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在元认知理论框架下,采用定性与定量两种研究方法,对大学一年级非英语专业学生在写作中掌握与使用元认知知识的情况进行了调查与分析。试图通过对元认知知识中三个变量的研究,探究一种科学、有效的大学英语写作者元认知知识的测量工具,为大学英语写作教学提供新的教学思路,提高大学英语写作者的写作水平。  相似文献   

This study proposes a Wiki-based collaborative writing approach to the writing process for EFL (English as a foreign language) learners. A five-stage computer-mediated collaborative writing project including collaborative planning, partitioned drafting, peer-revising, peer-editing, and individual publishing was blended with on-campus English composition course. Fifty-one L2 learners at a university in central Taiwan participated in this project. Procedural scaffolding and collective scaffolding were provided to promote students' self-regulation and thus to foster the development of students' writing skills. A cross-referencing questionnaire survey was adopted to investigate students' perceptions of Wiki-based collaborative writing and students' perceptions of their work in each stage of collaborative writing. As the results indicated, a high percentage of students' satisfaction showed positive perceptions of this Wiki-based collaborative writing environment, and the instructional design of implementing a Wiki-based collaborative writing project with a five-stage writing process does assist EFL learners to accomplish a collaborative writing task on the internet with less limitation of time. This article also points to new possibilities for future research.  相似文献   

Portfolio assessment (PA) has been extensively adopted for writing development in the past three decades. Much research on PA primarily investigates students’ and teachers’ perceptions of its benefits, and how it influences students’ motivation and general writing abilities. Despite its purported effectiveness, not much has been done to understand the relationship between PA and self-regulated learning (SRL) especially in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) or English as a Second Language (ESL) writing research. This paper contends that PA can productively foster SRL in EFL writing classrooms, and, more specifically, it develops a conceptual model of SRL within the context of writing portfolios and iterative feedback processes. Supporting evidence emphasising how PA can facilitate SRL is discussed and evaluated. The paper ends with six recommendations and implications proposing how SRL can be promulgated in EFL portfolio-based contexts. Finally, possible future research is suggested.  相似文献   

The attitudes and the self‐efficacy that characterize learners relative to the Internet have been identified as important factors that affect learners’ motivation, interests and performance in Internet‐based learning environments. Meanwhile, learners’ perceptions of the Internet may shape learners’ attitudes and online behaviours. This study investigates university students’ attitudes and self‐efficacy towards the Internet, and explores the role that university students’ perceptions of the Internet may play in their Internet attitudes and self‐efficacy. The results indicate that university students demonstrate positive attitudes and adequate Internet self‐efficacy and that these students are more inclined to view the Internet as a functional tool—a functional technology. Gender differences exist in university students’ attitudes towards, and perceptions of, the Internet; that is, male students demonstrate Internet attitudes that are more positive than those of their female peers. Furthermore, students who perceive the Internet as a leisure tool (e.g. as a tour or a toy) show more positive attitudes and communicative self‐efficacy than students who use the Internet as a functional technology. Educators and researchers need to be aware of these differences and to take them into consideration in their instruction. Lastly, this study serves as a starting‐point for research that more broadly explores learners’ perceptions of the Internet.  相似文献   

Research into portfolio assessment (‘PA’) typically describes teachers’ development and implementation of different portfolio models in their respective teaching contexts, however, not much attention is paid to student perceptions of the portfolio approach or its impact on the learning of writing. To this end, this study aims to investigate how two groups of Hong Kong EFL pre-university students (Groups A and B) perceived and responded to two portfolio systems (with each group experiencing one portfolio system either working portfolio or showcase portfolio) in one academic writing course. The case study approach was adopted and data sources included semi-structured interviews, student reflective journals, classroom observations, and analysis of text revisions. Findings indicated that students from the showcase portfolio group (Group B) were less enthusiastic about the effectiveness of PA, and queried whether it could promote autonomy in writing, while the working portfolio group (Group A) was more receptive to the experience, and considered that a feedback-rich environment in the working portfolio system could facilitate writing improvement. The paper concludes with a discussion of how PA can be used to promote self-regulation in the learning of writing.  相似文献   

