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Although the validity of knowledge is critical to scientific progress, substantial concerns exist regarding the governance of knowledge production. While research errors are as relevant to the knowledge economy as defects are to the manufacturing economy, mechanisms to identify and signal “defective” or false knowledge are poorly understood. In this paper, we investigate one such institution - the system of scientific retractions. We analyze the universe of peer-reviewed scientific articles retracted from the biomedical literature between 1972-2006 and comparing with a matched control sample in order to identify the correlates, timing, and causal impact of scientific retractions. This effort provides insight into the workings of a distributed, peer-based system for the governance of validity in scientific knowledge. Our findings suggest that attention is a key predictor of retraction - retracted articles arise most frequently among highly-cited articles. The retraction system is expeditious in uncovering knowledge that is ever determined to be false (the mean time to retraction is less than two years) and democratic (retraction is not systematically affected by author prominence). Lastly, retraction causes an immediate, severe, and long-lived decline in future citations. Conditional on the obvious limitation that we cannot measure the absolute amount of false science in circulation, these results support the view that distributed governance systems can be designed to uncover false knowledge relatively swiftly and to mitigate the costs that false knowledge for future generations of producers.  相似文献   

We draw on rational crime theory to help analyse 55 articles that have been retracted from 734 peer-reviewed journals in the field of economics. We highlight and discuss what these findings indicate regarding the nature and pattern of research malpractice in that discipline. Particular attention is given to exploring “no reason” retractions and the policy guidelines of publishers regarding retracted papers. We conclude that the frequent vagueness of retraction statements, and a reluctance to signal research malpractice, generally results in little damage to the reputation of caught, and known, offenders. Thus, a key deterrent to engaging in research malpractice is lacking. To reduce the incidence of research malpractice, we offer several recommendations for publishers and journal editors.  相似文献   

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a plethora of online sources for information and news dissemination have emerged. Extant research suggests that very quickly, individuals become disinterested and begin avoiding the information. In this study, we investigate how an individual's fear and situational motivation impact Online Information Avoidance. Using the self-determination theory and information avoidance theories, we argue that fear and external regulation are associated with increased Online Information Avoidance. We also argue that intrinsic motivation and identified regulation are associated with a decrease in Online Information Avoidance. Our findings suggest that fear, intrinsic motivation, and external regulation drive Online Information Avoidance, where intrinsic motivation is the most significant driver. We also found that identified regulation is a crucial inhibitor of Online Information Avoidance. While focusing on COVID-19, our study contributes to the broader information systems research literature and specifically to the information avoidance literature during a pandemic or a prolonged crisis. Our study's findings will be useful for governments, health organizations, and communities that utilize online platforms, forums, and related outlets to reach larger audiences for disseminating pertinent information and recommendations during a crisis.  相似文献   

【目的】 NSC杂志(Nature杂志、Science杂志和Cell杂志的统称)从创刊至今累计撤销的297篇论文后续被引频次不降反升,说明被撤销论文可能仍有一定价值,对这一现象加以辨析可为治理学术不端提供新的参考。【方法】 运用科学计量学方法,分析NSC杂志撤销论文的年度分布情况及趋势、论文撤销后被引频次继续增加的基本情况,并在研究发现的基础上展开相关讨论。【结果】 NSC杂志的总撤稿量呈动态上升趋势,Science杂志上论文被撤销后的总被引频次最高,甚至有多篇论文被反复撤销,绝大多数被撤销论文的引用都是正面引用。【结论】 被撤销论文被引频次不降反升并非异常,论文被撤销的缘由各异,其关注问题多数价值犹存,有些甚至可直接引发新的研究创新。被撤销论文学术价值不能一概忽视,而应加以合理利用。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]研究学术文献被撤销的规律和特征对于客观认识撤稿现象、净化学术环境、加强科研诚信建设具有重要价值。当前对于撤稿的研究集中于期刊论文,很少关注会议文献。[方法/过程]以撤稿观察数据库中7579篇被撤销会议文献为研究对象,分析总结被撤销文献的时间、来源和学科分布特征以及被撤销原因和时滞。[结果/结论]会议文献撤稿与期刊论文撤稿在原因和时滞上存在重要差异,中国是会议文献撤稿的“重灾区”。研究认为,科研人员、审稿人、出版商、科研管理机构亟需共同努力,加强对于学术会议的质量控制,提高相关主体行为的规范性。  相似文献   

