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Studies drawing on Butler’s (2012) Goal Orientations for Teaching framework show mastery and relational goals are beneficial, ability-avoidance maladaptive and inconsistent effects for ability-approach. We adopt a person-centered approach to discern the extent to which teachers pursue different goal combinations. In two studies of mid-career primary and secondary teachers (Ns = 476 Australian, 507 Israeli) we assessed via self-report surveys: teachers' achievement goals, initial motivations to teach, school contexts, professional engagement and instructional practices. Latent profile analyses distinguished four goal combinations per sample. In both, mastery and relational goals covaried as ‘task’ goals. Profiles with stronger ability than task goals were maladaptive for teachers and teaching, and in the Australian sample linked with poor initial ‘fallback’ career motivation. Profiles with stronger task than ability goals were most adaptive, and linked to more positive school climate. Implications are outlined for theory and practice.  相似文献   

Given inconsistencies in the extant literature, achievement goal theory and research remain at an important crossroads, with ongoing questions about the conceptualization of achievement goals, measurement of achievement goals, and inferences made regarding achievement goal related findings. Using latent profile analysis, we explored how achievement goals vary across measures (PALS; Midgley et al., 2000 and AGQ-R; Elliot & Murayama, 2008) and domain (math vs. language arts) across a sample of primarily African American middle and high school students in the South. Main findings showed that the PALS and AGQ-R distinguish different profile goal-patterns, and that this is true across both the math and language arts domains. Not surprisingly, generally, students adopting more adaptive goal profiles (e.g., mastery or multiple) reported higher endorsement of cognitive engagement and social and academic future selves. Current findings support previous research observing disparate AGQ-R and PALS outcomes, adding evidence with domain-specific latent profiles. Given differences in profile patterns, findings suggest the instruments may be differentially tapping into goal perceptions.  相似文献   

Previous results have shown possible cultural differences in students’ achievement goals endorsement and in their relations with various predictors and outcomes. In this person-centered study, we sought to identify achievement goal profiles and to assess the extent to which these configurations and their associations with predictors and outcomes generalize across cultures. We used a new statistical approach to assess latent profile similarities across adolescents from five cultural backgrounds (N = 2643, including Non-Indigenous Australians, Indigenous Australians, Indigenous American, Middle Easterners, and Asians). Our results supported the cross-cultural generalizability of the profiles, their predictors, and their outcomes. Five similar profiles were identified in each cultural group, but their relative frequency differed across cultures. The results revealed advantages of exploring multidimensional goal profiles.  相似文献   

Mixed feelings happen in and outside of the classroom; yet prior research has focused on discrete emotions, essentially ignoring the interaction between emotions. We extend prior person-centered studies of achievement emotions by placing emotions within the Control-Value Theory framework to examine how patterns of emotions mediate the relation between motivation and achievement. We found four profiles of emotion in both fourth (n = 5228) and fifth graders (n = 5299)—two positive profiles, a negative profile, and a mixed emotions profile where frustrated and challenged were the primary emotions. All profiles mediated the relationship between math expectancy and achievement. However, only three of the four emotion profiles mediated the relation between math value and achievement.  相似文献   

This study examined the longitudinal trajectories of achievement goal profiles in mathematics from third to seventh grade in a sample of 302 German students. Latent profile analyses were conducted separately for each school year and revealed three subgroups of students with distinct goal profiles labeled high multiple goals, moderate multiple goals, and primarily mastery-oriented. Only about one third of the students held the same goal profile across all school years. The amount of students pursuing moderate multiple goals increased over time, which supplements previous findings and theorizing about an ongoing differentiation of achievement goals during early adolescence. There were remarkably few differences in educational outcomes (interest, effort, achievement) between students from distinct goal profile groups. However, high multiple goal students showed the lowest test scores in sixth and seventh grade. Moreover, if students showed low performance during one school year, they were more likely to adopt a high multiple goals profile in the following year. Results are discussed in relation to individual cognitive developments, changes in school environments, and special characteristics of educational systems.  相似文献   

