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运用三维运动学研究方法,对参加2019年亚洲举重锦标赛暨东京奥运会资格赛的我国男子举重67kg公斤级优秀运动员谌利军与冯吕栋抓举技术进行对比分析。研究结果认为:提铃准备阶段,冯吕栋身体姿势更符合抓举中“近”的技术要求;总体上,冯吕栋伸膝提铃和引膝提铃阶段技术动作优于谌利军,谌利军发力和惯性上升及接铃阶段技术动作优于冯吕栋。谌利军抓举过程中主要存在伸膝提铃阶段髋关节打开过早,引膝提铃阶段膝关节回屈角度小以及整个抓举过程中杠铃重心左右偏移量过大的问题;冯吕栋主要存在发力和惯性上升阶段“两心”前后距离过大,杠铃相对于运动员水平运动幅度大,垂直运动幅度小以及接铃过程中杠铃下落距离长,下降速度过快的问题。建议谌利军加强膝关节主要屈伸肌群的力量训练以及进行身体左右侧力量平衡的评估;冯吕栋应掌握在发力和惯性上升阶段正确的用力方向,并改善接铃节奏。  相似文献   

举重提铃动作的运动力学分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
提铃是抓举和挺举的开始阶段,其主要作用是使杠铃获得一个初速度,并尽量靠近身体和支撑面,以减少阻力矩,为下一步的发力创造一个最佳的工作点。可以说提铃技术的好坏直接影响着下一步发力的质量。目前,关于提铃动作的力学研究很少,有关的资料和文章也不多见。用运动图像处理系统分析了举重运动员的提铃动作,通过对该阶段杠铃重心轨迹、膝关节与髋关节的角度、杠铃重心的速度与位移等参数的研究比较,发现运动员一开始提铃就伸膝伸髋并举,接着伸髋引膝,这与一般认为提铃分为3个阶段的观点有所不同。这也许说明伸膝阶段并非必不可少…  相似文献   

采用星钛便携高速摄像系统对运动员进行平面定点拍摄,运用运动生物力学原理和方法,对孟××抓举技术动作进行拍摄和分析膝角、髋角、躯干角、杠铃高度、铃水平速度和铃垂直速度及其过程参数。研究表明:躯干在伸膝提铃和引膝提铃阶段,过早的后仰发力,造成引膝不充分、躯干角在铃速最大时刻过度后仰;抓举动作技术的不稳定如杠铃在达到最高点后距离支撑平面不稳定,水平速度不合理均导致其抓举失败。  相似文献   

本文用三维摄相测量方法对何灼强创117.5公斤抓举世界纪录的技术进行了测试、分析,探讨了他此次抓举技术上的优、缺点。主要优点是:提铃阶段“两重心”距离近,提铃速度快;发力过程中杠铃贴近身体,发力方向接近垂直向上:下蹲撑铃速度快,动作连贯协调。主要缺点是提铃第一阶段用力方向偏后,造成杠铃后偏;上举过程中人、铃重心有左移现象。  相似文献   

研究以运动员左侧末端杠铃加速度、速度和高度等为指标对高丹抓举技术进行分析。采用2台Speed Cam Macro Vis Eo Sens高速相机进行拍摄,通过SIMI-motion三维运动录像分析系统对其技术动作进行分析。研究结果:(1)成功时在A点杠铃加速度为0.39 m/s2,失败时为0.12 m/s2,说明成功时在杠铃离地瞬间用力较快,2次抓举A至D杠铃加速度和肩部移动距离的变化,说明在伸膝提铃阶段都有二次发力现象且上体过早后仰;(2)D至E杠铃加速度成功和失败时分别减少了0.07 m/s2和0.03 m/s2,说明在引膝阶段用力不连贯;(3)在F点成功时杠铃加速度最大为0.38 m/s2,失败时为0.41 m/s2,说明成功时用力节奏较差;(4)成功时左侧和右侧支撑点分别向后移动了0.17 m和0.22 m,而失败时左侧和右侧支撑点分别向后移动了0.13 m和0.11 m,后跳之后两个支撑点没有在同一条水平线上,说明后跳之后两个支撑点发生前后偏离;(5)失败时杠铃的最高高度为1.04 m,而成功时1.09 m,失败时杠铃高度较低,在下蹲支撑阶段没有撑住杠铃导致其失败。把杠铃加速度的变化以折线图的形式来分析运动员技术动作,可以直观反映运动员的用力节奏,发现其技术动作的精细化程度不够,用力节奏较差,还需对其技术动作进行改进。  相似文献   

全国举重冠军伍超抓举154kg的技术特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过SIMI°Motion三维录像分析系统,对2011年全国举重冠军赛冠军伍超的抓举技术动作进行运动学分析,揭示其抓举154 kg的技术特征。结果显示:伍超的身体重心和杠铃重心距离较近,并在整个提铃过程中杠铃重心的垂直速度呈上升趋势;膝关节角、躯干角、髋关节角、杠铃中心点垂直速度随时间变化曲线符合抓举的技术特点;从整体上看,伍超的技术较为合理,且有较大的提升空间。  相似文献   

