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我国<政府信息公开条例>,以行政法规的形式明确增加了一项政府义务,即信息公开.基于"有权利必有救济",政府信息公开诉讼必将成为一种新的行政诉讼类型.它相对于传统的行政诉讼而言,在多方面都独具特点,而美国的政府信息公开在立法方面走在世界前列,较其他西方国家发展得更为成熟和完善.因此结合美国<情报自由法>,构建有中国特色社会主义政府信息公开诉讼制度势在必行.  相似文献   

不正当竞争情报行为及其法律制约   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了不正当竞争情报行为在商业领域中获取和使用的各种具体表现形式。在参考国内大量相关法律文献的基础上 ,指出我国关于不正当竞争情报行为的法律制约及违法制裁等方面均存在一定程度的不足 ,从而必须在完善立法和加强保密两个主要的方面对其进行改善  相似文献   

我国《政府信息公开条例》于2008年5月1日起实施,以行政法规形式增加了一项政府义务,即信息公开。这既是我国保障公民知情权的重大举措,也是现代民主社会要求建设服务型政府的关键步骤。“有权利必有救济”,根据《政府信息公开条例》第33务的救济规定,信息公开诉讼必将成为新的行政诉讼类型.美国的政府信息公开的立法方面走在世界前列,较其他西方国家发展得更为成熟和完善,因此结合美国《情报自由法》,构建有中国特色社会主义政府信息公开诉讼制度势在必行。  相似文献   

法案公开征求意见是我国立法程序的重要环节,也是我国立法程序中法案的提出与审议阶段的重要内容。法案公开征求意见对于保障公民平等参与立法的权利以及立法的民主性与科学性有重要作用。但是,我国目前法案公开征求意见的有关法律条款和相关工作还存在一些不足之处,本文提出了完善有关法律条款和做好相关工作的措施。  相似文献   

各国陆续立法承认一人公司制度之前,实质一人公司已经普遍存在。独立的法律人格和责任承担的有限性无疑是实质一人公司大量成立的最富吸引之处,并且在法律上无法禁绝。最早在立法上确立该制度的国家是列支敦士登,而对其确立最有影响力和推动作用的则是英国1897年萨洛姆诉萨洛姆公司一案。从该案入手,用法律的经济分析方法对实质一人公司到一人公司法律制度展开分析,从一个较新的角度论证此制度的变化是必要的,变化的结果也是必然的。  相似文献   

起草法律草案是立法过程中一个必要的,极为重要的基础性阶段。在我国的立法实践中,法案一般由主管部门负责起草,这有其合理性和必然性,但又具有明显的“行政痕迹”,致使 社会缺乏亲和性,难以真正成为社会的规则,鉴于此,应从树立立法机关之权威,合理配备起草班子,实行起草回顾制度,建立立法协调制度,提供必要的经费保障等方面完善我国的法案起草制度。  相似文献   

建立规范性法律文件的立法理由公开制度,有利于公众参与立法,遏制立法中的不当行为,有助于进一步依法行政和公正司法。从地方法制的角度来看,从地方的规范性法律文件开始建构立法理由公开制度,符合我国改革进程中地方“先行先试”的一贯思路,有利于在全国范围内建立立法理由公开制度积累经验;另一方面,立法理由公开制度作为立法公众参与的重要保障,也能成为地方法制建设和相关制度改革的新的增长点。  相似文献   

加拿大联邦制是建立在加拿大历史、地理、经济、民族、宗教等多样性的基础之上的。早期加拿大联邦制以强调中央立法议会作用和加强中央集权为特点。探析其联邦制的形成史,对研究加拿大政体发展史至关重要,并对多民族国家的宪政建设具有启示作用。  相似文献   

本文对19世纪加拿大教育家赖尔森的教育实践和教育思想作了比较深入而全面的分析与阐述,在加拿大公共教育制度的建立和发展中,赖尔森不仅长期投身于教育实践,而且在公立学校、教师、教师立法和管理等方面敢于理论探索,因而被誉为“加拿大公共教育制度的创立者”。  相似文献   

教师资格作为一种国家职业资格,所涉及的从业人员(教师)大多有相应的专业培养。世界师范教育制度自近代确立至今,教师职业逐渐由专门化走向专业化,教师资格证的发展变化是教师职业专业化的重要体现。教师资格证制度是教师队伍建设的基础,对师范教育改革有巨大的推动作用。加拿大是世界上最发达的国家之一,也是教育最发达的国家之一,加拿大的教师资格证制度建设无论从理论上还是从实践都积累了非常丰富的经验,其独特的发展道路提供了典型的个案和丰富的可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

This narrative paper investigates a number of enduring and emerging themes reflecting teacher education in Canada over the past 40 years, including changes in information and communication technology, bridging gaps in theory and practice, English as a second language, French immersion and multicultural teacher development. Canadian teacher education programmes have become famous for their long-standing commitment to public education and social welfare. This paper examines the way in which over the past four decades such a commitment has led to effective leadership, multiculturalism, racial tolerance and global citizenship education, as well as comprehensive curriculum, teaching and learning, all figure prominently in Canadian teacher education.  相似文献   


The objective of this paper is to identify current policy pressures in Canadian higher education and explore their implications for academic decision‐making bodies based on data we obtained in our national study on university senates. We describe two inter‐related sets of public policy pressures that have emerged in recent years in Canada including on‐going financial restraint and a renewed interest in university research. We conclude by reviewing a number of important implications for Canadian university governance in the context of contemporary policy pressures.  相似文献   