Science is increasingly a team activity, and the size of the teams has been growing. At the same time, there are concerns about an increasing rate of pathologies in science. The growth of team science suggests the need to look beyond individual-level explanations and focus on organizational structures and institutional contexts to explain pathologies in science. Drawing on the literature on organizational pathologies, we argue that division of labor may be a key factor contributing to pathologies in science. Furthermore, we examine the effects of high-stakes incentives and of institutional corruption as additional predictors of scientific pathologies. Using retractions as an indicator of pathologies, and drawing on a matched sample of 195 retracted papers and 349 paired papers that were not retracted, we develop indicators of the division of labor in the team that produced a paper and find that the rate of retractions is higher as the division of labor increases (net of team size). Additionally, we find that high-stakes incentives and institutional corruption are also associated with increased retractions. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of these findings for science policy, in particular for organizing team science projects.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 新型冠状肺炎防治的科研信息报道是公众关注的重要话题,极易引发网络信息泛滥和社会公众恐慌。如何引导突发公共卫生事件科研信息报道网络舆情走向成为重要课题。[方法/过程] 本文选取"双黄连事件"作为研究案例,在新浪微博上分别爬取原始话题和回应话题下的发帖、转发和评论等数据,通过统计分析法、情感分析法等方法讨论科研信息报道的社会热度和公众态度,分析官方媒体和权威专家的回应对事件舆情发展的影响。[结果/结论] 研究结果发现,公众高度关注科研信息报道,并表现出较为极端的情绪;而官方媒体和专家的权威回应会影响到事件的话题热度,进而影响公众情感取向。官方媒体具有强大的传播力和影响力,成为公众获取科研信息的主要途径。在此基础上,构建了"官方媒体-权威专家-普通公众"三方协同的管控机制,以有效应对突发公共卫生事件科研信息报道所引发的网络舆情。  相似文献   

In this work, we present the first quality flaw prediction study for articles containing the two most frequent verifiability flaws in Spanish Wikipedia: articles which do not cite any references or sources at all (denominated Unreferenced) and articles that need additional citations for verification (so-called Refimprove). Based on the underlying characteristics of each flaw, different state-of-the-art approaches were evaluated. For articles not citing any references, a well-established rule-based approach was evaluated and interesting findings show that some of them suffer from Refimprove flaw instead. Likewise, for articles that need additional citations for verification, the well-known PU learning and one-class classification approaches were evaluated. Besides, new methods were compared and a new feature was also proposed to model this latter flaw. The results showed that new methods such as under-bagged decision trees with sum or majority voting rules, biased-SVM, and centroid-based balanced SVM, perform best in comparison with the ones previously published.  相似文献   

李强  吉莉  何遂 《现代情报》2012,32(12):14-17
气象情报与生活密切相关,对城市建设和发展、社会防灾减灾有重要的意义。气象情报传播的渠道多种多样,都有其自身的优缺点,但是要实现全覆盖还有一段距离。为了实现气象情报的有效传播,充分发挥其社会效益,需要在传播的内容、手段、渠道上下功夫,同时,要高度重视气象情报的准确性和时效性。气象情报的有效传播并不只是气象部门的责任,需要社会各界力量的共同参与。政府应该发挥主导作用,促进部门之间的协作,加大投入力度,形成气象情报有效传播的长效机制;而社会公众也应该主动掌握一些气象情报的基础知识和防御指南,以备不时之需。同时,信息技术的发展促使气象情报的传播渠道发生着重大变化。  相似文献   

以有孔虫知识为代表的小众化科技知识受制于传播资源,传播规模较小.科技知识虽有大众小众之别,但均应享有传播之利,否则便会阻碍科技创新,因此小众化科技知识的传播不容忽视.当下,有孔虫等小众化科技知识受困于沉默螺旋之窘境,但是,相比于混乱无序的大众化科技信息,它却拥有低熵属性,因而具备大众传播难以企及的优势.新媒介的崛起为有孔虫小众化知识提供分众传播的新思路,该模式兼具适用性和可行性,并可引发圈层效应,增强受众的归属感和对小众化知识的责任感.小众化科技领域达到传播潜力后或可实现长尾盛景.  相似文献   

通过严格标准,筛选出10大方面共35个贵州少数民族文化词汇作为目标词汇,检索、分析这些词汇在美国当代英语语料库中的频次情况、分布特征。检索发现,贵州少数民族文化在当今美国关注度不高。从经济发展相对滞后、传播主体官方为主、传播渠道狭窄、人才匮乏等方面分析了造成这一现状的原因。加快经济发展、继续加大政府扶持力度、扩宽传播渠道、提高文化外宣翻译质量、培养引进传播人才、深入挖掘贵州少数民族文化等是提升贵州少数民族文化在美国关注度的可行性策略。  相似文献   

The need for quick, timely, and accurate information is critical in emergency events. During mass emergencies, people assemble information from both official and unofficial sources. As digital access expands, people will increasingly incorporate information from digital sources into decision making and assess it against the local circumstances they experience. If we extrapolate what such behavior means for the future, we can see that information management under emergency conditions will need to become increasingly socially distributed. The key question then is how to assess the quality of information: how “good” or “bad” it is; whether it is “misinformation” or “disinformation.” Borrowing from Simon's notion of satisficing, the authors argue that people's assessment of information helpfulness and credibility is a function of the “everyday analytic” skills they employ during mass emergencies. To facilitate the critical work of “everyday analysts,” we outline a research agenda for the development of analytical support tools.  相似文献   

