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后疫情时代的中小学健康教育要不断拓展内容和形式,鼓励多学科教师共同参与,倡导家庭、学校和社会协调配合。健康教育能为体育文化的创新提供价值指引和理论支持,体育文化创生可为中小学生的健康教育改革提供实践经验和内在动力。应从学校体育课程改革、劳动习惯教育、生活场域建设、校园制度文化建设、课程联动模式设计、多元教育路径开创等方面建设体育文化创生机制。构建以全面提升中小学生健康素养为目标的健康教育体系,拓展健康教育渠道,重视班主任的健康教育辅助价值,强化中小学生健康的自我管理意识、知识、技能和习惯。  相似文献   

吴彤  陈昕 《成才之路》2022,(1):43-45
随着素质教育的深入推进,学校和社会对农村中小学学生的体育素质与能力要求也越来越高.当前,中小学体育教学依旧存在课程内容形式化、教学方法刻板化、教学资源贫乏化、教师能力薄弱化、评价体系单一化等问题.究其原因,主要是部分学校忽视体育课程的重要性、部分家长忽视学生的身心健康、社会上存在"体育无用论"思想.为此,要因地制宜,打...  相似文献   

《全日制义务教育音乐课程标准》为我们展示了中小学音乐教育一系列崭新的价值观念和教育理念。高师音乐教育专业是培养未来中小学音乐教师的工作母机,教育理念、课程结构、课程教学模式等与中小学音乐教育改革的成败休戚相关。在中小学音乐教育正在发生重大变革的关键时刻,高师音乐教育专业应以中小学音乐教育为立足点,以《标准》为依据,在教育理念、课程结构、课程教学模式等方面进行调整,以适应新时期中小学音乐教育的需要。  相似文献   

中小学师资质量是关乎未来教育教学成效的关键。教师培养的关键在于课程设置,美国中小学教师学历普遍达到研究生层次,在课程上重视基础课程,选修课课程设置广泛,课程内容更新及时,注重教育专业实践课程和教育实践。因此,针对我国课程设置的不足,在充分了解美国课程设置的特点的基础上,尝试构建适合我国研究生层次中小学教师的课程体系,对提高我国中小学师资质量有重要价值。  相似文献   

改革开放以来中师为我国小学教育培养了大批优秀教师,积累了小学教师培养的丰富经验。当下随着中师退出教师教育的舞台及教师教育存在的问题,社会上形成了深厚的中师情结,其中蕴含着择优录取形成了小学教师的专业自豪感、提前录取促成了小学教师的职业动机、就业待遇提供了小学教师的专业发展动力、综合化课程培育了小学教师的专业素养等小学教师培育的中国经验。  相似文献   

教师专业化已成为世界性的潮流。我国小学教师职业只是一种“尚未完全成熟的专业”。因此,要建立小学教师教育一体化模式和制度,建立小学教师教育学院,全面建构和优化小学教师教育的课程结构,特别重视并发挥潜在课程对小学教师品质的迪化功能,建立教师专业发展学校,以促进小学教师专业发展。  相似文献   

师范教育是基础教育的"母机",它的成效直接关系到基础教育的质量。作为培养小学教师的高职师范类院校,历史课程是其必修课之一。目前五年制师范学校历史课教学艺术化存在的一些不容忽视的问题,必须从教学内容、方式方法、教学评价等方面采取举措,进一步优化历史教学。  相似文献   

随着信息技术课程成为全国中小学的必修科目,加快"信息技术课程教师的培养与培训工作,使教师能够适应新课程改革"已成为国家赋予高师院校教育技术学专业的重要使命。为适应新形势下基础教育信息技术学科改革需求,笔者对安徽省部分中小学校长与一线教师进行访谈与调查,以求准确把握中小学一线信息技术学科现状和信息技术人才的需求状况与能力要求,并及时了解教育技术学专业培养信息技术人才所存在的问题,在此基础上,有针对性地分析了"顺应时代需求、加快专业建设"的应对策略。  相似文献   

首先提出开发校本化德育课程是解决当前小学德育教学实效性不足的重要策略,进而分析小学校本化德育课程开发对学校教育、学生发展和教师教学的价值,最后基于以上的理解,结合实践总结了学校校本化德育课程建设的三方面经验,即依据社会需要建设德育校本活动课程、让学生参与德育校本活动课程建设和依据学校特色资源建设德育校本活动课程。  相似文献   

This article provides some stories of primary school teachers' and students' experiences of implementing new science teaching and learning strategies through an action research process that have also led to more environmental education occurring in the schools' curriculum. The stories have been constructed from the coordinators' journals, observations and interviews with the teachers and students in the schools. The teachers in the schools are consciously engaged in an action research-based model of curriculum change in science teaching and learning. The stories also acknowledge the critiques of critical theory in environmental education and the possibilities for a socially critical approach in environmental education within a context of the limited opportunities for both science and environmental education in primary schools.  相似文献   

论新课程与中小学教师培训   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以课程改革为核心内容的本次基础教育改革,呈现了全新的教育教学理念,推出了全新的课程体系,提出了全新的课程目标。新课程推进、实施的关键在教师。如何使我国现有的中小学教师从教育教学理念、专业知识和技能等方面全面适应新课程的要求呢?建立一套适应中国国情、适应中国基础教育和中小学师资队伍现状的教师培训体系至关重要。  相似文献   