There are both temporal and socio-political dimensions to the idea of the university. Higher education in Canada has evolved to the point where there is a Canadian idea of what a university is and should be. This idea includes the notion of the university as a public, autonomous, secular, degree-granting institution. Given the nature of external pressures and the vulnerability of the university, it is important to discuss and debate those principles that tell us what the Canadian university should or could be.  相似文献   

R. Penner 《Interchange》1978,9(3):71-86
Conclusion The Kemerer-Baldridge study acknowledges that in the U.S. faculty unions have negotiated procedural protection in tenure and promotions, less arbitrariness in administrative decisions, more job security, and greater economic security in general. The authors also point out that these negotiated advantages accrue to non-unit faculty as well. In my view those conclusions apply with equal force in Canada.As noted in the introduction to this section, we still lack sufficient data to do more than generalize from impressionistic accounts. Nevertheless I feel safe in saying that, in a very short period of time, collective bargaining has enhanced true professionalism and real collegiality on Canadian campuses by moving Canadian academics from their knees (suitable no doubt for supplication) to their feet; by giving them legally enforceable job security without which the notion of academic freedom had too hollow a ring; by giving them a real and not a mythical voice in university governance; and by doing all of this and more without creating excessive bureaucracies, industrial models, unconscionable power blocks, or strangulation by legalistic formality. In the course of doing so, Canadian faculty engaged in collective bargaining have developed innovative approaches in a number of key areas, approaches which may yet have significant impact in both public and private sector bargaining. Certainly, faculty collective bargaining has gone a long way in developing a model for professional unionism in Canada.  相似文献   

加拿大自20世纪90年代以来,利用市场调节机制对公共基础教育管理进行了一系列的深度变革.免费、平等、全民的公立中小学教育,严格的公共基础教育监察管理机制,强大的公共基础教育经费支持,改革后的加拿大公共基础教育呈现出了繁荣的景象.然而,自由市场机制这柄双刃剑在帮助变革取得成功的同时,也令加拿大公共基础教育管理不得不迎接新一轮的挑战.  相似文献   

The Department of Surgery at Laval University has been a key player in the development of Canada-China cooperation since the 1980s. The projects initiated and developed by Jean Couture and Guojin Liu to address cancer issues, and specifically breast cancer, were heralded as outstanding successes. In the meantime, the Department of Surgery at Laval University trained numerous Chinese scholars, students, and post-doctoral fellows who became leaders in their fields of expertise. A few of these scholars and students settled in Canada, but the vast majority returned home. Since 2007, a highly specialized research program related to surgical implants with the College of Textiles at Donghua University has been opening new avenues in medical textiles to develop expertise through student training, to launch bridges between textile engineers and clinicians, and to provide the industry with a unique expertise. The final goal is to improve the accessibility and affordability of health care delivery in both Canada and China. China is now a key player in related research and no longer requires foreign assistance. Since it can easily find multiple partners, Canada must be alert to building on its legacy and maintaining its privileged position. China is now a place for Canadian champions.  相似文献   

This article contests a racialised skills regime in Canada. Canadian studies of the labour market transitions of skilled immigrants are analysed through the lens of critical race theory. The analysis shows that knowledge and skills of recent immigrants in Canada are racialised and materialised on the basis of ethnic and national origins. Skin colour is a central basis of social marking. Through processes of de-skilling and re-skilling, a racialised regime of skill has become a social engineering project for manufacturing normative, white, docile corporate subjects who conform to Canadian norms and workplace cultures. The study demonstrates that skill is not colour-blind; it is coloured. Skill is not only gendered and classed, but it is also racialised. The findings move us beyond the traditional colour-blind, gender- and class-based analyses of skill that fail to account for racial differences in the social construction of skill.  相似文献   

加拿大华人中产阶层探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加拿大华人中产阶层,主要由二战后移居到加拿大的技术移民和在加拿大出生的华裔技术人员组成。该阶层产生于20世纪70年代。他们有其独特的特征,他们的劳动力价格及年均收入低于其他加拿大人。近年来,华人中产阶层在加拿大社会中的形象及地位大大改观。  相似文献   

This paper examines how knowledge about racism has been represented in high school Canadian history textbooks authorized by the Province of Ontario during the 1960s and after the year 2000. I argue that even though historical racisms have increasingly made their way into Canadian history textbooks as valid and important topics of study, the idea of racism continues to be understood largely within a prejudice/discrimination framework that reduces racism to irrational and individualized problems of thought, behaviour, and assumption. Moreover, through multiple techniques of containment, racism is imagined to exist within temporal and spatial locations, events, or incidents that are represented as either foreign to Canada or aberrations within Canada. The combined effect is to depict the space of Canada as one largely antithetical to racism.  相似文献   

在北美殖民地早期,英国政府在加拿大采取了通过条约谈判从土著民族购买土地的政策。加拿大建国后,通过《印第安人法》对土著民族进行管理和控制。随后加拿大政府采取了无视土著民族土地权利的政策,条约进程终止。土著民族的持续抗争让加拿大不得不重新面对土著民族的土地权利问题。上个世纪70年代后,土著民族权利运动兴起,加拿大政府重新启动了条约进程,并取得了一些进展,但至今仍然没有全部解决。  相似文献   

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