Two longitudinal studies used a person-centered approach to examine the stability and change in students’ achievement goal orientations within a school year (i.e., during 9th grade; measurement period 4 months, = 530) and between school years (i.e., across 11th and 12th grade; measurement period 12 months, = 519). Distinct groups of students with different motivational profiles were extracted in both studies with considerable consistency in profiles across the two academic contexts (i.e., lower and upper secondary school). Four groups of students were identified in both studies: indifferent, success-oriented, mastery-oriented, and avoidance-oriented. Students’ motivational profiles were substantially stable; about 60% of all students displayed a stable motivational profile over time. Furthermore, most changes in the group memberships were directed towards similar groups. Findings support the conception of achievement goal orientation as an enduring disposition that reflects students’ generalized beliefs and tendencies to select certain goals and to favor certain outcomes.  相似文献   

Expectancy-value theory (Eccles, 2009) posits that students’ relative expectancies and values across domains inform their academic choices. Students should therefore be more likely to choose a STEM major if they have higher expectancies and values in STEM domains compared with other domains. Accordingly, this study aimed to explore how upper secondary school students’ profiles in expectancy-value beliefs in math and English are related to concurrent achievement and university major choice. Data on expectancies and values in math and English were collected from 2153 German students in their last school year, along with their concurrent math and English achievement and their university major 2 years later. Latent profile analyses revealed four distinct expectancy-value profiles characterized as Low Math/High English, Moderate Math/Moderate English, High Math/Low English, and High Math/High English. Students’ gender, socioeconomic status, and type of school were meaningfully associated with profile membership. For instance, female students were overrepresented in the Low Math/High English profile compared with other profiles. Students in the four profiles also differed in their math and English achievement. These differences were mostly in line with students’ expectancies and values in the respective domain, but some differences suggested that intraindividual cross-domain comparison processes were also at play. Finally, profile membership predicted students’ choice of a STEM major over and above demographic characteristics and achievement. Students in the High Math/Low English profile were most likely to choose a STEM major. These findings support the importance of considering intraindividual comparisons of expectancies and values for students’ achievement-related behavior and choices.  相似文献   

Person-centered analyses of achievement goals have been scarce in studies of elementary school children. In this investigation, the authors examined the natural combinations of achievement goals (mastery, performance-approach, performance-avoidance) among 3rd grade students (N = 195) and how clusters differed in self-, teacher-, and peer-reported adjustment variables. Cluster analysis revealed four groups of students: mastery (above average in mastery goals, below average in performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals), multi-goal (above average in all three goals), avoidant (above average in performance-avoidance goals, below average in mastery and performance-approach goals), and low motivation (below average in all three goals). Clusters differed in self-reported academic self-efficacy and perceptions of teacher support, teacher-reported academic competence, and peer nominations of social status. Mastery students had the most adaptive profiles; low motivation, the least adaptive. Avoidant boys had more maladaptive profiles than avoidant girls.  相似文献   

Motivation plays a central role in faculty members’ professional lives—with achievement goals having been found to have important links with their burnout/engagement and performance. However, the few studies investigating these links were cross-sectional and considered only one of the two equally important work domains of faculty members. In the present research, we analyze the temporal relationships between achievement goals and burnout/engagement as well as performance and investigate domain specificity of goal pursuit by considering goals for teaching and for research. We conducted a longitudinal study (4 measurement points across two years) including 681 German faculty members. Multivariate Latent Change Score modeling attested that in both domains, mastery-approach goals were positively related to subsequent development of performance, while performance was also positively related to subsequent development of mastery goals, creating a double positive loop. Performance goals and work-avoidance goals were differentially associated with performance in both domains, indicating that the effects of goals can be bound to different contextual features. For overall burnout/engagement, our results implied that primarily research goals mattered for its development (with performance-avoidance and work-avoidance goals being risk factors), while high burnout levels were associated with subsequent reduction of adaptive mastery-approach goals in both domains. This highlights the relevance of achievement goals for burnout/engagement and performance of faculty and illuminates their complex temporal dynamics that can also meaningfully inform achievement goal research in other contexts.  相似文献   

Perfectionism consists of personal predispositions and attitudes toward performance. Although there is some disagreement in the field regarding how to best define and measure perfectionism, most studies have supported a distinction between adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism. The current study examines a model in which students’ perceptions of parents’ standards and criticism are proposed as antecedents of multidimensional perfectionism, which in turn are hypothesised to be associated with types of academic achievement goal orientations. The sample consisted of 256 high school students who completed questionnaires assessing adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism, perceptions of their parents and personal achievement goals. Structural equation modelling supported the hypotheses suggesting that high parental standards are positively associated with the adaptive perfectionist characteristic of self-organised perception, which in turn are associated with a mastery goal orientation. Parental criticism predicted the maladaptive perfectionist characteristic of concern over mistakes, which in turn was found associated with a performance-avoidance goal orientation.  相似文献   