学科教师专业能力是实现学科课程教学目标的首要保障。本文以我国中小学英语教师专业能力研究现状为基础,探讨英语教师专业能力的内涵、特征与内容结构。与已有英语教师研究所不同的是,作者分析了教师专业能力的动态特征,探讨了英语教师专业能力结构的四大维度及其内容结构,以期明确中小学英语教师职前教育与在职发展方向,提高中小学英语课堂教学效率,确保中小学英语课程标准目标落地学校课堂。  相似文献   

在全国中小学校大力普及心理健康教育的背景下,为了了解兰州市中小学校心理健康教育实施情况,我们课题组于2007年9月对位于兰州市安宁区、城关区、七里河区、西固区四区的16所中小学校从课程设置、师资队伍、心理辅导室建设及使用、实施途径、相关科研及经验交流等方面进行了一次问卷调查.在对16所被调查学校总体情况进行数据统计基础上,重点分析了16所学校在心理健康教育方面的师资队伍建设与课程开设情况.  相似文献   

中小学教师的专业发展是当今教育界普遍关注的热点问题。特别是新课程的改革和实施,对教师专业发展是一次新的机遇与挑战,本研究对洛阳市新课程改革实验区和非实验区中小学教师的专业化发展现状进行了调查分析。调查发现:中小学教师普遍接纳新课程改革,形成了业已稳定的新教育教学理念,业务能力普遍提高,但角色、地位转变困难,教研能力提高慢等。只有从社会及国家政策方面、学校方面、教师个人诸方面全方位改革,才能促进教师专业化发展和基础教育课程改革的进一步实施。  相似文献   

程强  盛世明 《林区教学》2020,(5):110-113
《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》明确提出课程结构要改变“过于强调学科本位、科目过多和缺乏整合的现状”,小学阶段则应“以综合课程为主”。《小学教师专业标准(试行)》要求小学教师“适应小学综合型教学的要求、了解多学科知识”“了解所教学科与社会实践的联系、了解与其他学科的联系”。从知识能力结构、课程设置、教育教学模式、情感态度等方面提出小学全科教师培养路径。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question: How do teachers and school leaders respond to high stakes testing of pupils transitioning from primary to secondary school? It explores how a new test, the Level 6 test, operated with regard to primary/secondary school relationships in England. It draws on an analysis of qualitative interviews with teachers and school leaders in 20 primary schools that took part in the test, 40 school leaders that chose not to and 20 secondary-school leaders. Theoretical work on social boundaries is utilised to develop an argument that this test and its results acted as a boundary signifier, crystallising many of the tensions between primary and secondary schools. These tensions included the role of accountability regimes in requiring schools to demonstrate progress; narrowing of the curriculum and teaching to the test; and the extent to which test results can provide a true representation of pupil attainment. We conclude by suggesting the potential of the boundary signifier concept in relation to other tests at the primary/secondary boundary and other key transition points in education, and consider whether such tests can act as an ideal boundary object, serving to help overcome, rather than cement, barriers between schools.  相似文献   

This paper explores the different ways that primary school teachers in Uganda navigate the boundary between school science and everyday knowledge in the context of a centrally mandated curriculum innovation. The paper is based on a study of the pedagogic practices of 16 teachers in eight Ugandan primary schools that were selected on the basis of having a track record of either high or low academic achievement in the public primary school‐leaving examination. The official primary school curriculum in Uganda prescribes that science be taught in an integrated form, including integration between science subject knowledge and everyday knowledge. The strategies that teachers in the study adopted in relating science to everyday knowledge was a key feature that differentiated between pedagogic practices in the high‐performing and low‐performing schools. In high‐performing schools, teachers recruited everyday knowledge as a resource for learning science as a specialised discourse; whereas in the low‐performing schools, acquiring everyday knowledge was viewed as an end in itself. The paper, then, considers the implications of differences in teachers' pedagogic strategies for the kinds of knowledge to which learners are given access.  相似文献   

Schools support teachers in their professional learning, just as teachers support students in their learning. To accomplish this, schools can provide support systems that enhance teachers’ knowledge, comfort, and instructional skills. This study examined the impact of two district-provided supports (curriculum and professional development) on sexual health instruction among middle and high school health education teachers. Data were abstracted and analyzed using inductive coding from 24 teacher interviews (2015–2016). Findings illustrate outcomes from both curriculum and PD on teachers’ self-reported knowledge, comfort, and skills. The district-provided supports appeared to contribute to improved teachers’ self-efficacy in delivering sexual health education.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss principals’ perspectives on the priority given to the place in the curriculum of and the supporting practices related to health and sustainability education in schools in Denmark (for pupils aged 6–16). The study is situated within the discourses about critical health and sustainability education and treats the two issues as societal challenges that are important to address in schools as educational examples. We draw on the literature on school leadership challenges linked to global neoliberal trends in educational reform. The context of the study is the ongoing school reform in Denmark. The data were generated through an online survey of principals in Denmark (n = 118). The findings show that although the principals view school as an important arena for health and sustainability education, their actual support for such education lags behind. Health education is prioritized somewhat more than sustainability education; however, both are characterized by insufficient attention to teachers’ professional development and the low prioritization of collaboration within the school and between the school and community actors. Acknowledging the contradicting demands that principals face in the context of the reform, we argue for reconnecting the concept of leadership with the wider purposes of schooling and for providing space for an emergent, whole-school curriculum that addresses health and sustainability.  相似文献   

面对我国中小学体育教育发展中存在着管理的缺位、体育的"小三门"地位、体育教师被歧视、体育教师的自暴自弃和"达标与考试"导向错位等制约因素,提出了学校和地方政府要给力于体育教师;提高体育课程地位,改善体育教师形象;转变体育教师观念,改善体育教师知识结构等改进措施,以期为我国中小学体育发展提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   

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