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The purpose of this study was to measure teachers' views about trust between teachers, trust between the principal and teachers, peer collaboration, positive attitudes towards the school and how these antecedents influence the academic pressure teachers put on pupils with respect to learning and learning intensity and performance. The methodology involved was a cross-sectional survey of 234 teachers from 11 Norwegian schools. The structural equation analysis indicated that principal-teacher trust has a moderately high impact on such constructs as “teacher-teacher trust” and “academic pressure” and that “teacher-teacher trust” has a moderately high impact on teachers' “peer collaboration”. “Peer collaboration” has a lower impact on “academic pressure”, while the impact of “positive attitudes towards the school” was moderately high. The article concludes with a discussion of the knowledge basis for understanding how social practice among teachers and school leaders in school communities is mobilised for a sustained focus on pupil learning. Implications for practice and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Teachers today face high stress that can compromise their well‐being, longevity in the profession, and the quality of their interactions with students. Pre‐referral interventions, which address individual student difficulties before consideration for special education, may help buffer teacher stress through student interventions and team support. Yet, little is known about how teacher stress changes across pre‐referral interventions. This study followed 33 elementary education teachers prospectively through their participation in a pre‐referral intervention team (PIT) program. Hierarchical linear modeling indicated that, across the pre‐referral process, teachers felt less distress related to referred students' needs, termed “dyadic stress.” Teachers' dyadic stress was partially accounted for by student progress on referral concerns. Teachers' experience of PIT support was also linked to reductions in stress and lower dyadic stress after pre‐referral interventions were implemented. The findings have implications for how school practitioners consult with teachers. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

大学教师的学术责任精神是内化于心的学术契约,是其在学术角色认同与学术活动中自生自发形成的“必然无知”的约定俗成的伦理规范约定,主要包括学术信念、学术气质、学术交往与学术自律四种责任精神。然而,当工具理性压倒价值理性成为现代性社会的宰制力量后,“什么知识最有用”成为大学教师从事学术研究的“目标”,知识成了大学教师达致某种目的的工具,导致大学教师学术责任精神陷入窘境。复燃凝聚教师共同体普遍共识的学术信念,养成良好学术习惯作用下的学术精神气质,搭建以理性交往为载体的学术交往共生机制,拓展以责任伦理为轴心的学术自我修复能力,应成为新时代培育大学教师学术责任精神的核心要义。  相似文献   

通过对淮安市两所规模较大的民办中学教师的专业发展意识现状的调查,发现了以下几个问题:大多数民办中学教师当教师的动机不纯正;教师工作满意度与所教学科密切;担任班主任的教师比没有担任班主任的专业技能好;民办中学教师参与校外培训进修活动时间少;民办中学教师专业发展自我感觉良好,多数教师选择维持现状。在此基础上提出了可行性建议。  相似文献   

Questionnaire responses from 338 secondary school teachers were analysed to relate teachers' professional characteristics (comprising teaching experience, professional development, and academic and professional qualifications) to teacher professionalism, defined in terms of the two dimensions, teaching competence and commitment to teaching. The Professional Development and Teacher Professionalism Instrument (PDTPI) was devised to measure professional development and teacher professionalism. Inferential statistical techniques employed in the study showed that the variable, teaching experience, was not related to teacher professionalism. Professional development, on the other hand, was found to be an important variable, with the mean teacher professionalism scores between the “high” and “low” professional development groups being significantly different. The study also found that academic qualification was not related to teacher professionalism. However, teachers who had higher professional qualifications were found to possess a higher degree of teacher professionalism.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of physics education on students' achievement in a large‐scale quantitative study of pre‐academic high school students throughout the Netherlands. Two aspects of teacher characteristics as perceived by their students are included: their “pleasantness” principally defined by their perceived friendliness and positive feedback and their “centeredness” principally defined by the perceived teacher centeredness in the lessons. Furthermore, this study includes four student aspects: their “general capability,” their “quantity of work,” their “quality of work,” and their “interest in the lessons.” Structural Equation Modeling is used in order to cluster the different variables defining the perceived pleasantness and the perceived centeredness of the teacher and the general capability, interest, and learning attitudes of the students. Furthermore, interrelations among these components and students' achievement are analyzed. Eventually, a very large effect of the students' general capability (61–72%) and a remarkably smaller effect of the remaining parameters (<3%) on achievement are detected. However, one should not yet conclude that teacher effect on high‐achieving‐students' achievement is consistently low. To the contrary, these results should be seen as an incentive to consider nonlinear effects, to vary ones viewpoint and to include more/other variables. In spite of the almost negligible correlation between the measured aspects of the physics teachers and achievement, the correlations between the teacher variables and the remaining student variables are quite significant. Both the perceived pleasantness and the centeredness of the teachers have a significant effect on the interest of their students. Furthermore, the pleasantness of the teacher correlates with the quality of the students' work and the centeredness of the teacher with their quantity of work. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 49: 465–488, 2012  相似文献   

