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以全球基金艾滋病五轮、六轮、滚动整合项目在甘肃省的实践为观察案例,通过对全球基金艾滋病项目在甘肃省防艾工作的作用分析,讨论全球基金艾滋病项目在实施中面临的问题和对经后防艾工作的思考。分析表明:全球基金艾滋病项目总体上有利于促进甘肃省的整体防艾工作,特别是对《甘肃省预防与控制艾滋病中长期规划(2001-2010年)》、《甘肃省遏制与防治艾滋病行动计划(2006-2010)》的任务目标完成有重要补充作用,但也存在诸如社会组织内涵建设滞后、外展干预深度力度不够、探索在民族聚居地区防艾对策方法不多等问题。在甘肃省新一轮防艾行动计划(2011-2015年)中,整合后的甘肃省全球基金艾滋病项目(RCC)需要紧密结合因地制宜的实施策略,才能在防艾工作中发挥出最大项目效能。  相似文献   

从国际重要糖尿病研究基金看当前糖尿病研究发展态势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫蓓  肖宏 《中国科学基金》2006,20(6):326-329
当前,糖尿病在世界范围内呈现高发趋势,引起广泛重视,各项研究投入不断加大。本文对目前国际上若干重要的糖尿病研究基金进行了总结分析,通过分析它们的资助强度、资助方向和资助方式,试图从一个侧面反映国际上糖尿病的研究发展态势,旨在对我国的糖尿病研究提供一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

利用Web of Science数据库新增加的基金项目检索功能,首次考察了全球主要论文发表国家的科学基金论文资助情况。各国科学基金对论文的资助比例普遍在12%至15%之间,中国的基金论文资助比例为24.43%。各国基金论文的篇均基金数量均在2.49以上,中国的篇均基金数量为2.97。进一步考察了中国不同基金管理部门和主要基金项目对论文的共同资助情况,发现目前中国科学基金对论文的重复资助现象比较突出。  相似文献   

为正确认识科研基金资助投入和高水平国际论文产出之间的关系,对Web of Science核心合集引文索引数据库中2012—2016年间发表论文最多的六国(美国、中国、德国、英国、日本和法国)的科研基金资助与论文产出进行整体分析。研究发现,各国基金资助存在三种模式:单一基金主导模式、双基金共导模式、多基金参与模式。各国SCI基金论文的数量是非基金论文的两倍多,被引频次也是非基金论文的两倍多,科研基金资助能够显著提高SCI论文产出的数量和质量,其中单一基金主导模式下的基金论文的最大被引频次最高。  相似文献   

许静  党亚茹 《科学学研究》2010,28(8):1135-1140
依据6种科学学期刊10年登载论文标注的基金资助数据,对基金资助中一类多重资助(联合资助、共同资助、多次资助和重复资助)问题,建立了基金多重资助关联网络,讨论了基金资助的强度和关联系数,并采用SNA和多元统计分析方法,分析了多重基金资助的凝聚子群分布和基金多重资助关联网络的结构分布。可以认为,提高项目申报信息流畅和申报人员的科学素养,提倡科学学研究中的合作基金、持续资助,以提高基金资助资源的利用程度。  相似文献   

邹祺  张秋红 《大众科技》2005,(9):236-237
目前艾滋病正以惊人的速度在全世界范围内从高危人群向一般人群传播,文章拟从现代医学分子生物学的角度,介绍了目前国际上对艾滋病研究所达到的理论水平.  相似文献   

<正>20世纪80年代,人类确定艾滋病病源HIV。迄今20余年过去,艾滋病侵袭全球,各国科学家、医药学家虽历经多年,但一直未能找到根治艾滋病的有效途径。人类生存,遭遇最大一次挑战。孙绍彬教授出生在中医药世家,是中国发展战略研究会高  相似文献   

从资助模式调整与完善的历程,资助数量与强度的发展趋势,资助项目的分布等方面,宏观分析了创新研究群体基金建设的发展现状。从科研产出成果、学术领军人才、创新合作网络三个维度,对国家创新研究群体的培育水平和资助成效进行了指标评价。最后,对进一步建设发展创新研究群体基金,更好地培育创新研究群体提出了思考与讨论。  相似文献   

气候变化、健康危机和粮食安全等问题通常会超越国家间的地理边界,是典型的全球性挑战。随着不同挑战的日益加剧,设立全球科学研究基金已成为推动科技进步、探索创新解决方案和加强伙伴关系的重要手段。在此背景下,“研究设立面向全球的科学研究基金”是我国“十四五”时期(2021—2025年)完善科技创新体制的重要举措。为推进这一举措落实,本文在分析主要发达国家(美国、加拿大、英国、德国、日本、澳大利亚)和欧盟针对全球挑战的科研基金资助经验和广泛调研研讨的基础上,从人才项目、研究项目和大科学装置项目三个方面提出了我国未来设立面向全球的科学研究基金的建议,并探讨了相应的遴选、评估和管理机制,以期促进我国科研资助体系的创新发展,逐步提升我国在全球挑战研究中的国际影响力。  相似文献   

