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In two studies the authors investigated the situations where 3- to 7-year-olds and adults (N = 152) will connect a person's current feelings to the past, especially to thinking or being reminded about a prior experience. Study 1 presented stories featuring a target character who felt sad, mad, or happy after an event in the past and who many days later felt that same negative or positive emotion upon seeing a cue related to the prior incident. For some story endings, the character's emotion upon seeing the cue matched, or was congruent, with the current situation, whereas for others, the emotion mismatched the present circumstances. Participants were asked to explain the cause of each character's current feelings. As a further comparison, children and adults listened to behavior cuing stories and provided explanations for characters' present actions. Study 2 presented emotional scenarios that varied by emotion-situation fit (whether the character's emotion matched the current situation), person-person fit (whether the character's emotion matched another person's), and past history information (whether information about the character's past was known). Results showed that although there were several significant developments with increasing age, even most 3-year-olds demonstrated some knowledge about connections between past events and present emotions and between thinking and feeling. Indeed, children 5 years and younger revealed strikingly cogent understanding about historical-mental influences in certain situations, especially where they had to explain why a person, who had experienced a negative event in the past, was currently feeling sad or mad in a positive situation. These findings help underwrite a more general account of the development of children's coherent understandings of life history, mind, and emotion.  相似文献   

本文探讨了忧虑与反事实思维方式的关系。采用问卷法收集被试的反事实思维的资料,并对结果进行统计学分析。最后,研究结果说明重度和中度忧虑的大学生对负性生活事件的反事实思维更易产生自我偏向,而轻度忧虑的大学生更易产生情景偏向。  相似文献   

Six experiments examined children's ability to make inferences using temporal order information. Children completed versions of a task involving a toy zoo; one version required reasoning about past events (search task) and the other required reasoning about future events (planning task). Children younger than 5 years failed both the search and the planning tasks, whereas 5-year-olds passed both (Experiments 1 and 2). However, when the number of events in the sequence was reduced (Experiment 3), 4-year-olds were successful on the search task but not the planning task. Planning difficulties persisted even when relevant cues were provided (Experiments 4 and 5). Experiment 6 showed that improved performance on the search task found in Experiment 3 was not due to the removal of response ambiguity.  相似文献   

2 limitations of past research on social adjustment were addressed: (1) the tendency to focus on forms of aggression that are typical of boys (e.g., overt aggression) and to neglect forms that are more typical of girls (e.g., relational aggression) and (2) the tendency to study negative behaviors (e.g., aggression), to the exclusion of positive behaviors (e.g., prosocial acts). Using a longitudinal design ( n = 245; third- through sixth-grade children, 9–12 years old), assessments of children's relational aggression, overt aggression, prosocial behavior, and social adjustment were obtained at 3 points during the academic year. Findings showed that, as has been demonstrated in past research for overt aggression, individual differences in relational aggression were relatively stable over time. Additionally, relational aggression contributed uniquely to the prediction of future social maladjustment, beyond that predicted by overt aggression. Finally, prosocial behavior contributed unique information (beyond that provided by overt and relational aggression) to the prediction of future social adjustment.  相似文献   

时间定向是个人行为和思想所偏好的方向,主要指向过去的客体和事件。本实验以148名大学生为被试,采用2(高过去定向组,低过去定向组)×2(自我参照,他人参照)×2(消极的过去信息,积极的过去信息)混合设计考察了过去定向者认知加工的特点:结果表明:高过去定向的个体对有关自我的过去信息加工深度深,能产生较好的回忆;并倾向于优先加工与自我有关的消极信息。过去定向者的认知加工具有类似自我图式的性质。对产生该效应的可能原因进行了讨论,并指出今后进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

自我评价既包括对现在自我的评价,也包括对过去自我和将来自我的评价。为了维护和提升现在的自尊,人们积极评价主观近的过去自我,消极评价远的过去自我,特别是在重要的特征上;并将积极的过去自我知觉为近的,消极的知觉为远的。主观近的过去自我直接影响现在的自我评价,远的对现在的自我评价的影响很小或有一种对比效应。对将来自我的评价,也是为了提升现在的自尊,将来自我的积极事件和消极事件的主观时间距离知觉也存在着不对称性。该领域的研究可向密切关系、特殊群体的时间自我评价模式拓展,验证时间自我评价理论跨文化的普适性,并深入探讨其动力机制。  相似文献   

