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The role of 3PL in retail sector are explored and analyzed from the view of retailing and 3PL industry. Through the use of literature, market data and other relative information, the problems on both sides are identified by revealing the current application of 3PL in retail sector and the partnership between the retailers and 3PL providers is analyzed. A case study is also introduced in order to identify the difference between west and china on successful 3PL solution for retailers and specify the key factors to success.  相似文献   

Until very recently, business conditions and the a-bility to finance needed improvements determined the feasibility of terminal development at America's ports, and the Port of Los Angeles was no exception. Of course, construction costs, debt and overall financial stability were all considered as ports weighed the wisdom of multimillion - dollar investments.  相似文献   

In this paper, electrical energy quality and its indices in ship electric networks are introduced, especially the meaning of electrical energy quality terms in voltage and active and reactive power distribution indices. Then methods of measurement of marine electrical energy indices are introduced in details and a microprocessor measurement-diagnosis system with the function of measurement and control is designed. Afterwards, estimation and control of electrical power quality of marine electrical power networks are introduced. And finally, according to the existing method of measurement and control of electrical power quality in ship power networks, the improvement of relative method is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the English learning motivation of minority students of non-English major.Minority students are a unique community in the higher vocational school because of their special background and psychology.It is essential for teachers to understand their motivation of learning English so as to save time and teach more efficiently.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionThe research on the Cognitive presentation of TEFL information in the Chinese setting is a provincialresearch project set up in January,1995.The purpose is to explore how TEFL information should be Pre-sented cognitively(for English majors in Chinese teachers’colleges.As is revealed by our theoreticalpresantation of language psycholng in An Analysis of the Semiotic Growth and Development of Languageand in this report,the project has achieved boh some important psyhological discoveries concerned withlanguage,language leaming and language teaching,amd an experimental success.It is believed by thisauthor that those discoveries have important practical values in Cina as well as theoretical values for thevatious studies of language.1.1 Source theories for the projectBefore the project was sat up,we had already done two other teaching experiments which were basedon our theoretical lesearches in such areas as language,language psychology and teaching methodology,Those discoveries were erpressed i  相似文献   

To solve the problem of providing scientific training for junior players, observation was made on the effectiveness of comprehensive measures of eliminating sport fatigue. Thirty-one subjects had a relaxtion of 25. 2± 10. 2 mins after training by adopting the comprehensive measures of eliminating fatigue (massage chair, belt massage device, generator of negative ion of water, music, etc. ). The results indicated that this comprehensive measures could de crease the hardness of calf muscles, and inprove blood flow and the function of central nerve system and neuromuscular system. Follow-up observation for two weeks was made on three key players, which indicated that thd recovery of body function was better in the week when loading was relatively heavier.  相似文献   

1.ORAL ENGLISH CLASS IN ZHENDE POLTECHNICAL COLLEGE. Introduction The task of helping a group of students wishing to improve their confidence and ability to express themselves in English as a foreign or second language can be a daunting challenge.Through my deep experince of teaching oral english in China,among others,two major issues confront the teachers.The first in regard to the time available for conducting oral English classes and the second concerning the availability …  相似文献   

The Great Gatsby is the representative work of F.Scott Fitzgerald,the famous American novelist in the 20th century.In a deep and concise tone,it tells readers a tragedy about the break of the American Dream.Gatsby lived in the Jazz Age and pursued his dream persistently but finally failed.Through his tragedy,we can discover the social root of his failure,the impetuousness of the Lost Generation and the disenchantment of the American Dream.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to discuss some issues in the application of schema theory in reading instruction.It focuses on consideration of the difference of readers,knowledge preparation in the using schema theory in reading instruction and provides some examples of activating readers’schema.  相似文献   

Gone With the Wind has two editions which have achieved great success.The novel edition is considered as the masterpiece of Margaret Mitchell while the film edition the great work of David 0. Selznick. There are four comparisons followed. Every comparison has its own similarities and insimilarities which embody the flaws and advantages of both editions. This thesis explains the differences between the two forms of art that bring up the differences of the two editions.  相似文献   

