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Background: Pharmacy is an information intensive profession and a pharmacist has to be proficient in health care information management. The advance in information technology and the use of computers to access, retrieve and analyse this information is increasingly important. Yet little is known about pharmacists’ computer literacy or information technology skills. Objectives: To gain a better understanding of pharmacists’ basic computer skills and their ability to use standard software. Methods: Self‐administered postal survey to 747 registered pharmacists residing in two counties of England. Results: A total of 386 (52%) pharmacists responded after two mailings. Most responding pharmacists used computers at work and at home. They believed their basic computing skills to be high, although acknowledged that they were skill deficient in using certain software packages. Internet use at work was low (43%) as too was awareness and use of online medical databases; this was reflected in online medical database training being identified as of greatest need. Conclusions: Pharmacists were confident in operating computer systems but identified a training need for particular software applications. Of concern is the limited knowledge they possessed and access they had on medical databases.  相似文献   

Background and objectives: Pharmacists use PDAs for performing various activities related to their profession. The objective of this study was to examine pharmacists’ utilization pattern and interest in usage of personal digital assistants (PDAs) in various facets of health care. Methods: A cross‐sectional survey was conducted by distributing a pre‐validated 23‐item instrument to a convenience sample of pharmacists (n = 295) in the Houston area. Usage frequency (0 = never to 5 = frequently) and interest in future use (1 = extremely disinterested to 5 = extremely interested) of PDAs for various activities were evaluated and compared across pharmacy practice settings. Results: Most pharmacists reported maximum use of PDAs, as personal organizers (3.7 ± 1.8), in obtaining drug information (2.9 ± 1.8) and as medical calculators (2.6 ± 1.9). Similar results were obtained while evaluating interest of pharmacists who did not have PDAs and have never used PDAs for these three activities. Hospital pharmacists owned and used PDAs significantly (P < 0.05) more often than community pharmacists. Conclusions: Pharmacists used PDAs for basic functions in their profession role. Application of PDA technology in community pharmacy settings may result in its better adoption in both the settings.  相似文献   

Background: While the Internet is a popular source of health information, health seekers’ inadequate skills to locate and discern quality information pose a potential threat to their healthcare decision‐making. Objectives: We aimed to examine health information search and appraisal behaviours among young, heavy users of the Internet. Methods: In study 1, we observed and interviewed 11 college students about their search strategies and evaluation of websites. In study 2, three health experts evaluated two websites selected as the best information sources in study 1. Results: Familiarity with health websites and confidence in search strategies were major factors affecting search and evaluation behaviours. Website quality was mostly judged by aesthetics and peripheral cues of source credibility and message credibility. In contrast to users’ favourable website evaluation, the experts judged the websites to be inappropriate and untrustworthy. Conclusion: Our results highlight a critical need to provide young health seekers with resources and training that are specifically geared toward health information search and appraisal. The role of health seekers’ knowledge and involvement with the health issue in search effort and success warrants future research.  相似文献   



The research identified the skills, if any, that health preprofessional students wished to develop after receiving feedback on skill gaps as well as any strategies they intended to use to address these gaps.


A qualitative approach was used to elicit students'' reflections on building health information literacy skills. First, the students took the Research Readiness Self-Assessment instrument, which measured their health information literacy, and then they received individually tailored feedback about their scores and skill gaps. Second, students completed a post-assessment survey asking how they intended to close identified gaps in their skills on these. Three trained coders analyzed qualitative comments by 181 students and grouped them into themes relating to “what skills to improve” and “how to improve them.”


Students intended to develop library skills (64% of respondents), Internet skills (63%), and information evaluation skills (63%). Most students reported that they would use library staff members'' assistance (55%), but even more respondents (82%) planned to learn the skills by practicing on their own. Getting help from librarians was a much more popular learning strategy than getting assistance from peers (20%) or professors (17%).


The study highlighted the importance of providing health preprofessional students with resources to improve skills on their own, remote access to library staff members, and instruction on the complexity of building health literacy skills, while also building relationships among students, librarians, and faculty.


  • After receiving feedback on skill gaps, most preprofessional health students intend to develop their information literacy skills.
  • Some students report that a trip to the library is a barrier to using library resources.
  • Students see the need to build their information evaluation skills, knowledge of citations and plagiarism, and library skills, which they differentiate from Internet skills.
  • Students are more likely to identify librarians as sources for assistance in finding information than faculty or peers after receiving individual feedback explaining the role of libraries and library staff members.


