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The impact of participation in a classroom with a peer with a severe hearing loss on preschool children's understanding of hearing and hearing loss was investigated. Subjects included children with and without a peer who had a hearing impairment. All children referred to their own experiences to explain hearing loss. Children who had a hearing-impaired classmate demonstrated a more complete understanding of sign language and the consequences of hearing loss than children without this experience. The implications of these results for children who are enrolled in inclusive preschool programs is discussed.  相似文献   

The impact of participation in a classroom with a peer with a severe hearing loss on preschool children's understanding of hearing and hearing loss was investigated. Subjects included children with and without a peer who had a hearing impairment. All children referred to their own experiences to explain hearing loss. Children who had a hearing-impaired classmate demonstrated a more complete understanding of sign language and the consequences of hearing loss than children without this experience. The implications of these results for children who are enrolled in inclusive preschool programs is discussed.  相似文献   

This article documented spoken language outcomes for preschool children with hearing loss and examined the relationships between language abilities and characteristics of children such as degree of hearing loss, cognitive abilities, age at entry to early intervention, and parent involvement in children's intervention programs. Participants were evaluated using a combination of the Child Development Inventory, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, and the Preschool Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals depending on their age at the time of assessment. Maternal education, cognitive ability, and family involvement were also measured. Over half of the children who participated in this study had poor language outcomes overall. No significant differences were found in language outcomes on any of the measures for children who were diagnosed early and those diagnosed later. Multiple regression analyses showed that family participation, degree of hearing loss, and cognitive ability significantly predicted language outcomes and together accounted for almost 60% of the variance in scores. This article highlights the importance of family participation in intervention programs to enable children to achieve optimal language outcomes. Further work may clarify the effects of early diagnosis on language outcomes for preschool children.  相似文献   

The placement in and movement among preschool programs of 131 children with severe and profound hearing losses was monitored over four years. Longitudinal data were obtained on the children's linguistic and social development. In the first year of the study, most of the children were enrolled in auditory/oral (A/O) programs. By the final year, most were enrolled instead in total communication (TC) programs; similar movement occurred from individual to classroom programs. Children in A/O individual programs had the most hearing, highest intelligence and most favorable family profile, followed by children in A/O classes, TC individual programs, and TC classes. Scores on measures of spoken language followed the same pattern. On measures of receptive language and mother-child communication, children in A/O individual programs and those in TC classes had similar scores. Children in TC individual programs came next, and last were children in A/O classes. These findings have implications for the choice of programs for preschool deaf children.  相似文献   

This research study investigates how parents and interveners conceptualize parents' early sign language use. Three groups of respondents involved in the same bilingual early intervention program were being interviewed: hearing parents (n = 12), hearing teachers (n = 6), and Deaf consultants (n = 6). The search and retrieve program 'The Ethnograph' was used for data analysis. The results demonstrate that neither a framework of linguistic proficiency nor one of communicative competence captures the complexity of the issues involved for parents and interveners in conceptualizing parents' early sign language use. The interpretative frameworks of each group emphasize different aspects of the task facing parents: balancing the quest for Sign Language proficiency with emotional and practical considerations in the family, acknowledging the overriding importance of communication regardless of what one may label the language used, and confirming the visual quality and child appropriateness of the signing. Results are related to the stocks of knowledge on which respondents draw and the implications for Deaf and hearing interveners assessing parents' progress.  相似文献   

The ability to attribute false beliefs (i.e., demonstrate theory of mind) by 155 deaf children between 5 and 8 years of age was compared to that of 39 hearing children ages 4 to 6. The hypotheses under investigation were (1) that linguistic features of sign language could promote the development of theories of mind and (2) that early exposure to language would allow an easier access to these theories. Deaf children were grouped according to their communication mode and the hearing status of their parents. The results obtained in three false belief tasks supported the hypotheses: effective representational abilities were demonstrated by deaf children of deaf parents, whereas those born to hearing parents appeared delayed in that regard, with differences according to their communication mode.  相似文献   

Along with early detection, early intervention (EI) is critical for children identified with hearing loss. Evidence indicates that many children with sensorineural hearing loss experience improved language abilities if EI services were initiated at an "early" age. The present study's objectives were to determine the impact of a state EI program on language over time of children with permanent hearing loss and evaluate the association of EI enrollment by age 6 months with early language skill development. Young children in a state EI program were included in this longitudinal study. Results indicate that children enrolled prior to age 6 months were more likely to have age-appropriate language skills at baseline than children enrolled at or after 6 months, and maintained age-appropriate skills over time. Children enrolled at or after 6 months had lower baseline skills but made significant language progress, irrespective of hearing loss severity.  相似文献   