中国古代一直存在着以诗讽谕怨刺的传统,这一传统具有浓厚的中国特色,它形成于中国古代特殊的政治文化环境,反映着古人的文学观念。《诗经》作为我国最早的诗歌总集,其中的政治怨刺诗是这一传统最早期的作品,《诗经》政治怨刺诗是《诗经》中最具有批判性的作品。它不仅数量上在《诗经》中占有很大一部分,更重要的是它对中国古代思想、政治、文学产生了重大影响,它开创了我国怨刺讽谕的诗歌传统,在中国古代诗歌史上具有深远的意义。本文选取了最能反映政治怨刺诗特色的呼告抒情、借古讽今、敷陈直叙三种表现形式进行了研究。  相似文献   

接受美学的引入,为古典文学接受史研究奠立了理论基础。从传播接受史的角度看,唐诗经典意义的形成是一个动态的多元化历史过程。中唐的元和时期是中国诗史上的重要时期,既导致了唐诗的大变,又开启了宋诗某些重要特征之先河,且形成了明确的、自觉的流派意识。对元和诗歌的接受学研究,可以整个元和诗人群为对象,按中晚唐、两宋、金元、明清、近现代诸时期为线索,考察其在传播接受过程中的不同变化和情形,揭示传播接受史的某些特点和规律。  相似文献   

杰出的抗战诗人田间,发表了很多有关诗的精辟见解:归纳起来,可以概括为时代论、群众论、作家论、歌颂揭露论、创作论、创新论和街头诗论,这7大诗歌理论丰富了我国现代诗歌理论,值得当代诗歌界深入的思考。  相似文献   

中国花鸟画的发展与中国传统哲学思想、诗歌有着密切的关系。中国花鸟画虚实关系即是中国传统哲学思想的一种体现。  相似文献   

日本诗话是中国诗话域外繁衍的一大支脉.日本诗话与日本汉诗、中国诗话、中国古诗之间密切错综之关系,使其具有特殊的研究价值.日本诗话对于开拓我国古代文学的域外追踪研究和汉字文化圈内比较文学研究,是极为珍贵的资料,但国内迄今尚无专论.实际上<日本诗话丛书>所收日本诗话为59种,包括狭义诗话38种,广义诗话21种;和文诗话29种,汉文诗话30种.日本诗话可分为诱掖初学之诗话、品评鉴赏之诗话、论述日本汉诗发展史之诗话、诗学论争之诗话等4大类,各有其不同的特征.  相似文献   

19世纪末 2 0世纪初及新文学运动前后 ,是中国叙事诗艺术由古典向现代形态演进的关键时期。西方叙事诗学及其文学的影响与中国抒情文学中心地位的式微 ,使当时的”新体”叙事诗创作及其理论批评 ,呈现出新的创作形态与艺术追求。五四新文学运动前后“白话叙事诗”及其创作形态的出现 ,为中国叙事诗艺术现代文体类型的确立与理论批评体系的重构 ,规定了基本的发展趋向  相似文献   

中国山水诗源远流长,自谢灵运首唱伊始,诗人在对自然景物的描写中,赋予山水最深沉的情感,藉山水抒发诗人心中悠远的乡思和回归家园的渴望。通过对种种山水意境的创造,展示诗人强烈的生命追求,探寻生命哲学的底蕴,并在山水中体验生命的终极意义,使山水诗承载起了中国文人博大深沉的人生情感和生命情怀。  相似文献   

纵观近30年中国大陆的研究者对吴嘉纪诗歌的研究,涉及的面比较广泛,既有从横向上分析诗人的思想观念、生活经历、交游等因素对诗歌创作的影响,又有从诗歌传统继承的角度纵向梳理吴嘉纪诗歌的主题和特点,除此之外,还有研究者结合具体诗作分析艺术手法运用上的亮点。针对吴嘉纪诗集《陋轩诗》的不同版本,研究者也做了具体的描述。近30年对吴嘉纪诗歌的研究已有了一定规模,但还是有突破旧有程式、深入某些问题进行探讨的空间。  相似文献   

中国是诗的国度,汉字是象形文字,汉语天然具有诗性。而在中国新诗的发展历程中,一度以"声音"为中心,使得诗歌走向抽象化,后经过一代代优秀诗人的努力,终于恢复了汉字在诗歌中的地位,重拾了丢失的诗意。  相似文献   

朝鲜李睟光的诗学理论,不仅继承了中国诗学的理论观点,更承传了中国诗学的批评方式。其对摘句批评的承传,体现了他独特的审美意识,对后世诗学批评以及诗歌创作产生了深远的影响。李睟光的摘句批评和中国诗家的摘句批评共同构成了独具东方特色的诗歌批评方式。  相似文献   

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