<正> 江西省吉安市安福县老科协卫生分会防艾科普宣传深入开展吉安市安福县老科协卫生分会近几年开展的防艾科普宣传活动有声有色,取得了很好的效果,受到广大群众的欢迎,得到了上级有关部门的重视和支持。2010年11月,获得江西全球基金艾滋病项目资助活动经费2万元。年底又申报《2010年度国家艾滋病防治社会动员项  相似文献   

HIV/AIDS is a deadly disease which kills people everywhere in the world. The purpose of this paper is to show that libraries and information centres in Nigeria can be actively used in the campaign and war against the spread of HIV/AIDS. It shows how HIV/AIDS is reducing the population of Nigeria through deaths. It highlights factors responsible for the rapid spread of the disease and shows how provision of education and information supported by library and information services can help reduce the spread of the disease. Libraries and information centres should involve audio–visual materials, and information communication technologies in educating and dissimilating relevant information to the people against HIV/AIDS in the country. The paper has discussed problems hindering effective library services to Nigerians.  相似文献   

HIV/AIDS conspiracy theories constitute a loosely grouped set of meanings that share the notion of secret collusion among allied parties. This paper traces one woman's etiological narrative of HIV/AIDS. Such embodied experience and cultural understanding when placed against the backdrop of current thinking on the topic in the United States builds a new framework for understanding the emergence and circulation of HIV/AIDS conspiracy theories as "counter-narratives" employed by individuals and publics in the face of the AIDS pandemic. Such counter-narrative creates a rhetorical space for challenges to power through the articulation of oppositional ideas about dominant scientific knowledge. Without a critical exploration of HIV/AIDS conspiracy theories that examines their emergence and effects as a form of discourse circulating in the public domain, public health advocates will not be able to trace and respond to these narratives' impact on HIV prevention efforts or consider their relevance for other emerging infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Although health information is widely available, information acquisition patterns may vary according to where one lives. Using Lievrouw's (2001) information environments (IE) theory, this mixed methods study compares three regional HIV/AIDS information environments in rural Canada. In accordance with IE theory, findings showed regional variation in institutional aspects of HIV/AIDS information environments: health institution service models; resource munificence and technology use; and some measures of social engagement and source availability. Differences were also present in the personal/relational aspects of environments: information network characteristics and levels of interpersonal interaction. However, in divergence from IE theory, regional success rates for answering HIV/AIDS-related questions were similar (86.26–89.34 percent). Furthermore, individual-level factors were more important than network position in predicting participants’ success rates. Yet, in line with IE theory, there were regional differences in the barriers that people affected by HIV/AIDS faced when seeking answers to their questions. These unaddressed barriers suggest that further development of IE theory requires incorporation of institutional capacity: provider knowledge, responsiveness, and service availability.  相似文献   

桂林市中医药防治艾滋病试点项目(简称项目)于2012年成立。项目的实施,是在不断解决困难和问题的过程中进行的。文章通过总结近几年的实施情况,找出问题,制定改进措施,希望可以更进一步促进项目工作顺利开展。  相似文献   

Recent studies made by CAS scientists may shed new light on a novel approach to demystifying the complicated pathogenesis of AIDS, i.e., the formative mechanism of HIV infection at the molecular level. Their pioneering work provides new clues for stemming the genetic pathway needed for propagation of the killer virus.  相似文献   

SH-Compound, a natural drug developed by CAS researchers for treating AIDS patients and HIV carriers, has recently been put into batch production at the Yunnan SH-Idea Pharmaceutical Company Ltd in southwest China's city of Yuxi.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the interplay of clinical knowledge and technological capabilities in the recent development of HIV/AIDS treatments and offer qualitative and quantitative evidence from the empirical setting of Italian practice. The study contributes to the literature on the co-evolution of physical and social technologies in medical innovation by showing how professional guidelines, systematic evaluative research and local coordination mechanisms contribute actively to the resolution of the uncertainty that surrounds technological advances, while leaving room for largely discretional therapeutic choices. The resulting variety in implementation strategies improves health outcomes, but may reduce productive efficiency.  相似文献   

HIV是人类公共健康比较关注的疾病,随着艾滋病患者的增加,我国对HIV疾病的治疗的药物重视程度日益突出。本文通过社会网络分析法对该领域专利申请人的合作和竞争情况进行统计分析,结果表明:与国外申请网络相比较,国内申请合作网络规模比较小,合作申请人类型比较单一;国内专利申请主体以高校和科研单位为主,企业专利申请比较少,且有效发明专利少,市场竞争力不足,与国外企业有很大的差距。针对我国专利申请状况,本文给出相应的建议。  相似文献   

There is an increasing need to develop optofluidic flow cytometers. Optofluidics, where optics and microfluidics work together to create novel functionalities on a small chip, holds great promise for lab-on-a-chip flow cytometry. The development of a low-cost, compact, handheld flow cytometer and microfluorescence-activated cell sorter system could have a significant impact on the field of point-of-care diagnostics, improving health care in, for example, underserved areas of Africa and Asia, that struggle with epidemics such as HIV∕AIDS. In this paper, we review recent advancements in microfluidics, on-chip optics, novel detection architectures, and integrated sorting mechanisms.  相似文献   

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