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图书馆合理使用是基于保护公共利益需要而对著作权做出的限制,但其本身也需要被严格规范。通过比较两岸著作权法中图书馆合理使用的立法沿革、使用主体、使用目的、使用对象、使用方式以及对使用的限制等,可以发现两岸立法各有所长,但台湾地区图书馆合理使用制度更加具体,特别是其中关于使用主体、使用目的、使用对象以及对使用的限制规定可以作为大陆地区完善图书馆合理使用制度的有益借鉴。  相似文献   

基于用户的问卷调查,分析了用户对电子书的认知及使用情况,包括使用频率、使用理由、使用电子书的来源、电子书的选取、使用方式及使用目的等。  相似文献   

国外关于图书馆电子资源许可使用研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许可使用是解决电子环境下图书馆电子资源使用和管理的有效途径.文章阐述许可使用的概念、电子资源许可使用的产生和发展,详细探讨美国、英国、加拿大等国关于电子资源许可使用的研究进展,包括许可使用原则、许可使用项目和许可使用协议模板等.  相似文献   

人工智能创作给著作权合理使用制度带来前所未有的挑战,合理使用制度难以克服人工智能创作的“算法偏见”,而人工智能创作也难以运用传统“三步检验法”加以判断。反思人工智能创作对合理使用的开放化需求与封闭式立法的冲突,发现现行立法模式不足以回应人工智能创作对作品的使用,法定许可在规制人工智能创作使用作品方面缺乏制度优势,人工智能创作使用作品还会激化合理使用与技术保护措施的冲突。基于此,应当从分类保护视角出发,对人工智能创作的作品使用与传统版权领域的作品使用进行类型化划分,在维持传统版权领域合理使用制度稳定性的前提下,以开放灵活的态度借鉴转换性使用理论,在不排除商业性使用目的的基础上完成人工智能创作著作权合理使用的制度构建。  相似文献   

转换性使用作为合理使用框架下一种全新的作品使用方式,有着不同于传统合理使用的特征。通过在合理使用立法中增设转换性使用作为兜底条款,并在司法实践中借助最高院的指导性案例制度和知识产权案例指导制度进一步细化转换性使用的规则,对于促进我国数字图书馆在网络信息时代的发展意义重大。  相似文献   

本文以北京市60岁以上使用微信朋友圈的老年群体作为研究对象,使用整合型技术接受和使用理论模型(UTAUT)作为理论框架,通过结构方程模型对老年群体使用微信朋友圈的意愿与行为进行分析。研究发现,影响老年群体微信朋友圈使用行为关键的两个潜变量是使用意愿和数字反哺;在影响使用意愿的潜变量中总效应最高的两个潜变量依次是子代社会经济地位、社群影响,而风险感知与使用意愿呈负效应;在影响使用行为的潜变量中,使用意愿、子代社会经济地位和数字反哺意愿是效应最高的潜变量。在此基础上,本文延展和构建了老年群体的新技术使用UTAUT模型。  相似文献   

五、制造与使用的关系 制造与使用,生产与加工也常常是一门科学技术的两个方面.在现代图书分类法中,制造与使用,生产与加工也往往不属于同一学科.例如机械制造入机械工程,机械使用则列为使用的学科的类目,如农业机械使用入农业科学.  相似文献   

本文选取知乎平台,采用Python技术获得用户信息行为中发表文章、回答问题、提问和参与live活动的使用行为数据,进行了使用时间特征、使用频次和时间间隔分析,探索用户在使用社交网络平台中产生消极行为的时间特征及规律。结果表明,部分用户在使用社交网络平台过程中会出现减少使用、间歇性中辍和中断等使用行为,呈现不同程度的消极行为特征。对于用户的消极使用行为,需要洞察背后的深层次原因并制定针对性的措施,引导用户继续使用和深度创作。  相似文献   