  • Students'' health information competencies can be built through assessment and feedback that reveals skill gaps, highlights misconceptions, and offers ideas on how to improve.
  • Access to professionally designed self-study resources is needed for students who intend to develop health information competencies on their own.

Purpose: The research examined use of the Internet to seek health information among Hispanics in the United States.Methods: A secondary analysis used the Impact of the Internet and Advertising on Patients and Physicians, 2000–2001, survey data. Pearson''s χ2 test, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), analysis of variance (ANOVA), and independent samples t tests were conducted to test for relationships and differences between facets of Hispanic and non-Hispanic white online health information seeking.Results: Findings indicated lower Internet health information seeking among Hispanics (28.9%, n=72) than non-Hispanic whites (35.6%, n=883). On a scale of 1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree), Hispanics were likely to agree that Internet health information improves understanding of medical conditions and treatments (M=1.65), gives patients confidence to talk to doctors about health concerns (M=1.67), and helps patients get treatment they would not otherwise receive (M=2.23). Hispanics viewed their skills in assessing Internet health information as good. Overall ratings were also positive for items related to sharing Internet health information with a doctor. Conflicting with these findings, Hispanics (M=3.33) and non-Hispanic whites (M=3.46) reported that physician-patient relationships worsened as a result of bringing online health information to a visit (scale 1=a lot better to 5=a lot worse).Conclusion: This study provides further evidence of differences in Internet health information seeking among Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites. Cultural discordance may be a possible explanation for Hispanics'' view that the Internet negatively impacts physician-patient relationships. Strategies to increase Hispanics'' access to Internet health information will likely help them become empowered and educated consumers, potentially having a favorable impact on health outcomes.


  • Consistent with prior studies, a lower proportion of Hispanics compared to non-Hispanic whites reported using the Internet to seek health information.
  • Overall, Hispanics tended to agree that the Internet is a helpful resource for health information.
  • Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites reported that bringing Internet health information to doctors'' visits worsened the physician-patient relationship.
  • Consistent with prior literature, the odds of seeking Internet health information were decreased for Hispanics with low (<$25,000) and middle ($25,000– $49,000) household incomes.


  • More studies are needed to provide evidence to develop culturally appropriate interventions to examine differences in Internet use and potential digital disparities among Hispanics.
  • Concurrent with increasing Hispanics'' use of Internet health information, efforts to address the Internet''s impact on physician-patient relationship are warranted.

Background and objectives: Community pharmacists require a constant provision of high quality information for updating their knowledge and improving their practices and skills. The development of library and information services for the pharmacists in a meaningful way should take into consideration their information behaviour and needs. This study is an investigation of the information behaviour of community pharmacists in Greece, as well as their perceptions regarding the contribution of library and information services in their future professional development. This is the only empirical investigation which has been made available regarding the information behaviour of the community pharmacists in Greece. Methods: An empirical investigation has been conducted between March and April of 2008 through the development and the distribution of a semi‐structured questionnaire. The sample of the respondents consists of 92 community pharmacists from 22 pharmacy associations in Greece. Results: The community pharmacists have access to the Internet, with limited access to specialized information resources, and they are increasingly utilizing information services in their everyday practices. The pharmaceutical associations (national and local) could play a significant role as information providers and specialized hybrid libraries and information services are required in order to satisfy the current information needs of the community pharmacists. Conclusions: Meaningful library and information services depend on setting specifications relevant to the community pharmacists’ information behaviour. Indeed, in the near future, structured information services may come to rescue the role of the community pharmacists and empower their irreplaceable position in serving the local communities.  相似文献   



This research reports on the NICE Evidence search (ES) student champion scheme (SCS) first five years of activity (2011–2016) in terms of its impact on health care undergraduate students’ information search skills and search confidence.


A review of students’ evaluation of the scheme was carried out to chart the changes in attitude towards NICE Evidence search as an online health care information source and to monitor students’ approach to information seeking.


This study is based on the results of questionnaires distributed to students before and after attending a training session on NICE Evidence search delivered by their own peers. The exercise was implemented in health related universities in England over a period of five consecutive academic years.


(i) Students’ search confidence improved considerably after the training; (ii) ES was perceived as being an increasingly useful resource of evidence based information for their studies; (iii) the training helped students develop discerning search skills and use evidence based information sources more consistently and critically.


