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当代发达资本主义国家的劳资关系呈现出明显的多样性特征。本文主要依据企业雇佣制度和劳资协调机制的特点,将当代发达国家劳资关系的多样性和差异性分别概括为以美国为代表的自由多元化劳资关系模式、德国为代表的协商合作式劳资关系模式、日本为代表的利益一体型劳资关系模式等三种模式,并分析了不同劳资关系模式形成的原因,以及对各国经济发展的影响。  相似文献   

中国高等教育法制建设肇始于19世纪末期20世纪初叶。在一百余年的法制建设历程中,历经移植模仿、创建繁荣、受挫停滞和稳定发展等四个阶段,形成了如下特点:在价值理念层面,更多地强调国家主义至上,缺乏大学自治及学术自由的传统;在外部利益主体的协调层面,从政府与高校的单一关系开始向政府、市场、高校三者共同协调发展模式演进,从强化社会本位向社会本位与个人本位并重的方向发展;在内部利益主体的共享层面,内部权力配置是一种不均衡的发展模式,教师与学生等利益相关者的权力表达较微弱,大学成员的权利保障没有真正得以实现。  相似文献   

和谐社会视角下构建和谐劳资关系的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳资关系是现代社会曩基本的社会关系之一,是劳动关系中最基本的内容.构建和谐的劳资关系,是构建和谐社会的重要组成部分,是社会稳定、经济健康发展的重要保障.目前我国劳资关系总体上是稳定的,但也存在着许多不和谐的因素.新时期,应以思想建设为指导、社会外部环境建设为保障、企业内部建设为核心、工会建设为重要途径,化解劳资矛盾,构...  相似文献   

金融危机与瑞典模式调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年全球金融危机使以瑞典为代表的北欧模式受到了国际社会的青睐.瑞典模式是战后50-60年代形成的,其合理内核在于:以"社会平等"、"充分就业"和"完善福利"为支柱,重视阶级合作,突出强调劳动者的权利和社会地位,最大程度地发挥市场经济的社会功能.20世纪80年代,瑞典模式由于实施了新自由主义政策,致使90年代初爆发了金融危机.之后,瑞典模式在坚持自身合理内核的基础上进行了及时调整,既拥抱全球化,又弱化了新自由主义思潮的影响,使瑞典经济很快进入了平稳增长期.在2008年全球金融风暴中,瑞典模式深受影响,但也显示出了其独特的优势.瑞典模式所包含的合理内核,昭示着资本主义未来调整的新方向.  相似文献   

十九世纪末、二十世纪初,资本主义经济由自由竞争走向垄断,劳资关系日趋紧张,社会冲突日益尖锐。于是,一项代表企业利益,沟通公众联系,化解社会纠纷,并从中收取费用的新型职业——公共关系便应运而生。这一行业的拓荒者就是美国的记者艾维·李。  相似文献   

第二次世界大战期间,尤其是前期和中期,德国的钢铁工业主要依赖瑞典的铁矿石供应。英国据此认为,瑞典的铁矿石是德国战争机器得以运转的一个关键因素。因此,英国千方百计地想遏制瑞典对德铁矿石输出。瑞典为了自身的经济利益却极力想最大限度地维护这一贸易。于是,在英瑞经济关系上,两国因各自的战略利益不同而出现分歧,双方围绕铁矿石问题展开了漫长的交涉。  相似文献   

20世纪初美国劳资集体谈判思想初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪初,把集体谈判作为制度化分配经济权力的法律手段和劳资双方利益博弈的重要法律制度已渐为美国社会各界接受。美国主要工会组织财产法律观的变化,强调要工会应严格遵守劳资合同的义务,并把工人自愿结社和集体谈判视为在资本主义政治经济体制内提高劳工物质生活条件的两大政策支柱。为此,劳联极力倡导建立“法理社会”。美国社会的政治主流、经济学者和法律学者等对劳资合作予以积极的回应,倡导创设某种社会机制,强调通过法律制度的设置,确保工会在与资方的利益博弈中,通过集体谈判与资方分享企业利润分配的决定权,使工人的收入在总国民收入中占一个适当的比倒,以稳定和提高工人的社会购买力,使劳工和资方共享社会进步的成果。在美国企业界中,为数不少的“开明的”雇主也在其管理的企业中运用劳资集体谈判方式协调劳资关系的管理。劳资集体谈判思想的变化,推动了美国劳资集体谈判制度的出现并成为劳资关系法的重要支柱。  相似文献   

