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移动电源我们之前已经见到过MiPOW的移动电源产品.只不过是这次刚上市的PowerTubeShake2600和Powertube5500做了一些小改动,Shake2600加入了可摇晃之后以彩色灯显示电量的功能.而5500则加入了应急灯功能;外观上还是秉承了之前的风格.  相似文献   

Libraries have been the key to preserving culture and historic legacy for centuries. One such treasure cataloged in The Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) Libraries is a collection of over 33,000 Sanborn? Fire Insurance Maps. Originally kept safe in metal drawers, the library has embarked on a journey to digitize this abundance of information, combine it with other media such as photographs, and make it accessible through a web interface. Inspired by these efforts, we accessed this information and took it to the next level. Using state of the art 3D modeling and immersive technologies, we created a historic 3D model and immersive experiences of Penn State, exemplarily for the 1922 campus. The resulting experiences can be accessed through the web but also through head mounted displays (HMDs) and mobile phones in combination with VR viewers such as the Google Cardboard. Additionally, they can be used anywhere in the world or on the campus itself as a way to enable remote and in situ experiences and learning. Immersive experiences let us connect to the past, the present and the future, and as such offer value to digital cultural heritage efforts.  相似文献   


In a vision session at the 31st NASIG Annual Conference, Heather Joseph provided an assessment of the Open Access movement addressing how far it has come since its inception, how well it has met its original goals, what has and has not worked well, and what is not happening at all. She talked about the importance of open (in all senses—open access, open education, and open data) as a public good, and shared feedback from a recent strategic review of the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition and the Open Access movement. Joseph also explored the implications of using open as an enabling strategy for researchers, scholarly publishers, policymakers, and the larger academic community, and emphasized the importance of deliberately considering what outcomes open can help each community achieve—rather than thinking about open as an end to itself.  相似文献   

Kai’sPowerTools(Kar’s高能工具),是为Photoshop开发的多达对种滤镜效果的强大工具。除了具有球形变形及页面卷曲等特技效果之外,还包括“GradientDesigner”(渐变设计师)及“TextureExplorer”(底纹质地探查器)等功能。使用Kai’sPowerTools的“GradientDesigner”和“TextureExplorer”可以创作出许多特殊的字形,特别适合于制作广告标题。1.在Photoshop中简单地输入一个标题(或从IIlustrator中置入),并设定为一个你喜欢的颜色。2.选择文字所在“层”,在“Filter”(滤镜)菜单中选择Kai’sPowerTools的“Gradi…  相似文献   


The U.S. State Department asked the author to visit the National and University Library of Kosovo (BKUK) and participate in the first annual Library Week in Kosovo, which took place from April 7 to 12, 2003, in Prishtina. While there he met the new director of BKUK; gave two lectures; discussed interlibrary cooperation; met with the staff of the Prishtina Municipal Library and with the administration of the Academy of Arts and Sciences of Kosovo; looked at bookstores, book vendors, and minority publications; bought books and serials for LC; and visited the fourteenth-century Serbian Orthodox Monastery in Gra?anica.  相似文献   


I visited Albania from September 6 to 12, 2004 as a guest speaker of the U.S. Department of State. I gave three lectures on library use of information technology and on information resources–two at the National Library of Albania and one at the House of the Book and Communication. The lectures were in English, but the accompanying PowerPoint presentations had captions in Albanian. The 40 participants from several libraries across Albania and Kosovo knew English but were given Albanian translations as well of my lectures. I also visited the municipal library in Vlora. This report summarizes my daily activities and the three lectures during my time in Albania.  相似文献   

The author traveled to Moscow, Tallinn, Riga, and Vilnius in May 2013. The primary purpose of the trip was to acquire materials written by former participants in the University of Iowa’s (UI) International Writing Program (IWP). The UI Libraries has an approval plan for works written by IWP authors from selected countries, including those she visited, but this trip was an opportunity to locate harder to identify materials and to learn from the writers themselves about their current projects.  相似文献   

