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Purpose: To determine the safety and feasibility of early physical therapy in the intensive care unit in a patient with biventricular assist device. Methods: Physical therapy started on the first postoperative day and continued till discharge including airway clearance, lower/upper extremity exercises, and mobilization. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), systolic/diastolic/mean arterial pressures, peripheral oxygen saturation, and double product were recorded before treatment, after treatment, and 5 minutes after treatment. Results: In total, 15 sessions of physical therapy were implemented for a 41-year-old male patient during 21 days following implantation of a biventricular assist device. Normal physiological responses were seen in response to treatment. Heart rate increased significantly after treatment in comparison to pretreatment values (p = 0.02) and decreased significantly after 5 minutes (p = 0.03) and approached pretreatment values. Respiratory rate increased nonsignificantly after treatment and decreased significantly after 5 minutes (p = 0.001) and approached pretreatment values. Conclusion: Physical therapy in the intensive care unit in a patient with biventricular assist device resulted in significant increases within HR and RR in physiological limits. Ongoing monitoring of vital signs is recommended in order to observe physiological responses to early physical therapeutic interventions in the intensive care unit.Key Words: biventricular assist device, physical therapy, intensive care unit  相似文献   

Many children fail to meet physical activity (PA) guidelines for health benefits. PA behaviours are complex and depend on numerous interrelated factors. The study aims to develop current understanding of how children from low Socio-economic environments within the UK use their surrounding built environments for PA by using advanced technology. The environment was assessed in 96 school children (7–9 years) using global positioning system (GPS) monitoring (Garmin Forerunner, 305). In a subsample of 46 children, the environment and PA were assessed using an integrated GPS and heart rate monitor. The percentage of time spent indoor, outdoor, in green and non-green environments along with time spent in moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) in indoor and outdoor environments were assessed. A 2-by-2 repeated measures analysis of covariance, controlling for body mass index, BF%, assessed the environmental differences. The findings show that 42% of children from deprived wards of Coventry fail to meet PA guidelines, of which 43% was accumulated during school. Children engaged in more MVPA outdoor than indoor environments (P < 0.01) and a greater amount of time was spent in non-green environments (P < 0.01). Increased time outdoors was negatively associated with BF%. In conclusion, outdoor environments are important for health-enhancing PA and reducing fatness in deprived and ethnic children.  相似文献   

创建良好的体育课堂教学情境,使学生的身心得到健康发展,是体育课堂教学的目标和要求。从体育教学情境创设、体育教学情境创设的效能、体育教学情境创设的内容3个方面阐述了创设情境对提高体育课堂教学质量的重要意义。  相似文献   

健身房运动环境的研究与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:健身必须依赖于环境,良好的健身运动环境是科学健身的内涵之一。诸多因素可以影响健身的环境,其中空气质量是主要影响因素之一。本研究试图通过对健身房空气质量的检测,分析健身房环境的影响因素,并探讨健身房环境变化对人体健康的影响与运动健身的关系,从而为指导大众科学健身选择有利的环境提供理论依据。方法:空气质量检测:温度、湿度、风速、二氧化碳、可吸入颗粒物、空气细菌总数,三个健身房:动感单车房、有氧健身房及跑步机房;生理指标测试:选取平均年龄23岁大学男生12名作为受试者,测试项目:心率、血氧饱和度、主观用力感觉等级评价表;心理学指标测试:采用简式POMS量表。测试时间:2011年1月-2月。结果:健身房温度、相对湿度、风速、二氧化碳浓度、可吸入颗粒物随着运动时间的延长有所变化,这些指标的变化均无显著性差异(p>0.05);动感单车房温度增加最为明显,上升6℃,空气细菌总数上升明显达15.5倍;跑步机房相对湿度增加幅度最快,上升20%;动感单车房二氧化碳浓度起始为0.084%,随着运动时间的延长呈上升趋势,最高峰为0.4%,二氧化碳浓度与心率呈正相关P=0.0274,二氧化碳浓度与血氧饱和度呈负相关P=0.0088;运动中平均心率高组和平均心率低组的心境疲劳分量表得分具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:室内健身房的环境指标二氧化碳浓度在运动过程中超标,有氧健身房使用前后湿度低于标准值,表明室内健身房存在问题,长期在这样的环境中运动对人体健康会造成影响;健身房室内温度、湿度、二氧化碳浓度、空气细菌总数,随运动时间的延长呈上升趋势,二氧化碳浓度与心率呈正相关,与血氧饱和度呈负相关;室内动感单车的运动心率范围在最大心率的60%-80%之间,RPE等级在12-15之间,表明动感单车强度在有氧运动处方有效范围,从而可以达到改善心肺功能,消耗能量,减脂的目的。  相似文献   