We examined stability and change in students’ achievement goal orientations over varying tasks. Two naturalistic longitudinal studies were conducted in undergraduate courses. Students completed self-reports designed to measure their achievement goals. Achievement goals were measured four times: prior to two assignments and two exams. Four complementary analytic techniques were used to examine goal stability: differential continuity, mean-level change, individual-level change, and profile consistency. Results across both studies provide evidence for stability and change across tasks in achievement goal orientation, and comparisons made between similar and different tasks resulted in similar levels of change. Implications for theory and research in achievement goal orientation are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relations between early adolescents’ academic motivational orientations and an aspect of quality of friendship: intimacy. Two-hundred and three Jewish-Israeli seventh grade students responded to surveys asking them about their academic achievement goals and about characteristics of their friendships. Variable-centered regression analyses suggested that mastery goals were positively associated with mutual sharing of difficulties, trust, and adaptive social problem-solving between friends, whereas performance-approach goals were negatively associated with intimacy friendship. Moreover, both performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals were associated with mistrust, inconsideration, and tension between friends. A person-centered analysis, employing cluster analysis, suggested that profiles with a higher level of mastery goals relative to both types of performance goals were associated with less mistrust among friends in comparison with profiles with a higher level of performance goals relative to mastery goals. The findings point to the connection between academic motivation and social relationships in school.  相似文献   

Adolescents’ dyadic relationships are likely influenced by the cultural context within which they exist. This study applied a person-oriented approach to examine how perceived support and negativity were manifested across youths’ relationships with mothers, fathers, and best friends, simultaneously, and how distinct relationship profiles were linked to adaptive and maladaptive functioning (aggression, anxious-withdrawal, prosociality) within and across cultures. Participants resided in metropolitan areas of South Korea, the United States, and Portugal (10–14 years; N = 1,233). Latent profile analyses identified relationship profiles that were culturally common or specific. Additional findings highlighted commonality in the relations between a high-quality relationship profile and adaptive functioning, as well as cultural specificity in the buffering and differential effects of distinct relationship profiles on social-behavioral outcomes.  相似文献   

This study sought to better understand the adoption of multiple achievement goals at an intra-individual level, and its links to emotional well-being, learning, and academic achievement. Participants were 480 Secondary Two students (aged between 13 and 14 years) from two coeducational government schools. Hierarchical cluster analysis revealed the presence of five clusters of students with significantly different achievement goal profiles. MANOVAs and ANOVA, followed by post-hoc tests showed that these clusters also differed significantly in terms of their experience of achievement emotions, use of learning strategies, and mathematics performance. The cluster with high endorsement of mastery approach goal and low endorsement of mastery avoidance goal was noted to have the most adaptive profile. The presence of a cluster of lowly motivated students was highlighted. Findings emphasised the importance of investigating achievement emotions, and how the different achievement goals combine to influence achievement-related variables.  相似文献   

This study’s aim was to examine the prevalence, development and domain specificity of fifth- and sixth-grade elementary school students’ achievement goal profiles. Achievement goals were measured for language and mathematics among 722 pupils at three points in time. These data were analysed through latent profile analysis and latent transition analysis. Results indicated that three similar goal profiles could be discerned at all measurement waves for both language and mathematics. Profiles were labelled ‘multiple goals’, ‘approach oriented’ and ‘moderate/indifferent’. In both mathematics and language, around 80% of the participants remained stable in their goal profiles across measurements. Students who transitioned between goal profiles mostly moved from less to more favourable profiles. Profile membership and transitions between profiles were found to be relatively domain general with 60% overlap between domains. The high level of stability over time and across domains suggests that students’ goal profiles represent relatively stable personal dispositions.  相似文献   