Robots are becoming more commonly used in libraries. A robot that does shelf reading and reports the results to human staff is one example of a practical use of robotics in a library. Others have been used to retrieve large items such as boxes, but identifying and picking up small and varied objects such as books is still on the edge of what can be done. Devices using artificial intelligence can act as guides, or in some cases, as personal assistants for library customers. Some are answering questions and learning as they go. If robots can perform library work effectively and more cheaply than humans it is inevitable they will be more widely used.  相似文献   

The author reports on a visit to Athens, Greece, in September 2006 to visit book dealers, libraries, archives, and other institutions with which the Library of Congress has relations, for acquisitions and for collaborative projects in the areas of bibliographic control, microfilming, and digital projects.  相似文献   

New domesticity—which is a return to a lifestyle that centers domesticity “in the service of environmentalism, DIY culture, and personal fulfillment”—is taking shape in mostly Westernized DIY spaces. New domesticity exists in a neoliberal and digital DIY ontology that distinguishes itself from the domesticity of previous generations while also making claims to a “return.” This essay lays out some key issues that need to be taken into account regarding this emerging form of Wi-Fi gadget facilitated public engagement through domestic space while noting how the issue of unwaged labor resurfaces in the context of digital labor by women.  相似文献   

日前,苹果电脑公司推出了分别配有733MHz、867Mhz和双800MHzPowerPC G4处理器的新型Power Mao G4系列产品。新型Power MacG4可为用户提供最优化的性能、扩展性以及数字媒体解决方案。苹果电脑革命性的、集合了CD-RW和DVD-R的SuperDrive,可刻录在普通DVD播放器上播放的DVD,SuperDrive现已成为Power Mac系列产品的标准配置。 苹果电脑公司的首席执行官斯蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)指出:“这些是迄今为止速度最快的Mao电脑,它…  相似文献   

5月14日,IBM在北京宣布全球首个IBM Power Systems Linux中心成立。借助该中心的平台和资源,客户和合作伙伴的软件开发人员将更轻松、快速的采用Linux和最新的POWER 7+处理器技术,构建和部署开源平台上的大数据、云计算、移动和社交商务领域的下一代应用。  相似文献   

徐萌萌  杨军 《大观周刊》2011,(41):99-99,68
介绍了PowerPoint制作物理课件过程中的设计制作方案、选择工具界面、创建特色模板、选择复制资料、绘制修改图表、快速录入编辑、设置动态效果、恰当插入链接等实用技巧,为制作物理课件提供快捷的经验途径。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationships between ethnocentrism, intercultural communication apprehension, intercultural willingness‐to‐communicate, and college students' intentions to engage in an intercultural dialogue program. Data collected from a survey of 339 students in a midwestern university were used to test a proposed model. The results show that ethnocentrism and intercultural communication apprehension are related to each other and that intercultural willingness‐to‐communicate is influenced by both ethnocentrism and intercultural communication apprehension. Both ethnocentrism and intercultural willingness‐to‐communicate have a direct influence on students' intentions to engage in an intercultural dialogue program, but intercultural communication apprehension does not directly influence intentions. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The author traveled primarily to Sarajevo, Bosnia‐Herzegovina and Skopje, Macedonia. She attended the 4th International Convention of Slavicist Librarians in Sarajevo and visited the Sarajevo Book Fair. In both capitals she met with book vendors and visited bookstores and libraries. She also learned that travel between the successor states is more complicated now than before the breakup of close Yugoslavia.  相似文献   

1999,不再是平凡的一年1999年2月2日,在北京长富宫饭店举行的“1999,不再是平凡的一年──苹果电脑全新PowerMacintoshG3发布会”上,近千名苹果电脑经销商、用户、合作伙伴和新闻记者一睹新系列PowerMacintoshG3苹果电脑的最新风采。在轻松、热烈的气氛中,新系列PowerMacintoshG3电脑终于露出“庐山真面目”:用防弹材料制成的半透明精美外壳令观众耳目一新;漂亮的流线型淡蓝色机身令人赏心悦目;而苹果电脑工程师的出色表演则让所有到场的观众为之感叹。对于不断追求创新和个性化发展的苹果电脑来说,电脑已不再是一种可用来满足…  相似文献   

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