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一、单项选择1.The teacher stopped and looked athim.Then he wenton.A.teaching B.to teach C.taught D.teach2.—D id you go there by plane?—A.Y es,I do.B.N o,I don t.C.Y es,I did.D.Y es,Id like to.3.you m e atthe station nextM onday?A.A re,m eet B.W ill,m eetC.D o,m eet D.W ould,m eet4.—W ould you like another cup oftea?—A.N o,I wouldn t.B.N o,thanks.C.Y es,thanks.D.Y es,Id love.5.—H ello,m ay I speak to Jill?—A.Im Jill.B.Jillis m e.C.Im speaking.D.This is Jill.6.Thank you…  相似文献   

1.Where would you like to go on va-cation,Sam?你想去哪儿度假,萨姆?(p.52)would like意为“愿意,想”,与动词want同义,would like主要有以下两种用法:(1)“would like 名词”表示征求意见,其肯定答语常为:Yes,please;否定答语为:No,thanks.例如:—Would you like some tea?您想喝些茶吗?—Yes,please.想。(2)“would like 动词不定式”表示邀请或建议,肯定答语通常为:Yes,I’d like/love to.否定答语通常为:I’d like/love to,but...。例如:—Would you like to go shopping withme?你愿意和我一起去买东西吗?-Yes,I’d love to.是的,非常乐意。2.I hope to see Niagara Falls someday.我希望有一天能去看尼亚加拉大瀑布。(p.53)hope作动词用时意为“希望”,其后不能接复合宾语,即不能接hope sb.to do sth.结构。hope的句型主要有...  相似文献   

Unit2 3Mainly Revision一、怎样客气地向他人提出请求 ,要求帮助。1 .Could you help me,please?是较实用的句型之一。如 :我们要用英语表达“你帮我数一下这些书好吗 ?”便可套用此句 :Could you help me countthese books,please?同样“你来打扫教室好吗 ?”可译作 :Could you clean the classroom,please?2 .购物时的顾客用语。 Could I have somebottles of milk,please?虽是问句形式 ,但用来表示请求 ,所以句中用的是“some”而不是“any”。回答时可根据实际情况回答 :Yes,how many wouldyou like?或 Sorry,there aren't any.Wo…  相似文献   

1.Could you help me,please?请你帮我个忙好吗?(P1) 这个句型通常用于请求别人帮助,也可以说:Can you help me,please?用could比用can语气更为委婉、客气。作肯定回答时常用Certainly。例如:  相似文献   

请看下面两个句子:Do you like this?W ould you like a bowlofnoodles?这两个句子里都有like一词,有什么不同呢?A SC H O O L G ARD EN O F EN G LISHw ould like的用法:1.would like可缩写成d like,意为“想要”,“愿意”,相当于want,但语气比want委婉。主要有以下几种用法:①would like som ething想要……例如:Id like som e French fries,a ham burgerand a bottle ofpop,please.我想要炸薯条、一个汉堡包和一瓶汽水。②would like to do som ething想要做……例如:Danny is thirsty.H ed like to drink som e tea.丹尼渴…  相似文献   

根据图画所示补全对话,每空填一词。1.A :Y ou re from A ustralia,?B :Y es,I am .A :W hats the w eather of A us-tralia like w hen w e are insum m er?B :Itis season.2.A :W hich do you likebest?B :I I like spring best.A : ?B :B ecause we can see allkindsof flowers everywhere.3.A : are the oranges?B :They re in the fridge.A : oranges are therein it?B :There are eight.4.A :W ould you to com e tom y party?B :Is today your ?A :D on tyou know ?A :Sorry. birthday!5.A :C an I to B ill,please?…  相似文献   

<正>1. Could you please sweep the floor?请你扫一下地好吗?【解析】“Could you(please)...?”意为“请你……好吗?”,常用来礼貌地请求别人做某事。对该句型作肯定回答时常用“No problem.”“OK.”“Sure.”等;对该句型作否定回答时常用“Sorry, I can’t.”或“Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t.”等。例如:—Could you help me buy some apples?你可以帮我买一些苹果吗?  相似文献   

Unit7U nit7单元语法点拨单元语法———w ould like的用法would like表示“想、愿”,用来阐述自己的想法、看法或打算,其后接名词、代词或动词不定式,词义及用法和want大至相当,但语气比want更委婉。人称代词和would like相连时,would like可缩写为’d like。如:I would like可缩写为I’d like。请看例句:①—W hat would you like,M aria?玛丽亚,你想要点什么?—I would like a cup of tea.我想要一杯茶。②—W here would you like to go onvacation,Sam?萨姆,你打算到哪里去度假?—I’d like to trek through the jungle.我想去丛林…  相似文献   

U nit 5Ⅰ.单项选择1.W hy us a little earlier?A .don t tell B .notto tellC.don tyou to tell D .not tell2.Look atthe card,it ,“Bestw ishes!”A .writes B.says C .tells D .speaks3.W hat about som e corn in this plot(地)?A .grow B.grow ing C .to grow D .grows4.—W ould you like to go to the cinem a together w ith m e tonight?—A .Y es,please. B .Y es,Id love to.C.Y es,I think so. D .ButI don tlove to.5.W hy don tyou think its good anim als live in the cages?A .for;to B.for;for C .to;fo…  相似文献   