Extensive use of social networking sites by students and teachers makes educators and researchers to think whether they can be incorporated in instructional process to facilitate students’ learning. This survey-based study records and examines Pakistani pre-service teachers’ and teacher-educators’ current uses of Facebook, and their attitudes toward using Facebook for collaborative learning, and to see if there is a significant relationship between participants’ intensity of Facebook use and their attitude toward instructional use of Facebook. Results of the study indicated that pre-service teachers’ and teacher-educators’ motives for their current Facebook use are mainly limited for social purposes. Pre-service teachers’ use of Facebook is more intensified than the use of Facebook by teacher-educators. Further, pre-service teachers showed more positive attitudes toward using Facebook for collaborative learning than the attitudes of their faculty. Findings also indicated a positive relationship between participants’ Facebook intensity and their attitudes toward its use for collaborative learning.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine the effects of teacher corrective feedback (TCF) versus peer corrective feedback (PCF) on Iranian EFL learners’ speaking abilities, and to explore their perceptions of the two CF conditions due to the scarcity and inconsistency of findings in the pertinent literature. To fulfill these objectives, the students’ speaking performance was assessed before and after the treatments, and a questionnaire and follow-up interviews were employed to probe their attitudes. The findings showed greater improvements in the speaking performance of the PCF group although the students had a very low opinion of PCF and favored TCF owing to their concern over issues like trust, grade and face. Although these concerns adversely affected the students’ attitudes, they created facilitating anxiety which drove the PCF learners to engage in the process of learning more actively than their TCF counterparts. Hence, even in teacher-centered cultures, there is a role for PCF.  相似文献   

蒋海薇 《海外英语》2012,(10):15-16,24
Through a comparative study of the use of ACs (ACs) in EFL learners’ writing at different English writing proficiency, Chinese EFL learners’ use of ACs are analyzed with the hope to provide valuabe suggestions in Enligh writing teaching and learning.  相似文献   

EFL学习者在学术写作中还面临着诸多问题,突出表现在写作文体非正式性、过分强调写作"成品"性自主性动机匮乏上。在此情况下,实施以"过程写作法"为中心的学术写作教学势在必行。"过程写作法"大致包括六个写作阶段,其反馈方式主要有三种(教师编辑、同伴编辑及自我编辑)。正确实施运用"过程写作法"可以提高EFL学习者的英语学术写作能力。  相似文献   

裕固族是我国人口较少的民族之一。他们主要聚居在甘肃省张掖地区南裕固自治县,使用裕固语,属阿尔泰语系,没有本民族文字,一般用汉字。裕固族有着悠久的历史和古老的文化。本期“品读中国”。小编就带大家品读一下裕固族。  相似文献   

研究关注中国英语学习者在英语议论文写作中的选词错误情况,研究者从“北京语言大学中国学生英语笔语语料库”中选取了两组不同水平学习者的语料进行比较调查。参考James(1998)对词汇错误的分类,研究者把语料中的选词错误分为7类:误用形近词、误用固定搭配、从母语直译、凭空造词、误用近义词、错误理解词的指示义和具体语境选词不当。通过分析数据,研究者发现了两组不同水平学习者在选词错误方面的一些特点和差异,并且有针对性地对英语词汇教学和写作教学提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Writing is often a massive challenge for the learners who study English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Many EFL practitioners are searching for solutions to help learners improve the level of their writing. In this auto-ethnographic study, two narratives are discussed. In the first narrative, the primary challenges of EFL writing encountered by a cohort of Chinese international students studying in Australia are narrated and then examined from the perspective of a Chinese EFL researcher. In the second narrative, the author’s personal experiences of EFL writing are recounted, with a focus on dialogical awareness and identity construction of an EFL writer. The interactive relationship for EFL learners between English learning and identity construction is discussed. In conclusion, the author reflects upon a dialogic model of EFL teaching and learning in the Chinese cultural context and calls for the setting up of interactive contact zones to help the identity construction of Chinese learners in their EFL writing practices as well as in EFL teaching and learning.  相似文献   

The goal of this research was to examine how Israeli chemistry teachers at high school level use Facebook groups to facilitate learning. Two perspectives were used: Teachers’ TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) and the self-efficacy beliefs of chemistry teachers for using CLFG (chemistry learning Facebook groups). Three different case studies were chosen and qualitative and quantitative research tools were used to learn about the teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs and knowledge. More specifically, a validated questionnaire for measuring teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs for using Facebook and for integrating Facebook into teaching was developed. We show that the initial beliefs (not based on a real acquaintance of Facebook) were replaced by more realistic efficacy-beliefs after the teachers started to work with the CLFG and that the technological support provided to each teacher, together with their mastery experience, supported the development of strong self-efficacy beliefs regarding the use of CLFG. Teachers’ TPACK was investigated by analyzing their interviews and the interactions in their CLFG. We found that the notion regarding what constitutes learning in the CLFG had not changed during the experiment but rather, the teachers knew better how they can facilitate this leaning. In addition they better integrated links to videos and visualizations that supported understanding abstract chemistry concepts. Interestingly, the intervention that was conducted did not influence teachers’ perceptions of learning; however, it was found to serve as an additional tool for supporting their self-efficacy beliefs by providing vicarious experience for the teachers. We therefore recommend performing a longer intervention in the future.  相似文献   