经营性健身俱乐部是全民健身的重要场所之一,但其健身环境令人堪忧。研究运用实地考察与测量、问卷调查、数理统计等方法,对长沙市5所经营性健身俱乐部的室内空气质量与噪声状况进行了深入分析,结果发现普遍存在较为严重的室内空气与噪声污染,主要表现在:甲醛、苯含量超标较为严重;二氧化碳含量过高;营业期间噪声过大。进一步分析发现其成因主要有:室内健身房空气质量与噪声行业标准的缺少;健身俱乐部职业道德与操守的缺失;健身者理性健身知识的缺乏等。对此,提出了一些改善经营性健身房室内空气与噪声污染的对策与措施。  相似文献   

卢伟华  陈婧  冯璇  魏巍 《体育科研》2013,34(2):72-74-79
采用S610i型心率遥控测试仪、Berg自觉用力程度分级表(RPE表,20级)检测运动强度.ZG-106二氧化碳检测仪测量室内CO2浓度,结合根据ASHRAE的感觉标尺制定的问卷,对室内空气品质做评价。选取10名受试者在两种不同通风条件的环境下进行等负荷运动。以研究室内空气品质对男大学生运动能力的影响。结果显示,在完成相同的运动负荷时,CO2浓度越高,心率越高,实际运动负荷越大。结论:在室内运动应充分考虑室内CO2浓度对男大学生运动能力的影响,合理安排运动负荷,做到科学锻炼.  相似文献   



Although the life expectancy for patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) has increased dramatically in the preceding decades, often the final therapeutic option for patients with end-stage CF is lung transplantation. Prior to transplantation, patients with severe disease may require mechanical ventilation. Those refractory to mechanical ventilation may require extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). The purpose of this case report is to describe the physical therapy management of a patient who received ECMO as a bridge to lung transplantation.

Case Presentation

A 16-year-old girl with severe acute respiratory failure due to a CF exacerbation eventually required ECMO to maintain adequate gas exchange. While on ECMO, she received physical therapy interventions ranging from therapeutic exercise, manual therapy, and integumentary protection techniques in addition to airway clearance techniques. Prior to her transplant, she was standing multiple times per day with moderate assistance, was sitting on the edge-of-bed, as well as taking steps to transfer to/from a chair. She successfully received a bilateral lung transplant after 8 days on ECMO.


Physical therapy interventions, including out-of-bed mobility, can be safely provided to patients on portable ECMO as a bridge to lung transplantation. These interventions were focused on preventing the negative sequelae of bed rest, increasing her strength and endurance, as well as improving her level of consciousness and psychological well being in preparation for lung transplantation.Key Words: extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, lung transplantation, physical therapy, exercise  相似文献   

当前我国体育界出现3种"素养"理念:"体育核心素养""身体素养"和"体育与健康学科核心素养"。通过比较研究发现,"体育核心素养"在与教育界保持一致的努力中,延续了以往学校体育改革发展的基本路线,试图整合知识、技能和态度多个维度,以构建体育核心素养体系,该理念具有很强的生命力;"身体素养"以世界的眼光结合认知论的理论架构,重构我国体育的基本结构和认知,其解释力已经超出以往我们对体育的认知范围,对突破体育学术研究边界具有重要意义,该理念已被《体育强国建设纲要》所采用,进入实际操作领域;"体育与健康学科核心素养"则对体育学科如何衔接核心素养教育改革进行探索,通过体育与健康课程落实到教学的所有方面和环节,从而培养学生的体育与健康学科核心素养。尽管以上三大理念都还存在一定争议,但它们共同形成了当前我国体育改革和体育教育改革三股具有影响力的理论力量,之间的分歧与争议有利于形成新的学术讨论焦点。  相似文献   

Background: The American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) recommends health related quality of life (HRQL) measurement with all cardiovascular and pulmonary patients. The current pattern of use of HRQL measurement among cardiovascular and pulmonary physical therapists is unknown. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the pattern of use of HRQL measurement among cardiovascular and pulmonary physical therapists. Design: The study used a semi-structured interview format within the context of 3 focus groups. Methods: Eleven physical therapists participated in this study and all were members of the Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Section of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). Participants participated in a conference call and were provided a question tree to guide discussion. Results: Several primary themes emerged, including decreased knowledge, barriers, and poor indicators of patient status. In addition, several subthemes developed including lack of familiarity, lack of use, administrative and cost limitations, inappropriateness of tool for patient population, correlation between function and quality of life, and suggestions for future outcome measures. Conclusions: A lack of familiarity and use of HRQL measurement and barriers to their use were established. In addition, ideas for future research on HRQL measurements with specific patient populations in physical therapy practice were defined.Key Words: health related quality of life, outcomes measurement  相似文献   