劳伦斯的小说创作蕴含着深沉的忧患意识和执着的拯救情怀。劳伦斯的忧患意识源自于现代机械文明对自然的破坏、对人性本质异化而产生的对人类生存状态的的忧思。而构建男女两性之间的和谐性爱关系则是作者拯救世人于苦难中的法宝,这一独特的拯救方式则是基于他崇高的生活激情(信念)和他那张扬人性的血性哲学观。  相似文献   

Business students are thoroughly schooled about the importance of measurement systems that, by their very nature, are designed to accurately measure the past performance of organizations, departments, and individuals. This article describes a team‐based, active‐learning exercise that clearly illustrates an additional important and often underemphasized aspect of performance measurement systems—their influence on individuals’ future behaviors and organizations’ future performance.  相似文献   

Although girls disclose to friends about problems more than boys, little is known about processes underlying this sex difference. Four studies (Ns = 526, 567, 769, 154) tested whether middle childhood to mid-adolescent girls and boys (ranging from 8 to 17 years old) differ in how they expect that talking about problems would make them feel. Girls endorsed positive expectations (e.g., expecting to feel cared for, understood) more strongly than boys. Despite common perceptions, boys did not endorse negative expectations such as feeling embarrassed or worried about being made fun of more than girls. Instead, boys were more likely than girls to expect to feel "weird" and like they were wasting time. Sex differences in outcome expectations did help to account for girls' greater disclosure to friends.  相似文献   

This study examines children's abilities to take other people's personality traits into account when predicting their future emotional and behavioral reactions to events. Kindergarten, second-grade, fourth-grade, and college students listened to a series of stories. Each story described 3 examples of a child's past behavior from which a personality trait could be inferred. Subjects were asked to predict and explain the story character's behavioral or emotional reaction to a new event. Their responses were compared to those of subjects who were not given any information about the protagonist's past behavior, and to those of subjects who received prompts. There was an increase with age in the use of personality attributions to predict and explain future reactions. Subjects were more influenced by the trait information when predicting behavior than when predicting emotion. Understanding emotion may be more difficult in that it requires a conceptualization of personality traits as implying thoughts and feelings, as well as behavioral dispositions.  相似文献   

关于网络群体性事件的新思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
当前对于“网络群体性事件”并没有形成统一的看法,很多人把它界定为一种负面行为.本文指出,这种认识和应对方式是否合适,值得探讨;遂从其内涵、积极因素、应对等方面提出对于网络群体性事件的新思考.  相似文献   

近代中国灾害频仍、民生凋敝,对此,严复颇为焦虑杌陧。他以为天灾(包括疫灾)与人事存在一定的因果关系,主张加强人事、发展科技、讲求卫生,积极预防和救治灾害,并在灾害救治中加强自救引导。严复的灾害观为其时乃至后世政府和社会,及时有效地建构灾害预防、应对机制提供了一定的思想启示,折射了以他为代表的近代社会精英对其时中国国家和民众现代性的追求。  相似文献   

The Ministry of Education recently announced that a series of reforms on English education would come soon.The so-called reform is actually a dramatic cut on English education,which intends to minimize the role of English in all levels of education.Such a reform undoubtedly caused an earthquake in the education circle,involving schools from kindergarten to college,teachers,students and parents.Some people clap their hands for the comedown of English,while many others become worried about the future of our nation.This thesis discusses the pros and cons of the reform on English education,and gives comments and suggestions on the English education policy.  相似文献   