中国学生发展核心素养要求重视培养学生的数字化学习能力,因此,教师必需具备一定的信息技术能力.对山西中部X市467名中小学教师信息技术能力现状进行调查发现,教师信息技术应用形式主要是:课前教学准备和辅助课堂教学活动.绝大多数教师对于常用计算机技能已基本掌握,网页制作等技能有待培训加强.教师的信息技术应用能力与教龄、学历、学段有一定关系.从低教龄组到高教龄组,教师信息技术应用能力大致呈现出"强-弱"的表现;不同学历组教师的信息技术能力存在显著差异,研究生学历的教师信息技术能力明显比其他学历的教师强;不同学段组教师的信息技术能力存在显著差异,小学、初中教师信息技术能力明显强于高中教师.  相似文献   

In discussions about information literacy and required research assignments, several high school teachers lamented that student research papers had regressed to the point that the completed work represented nothing more than “point and click” exercises. Similarly, Asselin and Lee (2002, 10) began their article on the need for library instruction for teacher education candidates by quoting a student who stated, “I wish someone had taught me how to develop my library information literacy skills through resource-based learning … in school [pre–K—12]. I might not have had such a horrendous time of it when I came to the university.” The problem is apparent; students on university campuses lack basic research and information literacy skills, and do not have a clear understanding of how to use the resources of their campus library. Students also lack the ability to synthesize knowledge gained from the academic classroom, the library, and information technology for the betterment of academic scholarship.

Collaboration between teacher education faculty members and academic librarians for the advancement of academic research and the development of transferable information literacy skills is necessary. These two distinctive, yet interdependent, parts of higher education organizations represent the greatest potential for the development of stronger programs in the fields of research and information literacy by incorporating computer technology and traditional research methods into coursework in a collaborative environment.  相似文献   


This article argues the importance of adopting a “learning to learn” perspective in secondary agricultural education: school organisational development should take place in the perspective of active learning by students. Three factors affecting innovation processes are discussed: school policy-making capacity, school in-service training policy, and professional orientations of teachers. Moreover, a program to support schools for secondary agricultural education while implementing a “learning to learn” approach is presented. The implementation process is tuned to the individual teacher and teacher coaching and in-service training are provided. In this respect, the need for school management and school policy reflecting a clear educational perspective is stressed: fostering the quality of students' independent learning should take a central position on all levels in the school. Therefore, the school organisation as a whole should become a “learning organisation”.  相似文献   

Teachers' professional training and development has been the focus of intense academic and political debate. This paper contributes to this by considering Beginning Teachers' (BTs') self-views of their professional identity. The findings are derived from a mixed methods study with questionnaires (n = 886) and focus groups and interviews (n = 60) with BTs in Wales. Drawing on a socio-cultural approach, the findings illustrate how BTs’ integration of competing professional identities bolstered their sense of professional agency. These findings have salience within a policy context where both teacher education and professional development are increasingly aligned with the narrow organizational objectives of the school.  相似文献   

