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我国高等教育改革与发展已经进入到全面提升教育质量的重要时期。进一步深化高等教育改革,全面贯彻与落实素质教育方针与政策,是当前我国高等学校发展所面临的一项非常重要与紧迫的任务。全面实施素质教育是否能够取得成功,除了需要政府的推动与社会支持以外,更需要高等学校能够积极行动起来,把素质教育政策的实施落到实处。高等学校在全面实施素质教育过程中,既需要  相似文献   

目前我国西部农村素质教育的全面实施情况并不乐观:理论研究相对薄弱,实践中阻碍重重,老问题没有根本解决,新问题不断涌现。西部农村全面实施素质教育是一个系统工程,在理论研究中必须调整研究视角和研究重点,重新审视考试、评价、教学制度,关注教师,努力提高教师素质,争取各方支持,形成强大的社会合力,惟此才能取得实效。  相似文献   

素质教育是一项社会系统工程,家长、教师是学生的首任老师,直接影响学生科学化水平的发展和素质的提高。要把素质教育落到实处,就必须要有社会的支持、配合,而特别需要的是每一个家庭的支持、配合。家长和老师作为素质教育的实施,有责任共同承担撑起素质教育的这一片蓝天。  相似文献   

素质教育有其丰富的内涵。全面推进素质教育是教育界的一场革命,是一个渐进的过程,也是一项社会系统工程,需要社会各界的支持和参与。目前,在推进素质教育过程中出现了一些不容忽视的新情况、新问题。必须遵循教育规律,通过进一步深化教育改革,建立、健全和完善有利干推行素质教育的内外部机制来逐步加以解决。惟此,方可使素质教育得到全面实施。  相似文献   

高职院校全面实施职业素质教育应遵循职业教育规律和学生身心发展规律,以提高受教育者的职业素质为重点,将社会和个体的现实需要与长远需要统一为素质本位论.实践素质本位论,要抓住职业道德素质教育、职业技能素质教育、职业审美素质教育、职业心理素质教育和职业劳动素质教育五个方面的内容,全面发展,办人民满意的教育.  相似文献   

全面实施素质教育,提高教育质量是一项系统工程。为更好地全方位地整体推进素质教育,我们必须建立健全基础教育质量监测与保障机制,建立政府支持下的独立运转的基础教育质量监测与保障机构。这一机构应具备合法性、独立性、专业性和非营利性等特征。  相似文献   

山东省自2008年启动新一轮素质教育以来,以全省统一规范高中办学行为为突破口,以课程改革为主要载体和工作核心,以三个全面、三个还给为基本目标,全面推进素质教育,取得了重大的阶段性成效。但是,全面实施素质教育是一项复杂的社会系统工程,需要各级各部门树立全局观念,各司其职,通力协作;需要学校、家庭与社会相互支持,密切配合。目前,规范办学行为,仅是  相似文献   

全面实施素质教育是一项系统工程,不仅需要全社会共同参与,更需要广大教育工作者的不懈奋斗。在从“应试教育”向素质教育转变的过程中,建设高质量的教师队伍,是全面实施素质教育的基本保证。目前,我国有1000万幼儿园、小学和中学教师,支撑着世界上最庞大的基础教育事业,这支队伍的整体素质决定了基础教育的质量。世纪之交,中小学教师队伍面临着三大挑战:一是知识经济、科学技术突飞猛进的挑战。综合国力竞争说到底是人才竞争,创新人才的培养在教育。二是我国社会和经济发展的挑战。科教兴国,教育为本,师资建设必须先行。三是信息技术革命的…  相似文献   

随着社会经济文化的深入发展,我国高校招生考试制度的弊端日益显露,对基础教育全面实施素质教育造成的影响尤为明显.全面实施素质教育是基础教育适应时代对人才多样化需求的必然选择.高考招生承担着为高校选拔人才和引导基础教育顺利实施素质教育的双重任务,高考招生改革要从多方面采取措施积极稳步推进,以促进基础教育可持续发展,不断提高全民族综合素质.  相似文献   

当前,我国把深化教育改革,全面实施素质教育作为实施科教兴国战略的系统工程,培养和造就一批德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的跨世纪人才.在教育教学中大力加强素质教育,全面提高学生的综合素质是时代赋予每个教育者的职责.  相似文献   

Learning objects and learning content management systems are considered to be ‘the next wave in engineering education’. The results of experiments with these new trends in ICT in engineering education are described in this paper. The prospects were examined and the concepts of reusability of content for teachers and for personalized education using learning objects delivered on demand to students were put to the test. The hurdles that need to be overcome and the benefits of using learning objects and learning content management systems are discussed. This paper is concluded with a discussion of the findings for future developments in engineering education.  相似文献   

AS developments in science and technology accelerate the processes of social change, it becomes necessary to redefine educational objectives in engineering education. This paper examines some of the reasons for dissatisfaction with the limitations of single-discipline approaches to education, analysing these from a systems perspective. The paper considers the development of systems thinking in relation to engineering and raises some of the implications of systems thinking and systems methodologies for the planning of an interdisciplinary course. Finally, it refers to the course in technology and management at the University of Bradford, which is unified by a systemic philosophy and methodology, and considers the value added by such an approach, in human terms.  相似文献   