劳资关系是人们在生产过程中发生的经济关系.生产资料所有制决定劳资关系的性质.社会主义初级阶段是以公有制为主体、多种经济成分并存的所有制结构.劳资关系有多种类型,劳资矛盾不断发生.正确认识和处理劳资关系,保护劳动者的合法权益,防止发生劳资纠纷,不仅关系经济发展,而且关系社会稳定.  相似文献   

建和谐劳资关系 促社会和谐发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民营经济经过20多年的发展,为中国经济和社会发展作出了巨大贡献,但其劳资关系问题日益显现,直接影响社会稳定,影响民营经济的持续健康发展。建立和谐的民营经济劳资关系是构建和谐社会的重要内容与重要基础。本文从构建社会主义和谐社会的高度,以建立和谐的民营经济劳资关系为目标,阐述了和谐民营劳资关系对和谐社会创建的重要意义。  相似文献   

企业参与职业教育是一项系统性工程,涉及政府、学校、企业与社会等多方利益主体。以扎根理论为方法论指导,通过对珠三角地区20位产教融合性企业管理者的深度访谈,构建出包含办学实力、经济周期、政策增量、产权明晰、岗前培训、技术创新的影响企业参与校企合作六因素模型。对六因素归纳分析发现,政策环境体系不够完善、经济生态稳定性不足、职业教育供给与企业需求失衡是影响企业参与职业教育的三大主要阻力。为此,在政策层面,应落实政策存量清理,精准分层扶持;在经济层面,要拓展多元培养模式,打造共创共享联盟;在教育层面,要提升职业教育教学质量,重塑职业教育声誉。  相似文献   

This article analyses how social background affects completed upper secondary education and completed tertiary level education of Swedish speakers and Finnish speakers in Finland. Longitudinal register data are utilised. The results of logistic regression models indicate that the impact of socio‐economic and family background is strong and declines with education level. For upper secondary education, the impact of social background seems to have decreased over cohorts, which could be attributed to the education reform in the 1970s. The effects of background factors are very similar among Swedish speakers and Finnish speakers. In the Helsinki and Turku areas Swedish speakers have a higher upper secondary education propensity, whereas no such differences between language groups can be found in the other urban, nor in the rural, areas. Swedish speakers are more likely than Finnish speakers to have tertiary level education, which may be attributed to the relatively higher number of student places for Swedish speakers.  相似文献   

A path model of the lifelong education cycle is developed and estimated, using data relevant to a Swedish cohort of men and the method of linear structural relations analysis. The estimates are used to address the question as to whether adult education, by offsetting differences in educational backgrounds, has reduced the gap in educational attainment between the initially poorly‐educated and well‐educated groups comprising the sample studied. The results show that a cycle of accumulation is in operation, so that the quality of earlier experiences of education predict the quality and amount of educational experiences subsequently gathered. Hence, as the expansion of adult education has served to reinforce inequality of educational attainment, at least for the group of Swedish men studied, the accumulation hypothesis is supported. However, because the stability coefficients found in the model are only of modest size, it is concluded that there is room for interventionist policy designed to influence the social distribution of adult education resources.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that school climate is important for student health and academic achievement. This study concerns the validity and reliability of the student edition a Swedish instrument for measuring pedagogical and social school climate (PESOC). Data were collected from 5,745 students at 97 Swedish secondary schools. Multilevel confirmatory factor analyses were conducted, and multilevel composite reliability estimates, as well as correlations with school-level achievement indicators, were calculated. The results supported an 8-factor structure at the student level and 1 general factor at the school level. Factor loadings and composite reliability estimates were acceptable at both levels. The school-level factor was moderately and positively correlated with school-level academic achievement. The student PESOC is a promising instrument for studying school climate.  相似文献   