The present study adds to earlier person-oriented research by investigating differences in students' achievement goal orientation (AGO) profiles and their development using a simultaneous consideration of classroom patterns with longitudinal multilevel methods. The sample of almost 10,000 lower secondary school students, representing over 600 classrooms, was surveyed on their AGOs in the 7th and 9th grade. Multilevel latent profile analyses (MLPAs) and transition analysis (MLTA) revealed similar student profiles in AGOs in both grades: success-oriented, moderate multiple goals and avoidance-oriented, as well as two classroom types: success-oriented and mixed orientation classrooms with varied relative proportions of different student-level profiles and patterns of likely transitions. Stability of profiles was more typical than change. Maladaptive transitions were related to lower, and stable and adaptive transitions to higher GPA in the end of 9th grade. In success-oriented classrooms, it was more common to maintain or adopt the success-orientation across lower secondary school compared to the other classroom type.  相似文献   


The author attempted to explore potential antecedents of achievement goals and relations of teacher and parental autonomy support versus psychological control to Taiwanese adolescents’ perfectionistic tendencies. A total of 512 eighth-grade students completed self-reported questionnaires assessing variables of interest. Results indicated that perceived autonomy support versus psychological control together with perfectionistic tendencies play a role in predicting Taiwanese adolescents’ achievement goal orientations. In addition, the present findings replicated effects of autonomy-supportive versus controlling social environment consistently found in Western cultures. The author also documented profiles of adolescents with different perfectionistic tendencies. Adaptive perfectionists reported higher levels of teachers’ autonomy support and lower levels of parental psychological control than did maladaptive perfectionists. Also, adaptive perfectionists were more likely to adopt approach-oriented goals.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the role of perfectionism in the second/foreign language (L2) learning context. To this end, we investigated the possible links between perfectionism, emotions, achievement goals, and L2 achievement. A total number of 2008 secondary school students completed the relevant questionnaires. First, confirmatory factor analysis was performed to assure the construct validity of the questionnaires. Then, separate structural equation models were conducted to examine the relations among variables. Results indicated that adaptive perfectionism was directly related to positive emotions, while the opposite pattern was found for maladaptive perfectionism. Moreover, only adaptive perfectionism was related to mastery goals, and both adaptive and maladaptive perfectionisms were related to performance-approach goals and performance-avoidance goals. Maladaptive perfectionism dimensions were negatively related to L2 achievement, while one dimension of adaptive perfectionism had positive relation and another one had negative relation with L2 achievement. Finally, mediation analysis was performed and results showed that only negative emotions and only mastery goals could mediate the relation between perfectionism dimensions and L2 achievement.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated students’ adopted mastery and performance goals for group work, with an interest in exploring whether performance-approach goals functioned differently in small groups depending on whether the social comparison target resides outside the group (i.e., between-group comparison; performance-approach between group goals) or within the group (i.e., within-group comparison; performance-approach within goals). Using a person-oriented approach, six achievement goal profiles for group work were identified for middle school students in science (NStudy1 = 309) and upper elementary school students in mathematics (NStudy2 = 218). Some profiles included varying patterns of goal endorsement (e.g., high mastery goals, low performance-approach goals) while others reflected similar levels (high, medium, low) of goals. Across both studies, the six goal profiles were associated with varying patterns of group processes, cognitive engagement, and achievement. Most notably, students in profiles with high performance-approach within group goals had more detrimental outcomes, even when mastery goals were also strongly endorsed. In contrast, students in profiles with high mastery alone or in combination with high performance-approach between group goals had adaptive group process, cognitive engagement, and achievement outcomes. Implications for the conceptualization of performance-approach goals in small groups and cautions for fostering normative standards and intergroup competition when structuring group activities are discussed.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis examined the relations between achievement goals and self-efficacy. One hundred and twenty-five studies consisting of 148 samples (N = 61,456) reporting the relations between academic achievement goals and academic self-efficacy were included. The correlations of mastery and mastery approach goals with self-efficacy were generally moderate to strong, while those of performance avoidance and mastery avoidance goals with self-efficacy were low. Goal valence was meaningfully related to self-efficacy, whereas the support for the goal definition was inconsistent. Publication status, proportion of males, mean age, and achievement goal measure did not exert significant moderating effects, whereas those for country where the research was conducted, the proportion of Caucasians, the self-efficacy measure, the domains of achievement goals and self-efficacy, and matching between achievement goal and self-efficacy domains varied with the achievement goal factor. The four-factor model was based on a relatively small number of samples, and so future research is needed to determine whether there are differences in correlations of mastery avoidance and performance avoidance goals with antecedents and consequences.  相似文献   

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