评议训练,具有独立的分析能力,喜欢课堂交际,对继续教育有明确的个人目标。根据中学英语教师的这些特点,在继续教育的课程开发中,过程模式,任务型教学大纲和内容型教学大纲更加适合中学教师的需求,因为学习者在解决问题和学习各种理论知识的同时锻炼了评议的实际运用能力,提高了教学和科研能力,在教学大纲的实施中,须贯彻八项原则:1.教学现场相结合;2.理论与教学实践相结合;3.解决中学教学中的难点;4.课堂交流与讲解并重,鼓励学员在课堂上进行讲座;5.内容学习和言语学习并重;6.与现代化教学手段接轨;7.注重能力的培养;8.鼓励创造性的学习。  相似文献   

根据现代远程高等教育对办学质量多样化的要求和电大试点举办本科、专科学历教育的实际,电大应该选择以教育规格质量控制为主的综合质量控制模式。综合质量控制模式不应该只单纯地对教师教学过程和学生学习过程实行监控,而是应对包括办学思想、网络传播手段、教/学过程、管理环节、教职工队伍素质等五个层面实施有效的全方位的监控。为保证电大远程开放教育质量控制模式的全面实施,笔者呼吁教育行政主管部门和社会各界要为其营造良好的外部环境。电大系统要牢固树立“质量就是生命线”的观念,在宏观上强化责任意识、阵地意识、系统意识。在微观上抓住影响教育质量的几个薄弱环节和关键环节,严格把住教育质量关。  相似文献   

In many educational systems, age is used as a criterion to organise education. Children's age is used to group students together and indicate entry into particular programmes. The use of age for organisational purposes in education stems from the idea that age provides an indication of the development of children, which is associated with teaching and learning. However, more far‐reaching consequences of age‐related educational practices are insufficiently recognised in policy and academic research. Qualitative methods are used to study students and school personnel in diverse types of educational institutions in Flanders (Belgium) to assess how age and age‐related issues matter for the students’ educational trajectories and educational decision‐making processes leading to early school leaving. Data analyses reveal that school staff members consider age and perceived maturity during evaluation procedures. Students also consider age during educational decision‐making processes: when getting older or being too old for the grade, students increasingly weigh the costs and benefits associated with getting an educational qualification and being enrolled in school and alternative opportunities. Students’ expectations related to age shape their school experiences and feelings of belonging. The findings of this study demonstrate how these educational practices add to the reproduction of inequalities through education. These results could inform debates concerning the evaluation procedures in secondary education, compulsory education and the reduction of early school leaving in Europe.  相似文献   

The purposes of this paper were twofold: (a) to analyse primary school teachers’ perceptions of the inclusion of the key competences in the curriculum; and (b) to test a hypothetical prediction model about the inclusion of the key competences in the curriculum according to their perceptions. The participants were 1,010 teachers from 110 schools. The results showed that the teachers need training on this new competency-based approach to teaching, learning and evaluation. The hypothetical prediction model confirmed the high predictiveness of pre-service teacher education and continuous professional development regarding the proper development of the main elements of competency-based learning which contribute to achieving the purposes of today’s education. One of the possible recommendations that could facilitate the inclusion of the key competences in the curriculum according to their perception is teacher training geared towards pedagogical models adapted to the reality of teaching today which optimize teachers’ professional performance and students’ academic achievement.  相似文献   

教育的根本目的是立德树人,核心素养明确了教育前进的方向。如何在学科教学中体现教育目的,全面发展学生的核心素养,文章探讨学科素养的内涵及其与核心素养的关系,以及如何体现教育方针和学科教学特点,并对学科素养的落实和课程标准的实施提出建设性的建议和思路。  相似文献   


Since the late 1980s, reform of the Spanish education system has been justified by reformists as a response to the social and economic changes that have occurred in Spanish society since the democratic transition in the 1970s. Consolidation of democracy, development of technology and economic convergence with the advanced nations of Europe have been seen as the major challenges for educational reform. Restructuring and legitimation processes derived from the requirements of the new reform have been conceptualized as a policy of reconversion, the main purpose of which is to maintain, or achieve, a strong competitive position in the international market. In this paper, conceptualizing educational reform as a reconversion process will allow us to link aspects of the new curriculum (content, pedagogy and assessment), school organization, teaching and teacher education in physical education with wider economic, social and cultural influences and explore the tensions and conflicts between policy and practice in PE in schools. The paper will argue that there is a widening gap between the interests of progressive educationalists and the direction of market‐driven education reform.  相似文献   