【目的/意义】研究中文人文社科领域撤销论文特征,促进中文人文社科论文规范出版,为预防与治理学术 不端提供策略。【方法/过程】通过统计分析、文本内容分析和可视化方法,对103篇撤销论文的文献计量特征、撤稿 特征进行分析。【结果/结论】撤稿现象在人文社科领域普遍存在,且撤稿流程不规范;撤稿的主要原因是学术不端, 且行为更加隐蔽;学术不端的发现途径主要是读者举报,对撤销论文的处理缺少后续追责;论文撤后仍在产生学术 影响力;建议加强期刊伦理建设,规范中文期刊撤稿;重视隐性学术不端行为的防范与甄别;多部门联合开展学术 不端追责;加强数据库的撤销论文管理。【创新/局限】聚焦中文人文社科领域撤销论文,对撤稿特征进行分析,并提 出对策建议。目前该领域撤销论文数据较少,使研究结果具有一定局限性。  相似文献   

PubMed主题词检索与自由词检索的检索效率比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
胡德华  梁丽明 《情报科学》2006,24(5):717-721
PubMed检索系统是由美国NCBI研制推出的免费医学文献检索系统,由于其资源权威而丰富,检索功能强大,界面友好,一直以来,都是很多医学工作者查找文献必选的检索系统。PubMed提供了多种检索方法,因此对这些检索方法进行比较,对于提高用户的检索效率是十分必要的。本文通过对PubMed检索系统所提供的主题词检索、自由词检索这两种用户常用的检索方式进行选词测试,比较它们的检索效率,从而了解这两种检索方法的特点,并为用户进行检索提供建议。  相似文献   

王发明  于志伟 《科研管理》2015,36(4):101-108
在区域循环经济系统网络结构及网络关系特征分析基础上,分析了区域循环经济系统企业抗风险能力的构成要素,基于前人研究成果梳理,将网络关系划分为正式网络与非正式网络两种,提出从正式与非正式网络关系两个方面衡量抗风险能力指标;接着给出了网络关系及其测度变量对区域循环经济系统企业抗风险能力的影响假设,建立结构方程模型,并通过问卷调查进行实证研究。调查数据分析结果表明正式网络关系对区域循环经济系统企业抗风险能力有显著的正向影响,非正式网络关系对企业变革能力的正作用不强。  相似文献   

本文利用"中国私营企业调查"数据考察了企业主对官方媒体的信任与企业投资决策的关系。研究发现:(1)信任官方媒体可以扩大企业的整体投资,但主要是对长期导向投资有促进作用。这一结论在处理了内生性问题和稳健性检验后仍然成立;(2)从影响机制来看,信任官方媒体可以降低企业家对环境风险的感知并提高对自身地位的感知,从而为制定积极的投资决策创造心理条件。本研究表明强化民营企业家对官方媒体的信任是激励企业投资的有效路径。因此,应进一步加强官方媒体传递政策信息的作用,缓解非市场因素导致的信息不对称问题,为扩大民营企业投资创造有利的信息环境。  相似文献   

The main purpose of topic detection and tracking (TDT) is to detect, group, and organize newspaper articles reporting on the same event. Since an event is a reported occurrence at a specific time and place and the unavoidable consequences, TDT can benefit from an explicit use of time and place information. In this work, we focused on place information, using time information as in the previous research. News articles were analyzed for their characteristics of place information, and a new topic tracking method was proposed to incorporate the analysis results on place information. Experiments show that appropriate use of place information extracted automatically from news articles indeed helps event tracking that identify news articles reporting on the same events.  相似文献   

以2013年1月21日为统计目,对国内图书情报学领域排名前40位论文高被引博士生导师在CNKI收录期刊上发表论文的被引频次为依据,计算出每位导师的h指数。通过h指数与总被引频次、发文量、篇均被引量的对比.分析h指数用于评价学术成就的优缺点。  相似文献   

危机事件的信息传播是应急管理研究的一个关键问题。本文使用社会网络的方法来研究危机信息在互联网上的传播。首先,本文提出一个基于社会网络的危机信息传播研究框架,将危机信息的传播群体作为主要研究对象,并将危机信息传播的主体、传播渠道、传播行为和影响因素等要素有机整合到该框架体系内来。然后,对该框架的研究步骤、主要研究内容和方法进行了详细说明。该框架对研究危机事件的信息传播,提高政府应急能力有重要的作用。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来我国信息政策与法规研究论文的定量分析   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
In order to grasp the present situation of researches on infommfion policies and regulations, this paper makes a statistical analysis of the articles relating to information policies and regelations and issued from 1999 to 2001 in China by using the method of bibliometrics, including time distribution, space distribution, content, author and cita-lions.  相似文献   

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