研究运用三维运动学方法,获取评价抓举技术动作稳定性的量化指标,并对廖辉、石智勇等5名运动员8次成功试举与7次失败试举中每个特征时刻该指标进行对比分析,旨在从动作稳定性的角度分析抓举失败的原因。研究认为人/杠合重心与人体支撑面中心在前后方向的距离(两心差)是评价运动员抓举技术动作各阶段稳定性的重要指标,两心差越小,技术动作稳定性越强。抓举过程中运动员的两心差数值曲线呈现出双波峰双波谷的特点,较为合理的两心差变化趋势应该是:两心差于发力阶段初达到第一个波谷,惯性上升阶段初达到第一个波峰,于下蹲支撑初达到第二个波谷,杠铃速度最大时刻达到第二个波峰。大多数抓举试举失败都出现在接铃完成阶段,而下蹲支撑阶段两心差过大是导致运动员在接铃完成阶段无法对杠铃形成有效制动的重要原因。研究中成功试举在接铃完成阶段末两心差几乎为零;接铃完成末两心差过大,将导致运动员在上举时失去平衡。  相似文献   

运用三维运动学的研究方法,对我国9名举重国际健将比赛条件下抓举同等杠铃重量时成功与失败的18次试举技术进行对比研究,探讨优秀运动员特定负荷下成功试举与失败试举技术特点及差异。研究结果表明,从动作的时空特征来看成功试举与失败试举间不具有显著性差异,成功试举与失败试举伸膝提铃阶段合加速度矢量方向具有显著性差异,成功试举时提铃用力较均匀,而失败试举时运动员对杠铃不稳定作用力的方向是造成试举失败的主要原因。  相似文献   

我国优秀男子举重运动员技术监测分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用动力测试与摄像解析相结合的方法 ,对国家男子举重队占旭刚、石智勇等 9人的技术动作进行诊断和评价 ,为改进技术、提高成绩提供科学依据。研究结果表明 ,抓举测试中一些运动员引膝角度不合理 ,展髋抬体幅度偏大 ;挺举测试中张国政引膝时间较长 ,压力调整不合理。跳步动作是维持接铃支撑平衡的补偿性动作 ,运动员杠铃上送距离较大 ,造成过大的回落距离和速度。占旭刚在挺举 180 kg接铃时杠铃回落的距离和速度过大 ,再加上其退让性缓冲不足 ,下砸力过大而导致动作失败。发力后接铃支撑时 ,人、杠铃压力中心移动过大和 Fz对 X轴出现大的单向力矩是失败的技术原因  相似文献   

举重抓举和下蹲翻运动学比较与用力特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用三维运动学的研究方法对参加2003年全国女子举重锦标赛的10名运动员的抓举和下蹲翻进行运动学分析并对力量的特点进行比较分析;运用逆向动力学方法对两种技术动作的主要关节的净力矩进行比较分析。结果表明,膝关节角度在提铃离地时刻有显著性的差异;对力量参数回归分析表明,运动员抓举杠铃重量的能力很大程度上取决于运动员所能够输出的最大功率,而运动员下蹲翻杠铃重量的能力很大程度上取决于运动员对杠铃的作用力的积累过程;对于抓举和下蹲翻动作髋关节净力矩分析表明,对于抓举,髋关节最大净力矩与对应此时刻的髋关节角度呈负相关,而对于下蹲翻,髋关节最大净力矩则与所试举的杠铃重量呈正相关。  相似文献   

孟宪娟 《冰雪运动》2008,30(3):53-55
通过膝关节载荷静力学分析,进一步认识了杠铃力量训练过程中膝关节的力学特点和变化规律。并基于膝关节载荷静力学分析,探讨了杠铃力量训练在力量练习结构、练习方式和练习动作方面的专项化问题。认为杠铃力量训练可以帮助运动员建立专项最需要的力量结构;可以通过不同的练习方式使那些对专项技术最具影响的肌肉或肌群得到训练;力量训练需要紧密结合专项特点,才能获得更好的效果。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate how lower extremity work was distributed during the pull of cleans performed lifting the barbell to the minimum height required to receive it in a full squat (minimal height clean); or with maximum effort to elevate the barbell as high as possible and receiving it in either a full (maximal effort clean) or partial (power clean) squat. Eight weightlifters screened for proficient technique performed these clean variations at 80% of one repetition maximum. Work performed on the barbell and by the lower extremity net joint moments (NJM) was computed from marker trajectories and ground reaction forces. Total barbell work, lower extremity NJM work, knee extensor work, and knee joint excursion during the second pull was lower in the minimal height clean than the maximal effort and power cleans (P < 0.05). This research demonstrates that more knee extensor work is performed in the second pull of maximal effort and power cleans compared to the minimal height clean. The larger knee extensor work performed is due to larger knee joint excursion during the second pull of the maximal effort and power cleans, but not larger knee extensor NJM.  相似文献   

