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2016年英语专业四级考试进行了新一次的改革,题型发生了巨大的变化,因此答题策略也要与时俱进。本文从新题型出发,分析了笔记策略在听力考试中的可行性与实用性,并且探讨了怎样合理地运用笔记策略。  相似文献   

大学英语四级考试选词填空解题策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
梁栋 《考试周刊》2010,(39):16-17
选词填空是大学英语四级考试实施改革后的一种新题型,不仅测试学生对词汇的语法语义的理解,更加侧重考查学生对篇章结构和句段间逻辑关系的把握。很多学生由于不熟悉题型,缺乏做题技巧,在此题上失分率较高。本文以四级考试真题为例,对这一题型的特点进行了详细讲解,归纳总结了四步解题步骤,以期帮助学生深入了解题型并形成有效的答题策略。  相似文献   

任务型闭读是近年来出现的新题型,占二卷总分(35分)的近30%,如何让学生在考试中提高答题准确率,如何提高学生解答该题型的能力,是本文所要解决的问题。  相似文献   

本文通过分析日语专业八级考试目的和历年考题,总结了新考试大纲要求下的日语专业八级考试的题型特点,介绍了出题思路、答题技巧和复习要点,为学习者提供了相应的学习方法指导。  相似文献   

对英语应用能力考试中听力题型内容及考生在考试中存在的问题进行分析,提出了有效的答题策略。  相似文献   

完形填空题是大学英语四级考试第四部分的必考题型之一 ,也是学生答题的难点所在。它以高度的综合性极强的语言水平测试形式 ,受到越来越多的英语教学专家的重视 ,被认为是测试学生外语水平的最佳途径之一。从题型特点和答题技巧两方面对这一题型加以分析  相似文献   

选词填空是大学英语四级考试全面改革后出现的一种新题型,由于题型较新、解题时间较紧、题目考查的范围和内容较复杂,该题型成为考生失分较多的一题。根据选词填空的题型特点,以英语四级考试真题为例,初步探讨了这一题型的解题步骤和解题技巧,以期加深考生对该题型的了解并帮助他们形成有效的应试答题策略。  相似文献   

自2010年12月,对高职高专英语应用能力考试题型进行调整,调整比较大的部分为听力部分、词语用法和语法结构部分及阅读理解部分,本论文将概述"山东省高职高专英语应用能力考试的新题型"的考查点及答题技巧。  相似文献   

2018年英语中考是实行福建省中考统一命题的第二年,情景交际是新题型。研读《指导意见》,分析2018年中考英语试卷,了解答题注意事项,领悟答题技巧,汇总梳理知识点,聚焦新题型,对明确新中考要求,把握复习方向,优化复习策略起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

一、考点分析《考试说明》关于考试题型作了明确说明必做题部分由解答题和填空题两种题型组成.其中填空题14题,约占70分;解答题6题,约占90分.填空题只要求直接写出结果,不必写出计算或推理过程.  相似文献   

普通话水平智能测试,使测试工作更加科学化、规范化和标准化。普通话智能测试在各个测试机构的实践,大大提高了普通话水平测试的效率和质量。对普通话智能测试进行成绩分析,对易错声母进行总结,提出相应的应试策略及教师的相关职责和对教学工作的改进要求。  相似文献   

A structural equation model of relationships among testing-related motivation variables (test value, effort, self-efficacy, and test anxiety), test-taking strategies (test tactics and metacognitive strategies), gender, and math test performance were examined with a sample of 10th graders (N = 438; 182 males and 256 females). In general, motivation variables influenced the use of test-taking strategies and demonstrated stronger impacts on math performance than did test-taking strategies. Gender differences were found in self-efficacy and test anxiety. With a few surprising but culturally relevant results that warrant further investigation, the current study extended previous works on antecedents of academic achievement to testing situations within the self-regulated learning theory.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether different groups of test-takers vary in their reported test-taking behaviour in a high-stakes test situation. A between-group design (N = 1129) was used to examine whether high and low achievers, as well as females and males, differ in their use of test-taking strategies, and in level of reported test anxiety and motivation. The results showed differences between high and low achievers on a number of test-taking strategies, where high achievers reported using successful strategies to a higher extent. There were also gender differences: females, for example, reported using random guessing to a higher extent than males. Further, low achievers, especially females, reported significantly higher levels of test anxiety than high achievers, and high achievers reported slightly higher levels of motivation when compared to low achievers. To conclude, test-taking behaviour might bring additional variance to test scores, whether or not this is irrelevant variance is discussed.  相似文献   

