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CAS President Lu Yongxiang and CAS Vice President Chen Yiyu paid a visit to Tibet from July 10 to 17. They exchanged ideas with leaders of the region on S&T cooperation between the two sides and the establishment of a CAS institute of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau research.During their trip, Lu and Chen met with the Institute administrators in Nyingchi, a district in southeast Tibet, and listened to the report by  相似文献   

A research team led by Prof.Gao Kelin from the CAS Wuhan Institute of Physics & Mathematics (WIPM) has succeeded in colding and trapping a few and single ions.  相似文献   

The 2004 annual work conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is held at an important moment. It comes when formulation of the State Mediumand Long-term Plan for the Development of Science and Technology (S&T) has begun in an all-round way and when the seventh year has just begun for the trial implementation of our Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP) and we are working hard to plan the development of CAS in the future. Here is the theme of our conference:  相似文献   

The CAS Academic Divisions(DASAD)is established on June 1.1955, At present.it has six divisions of mathematies&physics, chemistry. lif sciences&medical sciences.earth sciences, information sciences and technical sciences.In 1984, the State council defined its principal function in clear terms.i.e.  相似文献   

By using remote sensing and GIS technologies, a research team led by Prof.Wang Ranghui from the CAS Xinjiang Institute of Ecology & Geography makes progress in their studies into the fragile eco-environment of inland river basins in an arid region.  相似文献   

Strategic planning for national and CAS mid- and long-term S&T development should avoid giving equal attention to every aspect of an issue, which can only lead to incremental progress. Instead, importance should be attached to priorities that will result in scientific, technical and engineering breakthroughs, said CAS President Lu Yongxiang, who is also vice-chairman of the national legislature, NPC. Lu told a senior forum on CAS  相似文献   

A research team headed by Dr. Zhang Yongqing (Yong Q. Zhang) at the CAS Institute of Genetics & Developmental Biology recently received a financial grant from FRAXA, a US foundation supporting top-notch research of Fragile X Syndrome, a special hereditary disease of mental retardation.  相似文献   

A research group led by Prof. Gao Qian (Chien Gao) from the CAS Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology was recently awarded a first prize in natural science by Liaoning Province in recognition of its many years of bryophyte studies. The award was conferred by S&T authorities of the northeast China province.  相似文献   

On September 17, 1979, scientists from the CAS Institute of Electronics succeeded in obtaining their first microwave remote sensing images from a prototype airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) system. Over the past 25 years, Chinese scientists have won many R&D results and made remarkable progress in developing SAR and its ground receiving systems.  相似文献   

We present evidence on productivity improvement experienced by the research institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) after its implementation of the Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP). Using a balanced panel of data on R&D inputs and outputs of 59 research institutes in CAS, we analyze the productivity, technological and efficiency changes from 1997 to 2005. We document that the CAS research institutes have a productivity growth of 12.5% from 1998 to 2005, which can be further decomposed into 8.8% attributed to technological progress and 3.3% to efficiency improvement. Results of regional analysis show that institutes in Beijing and Shanghai, performed better than institutes in other regions during the same period.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(3):104471
Technology transfer systems (TTSs) and modes of national research institutes (NRIs) have become increasingly significant in shaping national innovation systems. However, few studies have addressed this issue in the context of emerging economies. To fill this research gap, this paper explores the TTSs and modes of Chinese NRIs based on a case study of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). We clarify the institutional factors that influence the adoption of an academy-branch-institute-level TTS, reveal the policy-driven evolvement of this multi-level TTS, and elucidate the operational mechanisms of the TTS. We find that the effective collaboration between the actors within or across the three levels of the TTS could enhance the functions of integration management, science and technology (S&T) resource allocation, and public research and development. Through a thematic synthesis approach, we identify three technology transfer modes of the CAS. These three modes exhibit an evolutionary sequence from the CAS-region cooperation mode to the incubation ecosystem mode and then to the platform-driven mode, following the progress of the Chinese S&T system reform and the repositioning of the CAS mission. These modes have diverse demands for technological cognition and resource allocation capability that can be satisfied by the co-specialised interaction among the three levels of the TTS. Apart from the theoretical implications for technology transfer studies, our findings provide managerial implications for guiding technology transfer from NRIs.  相似文献   