甘春梅 《图书情报工作》2017,61(11):106-115
[目的/意义] 以微信作为研究对象,采用混合方法,以期探讨社交媒体使用动机与特定功能使用的关系。[方法/过程] 通过访谈法和焦点小组法来确定微信使用的动机因素以及用户对微信功能的使用;并通过问卷搜集250份有效样本数据,利用回归分析来验证不同动机要素与各功能使用之间的关系。[结果/结论] 结果发现,不同微信功能的使用受到不同动机的驱使;而用户对微信一般性使用的影响因素与对特定功能使用的因素也不同。具体来说,娱乐显著影响用户对群聊、评论和分享功能的使用;消磨时间显著影响用户对朋友圈、评论和点赞功能的使用;社会互动显著影响用户对扫一扫、群聊、订阅和语音功能的使用;信息搜寻显著影响用户对订阅和扫一扫功能的使用;信息共享显著影响用户对发布功能的使用;自我表达显著影响用户对发布、定位、摇一摇和分享功能的使用;而跟随潮流显著影响用户对摇一摇功能的使用。  相似文献   

基于UTAUT2模型对1277名大学生进行问卷调查和实证研究,发现:期望绩效、社会影响、享乐动机、便利条件、习惯显著影响高校学生虚拟学习空间使用意愿,便利条件、习惯、使用意愿显著正向影响其使用行为。习惯是使用行为意愿最强的预测因素,使用意愿是使用行为最强的预测因素。硕士生、博士生的虚拟学习空间使用行为显著高于本科生,理工科和医学类学生的虚拟学习空间使用行为显著高于人文社科类学生。  相似文献   


The history of the almanac in Croatia is reconstructed through primary research in bibliographic and archival sources. The almanac is a vehicle for knowledge communication in informal contexts, engaging both oral tradition and literary forms traceable to medieval literacy and ways of structuring knowledge. The history of the almanac in Croatia reflects the changing context of the book trade, literacy, and the evolution of language. Four main stages are identified: (1) the beginning of the annual almanac in the seventeenth century; astrological almanacs reflecting the sensibility of the Baroque period; (2) the Enlightenment's stimulation of almanac publishing in the spirit of contemporary secular reforms in agriculture and education; (3) nineteenth-and twentieth-century almanac trade, showing complex and overlapping networks for the production, distribution and appropriation of printed almanacs;(4) roughly the end of World War II, when the almanac slowly moved out of the role of a popular mass medium and into specialized niches represented by regional, diaspora, and religious almanacs.  相似文献   

This article is a preliminary summary of the results of a huge study of reading among urban high school students (ages 14–17) in many regions of Russia. It considers such aspects of the topic as: the place of reading in the structure of high school students' life plans and leisure activities; their motives for reading, their preferences, and the amount they read; the level of their culture of reading and information seeking; and the influence of family, peers, libraries, and the Internet on their reading habits.  相似文献   

从个人层次、群体层次和组织层次角度,对目前心理资本理论的研究情况进行介绍及归纳,内容包括:心理资本的内涵、心理资本的测量、心理资本的前因与中介、心理资本的结果、心理资本与结果间的中介或调节变量、心理资本的调节以及图书馆员心理资本相关研究。最后,指出这些研究中存在的问题,并提出心理资本的研究展望及今后图书馆员心理资本研究可关注的方向。  相似文献   

Salt crystallization is recognized as a major cause of damage to porous building materials, threatening the sustainable preservation of our valuable built heritage. Unfortunately, the crystallization behavior of the detected salt mixtures is complex and not fully understood. While the deliquescence points of single salts are well documented, this is not the case for salts in a mixture where one is confronted with the presence of different cations and anions. In this paper the salt content of the murals and the limestone tracery of the main entrance porch from the sixteenth century church of St. James in Liège, Belgium is investigated and related to the climatic conditions of its environment. Concerning the salt load, the research consists of hygroscopic moisture content measurements, quantitative ion analyses, and the prediction of phase equilibria using the thermodynamic model ECOS/RUNSALT. This model can predict the salt crystallization sequences of a particular ion mixture. The output is mathematically evaluated with collected temperature and relative humidity data, which enables the calculation of the number of salt crystallization–deliquescence cycles. The results show that even small amounts of salts can cause damage over a long period of time when the environment causes frequent cycles of crystallization–deliquescence over time. It is shown how a mixture of small amounts of (double) salts, including hygroscopic ones, can have a significant effect on the decay of historic building materials in the case of daily changing climatic conditions and periods of extreme drought. As a result, the crystallization of double salts and hygroscopic salts such as calcium nitrate cannot be ignored. The scientific method and the results are described.  相似文献   


