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文章基于Hofmann提出的贸易协定质量测度指标对"一带一路"沿线区域内签署的贸易协定质量进行测量和分析,得出如下结论:沿线区域贸易协定对于"WTO+"条款的覆盖率和执行率高于"WTO-X"条款;发达国家签订的贸易协定质量高于发展中国家,考虑到区域以发展中国家为主,从整体上来看沿线区域贸易协定质量较低;中国签订的贸易协定质量较低,但具有明显的增长趋势。未来"一带一路"沿线国家缔结的贸易协定应向高质量贸易协定的方向发展,并推动贸易协定与"一带一路"倡议相结合。  相似文献   


Based on an analysis of agreements signed between 201 Chinese state universities and institutes, and foreign university partners, this paper identifies four distinct levels of agreements and discusses how they can be used by foreign universities seeking to enter the China market. The paper also discusses how agreements have changed over time—that is between 1996 and 2000. Some preliminary remarks are also made about whether there is link between the level of agreement signed and location—that is, for example, whether there are more “higher level agreements” signed in more westernised and “open” cities of China. The data indicates that this is so but that more remote and less developed parts of China are also chasing higher level and more complex agreements.

The agreements reflect the opening of the state higher education system in China to wide ranging cooperation with Foreign universities and, from a foreign university perspective, provides an entry framework which can be used to identify appropriate levels and forms of agreements which can be negotiated with Chinese university partners or potential partners. The research provides a framework in which future research can be undertaken.  相似文献   

Only 25% of community college students transfer to a 4-year institution within 5 years, and only 17% earn a bachelor’s degree within 6 years of transferring (Jenkins &; Fink, 2015). In response, community colleges have partnered with 4-year institutions to draft articulation agreements, outlining transfer policies and procedures for specific academic programs (Montague, 2012). However, no extant research has examined whether these articulation agreements are readable by community college students. This study examines 100 articulation agreements between 2- and 4-year institutions to answer the question: do community college students understand articulation agreements? Findings indicate that 93% of articulation agreements are unreadable by community college students of average reading ability, with 69% of articulation agreements written at or above a 16th-grade reading level. Implications for practitioners and future research are addressed.  相似文献   

无论从国际法与国内法的关系还是从我国有关国际条约在国内法中的效力地位的角度,无论是根据WTO协定的性质和要求还是WTO主要成员的实践和争端解决机构的主张,我们都只能采用转化立法方式遵守和实施WTO协定,在执法和司法活动中不能适用WTO协定,更不能赋予其优先效力。  相似文献   

Home-school agreements are part of the present government's School Standards and Framework Act (1998), which stipulated their completion by September 1999. In the present study, the arguments for and against home-school agreements are weighed up in the light of the results of a piece of research involving four inner-city primary schools. Following a consultation process in each school, written home-school agreements were produced on the basis of parents', children's and teachers' views on each other's areas of responsibilities (targets). During the evaluation phase, parents and children overwhelmingly expressed that they thought home-school agreements were useful and helped to enhance trust and understanding between parents and their school. A model for setting up or reviewing home-school agreements is proposed on the basis of the research findings. Implications for working with parents and further developing the role and power of parents in schools are illustrated. Systemic strategies that educational psychologists can use to enhance the relationship between school and parents are also outlined.  相似文献   

国际投资协定的公正公平待遇条款发展到今天已经开始运用。而中国对外签订的双边投资协定对公正公平待遇的规定存在三种类型,由于我国对外签订的新式双边投资协定对投资者——国家的争端解决仲裁机制采用了几乎毫无限制的模式,这使得我国签订的双边投资协定中的公正公平待遇条款存在讼累的风险,我国对外签订的双边投资协定中的公正公平待遇条款要结合国际投资仲裁实践进行完善。  相似文献   

竞业禁止是保护商业秘密有效手段,但不是唯一手段.竞业禁止目的是保护特定人员的竞争利益与商业秘密.考量竞业禁止法益,应正确把握竞业禁止协议之性质,区别与认定保密合同与竞业禁止协议之关系,合法合理地发挥竞业禁止协议之功能,既要保护劳动者的自由择业权,又要维护企业的合法商业权益,平衡劳动者、用人单位和社会三者利益关系,筑造经济发展和谐环境,维护人才的良性循环.  相似文献   

一则师生心理契约违背与破裂的典型个案研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章首先以双向视角对心理契约等有争议的概念作了明确界定,并通过一个案例分析了师生心理契约违背、破裂的演变过程。在此基础上,指出学校管理者应高度重视心理契约对师生行为的影响,了解师生心理契约构建与履行的基本机制,发挥心理契约对师生双方的激励与约束双重功能。  相似文献   

纵向垄断协议作为垄断协议的一种,与横向垄断协议在行为主体、协议目的及其协议存在的方式等方面均存在不同。我国现行的《反垄断法》虽然规定了纵向垄断协议,但条款过于抽象,司法操作性不强。我国应借鉴和吸收英美及欧盟国家在这方面的经验,在纵向垄断协议行为的列举、协议合法性判断的标准以及协议的法律责任等方面完善对其的规制。  相似文献   

随着物业管理事业的蓬勃发展,物业合同纠纷的数量也大大增加,物业服务的法律问题已成为理论界研究的热点。本文探讨了物业合同的法律属性,对几种常见的合同纠纷做了详细分析,揭示了物业合同纠纷频发的原因并提出了对策。  相似文献   

