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1.按规律填数。 (1)0,2,6,12,20,30,()。 (2)1,3,7,15,31,(),1270 (3)12,19,33,61,1 17,()。 (4)10,14,22,38,70,134,262,()。 2.已知一串数:1、2、2、2、3、3、3、3、3、4、4、4、…… 试问:(1)10是这串数中的第()个数。 (2)这串数中的第80个数是()。  相似文献   

朱江 《现代语文》2004,(12):42-42
一、时代背景。讨论陶渊明的时代,不能独立地来看,得从汉末开始。东汉末年,军阀混战,随后,三国鼎立,接着,晋统一。晋灭亡后,在北方,先有十六国的割据,后有北魏,东魏,西魏,北齐,北周,在南方,有东晋,宋,齐,梁,陈在那个时期,由于王朝不断更迭,政治斗争异常残酷.很多名士被送上刑场,何晏、嵇康、二陆、张华、潘岳、郭璞、刘琨、谢灵运、范晔……这些著名人物都是被杀害的,正是由于这样,  相似文献   

曾老名玉衡,湖南新化县人,现年八十七岁。幼承家训,学书颜、柳、王、黄、米;青年投笔从戎,于戎马住地之间,亦常挥毫不辍;中年命途多钟,荒废笔墨三十余年;老逢盛世,出于性之所好,重振旧业,致力于酷爱的书法艺术。通过勤学苦练,兼收并蓄,颇得诸家之墨趣。如王之晴朗俊逸,怀之道劲纵横,孙之流畅隽永,于之古朴苍劲,冶诸家于一炉,自成一家风貌。其书作多见于书法报刊,参加过各大书展,收入多种专集,并为各大博物馆收藏。尤其率案大字,如龙、虎、福、寿、佛等,深受识者喜爱,并直接间接流传于欧美、日本、东南亚各国和澳台…  相似文献   

近年来,各种教学法大有蜂拥而出、狂轰滥炸之势。单是中小学教学领域中的教学法就多达几十种,连笔者这等孤陋寡闻之人也能信口说出一大串“这法”、“那法”。如,尝试教学法,反馈教学法,学导式教学法,六课型单元教学法,六因素单元教学法,知识单元结构教学法,学、议、导教学法,读、议、讲、练教学法,引导发现教学法,三环教学法,情景教学法,等等。有些教学法干脆以自己的姓名命名。如魏书生教学法,张思中教学法,邱学华教学法,等等。介绍、研究各类教学法的专著、文章满天飞,观摩各类教学法的现场会、研讨会也频频召开。无数…  相似文献   

水者,刚、柔、坚、韧、容、浮、和、善、献兼之。刚者,水射刃物,水滴石穿;柔,水汽相生,以柔克刚;坚,巍巍冰山,坚不可摧;韧,抽刀断水水更流;容,能容万物,浑然一体;浮,载舟浮桥,水力输运;和,无微不至,随物赋形;善,恩泽四方,滋养众生;献,蹈火灭灾,献身人类;淫,狂怒奔泻,恣意泛滥,必制约之。  相似文献   

陈平原 《教书育人》2009,(10):79-79
据说,最近十年,中国学术大有长进。 标志之一,便是不再由某个领导说了算,谁都得过“评审”这一关。大到学校定位,小至个人荣誉,中间还有研究计划、学科排名等,都需要填表、送审、汇报、打分、评比、颁奖。如今的评审,可不是闹着玩的,牵涉到很多现实利益,课题经费少则五万十万,多则百万千万。而且,你还不能清高,说我不要。因为,社会上就认这个,学校办得好不好,学者成绩大不大,以课题编号或获奖证书为准。于是乎,不少教授,整日里忙得晕头转向,不是你评我,就是我评你。  相似文献   

教学是一门艺术,大致可分为三个层次,或者叫三个品位,即弛、达、味。  先说弛。弛即松弛、自然、流畅、从容不迫。表现在教态上,亲切平和,语言不文不火,课堂气氛轻松、活跃;表现在讲授上,传授知识,深入浅出,如数家珍,于谈笑之间,疑惑尽释;表现在节奏上,快慢有致,张弛有度,谋篇布局,胸有成竹。总之,教者的一言一声,一颦一笑,无不给人以愉悦,蕴藏着勃勃生机。松弛是教师课堂教学的基本功,只有对教学内容把握到位,才能做到轻松自如,恰到好处。松弛不是松垮,了无中心,无的放矢。没有平时对教材的苦研,这种基本功是…  相似文献   

南唐后主李煜,晚唐五代最伟大的词作家。他工书,善画,妙解音律,诗、词、文章都很擅长,是一个全能的艺术家。他后期的词。纯真率直,自抒真情,直用赋体白描,不雕琢,不用典,形象鲜明,意境扩大,警句叠出,流传千古。他是一位开一代词风的人物,对宋代的词家欧阳修、晏殊、柳永、苏轼、秦现、李清照、辛弃疾等产生了很大的影响。  相似文献   