马克思、恩格斯创造了国际工人阶级的组织—共产国际,马克思、恩格斯去世后,共产国际分裂成两大阵营,一个是以前苏联为代表的越南、中国、朝鲜等共产党执政的共产党阵营,一个是以英国工党、德国社民党、法国社会党、瑞典社会民主工人党(简称社民党)等为代表的社会民主党阵营。瑞典社民党执政前后60余年,以民主、平等、互助为价值观,把瑞典建成发达的福利国家。了解瑞典社会民主党的执政特点,有助于我们开阔视野,吸取经验,多角度地了解社会,更好地建设我们的国家。  相似文献   

It has been reported that academic dishonesty is a prevalent problem that crosses all disciplines at the university level. But, how prevalent is it in Sweden? Little is published in the literature about lying, cheating, and plagiarism amongst Swedish university students. This paper focuses on the frequency of past specific academically dishonest behaviours amongst Swedish University students with consideration to social desirability. The results indicate that although there are variations in frequency of dishonest behaviours amongst university students, some dishonest behaviours are more common than others. Future perspectives are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Innovations in the Regular School System: The reform of the Swedish school system that introduced comprehensive schools as regular schools at the first level of secondary school in 1962 and the second level in 1971 was preceded by a redefinition of the school as an institution. Increased emphasis was placed on the school as an integral part of the society — influenced by social developments and, at the same time, contributing to social change. Accordingly, the school system should have a structure that enables it to help break down social barriers and foster conscious responsibility for social action in all schoolchildren.  相似文献   

要理解现代中国的教育问题,社会教育是不可或缺的一翼。社会教育在整个民国时期的制度设计中,是一个处在流变过程中的历史概念,其历史功能包括教育改造和社会改造两个方面,其具体职能在不同阶段有不同的内涵和表现。在社会教育的主体方面,知识分子群体和国家、地方政权三方在不同阶段扮演着不同的角色,并呈现出不同的相互关系。特别值得注意的是,围绕着解决国家自上而下的理性规划与基层社会自主、自治能力发展之间的矛盾,存在着不同的探索方式,但限于历史条件而未及充分展开。  相似文献   

This study investigated the psychometric properties of a teacher-reported version of a Swedish school climate instrument called the Pedagogical and Social Climate (PESOC), which consists of 95 items covering cultural, structural and social factors. A sample of 348 teachers from 19 Swedish secondary schools was used. Multilevel confirmatory factor analysis conducted within a structural equation modelling framework indicated that the PESOC had a two-factor structure at the teacher level and a one-factor at the school level. The PESOC’s convergent validity was supported by the school-level correlations between PESOC and another established instrument (i.e., the Team Climate Inventory). Further validation studies of PESOC are needed with larger, more representative samples, and with information on important outcomes such as student achievement and wellbeing.  相似文献   

中共“十八大”报告不仅为我们概括了什么是社会主义核心价值观,而且为我们在积极践行过程中对其做出更深入的探讨提供了“三个倡导”的方法论指导。运用其三分法,我们将进一步回答,在我国社会主义初级阶段,国家层面的价值追求是什么,执政党层面的价值追求是什么,以及公民层面的价值追求是什么,这构成了当代中国三维一体的核心价值观体系建设。在国家层面,我们奉行以人为本、共同富裕、公平正义;在执政党层面,我们奉行群众路线、法治政府、道德楷模;在公民层面,我们奉行以互爱为感情纽带的家庭道德、以互助为利益纽带的社会道德、以分工为人缘纽带的职业道德。如果说公民的核心价值观是社会生活的道德基础,而国家层面的核心价值观是社会主义的理想目标,那么执政党层面的核心价值观则是使得我们能够实现国家层面的核心价值观不可逾越的中间环节。这种将当代中国核心价值观体系建设做区分性探讨,无疑具有深远而重大意义。  相似文献   

改革开放的今天,中国社会发展日益呈现多元化倾向.多元化拓展了人们独立选择的空间,丰富了社会生活的内涵,但同时也在一定程度上淡化了社会主流价值观.认真学习社会主义荣辱观,践行“八荣八耻“,凝聚社会发展道德共识,实为当前一个重大现实课题.  相似文献   

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