Articulation agreements have been part of the American educational scene for well over 100 years. Initially implemented as a tool for more effectively and efficiently delivering liberal educations, they became more common as the numbers of community colleges grew during the 1960s and 1970s. During the mid-1980s, the universal education promise of open enrollment was seen by many as a way of “dead-ending” minority students. This perception attracted much scholarly attention and foundation funding. It also resulted in many efforts to improve minority transfer, including negotiated articulation agreements. The past decade has seen higher education expenses increase more rapidly than other state expenses. Articulation agreements are attractive during such periods because of their cost savings potential. Scholars and administrators involved in developing these agreements can prepare themselves for discussions and negotiations by understanding some of the reasons why they have varied in popularity and utility. This literature review analyzed the sociocultural and historical contexts affecting articulation. It also sought answers to research questions addressing the chronological progression and prevalent trends in the development of the processes of articulation, the relationship these trends have to the historical and regional variations in support for articulation agreements, and the levels of student success in articulated programs of study.  相似文献   

Recent legislation requires increased linkages between all levels of educational institutions. Articulation agreements are critical to ensure a smooth transition for students, and statewide agreements afford students more options for continuing their education. High school and community college instructors were brought together in a statewide meeting to review curricula and determine community college courses for which high-school-program-completers meeting certain criteria, including a specified score on the statewide occupation-specific assessment, could receive credit. Thirty-three high school programs were selected for statewide articulation agreements, with at least one community college program allowing articulation with approximately 50 community college courses.  相似文献   

This paper considers the appropriateness of introducing formal learning agreements in a higher education institution (HEI). It begins by examining the current legal nature of the student/university relationship and the legal status of formal learning agreements. The paper then explores the impact of such agreements on student satisfaction by reviewing the literature pertaining to student satisfaction and discussing the findings from a collaborative inquiry (CI) event, questionnaires and semi‐structured interviews. It also considers the title that such an agreement should bear and the possible content of such an agreement. The conclusion reached, is that a judiciously constructed learning agreement can potentially improve the service that students receive, promote the notion that a student is a member of a community, influence student expectations and thus increase student satisfaction. It is therefore an option that should be carefully considered, particularly as the vast majority of students who responded to the questionnaire distributed as part of the study supported the introduction of learning agreements.  相似文献   

2003年1月1日起实施的《中华人民共和国政府采购法》是一部规范政府采购行为的重要法律,该法的颁布对于促进政府采购的快速健康发展有着重大意义。本文通过对中国政府采购法与政府采购协议的几个相关问题以及它们之间的差异进行比较分析,进而阐述中国加入政府采购协议的前景与存在的问题,以及中国为此应采取的策略。  相似文献   

美国为推动政治解决中东问题,多次主持和谈会议,促使以色列与有关中东国家达 成了一系列和平协议。美国在中东和谈中,发挥了主导作用,进一步巩固了其在中东地区的地位。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This paper argues that the introduction of access agreements following the establishment of the Office for Fair Access (OFFA) has consolidated how English higher education institutions (HEIs) position themselves in the marketplace in relation to widening participation. However, the absence of a national bursary scheme has led to obfuscation rather than clarification from the perspective of the consumer. This paper analyses OFFA's 2008 monitoring report and a sample of twenty HEIs' original 2006 and revised or updated access agreements (2008) to draw conclusions about the impact of these agreements on notions of 'fair access' and widening participation. The authors conclude that, unsurprisingly in an increasingly market-driven system, institutions use access agreements primarily to promote enrolment to their own programmes rather than to promote system-wide objectives. As a consequence of this marketing focus, previous differences between pre-1992 and post-1992 institutions in relation to widening participation and fair access are perpetuated, leading to both confusion for consumers and an inequitable distribution of bursary and other support mechanisms for the poorest applicants to HE.  相似文献   

For more than a century, community colleges have provided a postsecondary education alternative to the traditional, 4-year university. Enrolling disproportionate numbers of both disadvantaged and nontraditional students, the community college sector has seen unparalleled gains in enrollment over the past few decades. Along with these increases in enrollment, there has been a shift in focus toward transfer to 4-year institutions, as well as the development of articulation agreements. Established in order to ease the transfer process from community colleges to 4-year colleges/universities—for those students interested in obtaining a bachelor’s degree—these agreements currently exist in more than 30 states. Via two-level, hierarchical linear modeling, this article examines the student and school level characteristics of community colleges that affect transfer and bachelor’s degree attainment rates. Also examined is the impact of articulation agreements. Ultimately, while articulation agreements are not found to yield a significant effect on transfer rates, they are found to have significant, positive effects on bachelor’s degree attainment rates.  相似文献   

中国成为WTO成员国之后面临的首要问题是如何履行WTO协定所确定的条约义务 ,即WTO协定如何在中国适用。从国际法 (国际条约 )与国内法关系的传统理论和各国实践出发 ,分析WTO协定作为国际贸易公法的特殊性质 ,参照各国适用WTO协定的做法 ,阐明在目前的国际形势下 ,非直接适用WTO协定是我国履行WTO条约义务的较为理想的方式  相似文献   

作为当今世界最重要的国际经济组织之一,世界银行在其与借款人签订的贷款协议中,均未约定明确的法律适用条款。这并非是世界银行的疏漏,而是世界银行出于种种考虑的结果。随着国际政治经济形势和法律环境的变化,要求世界银行修改其贷款协议中的法律适用条款。将国际法明确规定为贷款协议准据法的呼声日苴高涨,面临这一形势,世界银行极有可能对其贷款协议中的法律运用条款作出调整。由于我国是世界银行的主要借款国之一,了解并掌握世界银行在这方面的动态,对我国具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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