The present longitudinal study investigated the predictive power of preschool linguistic skills and early family factors on children's comprehensive literacy skills at the end of primary school in 262 Chinese children. The results indicated that a substantial (20–34%) share of variance of 5th grade (age 11) literacy skills in Chinese could be explained by early family factors (age 3) and linguistic skills (age 3–age 5). Family socioeconomic status and parent-child reading tuition were associated with different literacy measures. A differential pattern of prediction was also observed among different literacy skills. Furthermore, path analyses indicated that the relationships between early family factors and literacy skills at age 11 were mediated by specific linguistic and cognitive skills at preschool.  相似文献   

The association between expressive language and symbolic play was investigated in 3 groups of 2-year-olds: deaf children with hearing parents (dH), deaf children with deaf parents (dD), and hearing children with hearing parents (hH). (Each group included 6 girls and 4 boys.) 3 language-level groups were defined. The highest group was well into the vocabulary "explosion" and frequently produced multiword/sign utterances; a middle group was beginning the period of vocabulary expansion and occasionally produced utterances of more than 1 word/sign; a third group produced single word/sign utterances only, and had a limited vocabulary. Hearing status was associated with duration of symbolic play (deaf > hearing). Higher language levels were associated with more canonically sequenced and preplanned play, even when language delays were due to exogenous factors.  相似文献   

The findings from this study of 100 Belfast boys, from age 4 to age 21, carried out from 1975 to 1991 relate to the long-term effects of language intervention on reading, the rates of progress of children who make a poor start and of those who make a good start, the relationship of cognitive and social variables both to the acquisition of reading skill and the use made of reading and the outcomes at age 19–21 for those found to have been good and poor readers at age 6.5. It found that the outcomes of instruction can vary substantially between individuals, suggesting that other factors must be impinging on the outcome. Degrees of social disadvantage can influence preschool development in crucial areas such as vocabulary and language development and familiarity with print. Failure at an early stage in the process can have devastating effects on attitudes and influence future progress.  相似文献   

介绍学习规范化的中国手语的重要性,论述建设中国手语数据库的重要意义和技术上的可行性,并从手语数据库功能、数据库系统构成、视频库设计等几个方面进行分析和探讨,构建一款可适用于聋人和健听人检索、研究和学习中国手语的多功能的手语数据库,同时提出需要注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

Rhe study compares sign and oral language in terms of information transmission efficiency. The sample consisted of 36 hearing people with no knowledge of sign language and 36 deaf people reasonably fluent in sign language. (The deaf participants' level of hearing loss ranged from severe to profound.) Oral and sign language comprehension was assessed by means of texts at three different difficulty levels. After being exposed to the texts, the study participants had to tell what they had understood about them, answer a set of related questions, and offer a title for each text. When the hearing group's comprehension of oral versions of the texts was compared to the deaf group's comprehension of signed versions, the deaf group showed better comprehension of the explicit content of the texts but added more invented content and made more errors.  相似文献   

Third- and fourth-grade students in two separate classrooms--one a classroom with only hearing students and the other a coenrolled classroom with hearing, hard of hearing, and deaf students--were assessed to determine friendship patterns, attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions about sign language and deafness. Sociograms, interviews, and videotape analysis of the students' responses were done. Results suggest that hearing students in the coenrolled classroom had better sign language skills, a more positive attitude toward deafness, and an improved awareness of certain aspects of hearing loss (such as speech and amplification). Deaf and hard of hearing students' social acceptance was similar to that of their hearing peers.  相似文献   

This study aims to answer the question, how much of Spanish Sign Language interpreting deaf individuals really understand. Study sampling included 36 deaf people (deafness ranging from severe to profound; variety depending on the age at which they learned sign language) and 36 hearing people who had good knowledge of sign language (most were interpreters). Sign language comprehension was assessed using passages of secondary level. After being exposed to the passages, the participants had to tell what they had understood about them, answer a set of related questions, and offer a title for the passage. Sign language comprehension by deaf participants was quite acceptable but not as good as that by hearing signers who, unlike deaf participants, were not only late learners of sign language as a second language but had also learned it through formal training.  相似文献   