Ritesh Shah  Marie Quinn 《Compare》2016,46(3):394-413
Increasingly, the imperative for improving educational quality in schooling systems throughout the developing world is harnessed to a particular set of teaching and learning practices, such as child-centred, child-friendly or learner-centred pedagogy (LCP). Such was the case in Timor-Leste where, after independence, LCP was heavily promoted as a panacea for an education system that was perceived to be irrelevant, outmoded and of poor quality. While LCP was readily adopted into policy discourse, less support and attention were given to the substantive incorporation of LCP into teacher practice. When strategically borrowed in such a fashion, the paper suggests little promise remains for LCP to meaningfully improve student learning processes or outcomes in Timorese classrooms.  相似文献   


The benefits of positive, active relationships between families, schools, and the community (not only in the academic outcomes of the children, but also in the family’s and school’s wellbeing) have, up to now, had plenty of supportive evidence. Nevertheless, experience shows that there are many difficulties involved in making participation a reality. Education regulation acknowledges the importance of family participation at school, but neither implementation methods nor the concept of participation are clearly defined. Spanish initial teacher education curriculum programmes include, only in a marginal form, competences and skills that would prepare teachers to become involved in a collaborative relationship with families and the community. This article addresses the training of professionals in education from the perspective of the competences, skills, and knowledge demanded to engage in collaborative work with families and the community. It was conducted through a comparative analysis of the curriculum programmes of Spanish Universities, with a special focus on curriculum content and competences, and on the formal organisation of the initial training of pre-service teachers.  相似文献   

李竹 《中学教育》2009,(6):52-56
小学教育最为重要的教育使命,就是让学生喜欢上学习,从而树立正确的学习观;让学生掌握知识,从而掌握获得知识的方法;但最重要的还是要为学生一生的发展奠定基本的道德水平。为达此目的,必须在课程、教学、德育、教师和学校管理等方面渗透或保障启慧教育。  相似文献   

This study focuses on how students, who for a variety of reasons struggle in mainstream secondary schools, can be supported and engaged by alternative forms of education and training to attain a (formal) qualification. Interviews and focus groups are carried out with school staff members of distinct types of alternative learning arenas in Flanders (northern part of Belgium): second chance secondary education, part-time apprenticeship track and part-time work-based vocational education. Our analyses reveal that, due to the selectiveness of mainstream secondary education, staff members in alternative learning arenas mainly struggle with the ways to develop inclusive curricula/practices and with the actual content of the curricula of their educational training or programme they are supposed to teach. Staff members struggle with putting into practice the fundamental aim to prepare socially vulnerable students for their future lives. Debates within the school team focus upon the relative importance of transferrable, specialist and social skills and competences. Results of this study are discussed to further enhance the professionalisation of school teams, and can be seen as the starting point to specify and develop the curriculum taught in both alternative learning arenas and mainstream secondary education.  相似文献   

This article aims to apply Stenhouse’s process model of curriculum to foreign language (FL) education, a model which is characterized by enacting principles of procedure which are specific to the discipline which the school subject belongs to. Rather than to replace or dissolve current approaches to FL teaching and curriculum development, this article seeks to improve and enrich communicative and task-based orientations with an additional criterion for assessing the educational worth of the tasks through which these orientations are developed. Unlike the objectives and competences models, principles of procedure provide an intrinsic justification of school curriculum by enacting the epistemological structure of any given area of knowledge in the educational process. Accordingly, the article will first justify the need to come up with a process model of curriculum for FL education which is built around such principles; then, it will formulate a basic framework that reflects the logical structure, concepts and epistemological perspectives of the language studies, as a first step to allowing these to enter the FL classroom and orient the teaching conducted in it; finally, it will present three tasks whose design was inspired by the abovementioned framework, and which were put into practice with Primary education English as a Foreign Language learners during the 2013–2014 and 2014–2015 academic years.  相似文献   

师范生实习支教是我国改革教师教育专业教育实习制度的创新举措,是推进教师教育人才培养模式改革的产物。在明晰实习支教的概念和对城市化进程中农村学校的特点进行调查分析的基础上,围绕教育实习改革、实践性学习、合作教育等问题,提出了面向城市化进程中农村学校合作教育实习支教模式,并对广州大学近三年面向广州城市化进程中农村学校开展的实习支教进行了实践探索。  相似文献   

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