中国科学院成立至今,根据国情和院情,创办和管理过多所大学,其历程并非一帆风顺,有艰辛曲折,有成功的经验。中国科学院所办的大学为国家培养了大批专业人才,在促进科教融合,提升大学学术水平等方面,不断探索具有中国特色的高等教育发展之路。  相似文献   

针对当前单个人才引进不能很好地满足企业、行业和区域日益升级的人才需求问题,探寻一种新的方法来识别某一机构的核心研发团队,从而为企业、行业和区域批量引进人才提供决策支持.由于传统共现分析方法存在缺陷,研究引入并优化关联规则挖掘中的FP-Growth算法来实现核心研发团队的识别,并以中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所为对象验证方法的有效性,最后以中国科学院为研究对象进行实证研究.实证研究挖掘得到中科院7支核心研发团队,包括中科院海洋研究所的海洋生物制品课题组等.  相似文献   

文章回顾了中国科学院建院65年来的发展历程,总结了出成果、出人才、出思想等一系列创新成就,阐述了民主办院、人才强院、开放兴院的优良传统,进一步明确了新时期中国科学院的基本方针和中心任务,展望了中国科学院实现"四个率先"的宏伟蓝图和在国家科技进步与民族复兴进程中的历史性作用。  相似文献   

中国科学院肩负国家战略科技力量职责使命,一贯重视知识产权工作。在分析中国科学院知识产权保护与运用的制度规范和重要举措的基础上,总结了中国科学院知识产权保护和运用的模式特征。基于中国科学院案例,从战略制度、专业安排、模式举措、管理流程等方面提出了对于加强国家战略科技力量知识产权保护和运用工作的建议。  相似文献   

贵州省六盘水市水城县是中国科学院定点帮扶县。文章回顾了近年来中国科学院在水城县开展科技扶贫工作主要内容和成效:发挥综合科技优势,结合水城县实际情况,打造特色科技扶贫项目,重点培养贫困地区的自我造血功能。总结成功经验,探索科技扶贫助推"三变"改革的新模式,强化科技支撑,推进精准扶贫,建立科技扶贫长效机制。  相似文献   

CAS should stick to the principle of rendering service to, and giving impetus for, the development of China's science enterprise by making S&T innovations, said CAS President LU Yongxiang. The CAS president made the remarks in a recent talk to communicate the gist of the winter session of the Party's Leading-member Group at CAS, which was held from 7 to 11 January in Beijing.  相似文献   

本文从领域方向、研究机构地域分布和在创新价值链中工作性质三维坐标的新视角,研究归纳了国际重要科研团体科技布局调整的有益经验,系统梳理了我院科技布局调整的发展历程,总结了知识创新工程以来我院科技布局调整的经验与做法,分析了存在的问题,提出了抓住当前重要机遇期深入推进科技布局调整的主要思路和政策措施,完整表达了科技创新价值链理论及我院的定位,就科技创新基地建设、院属研究机构布局调整、加强联合合作优化科技布局、新建研究单元、建立我院科技布局自觉持续调整机制等提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

At the invitation of the CAS, a group of eight international experts convened in Nanjing on October 7th and 8th to evaluate the CAS Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology (NIGPAS). This is the first move of its kind ever made by CAS at the academy level. Earlier this year several CAS institutes had made similar assessments by themselves.  相似文献   

Chaired by Prof. LuYongxiang, executive chairman of the CAS Presidium and president of CAS, the 10th session of the fourth CAS Presidium was held on September 2 in Beijing. The CAS Presidium is the standing leading body of the CAS General Assembly, the highest organ of the CAS Academic Divisions (CASAD).  相似文献   

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