The NICE SCS improves confidence in approaching information tasks amongst health care undergraduate students. Future developments could involve offering the training at the onset of a course of study and adopting online delivery formats to expand its geographical reach.  相似文献   

Background: Hospital pharmacists need access to high‐quality information in order to constantly update their knowledge and improve their skills. In their modern role, they are expected to address three types of challenges: scientific, organizational and administrative, thus having an increased need for adequate information and library services. Objectives: This study investigates the information‐seeking behaviour of public hospital pharmacists providing evidence from Greece that could be used to encourage the development of effective information hospital services and study the links between the information seeking behaviour of hospital pharmacists and their modern scientific and professional role. Method: An empirical research was conducted between January and February 2010 with the development and distribution of a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was filled in and returned by 88 public hospital pharmacists from a total of 286 working in all Greek public hospitals, providing a response rate of 31%. Results: The hospital pharmacists in Greece are in search of scientific information and, more particularly, pharmaceutical information (e.g., drug indications, storage, dosage and prices). The Internet and the National Organization of Medicines are their main information sources, while the lack of time and organized information are the main obstacles they have to face when seeking information. Conclusions: The modern professional role of hospital pharmacists as invaluable contributors to efficient and safer healthcare services may be further supported through the development of specialized libraries and information services within Greek public hospitals.  相似文献   

Objective: The objective of this study was to assess perceived Internet health literacy of HIV‐positive people before and after an Internet health information educational intervention. Methods: We developed a 50‐min educational intervention on basic computer skills and online health information evaluation. We administered a demographic survey and a validated health literacy survey (eHEALS) at baseline, immediately after, and 3 months the class. Changes in scores between the surveys were analysed. Results: Eighteen HIV‐positive participants were included in the final analysis. Before the intervention, most respondents’ assessment of their ability to access Internet health information was unfavourable. Post‐intervention, the majority of respondents agreed or strongly agreed they were able to access and identify Internet health information resources. The increase in self‐assessed skill level was statistically significant for all eight items eHEALS (P < 0.05). Scores for the 3‐month follow‐up survey remained higher than pre‐intervention scores for most items. Conclusions: Providing an interdisciplinary brief introductory Internet health information educational intervention HIV‐positive people with baseline low perceived Internet health literacy significantly improves confidence in finding and using Internet health information resources. Studies with larger numbers of participants should be undertaken to determine if brief interventions improve self‐care, patient outcomes and use of emergency services.  相似文献   

Objectives: To develop a patient information leaflet (PIL) to help local patients meet their drug information needs using the Internet, and to perform a preliminary evaluation of this tool. Methods: Development—a cross‐sectional survey of the drug information needs of local patients using a semi‐structured questionnaire; assessment of websites offering free, consumer‐orientated medicines information using set criteria; identification of consensus criteria to evaluate the quality of health‐related on‐line information; evaluation—views on a draft patient information leaflet from a focus group. Results: Those surveyed felt that being directed to high‐quality websites and being provided with assessment criteria for on‐line information would be useful. The three websites fulfilling most of the set quality criteria were Surgery Door ( www.surgerydoor.co.uk ), InteliHealth ( www.intelihealth.com ) and medline plus ( www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus ). The six most frequently cited assessment criteria were currency, authorship, commerciality, relevance, links and attribution. A draft leaflet was constructed listing the above three websites and six criteria along with tips on how to search the Internet effectively. A focus group reacted favourably. Conclusion: The Internet is a source of drug information—an information leaflet may help to guide local patients through its variable information quality.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop and evaluate a web-based interactive information skills tutorial integrated into the curriculum. To determine whether the tutorial was acceptable to students and explore the use of a skills assessment tool in identifying whether the tutorial improved skills. METHODS: The development of a tutorial on OVID medline to teach transferable information skills. A small cohort study to evaluate students' views on the tutorial and its effects on information skills. RESULTS: Thirteen objective assessments were usable. There was a statistically significant improvement in mean final assessment scores, compared with mean pre-training scores, F(2,14) = 11.493, P = 0.001. Eleven (85%) students had improved their overall information skills. The improvement in overall searching skills was enhanced by referral to the tutorial. CONCLUSIONS: The tutorial was successfully developed and integrated into a Masters programme curriculum. In this setting, it appears to reinforce active learning, and was well received by students, who developed core generic searching skills and demonstrated improved information skills in the short and longer term. Students could use the tutorial for revision and study at a time and place of their choosing. Further evaluation is required to assess the impact of using the tutorial with large groups of students, and as a stand-alone teaching medium.  相似文献   