Physical therapists seeking to use evidence to guide their practice may have limited time to read research reports. One way to reduce the time required to identify and read about the research that is relevant to a particular clinical question is to read a systematic review that summarizes multiple studies. This paper explains the process that is used to conduct systematic reviews, which includes the establishment of a protocol, comprehensive searching, appraisal of the quality of the included studies, data extraction and metaanalysis, and consideration of the clinical and research implications of the findings. We also consider how the reader of a systematic review can determine whether the review is likely to provide an unbiased (believable) estimate of the treatment effect. A systematic review of randomized trials of a cardiopulmonary physical therapy intervention is used as an example. The issue of appraisal of quality is then discussed further, with a demonstration of how one validated tool for quality appraisal–the PEDro scale–can be used to evaluate a randomized trial in cardiopulmonary physical therapy.Key Words: systematic review, physical therapy  相似文献   

对加强中小学体育教学中人文精神教育的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对人文精神的阐述,探究了体育与人文精神的关系,分析了人文精神在体育教学中的重要作用.在传统的体育教学中,人文素质贫乏,综合文化素质较低.因此,在进行新课程改革,实施素质教育和培养全面发展的人才时,体育课程教学中加强人文素质教育和人文精神的渗透,改变过去相对枯燥乏味的体育教学模式,建立新型的体育教育质量观是非常必要的.  相似文献   

打造高素质专业化教师队伍是我国实现教育强国目标的基础保障和必然要求。在以培育学生体育核心素养为前提的体育教师职业核心素养研究是当前体育学界关注的热点领域之一。运用扎根理论,采用自下而上的理论建构方式,对CCTV体育频道《我是体育教师》栏目中义务教育阶段26位卓越体育教师受访视频的转录稿进行三阶段编码,构建卓越体育教师职业核心素养的内涵,包括职业精神、职业态度和专业修养3个方面。通过分析他们的职业成长路径发现,义务教育阶段卓越体育教师的核心素养形成机制为:教师原生形态是其核心素养的形成基础,教师入职后的职业发展认知是形成其核心素养的动力源泉,而教师所处的外部环境是促进其核心素养形成的催化剂。  相似文献   

Supervised exercise has shown benefits for subjects with asthma, but little is known about the effectiveness of unsupervised physical activity on this population. We investigated the effects of a 12-week unsupervised pedometer-based physical activity program on daily steps and on clinical and psychological parameters of adults with asthma. Clinically stable adults with moderate to severe asthma were encouraged to take daily 30-minute walks and were randomized to pedometer and control groups. The pedometer group received pedometers and individualized daily step targets. Changes in daily steps (average of steps taken during six consecutive days), six-minute walk test (6MWT), health-related quality of life, asthma control and anxiety and depression levels were assessed 12 weeks after intervention and 24–28 weeks after randomization. Thirty-seven participants were recruited and 30 completed the intervention. At 12 weeks, the groups differed significantly in daily steps (adjusted average difference, 2488 steps; 95% confidence interval [CI], 803 to 4172; p = 0.005) and in the 6MWT (adjusted average difference, 21.9 m; 95% CI, 6.6 to 37.3; p = 0.006). These differences were not significant 24–28 weeks after randomization. The program was effective in increasing daily steps of adults with moderate to severe asthma 12 weeks after intervention.  相似文献   

空气污染物是严重威胁人类健康的风险因子之一,长期空气污染暴露可导致心脑血管疾病、糖尿病、神经系统损伤和癌症等多种疾病。已有研究表明,在高浓度颗粒物污染下运动可导致呼吸系统和心血管组织炎症、功能下降,并影响运动机能。也有研究表明,长期规律性的运动健身产生的有益效应可抵抗颗粒物造成的机体损害,即“运动促进健康”和“空气污染危害健康”两者之间可能存在着一个平衡点。如何在空气污染环境中科学安全的运动健身,成为学者和大众共同关注的问题。从“空气污染对机体健康的危害”“空气污染对运动人群健康和运动能力的影响”“运动训练对空气污染所致健康损害的抵抗效应”“运动抵抗空气污染所致健康损害的相关机制”“空气污染环境下运动的保护措施”5个方面对国内外已发表的相关流行病学调查及实验研究进行总结与归纳。在此基础上,提出运动抵抗污染物所致机体损害的机制探索、空气污染环境下运动的安全阈值范围确定、运动健身环境污染预警机制的建立等,将是本研究领域具有重要科学与现实意义的研究选题和进一步的研究重点。  相似文献   