Elementary school teachers often implement classroom behavioral management systems to address student misbehavior. Common problems targeted by these systems are the inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive behaviors characteristic of attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This study examined teachers' attributions for why children display ADHD behaviors, and how such attributions affect their experiences with children in the context of interventions to manage these behaviors. Participants were 32 preservice teachers undertaking a practicum in a summer program for 137 children (Grades 1–3), some of whom had ADHD. Teachers were trained to implement classroom‐wide behavioral management. Teachers' attributions for children's ADHD behaviors were assessed using a vignette measure, before teachers had met their students or begun training on intervention techniques. When controlling for attributions regarding oppositional behavior, teachers' initial attributions for ADHD behaviors as less internal/controllable predicted children reporting more positive relationships with that teacher during the summer program. Teachers' initial attributions for ADHD behaviors as less stable predicted teachers' greater satisfaction with the intervention techniques during the summer program and their greater attunement to children's social networks. Cognitions about the causes of children's ADHD behaviors held by preservice teachers may relate to their subsequent experiences with children in the context of implementing classroom behavioral management.  相似文献   

We use a unique longitudinal sample of student teachers (“interns”) from six Washington state teacher training institutions to investigate patterns of entry into the teaching workforce. We estimate split population models that simultaneously estimate the impact of individual characteristics and student teaching experiences on the timing and probability of initial hiring as a public school teacher. Not surprisingly, we find that interns endorsed to teach in “difficult-to-staff” areas are more likely to find employment as public school teachers than interns endorsed in other areas. Younger interns, white interns, and interns who completed their student teaching in suburban schools are also more likely to find a teaching job, all else equal. Prospective teachers who do their internships at schools that have more teacher turnover are more likely to find employment, often at those schools. On the other hand, few of the characteristics of an intern's cooperating teacher are predictive of workforce entry. Finally, interns with higher credential exam scores are more likely to be hired by the school where they did their student teaching.  相似文献   

This article investigates three teachers' conceptions and use of inquiry‐based instructional strategies throughout a professional development program. The professional development program consisted of a 2‐week summer inquiry institute and research experience in university scientists' laboratories, as well as three academic year workshops. Insights gained from an in‐depth study of these three secondary teachers resulted in a model of teacher conceptions that can be used to direct future inquiry professional development. Teachers' conceptions of inquiry teaching were established through intensive case–study research that incorporated extensive classroom observations and interviews. Through their participation in the professional development experience, the teachers gained a deeper understanding of how to implement inquiry practices in their classrooms. The teachers gained confidence and practice with inquiry methods through developing and presenting their institute‐developed inquiry lessons, through observing other teachers' lessons, and participating as students in the workshop inquiry activities. Data analysis revealed that a set of four core conceptions guided the teachers' use of inquiry‐based practices in their classrooms. The teachers' conceptions of science, their students, effective teaching practices, and the purpose of education influenced the type and amount of inquiry instruction performed in the high school classrooms. The research findings suggest that to be successful inquiry professional development must not only teach inquiry knowledge, but it must also assess and address teachers' core teaching conceptions. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 44: 1318–1347, 2007  相似文献   

In some recent studies, researchers have measured teacher implicit bias and some have shown that teacher bias predicts student academic outcomes. Currently, however, how bias is portrayed to individual students is largely unknown. In this exploratory qualitative study, observations totalling 4 h per participant were undertaken with ten secondary, six intermediate, and four primary teachers in New Zealand. We utilised a thematic analysis approach to identify three themes: “differential nonverbal behaviours”, “differential academic interactions” and “differential reactions under the same conditions” that captured teachers' classroom interactions. Our findings suggested that teachers’ differential behaviours were mediating teacher bias. This was because teacher bias was recorded in every classroom; however, teachers displayed biased behaviours to varying degrees. Bias was displayed through various nonverbal and academic interactions, and some teachers portrayed their bias by treating some students differently when the situation for all students was the same.  相似文献   