王莹 《甘肃高师学报》2010,15(2):128-131
通过行动研究的方式探讨在公共英语教学中引入同伴反馈作文评改方式的可行性和有效性.研究结果表明:学生认可同伴评改的方式,学生被证明具备评价他人作文的能力,同伴互评可以使学生的作文在内容、结构、语言上有一定的改进.通过这次行动研究可知只要设计合理、操作严谨,同伴反馈可做为教师反馈方式的一种补充,融入到写作教学中,从而提高公共英语学生的写作水平.  相似文献   

通过采访非英语专业的大学英语学习者,了解他们对英语写作的实际需求,从而给写作课堂中的纠错问题提出一些建议。在首先分析了关于课堂写作教学纠错问题的四条教学原则后,再分析其在英语写作教与学中的真正实效性,最终得出为什么在英语写作中纠错是必需的,以及何时和如何在学生的英语写作中提供纠错反馈。  相似文献   

Teacher-student relationship is vital for students’ academic, emotional and social development, as well as for teachers’ professional and personal development. This quantitative study examines teacher-student communication and relationship on Facebook among secondary school teachers (N = 180). We examined teachers’ attitudes towards: a) a policy that bans teacher-student Facebook connections; b) using Facebook for learning. Overall, teachers were interested in broadening communication channels with students, in order to empower learning and interpersonal relationship. However, teachers also maintain traditional teacher-student differentiation; they approve using Facebook for learning and disagree with a banning policy, but also prefer using a professional profile for interacting with their students. Data regarding teachers’ perceptions of relationship with their students and SNS-mediated communication present issues regarding means of communication, attitudes towards the policy of banning SNS, standpoints on using Facebook for learning, and preferred profile for communicating with students. We discuss these issues in light of academic, pedagogical, and inter-personal implications.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades early writing research has focused on the processes involved as children learn to write. There is now a powerful evidence base to show that children’s earliest discoveries about written language are learned through active engagement with their social and cultural worlds. In addition, the idea of writing development as an emergent process is well established. The study reported in this paper adopted case study methodology combined with an age-appropriate data collection technique in order to explore children’s perceptions of themselves as writers. A focused task using a hand puppet called Baby Bear was used to elicit children’s perceptions. The children’s parents were interviewed to elicit their perceptions of their children as writers. This small-scale exploratory study found that the children had clear perceptions about themselves as writers. There were important links between parents’ perceptions of their children as writers and the ethos for writing they created in the home. It was found that, overall, more positive parental perceptions were linked with more attention to the meaning of children’s writing. It is concluded that early years settings could usefully identify and compare children’s and parents’ perceptions of writing in order to enhance children’s writing development.  相似文献   

同伴互评是过程写作教学中必不可少的一个环节。国内外的相关研究结果论证了它的优点和局限性。在此基础上,用实证研究的方法探讨在中国非英语专业写作教学中引入同伴互评的可行性和有效性。研究结果表明:学生认可同伴互评的方式,信任同伴具有客观评价他人作文的能力。同伴互评不仅有效地提高了学生的写作水平,同时还培养了学生对写作的兴趣以及责任感和合作学习精神。  相似文献   

The teacher–student writing conference has long been recognized as being able to provide personalized instruction and contribute to learners’ writing development. However, teachers often find it time-consuming to conference with individual students on a regular basis. Conferencing with pairs of students, therefore, may become a more pragmatic option. While a promising approach, so far the practice of paired conferencing has received scant research attention. This exploratory case study investigated the dynamics of paired conferences held between 1 writing instructor and 23 Chinese-speaking undergraduates learning English as a foreign language, as well as students’ perceptions of paired conferencing. Data collected included 11 videotaped conferences, audiotaped interviews with the instructor and students, and a student questionnaire. Through a discourse analysis performed on the conference data, this study found that to justify and facilitate paired conferencing, the instructor employed strategies such as assigning pre-conference peer review, identifying shared problems, and involving the other tutee in problem solving. Results also indicated that peer interaction during the conference was limited, but the pre-conference peer review seemed to contribute to learners’ awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses. Overall, this study showed that students held favorable opinions about paired conferencing although sharing teacher time and attention might still be a concern with some students.  相似文献   

本研究关注中国英语学习者在英语议论文写作中使用连词和连接副词的情况,研究基于“中国学生英语1:7笔语语料库”(SWECCL)和研究者自己建立的一个小型英语母语者参照语料库。参考Halliday&Hasanf1976)对连接副词的分类和Crystal(1996)对连词的描述,研究者把研究对象确定为and—moreover(并列关系),but—however(转折关系),和so—therefore(因果关系)三组连接词。比较不同水平的学习者之间以及和母语者之间使用连接词的语境的差异。通过分析数据,研究者发现了中国英语学习者使用连词和连接副词的一些特点和问题,并且有针对性地提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

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