The issue of race differences in standardized test scores and academic achievement continues to be a vexing one for behavioral scientists and society at large. Ellis and Ryan (2003) suggested that a portion of the cognitive-ability test performance differences between White/Caucasian-American and Black/African-American college students could be attributed to the greater use of ineffective test-taking strategies by the latter group. We replicated and extended their findings by using three outcomes—exam scores in a single academic course, self-reported GPA, and a measure of verbal abilities. Ellis and Ryan reported that the variance in cognitive-ability test performance explained by race dropped by 48% (i.e., from 21% originally to 11%) when controlling for the mediator, ineffective test-taking strategies. Our results were less dramatic, but also indicated that ineffective test-taking strategies accounted for 19% to 25% of the variance originally explained by race. In addition, reminiscent of the disidentification effect, supplementary analyses showed that academic/intellectual self-perceptions correlated with the criterion measures but only for White participants. These results suggest that a portion of the race difference on test scores might be accounted for by test-taking strategies.  相似文献   

Children, as well as adults, can be handicapped when taking a standardized test because of an unfamiliarity with the test format or with the requirements of the testing situation. This review presents a critical analysis of the skills required for test-taking, the training of test-taking skills, and the experimental evidence on the training. Based on the recommendations of psychologists such as Thorndike, Cronbach, and McClelland, practical classroom strategies for test-taking are discussed. Cautions on the pitfalls of training test-taking skills on questionable dimensions, such as on test item content, are also discussed. The review concludes with recommendations for a task-specific instructional unit which trains the necessary skills for test-taking to assure that the score on the test is an accurate measurement of the skill being assessed.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a qualitative research study into the test-taking strategies employed in completing two picture prompt writing tasks—Situational Writing and Interpretational Writing in the Beijing Matriculation English Test. Think-aloud and retrospective interview protocols were collected from twelve Chinese students representing two key and two ordinary senior high schools in both urban and suburban areas of Beijing. The researcher also conducted in-depth interviews with the students’ English teachers to explore issues raised by their students. The research findings suggest that driven by the high stakes involved in the test, students have developed a full set of test-taking strategies through coaching and exhibited skillful manipulation of these strategies. Moreover, with its original intention badly distorted, Interpretational Writing has become a “risky” task. Students are unwilling to freely express their own ideas. Instead they try to guess test developers’ intent. Therefore, Interpretational Writing might fail to achieve one of its goals: measuring creative thinking. The researcher also points out that more efforts should go into identifying the sources of certain test-taking strategies and clearing any possible misunderstandings between test developers and teachers.  相似文献   

Often, conclusions about what students have learned in school are based on their performance on standardized or informal tests. For several reasons, these tests may not accurately reflect deaf students' learning. The author discusses the limitations of tests and other "products" administered to students during or after reading that are interpreted as reflecting comprehension of what is read. The author also reviews documented differences in test-taking abilities of deaf and hearing students, and describes specific compensatory test-taking strategies used by deaf readers. A rationale is provided for including a formal test-taking skills component in the curriculum for deaf students. Finally, the author discusses portfolio assessment and contemporary societal forces working against academic testing.  相似文献   

元认知策略是较认知策略更基本的策略.个案研究表明,学生在运用策略解决具体问题时,考试因素会产生强靠烈干扰,因此,片面强调元认知策略是不明智的.只有区分真实状态和考试状态下的策略运用情况,才能有效地提高英语教学的质量.  相似文献   

Test preparation helps deaf students develop the skills they need to do well on standardized tests, particularly on a reading test format such as that used with the Stanford Achievement Test. The authors share information on how test preparation helps students to develop the skills required to do well on standardized reading tests by examining test-taking strategies and common language structures used in test items and how readers can learn to interpret them. The authors list the common errors made by their students and discuss remedial classes designed to address a range of test-taking and reading skills.  相似文献   

"天空教室"是集系统性、交互性、主体性和资源丰富性等特点于一身的网络教学平台,将其应用于雅思课程的教学是由建构主义及交际教学法的要求决定的。为了更好地发挥"天空教室"的助学作用,在雅思课程教学中要以雅思考试为导向,将网络教学平台与课堂讲授无缝对接,并引导学生搜题源、攒机经、总结个性化的应试策略。  相似文献   

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