本丈结合本馆的工作实践对高职图书馆的职能定位及面临的喜忧参半的现状进行了分析,并在些基础上对如何推进高职图书馆的现代化建设进行了难点及重点的思考。  相似文献   

Earlier research revealed that many elderly people in The Netherlands are worried about their forgetfulness and are afraid of incipient dementia. Until now, no systematic research has been conducted on the effects of public education about normal forgetfulness and dementia, and therefore an information brochure was developed and evaluated. The main function of this brochure was to reassure people who were unnecessarily worrying about possible dementia. A second function was to motivate people to seek professional help when this seemed advisable. Sixty‐two percent of all respondents (307 of 400) who had been worried about dementia before reading the brochure said that their anxiety decreased or disappeared after reading it; approximately 3% became more worried after reading the brochure. A cognitive test battery was administered to 104 people to determine whether their increased or decreased anxiety was justified. Thirty subjects had low test scores, yet 16 of these subjects had been reassured by the brochure that their forgetfulness was nothing to worry about. This group was characterized as experiencing fewer problems in daily life as a result of their forgetfulness and as having a higher internal locus of control. Seventy‐four subjects performed well on the cognitive tests, yet 18 of them had remained worried about their forgetfulness after reading the brochure. Anxiety for heredity of dementia could be a possible explanation for their persistent concern. Although many people were reassured by the brochure, the results also show that it is important to evaluate information brochures used as intervention instruments—in one third of the present sample, the effects of the brochure were not in accordance with its goal.  相似文献   

同伴关系对青少年心理健康的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
回顾近10年来国内外关于同伴关系对青少年心理健康影响的研究进展,研究领域涉及同伴关系与学校适应、问题行为及情绪感受等心理健康的不同层面.消极的同伴关系不仅与学校适应不良、高危行为及行为障碍有关,而且可能导致社会焦虑、社会抑郁和社会恐怖症状及孤独症等情绪问题.未来的研究应围绕同伴关系对心理健康的影响问题,建立起涵盖人口统计学变量的理论模型和预测模型.  相似文献   

This paper considers how, by paying attention to the divergent use of 'stereotypes' as a methodological tool, we concomitantly pay attention to the capacities of contemporary disability-criticism. First, the search for negative stereotypes is described in terms of how it enables the repeated citation of common examples. However, as some areas of disability-criticism have begun to acknowledge that 'stereotypes' are not exclusively a negative form, the second part of the paper uses the US cartoon series South Park to explore what sort of interpretations such a troublesome recognition allows. While critical discourse on disability is discussed as a whole, the ultimate aim is to draw some conclusions about the past, present and future of British disability-criticism. The paper concludes by suggesting that recognising the contingency of where we are on how we choose to read representations of disability strengthens debates about how we want to go on.  相似文献   

无法忍受不确定性是对不确定性情境或事件进行感知、解释和反应的认知偏差,它影响个体的认知、情绪和行为反应.不论该情境或事件发生的可能性大小和导致的后果如何,无法忍受不确定性的个体都认为是无法接受的,应该回避.该文介绍了三种主要的无法忍受不确定性测量工具,探讨了无法忍受不确定性的神经机制,阐述了无法忍受不确定性导致的不良后果:信息加工偏差和决策能力受损,担忧、焦虑和抑郁等负性情绪,消极应对策略和不良问题取向,文章最后对无法忍受不确定性的未来研究方向进行了讨论.  相似文献   

The current study explored parental processes associated with children's global self‐esteem development. Eighty 5‐ to 13‐year‐olds and one of their parents provided qualitative and quantitative data through questionnaires, open‐ended questions, and a laboratory‐based reminiscing task. Parents who included more explanations of emotions when writing about the lowest points in their lives were more likely to discuss explanations of emotions experienced in negative past events with their child, which was associated with child attachment security. Attachment was associated with concurrent self‐esteem, which predicted relative increases in self‐esteem 16 months later, on average. Finally, parent support also predicted residual increases in self‐esteem. Findings extend prior research by including younger ages and uncovering a process by which two theoretically relevant parenting behaviors impact self‐esteem development.  相似文献   

Do professionals have a consistent standard of what constitutes normal behavior with anatomical dolls? To answer this question, 201 professionals who work with child sexual abuse victims were asked to rate the normalcy of various behaviors with the dolls for nonabused children ages 2 to 5.9 years. The majority of respondents agreed that overtly sexual behaviors, such as demonstrating oral-genital contact or vaginal intercourse, were abnormal for nonabused children. For less obvious behaviors, such as touching the sex parts of dolls, there was more disagreement among professionals about what these behaviors mean. The ratings of these ambiguous behaviors varied depending on profession of the respondent, gender of the respondent, and number of years of experience. Law enforcement professionals, women, and those with the least amount of experience were more likely to view ambiguous behaviors as abnormal. These findings are discussed in the context of past research, with suggestions for future studies.  相似文献   

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