Purpose: The study assesses potential for improving residents'' evidence-based medicine searching skills in MEDLINE through real-time librarian instruction.Subjects: Ten residents on a rotation in a neonatal intensive care unit participated.Methodology: Residents were randomized into an instruction and a non-instruction group. Residents generated questions from rounds and searched MEDLINE for answers. Data were collected through observation, search strategy analysis, and surveys. Librarians observed searches and collected data on questions, searching skills, search problems, and the test group''s instruction topics. Participants performed standardized searches before, after, and six-months after intervention and were scored using a search strategy analysis tool (1 representing highest score and 5 representing lowest score). Residents completed pre- and post-intervention surveys to measure opinions about MEDLINE and search satisfaction.Results: Post-intervention, the test group formulated better questions, used limits more effectively, and reported greater confidence in using MEDLINE. The control group expressed less satisfaction with retrieval and demonstrated more errors when limiting. The test and control groups had the following average search scores respectively: 3.0 and 3.5 (pre-intervention), 3.3 and 3.4 (post-intervention), and 2.0 and 3.8 (six-month post-intervention).Conclusion: Data suggest that measurable learning outcomes were achieved. Residents receiving instruction improved and retained searching skills six-months after intervention.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to assess Internet connections and information technology skills of public health workers in the Midwest. METHODS: A questionnaire was mailed to 713 local health departments (LHDs) in the ten states of the Greater Midwest Region. RESULTS: Three hundred forty-four LHDs (48%) responded. Overall, 85% own a computer that would allow Internet access. Half provide Internet access to some or all staff. Of these, two-thirds use e-mail and half search the Web. One-half are linked to the State Health Department, and 30% are linked to other local health departments. Over half use CDC-Wonder; less than 20% search MEDLINE. Two-thirds of the respondents expressed an interest in MEDLINE training, and three-fourths are interested in learning more about the Internet. Sixty-nine percent of respondents planned to enhance electronic communication capacity within the next year. CONCLUSIONS: Public health practitioners need timely, convenient access to information to aid them in improving the health of the American public. A majority of public health departments in the Midwest are technically capable of connecting to the Internet. This technological capability, combined with an expressed desire by public health agencies to have workers become computer literate, suggests an important role for health sciences librarians.  相似文献   

The Internet provides an easy and accessible way to deliver medical information about the management of various diseases, both to practitioners and to their patients. As there is no control over who posts information on the Web, there is a risk that the interests of the web producer may bias the quality of information. The quality of medical information on the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) on the Internet was evaluated, comparing non-commercial and commercial websites. An internet search was conducted to locate relevant websites using a metasearch engine. The quality of websites was scored on a scale of 0-10, based on three items about the credibility of the site and seven items about the accuracy of the information provided by the site. Quality differences between commercial and non-commercial websites were explored. The search revealed 23 relevant websites (12 noncommercial and 11 commercial). The overall quality of non-commercial websites was better than that of commercial websites (median score 7 vs. 4, P = 0.01). Compared to commercial sites, non-commercial websites more often provided information about cessation of smoking (100% vs. 64%, P = 0.03), preventative influenza vaccinations (42% vs. 9%, P = 0.07) and use of long-term oxygen therapy (92% vs. 45%, P = 0.02). Among websites providing information on COPD, commercial sites were much more likely to be of poorer quality compared to sites of non-commercial organizations. In particular, commercial sites do not provide information about simple preventative treatments. There is a need to be vigilant about the quality of health information about COPD on the Internet.  相似文献   

Background: To ensure that physical and occupational therapy graduates develop evidence‐based practice (EBP) competencies, their academic training must promote EBP skills, such as posing a clinical question and retrieving relevant literature, and the information literacy skills needed to practice these EBP skills. Objective: This article describes the collaborative process and outcome of integrating EBP and information literacy early in a professional physical therapy and occupational therapy programme. Methods: The liaison librarian and a faculty member designed an instructional activity that included a lecture, workshop and assignment that integrated EBP skills and information literacy skills in the first year of the programme. The assignment was designed to assess students’ ability to conduct a search independently. Results: The lecture and workshop were successful in their objectives, as 101 of the 104 students received at least 8 out of 10 points on the search assignment. Conclusions: The teaching activities developed for the students in this course appear to have achieved the goal of teaching students the EBP research cycle so that they might begin to emulate it. The collaboration between the faculty member and the librarian was integral to the success of this endeavour. Future work will include the evaluation of students’ long‐term retention of information literacy objectives.  相似文献   