关于我国工程教育培养目标的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
工程教育历来是我国最受重视的高等教育组成之一,工程教育的改革与发展也是工程界和教育界人士十分关注的问题。“工程教育”究竟是培养科学家,还是培养工程师?这既涉及工程教育的定位,又涉及到工程教育的改革和发展问题。本文从工程教育与社会经济发展的关系,分析了我国工程教育培养目标的变化与发展。  相似文献   

The imagination of human beings and the exploration of novel ideas have always contributed to developments in science. These developments lead us to re‐examine the existing structures in our environment and society so that they can be further improved. The review of literature regarding science fiction and its place in education also highlights the need for novel topics in design education. Thus, integrating a course in the curriculum of design education that aims to explore futuristic and visionary oriented environments like Mars Colonies, Orbital Space Colonies or Orbital Space Hotels would seem crucial. Such topics would probably not only stimulate the students in their design process, but also develop their imagination, as they require research and synectic thinking. As to whether stimulating imagination should be among the priorities in teaching, in fact, it is the dreams, imagination and creativity that has shaped and will shape human development and social‐cultural contexts.  相似文献   


Recognising the broader role and impact of engineering in contemporary society makes it necessary to rethink engineering education to strengthen its purpose of service to humanity and to the common good. From this perspective, future engineers need a more comprehensive education that is not only bound to the technical area but also incorporates critical reflection and ethical education. With the objective of facilitating the process of rethinking engineering education, the present study analyses the official mission of Portuguese higher education institutions offering engineering courses to identify current engineering education conceptions and the importance attached in them to the service to humanity view. The results reveal that the dominant conception is centred on the economic view of engineering and of the engineer. These results reinforce the need to build a new perspective that strengthens the role of engineering as a service to humanity, social justice and the common good.  相似文献   

可持续发展是当今世界面临的共同课题,人的可持续发展在于教育,教育的社会职能要通过教师来实现。随着社会的进步和发展,高校体育教师继续教育问题和可持续发展问题成为时代的需要。本文通过问卷调查、专家访谈、数理统计等方法就湖南省高校体育教师继续教育和可持续发展问题进行深入系统的研究和探讨,为更好地发展我省高校体育教育、加快师资队伍建设及适应时代发展的需求,探讨切实可行的方法和思路。  相似文献   

The need for engineering educators to influence reform of science-technology education in schools and, especially, contribute in stating technology as a new school subject is argued. The approaches to applying systems theory in education are outlined. An introductory ‘Robotics and Real Time Control Systems’ course has been developed as a possible approach to systems education and insight into engineering. The course concept and the master plan, based on the ‘threaded’ metacurricular approach, are proposed. The stages of design process for the course curriculum are considered. The course has been implemented in a number of high schools in Israel. An example of one project performed by a student team is presented.  相似文献   

常熟理工学院工科教育在学校定位与人才培养理念指导下,在抢抓机遇精神的激励和学校政策的支持下,按照做大工科的要求,实施校地互动战略,探索合作教育,专业布局、学生规模等迅速发展,教学支撑条件、社会服务能力等得到极大改善,学科水平、师资队伍等明显提高,科研获得多个国家级项目突破。未来,我校工科专业需要在以学生发展为中心、发挥教师创造性、尊重发展多样性等方面继续深化改革,为学校发展做出更大贡献。  相似文献   

The article presents ten theoretically substantiated ‘theses’ on future education and learning, highlighting emerging trends that will shape educational systems. The focus is on the impact of innovation economy and knowledge society on learning. Specifically, the article elaborates the changing dynamics of production models since the first industrial revolution, arguing that in the last few years we have been in the midst of a globalisation process that is qualitatively different from the earlier ones. This new model has consequences, for example, for skill demands and their regional distribution. More fundamentally, this ‘third globalisation’ makes innovation the key source of economic value, pushing educational systems from adaptive towards creative learning models. In implementing such creative pedagogies, traditional models of innovation become inadequate. The article therefore describes recent developments in innovation research and outlines a new theoretical view on innovation which connects innovation with social change and learning. This ‘downstream’ innovation model highlights the active and creative role of user communities in making innovations real. As the economic and social importance of ‘downstream’ innovation is becoming increasingly visible, educational institutions and learning activity will change. Policymakers will have to answer the question: Why will we need education in the future?  相似文献   

许敏 《成人教育》2018,(6):72-75
当前,我国经济社会发展各领域都面临着转型升级的压力,而这些领域的转型升级又与职业教育关联度极高,再加上职业教育领域需求与供给间存在着严重的结构性矛盾.因此,为了充分发挥职业教育在国家经济转型升级过程中的作用,就首先要较好地解决职业教育存在的结构性矛盾.基于此,文章从职业教育领域供给侧改革内涵阐释、职业教育领域供给侧结构性改革的动因、内在要求及机制等角度进行研究,以期为国家经济社会转型升级提供理论支撑和智力支持.  相似文献   

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