We investigated the linear kinematics and the change in energy of the barbell and the angular kinematics of the trunk and leg during the snatch technique of 12 elite male Greek weightlifters under competitive conditions after the new weight classification. Two S-VHS cameras operating at 60 Hz were used to record the lifts. The spatial coordinates of selected points were calculated using the direct linear transformation procedure; after digital filtering of the raw data, the angular displacements and angular velocities were calculated for the hip, knee and ankle joints. The following variables were also calculated for the barbell: vertical and horizontal displacement, vertical linear velocity and acceleration, external mechanical work and power output. The results revealed that all weightlifters flexed their knees during the transition phase, independently of their weight category. This indicates that the athletes use the elastic energy produced during the stretch-shortening cycle to enhance their performance. In nine athletes, we found that the barbell trajectory did not cross a vertical reference line that passed through the initial position of the barbell. The vertical linear velocity of the barbell was increased continuously from the beginning of the movement until the second maximum extension of the knee joint, with no notable dip being observed. Regarding the change in energy of the barbell, we found that the mechanical work for the vertical displacement of the barbell in the first pull was significantly greater than the mechanical work in the second pull. In contrast, the estimated average mechanical power output of the athletes during the vertical displacement of the barbell was significantly greater in the second pull than in the first pull. We conclude that the major elements of the snatch technique of elite Greek weightlifters have not been affected by the new weight classification.  相似文献   

We investigated the linear kinematics and the change in energy of the barbell and the angular kinematics of the trunk and leg during the snatch technique of 12 elite male Greek weightlifters under competitive conditions after the new weight classification. Two S-VHS cameras operating at 60 Hz were used to record the lifts. The spatial coordinates of selected points were calculated using the direct linear transformation procedure; after digital filtering of the raw data, the angular displacements and angular velocities were calculated for the hip, knee and ankle joints. The following variables were also calculated for the barbell: vertical and horizontal displacement, vertical linear velocity and acceleration, external mechanical work and power output. The results revealed that all weightlifters flexed their knees during the transition phase, independently of their weight category. This indicates that the athletes use the elastic energy produced during the stretch–shortening cycle to enhance their performance. In nine athletes, we found that the barbell trajectory did not cross a vertical reference line that passed through the initial position of the barbell. The vertical linear velocity of the barbell was increased continuously from the beginning of the movement until the second maximum extension of the knee joint, with no notable dip being observed. Regarding the change in energy of the barbell, we found that the mechanical work for the vertical displacement of the barbell in the first pull was significantly greater than the mechanical work in the second pull. In contrast, the estimated average mechanical power output of the athletes during the vertical displacement of the barbell was significantly greater in the second pull than in the first pull. We conclude that the major elements of the snatch technique of elite Greek weightlifters have not been aff ected by the new weight classification.  相似文献   

对举重"双屈式"上挺技术的生物力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过录像解析、文献资料和专家咨询等方法,对举重挺举预蹲上挺中创新型技术——“双屈式”上挺技术进行了科学研究。认为“双屈式”上挺技术通过屈膝预蹲时配合相应的屈髋和翘臀的动作,使预蹲发力蹬腿同时能够辅以较大的伸髋动作.能最大限度地发挥运动员的腰背及腿部力量,加大了杠铃最后的上抛速度,从而能够提高上挺成绩;预蹲屈髋时杠铃重心水平前移导致的人体和杠铃总重心的前移,可以通过适当的翘臀动作予以弥补,以保持总重心的稳定。  相似文献   

Hip extensor strategy, specifically relative contribution of gluteus maximus versus hamstrings, will influence quadriceps effort required during squat exercise, as hamstrings and quadriceps co-contract at the knee. This research examined the effects of hip extensor strategy on quadriceps relative muscular effort (RME) during barbell squat. Inverse dynamics-based torque-driven musculoskeletal models were developed to account for hamstrings co-contraction. Net joint moments were calculated using 3D motion analysis and force platform data. Hamstrings co-contraction was modelled under two assumptions: (1) equivalent gluteus maximus and hamstrings activation (Model 1) and (2) preferential gluteus maximus activation (Model 2). Quadriceps RME, the ratio of quadriceps moment to maximum knee extensor strength, was determined using inverse dynamics only, Model 1 and Model 2. Quadriceps RME was greater in both Models 1 and 2 than inverse dynamics only at barbell loads of 50–90% one repetition maximum. The highest quadriceps RMEs were 120 ± 36% and 87 ± 28% in Models 1 and 2, respectively, which suggests that barbell squats are only feasible using the Model 2 strategy prioritising gluteus maximus versus hamstrings activation. These results indicate that developing strength in both gluteus maximus and quadriceps is essential for lifting heavy loads in squat exercise.  相似文献   

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