2月27日,中国音乐家协会2010年迎新春联谊会在京举行。中国文联名誉主席周巍峙,中国文联党组书记、副主席胡振民,党组副书记、副主席覃志刚、李牧,中国文联副主席吴雁泽、陈晓光,中国音协名誉主席吴祖强、傅庚辰,主席赵季平,分党组书记、驻会副主席徐沛东,副主席宋飞、孟卫东、谭利华,顾问王世光、孙慎、谷建芬、金铁霖,中宣部文艺局副局长汤恒,中国文联各单位负责人,以及中国音协分党组成员等和广大音乐家一起出席联谊会。  相似文献   

李慧 《甘肃教育》2001,(5):12-13
幼儿成长需要伙伴,需要时间,需要广阔的空间,需要独立、自由,需要群体。于是幼儿来到了幼儿园,就会在宽松、和谐、温暖的集体中游戏、生活、学习。但是幼儿由于年龄的特点,好动、好奇,好模仿,知识经验缺乏,会出现这样那样的事故。一、常见事故及处理1.碰伤。碰伤多数都是头部,幼儿由于身体发育特点,2—4岁幼儿头颅占整个身体比重的四分之一,跌倒后头先着地,平地上一般只擦破皮,淤血,如果没有破皮,可迅速采用冷敷的方法,防止皮下继续出血,以达到止血、消肿、止痛的目的。具体操作方法为:用毛巾包上冰块、冰棒,或蘸冷水冷…  相似文献   

It is worthy of noting that, whilst Crookston Castle witnessed the earlier and happier portion of Mary's variegated life,  相似文献   

There are numbers of crossroads on our long and unpredictable life journey where we totally have no idea about which direction to choose. No matter what our decision is, we should not turn back, but face the music and go ahead instead. I am this kind of girl who always does try without regretting, one example is how I dealt with my love.  相似文献   

王菲 《华章》2007,(12):273-273
Migration occurs behind a variety of reasons and has a great effect on the whole world. People may migrate in order to improve their economic situation, or in order to escape civil strife, persecution, and environmental disasters. The impact of migration is complex, bringing both benefits anddisadvantages. This paper briefly talks about the causes of migration, the allocation of benefits, and the ways in which individual countries and the international community deal with this important subject.  相似文献   

裴水妹 《华章》2007,(11):196
Sister Carrie is one of the most controversial characters in American literature.Thought as a "fallen woman" firstly,she was defined as a "new woman" by some critics later. However, by digging into the motivaton behind the whole process of Carrie's "success", the relationship between Carrie and her creator (the author), the social conditions of then American, it can be found that Carrie has never been free-standing on her thought and she has never found her real-sdf even after becoming a famous actress. In a society dominated by mass consumerism Carrie is only an adherent of her own desires. She also is a representative of all those country girls flooded into cities, a symbol and a sacrifice of the urbanization of America in a time countryside was overcome by cities.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionOne-cyclecontrolmethod,whichwasproposedaboutonedecadeago[1],hasbecomeanattractivemethodinspecialfieldssuchaspowerfactorcorrection[2-6],switchingamplifiers[7,8],etc.Themainideaofthiscontrollerisbasedonintegrationofdiodevoltageinone-cycleandforcesittobeexactlyequaltothereferencevalue.Themainadvantageofthiscontrollerisitsrealtimeabilitytorejectthevariationofinputvoltage[1].Despitethisgreatability,ithasnogoodperformancesinrejectingofloaddisturbanceandfollowingreferencecommands.Espec…  相似文献   

Today, Sunday morning, I sit thinking and typing at my computer. My thoughts are in my homeland, India and my body is in China. The body is here and mind there for a good reason. Mr. Hu is president and I am resident and both are in each other's countries (what a difference the absence of one small letter makes!). Mr. Hu will return in a few days and I will stay on longer.  相似文献   

正A One day a pig went to the stable(马棚)to see his good friend,an oldhorse,and was going to stay there forthenight.Night came and it was time forsleep.The pig went into the straw heap(稻草堆)and lay comfortably.A longtime passed,but the horse was stillstanding there and did not move.Thepig asked the horse why he did not go tosleep."Standing like this is the begin-ning ofsleeping,"answered the horse.  相似文献   

正1.Any fool can count the seeds in an apple.Only God can count all the apples in one seed.2.Happy families are all alike;every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.3.Memories are the key not to the past,but to the future.4.Sometimes in the dark you see what you want to see.5.There is a great difference between  相似文献   

正Scope and Policy The Journal of Chongqing University-English Edition(JCQU-E)is a peerreviewed journal publishing research articles in multiple disciplines of science and technology,covering civil and environmental engineering,chemical engineering,biotechnology,mechanical and electrical engineering,computer and data processing,mining,metallurgy,materials science,and interdisciplines thereof.  相似文献   

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