Disinfection by-products (DBPs) are generated through the reaction of chlorine with organic and inorganic matter in indoor swimming pools. Different DBPs are present in indoor swimming pools. This study evaluated the effects of different chlorinated formations in oxidative stress and lung damage in 20 swimmers after 40?min of aerobic swimming in 3 indoor pools with different characteristics. Biological samples were collected to measure lung damage (serum-surfactant-associated proteins A and B), oxidative stress parameters (plasma protein carbonylation and malondialdehyde, and whole-blood glutathione oxidation), and swimming exertion values (blood lactate) before and after exercise. Free chlorine and combined chlorine in water, and chlorine in air samples were determined in all the swimming pools. Chlorination as disinfection treatment led to the formation of chloramines in water samples, mainly mono- and dichloramine. However, free chlorine was the predominate species in ultraviolet-treated swimming pool. Levels of total chlorine increased as a function of the swimming activity in chlorinated swimming pools. The lower quality of the installation resulted in a higher content of total chlorine, especially in air samples, and therefore a higher exposure of the swimmer to DBPs. However, the concentration level of chlorinated DBPs did not result in significant variation in serum-surfactant-associated proteins A and oxidative stress parameters in swimmers. In conclusion, the quality of the installation affected the DBPs concentration; however, it did not lead to lung epithelial damage and oxidative stress parameters in swimmers.  相似文献   

李加奎  侯桂明  胡琴 《体育学刊》2011,18(4):103-106
构建一个既符合现代教育理念又便于操作的高校体育课程教学质量监控体系,是当前各高校全面落实新"纲要"工作中的重要课题。南京工业大学制定了由监控组织体系、监控体系的评价标准、监控内容和监控流程与评分、健全监控制度等组成的体育课程教学质量监控体系。通过几年的实践,证明是一套较易操作和有效的体育教学质量监控体系。  相似文献   

哮喘病患者的运动疗效研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱丽萍  周勇 《体育学刊》2003,10(2):58-60
为了探讨健身运动对哮喘病患康复治疗的作用,将22例42-46岁中老年轻、中度哮喘病患按病情等情况分为大体相同的治疗组和对照组(各11例),治疗组进行有针对性的有计划的健康运动治疗,对照组不进行有计划的体育锻炼,结果显示经2年的实验,治疗组的疗效显,明显优于对照组(P<0.001),说明有针对性的有计划的健康运动对轻、中度哮喘病患康复治疗具有较好的疗效,是一种既经济又有效的康复疗法。  相似文献   

In line with contemporary constructivist pedagogies, students are frequently expected to learn through interaction in physical education (PE). There is a relatively sophisticated body of literature focusing on learning in groups, peer teaching, and cooperative learning. Current research has not, however, focused on how the body is implicated in interactional learning. This is surprising given that much learning in PE is expected to take place in the physical domain. The aim of this paper is to contribute to current theorizing by examining social interactions in PE practice. By drawing on symbolic interactionist theory, we put forward a framework for considering how inter-student interactions occur in a multimodal sense. Key ideas relate to (1) the sequential organization of interactions; (2) the ways in which semiotic resources in different fields are used to elaborate each other; (3) the importance of interpretation as a driver of interaction; (4) the creation of local environments in which participants attend to and work together within a shared world of perception; and (5) the influence of material environments on social interaction. The specific concepts employed are epistemic ecology, epistemic position, and learning trajectory. The paper includes observational data from an investigation of learning in Swedish PE to demonstrate the explanatory power and limitations of the theoretical tenets presented. The paper is concluded with practical implications of understanding group work in a multimodal manner.  相似文献   

Purpose: It has been hypothesized that lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) and pulmonary rehabilitation improve health-related quality of life (HRQOL). The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis by examining the long-term functional consequences and general health status of patients with emphysema who have undergone LVRS and pulmonary rehabilitation. Methods: Forty-nine subjects with severe emphysema, aged 51 to 84 years old, post-LVRS and pulmonary rehabilitation participated in this study. Subjects reported changes in physical and mental domains on the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (MOS SF-36) over 3 time periods: prior to surgery, 6 months postsurgery, and 18 months postsurgery. The population as a whole was studied and both gender and age were analyzed as subsets. Subjects participated in an intensive 2-week (10 daily sessions) pulmonary rehabilitation program following LVRS. Results: Subjects showed significant improvements in both the physical and mental component summaries at Time 2 (3 months post-LVRS through 6 months post-LVRS) and Time 3 (12 months post-LVRS through 18 months post-LVRS) when compared to Time 1 (pre-LVRS). On the mental component summary scale, subjects younger than 65 years old had significant improvement compared to subjects 65 years and older at Time 3 (P < .05). Women significantly improved more than men at Time 3 on the physical component summary scale (P < .05). Conclusions: Lung volume reduction surgery and 2 weeks (10 daily sessions) of intensive pulmonary rehabilitation appears to improve HRQOL in people with emphysema up to at least 18 months postsurgery. What these data further suggest is that even after declines in health, women can improve HRQOL later in life, and that greater focus should be given to the emotional needs of our older patients.Key Words: lung volume reduction surgery, rehabilitation, quality of life  相似文献   

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