1.Couldyou please clean your room? 请你把自己的房间打扫一下好吗?Could you please+动词原形+……意为"你……好吗",是一个请求别人做某事的句型,语气较委婉.其中could虽是can的过去式,但在此句型中只是表示客气的语气,并不表示过去时.肯定回答通常用Yes,sure.  相似文献   

1.【原句】Basketball is popular allover the world.【讲解】all over是固定结构,相当于everywhere,意为“遍及”,可单独使用,也可跟名词。【真题】我们的朋友遍天下。(汉译英)(2005湖南省岳阳市)W e have friends.【点拨】由汉语提示可知答案应填:allover the world。2.【原句】I w ould like to be afam ous m ovie star。【讲解】w ould like/love表示“想要(做某事)”,后接名词、代词或动词不定式,其疑问句形式W ould you like/love...?常用来提出建议或邀请。【真题】W ho do you think you’d likewith you,a boy or a girl?(2005…  相似文献   

1.【课文原句】Hello,I’d like some noodles.你好,我想要一份面条。【在线点拨】“would like 名词”,常用来表示征求意见;“would like 动词不定式”,可以用来表示“邀请;请求;不满”。例如:—Would you like some bananas?吃些香蕉好吗?—Yes,please.好的,请给我几个。—Would you like to go to the store with  相似文献   

Unit 13Where were you born?1.May I ask some questions?我可以问些问题吗 ?〔问〕该句中为什么用 some,而不用 any呢 ?〔答〕some一般用于肯定句中 ,any一般用于疑问句和否定句中 ,它们均可用来修饰可数名词或不可数名词 ,但在表示请求、建议、邀请或问话人盼望得到对方肯定回答的疑问句中 ,应用 some。例如 :Would you like some bottles of orange?你想要些桔汁吗 ?Would you like some milk?喝点牛奶怎么样 ?2 .I was born on February18,1981.我出生于1981年 2月 18日。〔问〕“born”在课本单词表中解释为“由动词bear变来”的 …  相似文献   

Happy English     
In a superm arket在超市D ictionary:W ord s box:cashier收款员poster海报receipt收据basket购物篮shelf架子trolley购物手推车canned drink罐装饮料frozen m eat冻肉m arked price定价queue排队提出请求·C an I have……?我可以……吗?·D o you w ant……?你想要……吗?·W ould you like……?你希望要……吗?Play gam e:给下面的句子排排队,组成一段通顺的对话。1.O k.H ere you are.2.H ave som e C oke.3.You re w elcom e.4.N o,thanks.I like juice.5.Thanks!(2)—()—()—()—()星之语我看着自己亲手缝好的沙包,心里别提…  相似文献   

根据图画所示完成下列对话,每空限填一词。1.A:you like som e bottlesofm ilk,please?B:O K.A:w ould you like?B:Five,please.2.A:H ow m anyin Picture Two?B:Four.A:A re they in the?B:No.Three ofthem are in C lassO ne.The otherone is in ClassTwo.3.A:you m end the bike?B:N o,I can t.A:W hat is he doing?B:H e s his.4.A:W hat are they doing?B:They re their.A:W here are they going?B:They re going to.5.A:C an I borrow your eraser?B:C ertainly,are.A:Thank you very m uch!B:Y ou re.6.A:you an…  相似文献   

黄斌 《今日中学生》2006,(28):27-28
1.please please表示“请”,用在祈使句前时应用升调重读,后常接动词原形。若用在祈使句后,用逗号隔开,一般用降调轻读。例如:Please don"t do that again.或Don"t do that again,please.Please read it slowly.或Read it slowly,please.句型Will(Would)you please...?较上面的句型更客气委婉。例如:Will you please help me to move the desk and the chair?“if you please”常译作“劳驾”,相当于“excuse me”。例如:If you please(Excuse me),how can I go to the station?please作及物动词还可表示“使……高兴”;短语be pleased(…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1.D o you know about E nglish nam es?A.som ething interesting B.interesting som ethingC.anything interested D.interesting anything2.—W ould you please to our party this evening?—Y es,.A.com e;I’ll be gladB.com e;I’ll be glad to C.to com e;I’d love to D.com ing;I’d like to3.Ten years later,good friends.A.they were both still B.they all were stillC.both they w ere still D.they still all w ere4.If you study,you’ll catch up with.A.enough hard;other B.har…  相似文献   

英语"Would you…?"这种句型常用来表示请求或征求别人的意见,语气委婉。但其后接please,like,mind这三个不同的伙伴,用法也就各不相同。可千万不能混淆哟!一、其后接please,用法为:  相似文献   

Jean:Welcome to my home!Here are all kinds of drink.Helpyourselves.Lucy,would you like a bottle of orange? Lucy:Yes,please. Jean:Lily,would you like a cup of lemonade,please? Lily:No,thanks. (Half an hour later,the supper is ready.)  相似文献   

som e与any的区别之一就是som e通常用于肯定句中,any则用于否定句和疑问句中。但是,这并不意味着som e不能用于疑问句中。在以下几种情况下,som e可以用在疑问句中:1.在表示请求的疑问句中。例如:Could you getsom e(apples)for us,too?你也给我们买些苹果,好吗?M ay I ask you som e questions?我可以问你几个问题吗?2.在表示建议的疑问句中。例如:W ould you like som e wine?你要喝点酒吗?Shallw e have som e rice for supper?晚饭我们吃米饭好吗?3.在表示说话人盼望得到肯定答覆的疑问句中。例如:A re you m ending som e desks?你…  相似文献   

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