This memoir is my personal story about how I created and came to curate on the International Counterculture Archive collection, which is held in the Global Resources Center of the George Washington University’s (GWU) Gelman library. The first person narrative relates my first encounters with Soviet rock culture and describes how I turned my initial interest into a Ph.D. dissertation on the subculture of Soviet hippies and traditions of Soviet rock music, which subsequently led to my later work as a librarian and curator. I tell the story of my initial encounters with the members of Soviet/Russian rock music subculture and other countercultural personalities and activists during my first trip to Moscow in 1993 to collect samples of Soviet rock music recordings and rock music zines for the European Division of the Library of Congress. During this formative trip I met with a number of counterculture producers and collectors who were instrumental in helping me build the International Counterculture Archive. Upon leaving the Library of Congress, I continued collecting Soviet/Russian countercultural materials on behalf of the Global Resources Center of GWU’s Gelman Library. I talk about the process of creating the Archive at Gelman library, about bureaucratic and financial aspects of this work, and about my many acquisition trips to Moscow, former Soviet republics, and East Central Europe. Much of the narrative centers on my work with Russian collectors and content producers and describes the type of materials that are included in the collection. I also describe how I built the collection of historical Soviet/Russian rock music recordings, focusing on the phenomenon of Soviet/Russian rock music zines and the history of the unique zine collection within the International Counterculture Archive.  相似文献   

This article surveys a sample of sources of the information about Romania available to British readers in nineteenth century British newspapers and periodicals. It traces first contacts between the Romanian lands and Britain after the union of the principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia in 1859, then after their independence from the Ottoman Empire. The article highlights an increased Romanian interest in British periodicals, which reported and reviewed Romanian literature and scholarship. The article concludes that nineteenth century British newspapers and periodicals offer a great variety and wealth of new material previously unavailable or unknown to researchers. It also states that only a portion of a large quantity of this material has been indexed and is therefore available via the bibliographic sources mentioned in the article. The author argues for the need of a new and updated British-Romanian bibliography, which can draw on new online resources offering access to thousands of new newspapers and periodical records.  相似文献   

The article discusses the program “Registration of the Polish Collections Abroad,” conducted by the Department of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland. Its goal is to create a register of the significant Polish collections outside Poland.  相似文献   

利益相关者视角下的图书馆电子借阅服务研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 以图书馆提供电子借阅服务过程中所涉及的利益相关者为研究对象,厘清各利益相关者的利益关系,提出建立基于社会平衡机制的图书馆电子借阅服务系统的主要路径。[方法/过程] 介绍图书馆电子书和电子借阅的发展现状,引入利益相关者理论分析作者、提供商、图书馆与用户之间的利益关系。[结果/结论] 研究发现图书馆电子借阅服务涉及作者与提供商的商业利益、图书馆提供信息资源的权利和用户获取知识的权利,不同利益主体存在既冲突又合作的关系;图书馆电子借阅服务系统不够成熟,产生明显的资源供需失衡问题。提出以下建议:完善法律制度,维护公共利益;扶持电子书产业发展,规范市场行为;建立许可协议标准模板,保护各方利益;控制采购成本,促进电子书资源利用;发挥电子书优势,促进电子书阅读推广。  相似文献   

Fostering conservation as a discursive and contextual practice, this essay examines transitional media that necessitate new ways of thinking about continuity. It looks at two examples of artworks with the objective of unraveling the varying modes of their transition. An event score, event-performance, object, and film drawn from the artistic legacies of George Brecht and Nam June Paik illustrate that ideas of permanence and impermanence are linked with an understanding of artworks in time and duration. While conservation reveals itself as an intervention in the temporal dimension of artworks, the theories of duration allow us to better understand the reciprocal relations between materials and meanings. In doing so, these theories acknowledge and attempt to make sense of the performative materiality of these works.  相似文献   


The jubilee conference in honor of the 85th anniversary of the Russian Book Chamber (RBC) consisted of three parts: the 10th International Conference on Issues of Bibliology, a conference of the Association of Book Chambers, and a ceremonial session. The bibliology conference, the most important part, included discussion of such pressing problems as the decline of reading and book-buying in Russia, the difficulty of distributing books outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg, and the problems caused by lack of modern equipment in printing establishments. But progress has also been made, e.g., the RBC's establishment of a single information platform for all participants in the book trade.  相似文献   

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