This one-year project was designed to investigate the skills training needs of a group of 12 specialist registrars in psychiatry working as flexible trainees (part time) in the NHS. They had expressed concerns about their lack of information technology skills at training assessment seminars. A part-time project officer, was appointed to support the group giving information skills training to each flexible trainee on an individual basis, through a series of home visits. The project officer worked under the supervision of the London Library & Information Development Unit (LLIDU) from a home base, to identify with the insular feelings expressed by the project group. Project funding purchased a laptop computer with modem and a printer for each participant to use during the project. The training covered: basic search skills and developing search strategy techniques using quality filters particularly in relation to the MEDLINE database; how to search the Cochrane Library and PubMed and exploiting Internet information resources. The group asked for help with word processing and presentation software use. These needs were met in a series of half-day workshops. Experience and insight gained during the project will feed into future planning of information skills training for larger numbers of flexible trainees.  相似文献   

Aims: To assess the awareness and use of NHSnet within general practice. To investigate the presence of skills necessary to maximize the benefits of NHSnet connections. Methods: Postal survey of general practice staff in the Northern and Yorkshire Region. Results: At least one completed questionnaire was obtained from 65% of the general practices surveyed, and the individual response rate to the general practice survey was 44%. Ninety per cent of all respondents reported that their practice was connected to the NHSnet, with 59% of respondents reporting that they use NHSnet at least once a week. Although NHSnet was used to search for research information or guidance, all respondents in this survey still reported greater access to and use of paper‐based information resources. Respondents indicated that they still needed further training on how to use NHSnet (42%), how to search the Internet (31%) and how to search electronic databases such as medline (49%). Conclusions: Since our 1999 survey, reported NHSnet connectivity has increased greatly, with a majority of respondents reporting that they use NHSnet at least once a week. Although encouraging, this level of usage suggests that using the Internet/NHSnet to find research has yet to become a core activity in general practice.  相似文献   

The Internet has become a crucial source of health information for health sciences students. They increasingly rely on the Internet for health information to support their educational projects, academic activities, clinical practice and research. Surprisingly, it has been shown that students' health information skills for conducting research on the Internet are inadequate. Indeed, developing and improving the health information skill set of health sciences students is required in order for students to effectively locate, critically evaluate, and efficiently use online health information for the effective location, critical evaluation and efficient use of online health information. This paper undertakes a systematic review of the literature with a focus on electronic health information literacy skills with the aim of identifying the current trends, contributions to, and practices in health sciences students' education, and informing researchers in the field universally about the essential baseline for the design and development of effective course contents, pedagogy and assessment approaches. However, majority of students have limited skills for the location, evaluation and effective use of health information on the Internet. Other articles suggest that health sciences students need fully fledged health information skills programs that are integrated with their health sciences education curricula.  相似文献   

There are recent indications regarding the use of online public services that force the government to focus on the more refined conceptualizations digital divide research has produced. This paper addresses one of the factors that appears to be important in several conceptualizations of how to approach the digital divide; the differential possession of so-called digital skills. The problem of being short of skills becomes urgent when governments suppose that citizens are able to complete about every task on the Internet. Operational definitions for operational, formal, information and strategic skills are used to measure the Internet skills of the Dutch population at large, by giving 109 subjects nine government related assignments to be accomplished on the Internet. Subjects were recruited following a two step approach; randomly select a sample from the book/list of fixed telephony subscribers, followed by drawing a selective quota sample for the strata of gender, age and educational level. The results indicate that on average 80% of the operational skill Internet tasks, 72% of formal Internet skills tasks, 62% of the information Internet skills tasks and 22% of strategic Internet skills tasks assigned have been successfully completed. The Dutch government's expectation that every citizen with an Internet connection is able to complete the assignments following tasks the government thinks every Internet user can perform, clearly is not justified. The article provides two types of policy recommendations to change this state of affairs. Recommendations for improving government websites and for improving the skill levels of Dutch citizens are suggested.  相似文献   

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