In 1981, sign language was declared an official language in communication with and education of deaf children in Sweden. Today, the debate is focused on language communication for hard of hearing children. In order to describe patterns of interaction between hard of hearing and deaf children as well as between hard of hearing children, a longitudinal, qualitative study was conducted. Twenty-seven children, 2 and 7 years of age, participated. Fifteen were deaf, twelve hard of hearing. Video-recorded observations were made at three daycare centres during a two year period. Observations were made in natural interactional settings. The results showed that the use of a language code that was easy for the children to produce as well as to perceive enabled them not only to take part in dialogues and to share experiences with others, but also had positive consequences for their play as well as their social and emotional development. A child-centered and supportive communicative style of the adults, in combination with a positive attitude towards fantasy and role plays seemed to promote the children’s overall development, as contrasted to an adult-centered and directive communicative style where language per se was in focus.  相似文献   

We evaluated language development in deaf Italian preschoolers with hearing parents, taking into account the duration of formal language experience (i.e., the time elapsed since wearing a hearing aid and beginning language education) and different methods of language education. Twenty deaf children were matched with 20 hearing children for age and with another 20 hearing children for duration of experience. Deaf children showed a significant delay in both vocabulary and grammar when compared to same-age hearing children yet a similar development compared to hearing children matched for duration of formal language experience. The delay in linguistic development could be attributable to shorter formal language experience and not to deafness itself. Deaf children exposed to spoken language accompanied by signs tended to understand and produce more words than children exposed only to spoken language. We suggest that deaf children be evaluated based on their linguistic experience and cognitive and communicative potential.  相似文献   

自然手语和文法手语是聋人间及聋人与听人间交流的两种普遍方式。自从1960年美国语言学权威史多基博士得出了手语是一门语言学意义上的语言的结论后,手语便作为语言来研究。文章从两者的适用范围差异、特点上的差异、语法的差异这三方面进行论述,在语法的差异上,例举实例,便于直观地体会二者在语法上的差异。  相似文献   

This article presents a study that examined the impact of visual communication on the quality of the early interaction between deaf and hearing mothers and fathers and their deaf children aged between 18 and 24 months. Three communication mode groups of parent-deaf child dyads that differed by the use of signing and visual-tactile communication strategies were involved: (a) hearing parents communicating with their deaf child in an auditory/oral way, (b) hearing parents using total communication, and (c) deaf parents using sign language. Based on Loots and colleagues' intersubjective developmental theory, parent-deaf child interaction was analyzed according to the occurrence of intersubjectivity during free play with a standard set of toys. The data analyses indicated that the use of sign language in a sequential visual way of communication enabled the deaf parents to involve their 18- to 24-month-old deaf infants in symbolic intersubjectivity, whereas hearing parents who hold on to oral-only communication were excluded from involvement in symbolic intersubjectivity with their deaf infants. Hearing parents using total communication were more similar to deaf parents, but they still differed from deaf parents in exchanging and sharing symbolic and linguistic meaning with their deaf child.  相似文献   

语码转换是人们言语交际过程中的一种普遍现象。本研究通过田野调查的方法,取得一名听障儿童在自然情景下近4个月有意义的语言样本,以此探讨听障人士交际中的多语码现象,以及语码选择和语码转换的特点、规律。结果发现,个案在交流中存在着语码转换的现象,且所选用的语码类型非常丰富,即个案在与健听陌生人及老师交流时,以口语为主;在与听障同伴交流时以手语为主,辅以口语。个案在交流中的语码选择与转换主要受交际对象、交际效果和所用词语特点的影响。建议重视听障儿童的语言康复。  相似文献   

This exploratory study examined the attention-gaining and attention-regaining strategies used by a preschool educator who is Deaf during child-directed play. Four children (2 with typical hearing and 2 with severe-to-profound hearing loss) were videotaped interacting with the educator in two different play contexts. The educator used four different strategies to gain and to regain the children's attention: visual, visual using an American Sign Language (ASL) sign, tactile/vibratory, and observing/waiting. Overall, tactile and visual strategies were used with the same frequency and occurred more often than either waiting or using an ASL sign to establish joint attention. With the exception of waiting, all strategies were equally successful at gaining or regaining the children's attention. The knowledge and experience of educators with hearing loss potentially provide important insights into enhancing the effectiveness of the communicative environment for preschool children with hearing loss. The implications of this line of inquiry include training for educators on the effective use of strategies to establish joint attention with preschool children with hearing loss.  相似文献   

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