We focus on the preservice teacher‐university supervisor relationship within the context of field experiences to explore the general question, “How can we, as university teacher educators, better assist preservice teachers in their development through field experiences?” Our discussion is based on: reflective accounts of preservice teachers written before, during, and following periods of field experience; our experiences as teachers and teacher educators, which include being faculty supervisors; and on research on the role of the university supervisor in field experiences. We first describe some typical perceptions associated with the preservice teacher‐university supervisor relationship, and then go on to suggest some specific ways to enhance the understanding that preservice teachers have of the roles of university supervisors and, hence, to facilitate the negotiation and development of productive preservice teacher‐university supervisor relationships.  相似文献   

We studied the development of teacher–student relationships and teachers' job satisfaction throughout the careers of four veteran teachers who retained high job satisfaction. Teacher data gathered with the narrative-biographical method were compared with students' perceptions of the teacher–student relationships, using the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction. Teachers' job satisfaction appeared positively related to the self-reported quality of the teacher–student relationships. Positive retrospective teacher perceptions did not always coincide with positive student perceptions. It appeared that teachers may have positive job satisfaction despite, in the eyes of the students, a poor teacher–student relationship.  相似文献   

The 1960s saw a rapid expansion of teacher education in Singapore. This was followed by an attempt to ensure quality teacher education, beginning with the establishment of the Institute of Education in 1973. The Institute was established to take over the responsibilities of teacher preparation and educational research, functions which were performed by the Teachers' Training College, the School of Education of the University of Singapore and the Research Unit of the Ministry of Education. Since its establishment, the Institute has provided pre-service training for some 6000 teachers, both non-graduates and graduates. In addition to these, some fifteen thousand teachers have gone through in-service courses of one kind or another at the Institute over the past decade (Lun and Chan, 1983). The above facts show the concern with and effort dedicated to the improvement of teacher quality in Singapore.  相似文献   

This article describes qualitative and quantitative assessment based on responses of 221 teachers from nine elementary schools in two districts (urban and suburban) to inform plans for reducing and preventing student aggression. Teachers' perceptions of students' aggressive behavior and beliefs were validated against students' self‐reports and archival disciplinary data. Using a brief survey, we found district‐ and grade‐level differences in teachers' perceptions of students' aggressive behavior and aggression supporting cognitions. Teacher reports on these two constructs each uniquely predicted teacher perceptions of the degree to which student aggression interferes with their jobs. Focus‐group interviews with teachers were used to elaborate on individual‐cognitive and ecological school factors related to student aggression, including procedures for handling aggression. The importance of teacher reports is highlighted, and implications for school program development are considered. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 43: 331–344, 2006.  相似文献   

This paper examines the context of teacher education in which certain students work as teachers whilst at the same time they study in a teacher education programme. The two phenomena that are discussed are the integration of theory and practice, and learning while working. These are located in the wider framework of teachers' pedagogical thinking, and research‐based teacher education. The paper reports on students' experiences of the success of integrating theoretical studies in their work as teachers and the related issue of how a student's everyday grasp of classroom practice has been taken into account in their studies. The paper also raises the issue of the university–school relationship through students' estimations of the impact that their participation in teacher education has brought to the school in which they work and other key aspects of the university–school relationship.  相似文献   

当前教师教育实践性课程已得到应用型本科高校教师教育专业的普遍重视,但是师范生对教师教育实践性课程实施的基础——书写,却随着网络社会的发展而倍受忽视。文章以哈尔滨学院“做精教师教育”为例,提出“教+练+用”三结合书写技能提高模式,即“教”——设立“教师职业技能训练中心”促教学;“练”——以建档、帮学、展示、考核、大赛、示范促训练;“用”——以课内与课外相结合、校内与校外相结合促提升,全面提高师范生的书写技能。  相似文献   

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