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在柔韧性训练中运用PNF技术的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"PNF"是本体感觉器神经肌肉同步作用的缩写,这是一项在肌肉伸展前先收缩的技术。文章运用文献法、问卷调查法、实验对比及统计等研究方法对"PNF"技术在柔韧性训练中的作用进行应用研究。通过对照性实验研究认为有意识、有目的地在柔韧性训练中运用PNF技术,可以丰富和改善目前较单一的柔韧性训练方法,减少运动损伤,为身体素质训练提供一种简单易行的辅助训练方法。  相似文献   

文章主要采用实验法、文献资料法、专家访谈法和对比分析方法,对“竞技跆拳道柔韧素质训练”进行系统分析,提出将动态拉伸和PNF牵伸术两种先进训练理念,引入竞技跆拳道柔韧素质训练中,以促进运动员柔韧素质的提高。研究结论认为:竞技跆拳道传统柔韧素质练习容易使组织温度降低、肌肉力量下降、引起牵张反射、造成肌肉损伤,影响运动员表现力;动态拉伸的优点是通过与专项技术紧密结合,没有振动和回弹,不会引起强烈的牵张反射,使运动员较快进入训练状态;PNF牵伸术对改善柔韧拉伸、肌肉力量和预防损伤优于其他任何一种拉伸方法,为竞技跆拳道柔韧训练带来了全新理念。  相似文献   

本体感觉神经肌肉协调训练(PNF)的核心在于通过刺激肌肉和神经系统,达到放松和热身的目的,在提高身体柔韧素质、提升肌肉发力质量、改善机体平衡等方面有着积极的作用。进一步探究PNF技术对于健美操运动员运动能力的影响发现,相较于传统的拉伸放松方式,PNF技术能够更好地提高健美操运动员在力量、速度、灵敏、耐力和柔韧方面的能力,进而提高其运动能力。因此,建议在健美操训练中引入PNF技术,以保障健美操运动员训练后的放松效果,提高健美操运动员的成绩。  相似文献   

本研究采用文献资料法、专家访谈及归纳分析等方法,针对PNF训练法对青少年身体柔韧性、关节活动度、肌肉力量、体脂含量及本体感觉功能等体质功能指标的影响效果进行了资料梳理,为青少年日常训练尤其拉伸训练提供方法引导。  相似文献   

探讨PNF法在乒乓球训练热身阶段中运用对于降低乒乓球运动员运动损伤发生率、提高乒乓球运动员的身体素质和改善技术动作的作用。通过对河南省的196名体育专业乒乓球专选生进行分组实验研究和组间对比分析。结果表明:在乒乓球训练的热身阶段融入PNF法可以有效降低运动损伤的发生率、提高乒乓球运动员的身体素质和改善技术动作,在乒乓球训练热身阶段中融入PNF法是一种更科学合理、系统安全的热身方法。  相似文献   

3.本体感受神经肌肉促进法(即PNF牵张法,proprioceptive neuromuscularfacilitation)PNF牵张法最早是理疗师用来治疗各种神经肌肉麻痹疾病的。近几年才将PNF牵张法用于发展运动员的柔韧性,此外,PNF牵张法也是预防延迟性肌肉酸痛、保持肌肉弹性、辅助发展肌肉爆发力的有效方法。(1)PNF牵张法的生理学基础体内的每块肌肉都包含机械刺激感受器,当机械刺激感受器受到刺激时,就会将信息传入中枢神经系统。在牵拉练习时,以下两种感受器十分重要:一种是肌梭,另一种是腱索。当肌肉受到牵拉时,肌梭也受到牵拉冲动就会传入脊髓,然后冲动再由脊髓…  相似文献   

柔韧性素质的练习贯穿田径项目训练的始终,其重要性不言而喻。目前,在国外已开始采用另外一种柔韧性练习方法—本体感觉神经肌肉易化方法(PNF)。“PNF”最初是在医疗康复中对具有神经功能障碍肌肉的治疗,由于通过这种方法的练习能改善特定肌肉的功能和提高关节的柔韧性,已被国外体育界所重视和采用。其既可以在练习的热身阶段采用,又可以在放松恢复阶段采用,既可以作为一般性柔韧性练习手段,又可以作为专门性柔韧性练习手段,该方法主要运用于提高柔韧性素质的练习当中,结合了肌肉的收缩和放松,一般是在同伴的配合下进行。“PNF”在训练…  相似文献   

目的:通过对下肢进行振动牵拉和PNF牵拉柔韧性训练,分析比较振动牵拉训练和PNF牵拉训练的不同效果,了解振动牵拉训练对人体下肢柔韧性的帮助,以便可以更好地将振动牵拉训练应用于实践和训练之中;研究方法:运用振动训练仪和PNF牵拉的方法对人体下肢进行柔韧性训练,振动牵拉训练组和PNF牵拉训练组各进行2min的柔韧性训练,振动组用POWER PLATE进行牵拉训练,振幅2mm,振频为30Hz。在柔韧性训练前、后通过坐位体前屈测量仪定量测定下肢柔韧度的数据作为比较的依据;结果与结论:振动牵拉训练组较PNF牵拉训练组柔韧性提高更明显。  相似文献   

一种叫“PNF”的新训练方法,由于能改善肌肉的功能而引起体育界的重视.PNF又称“固有感受性神经肌肉促通法”.人体肌肉和肌腱中,有感知肌肉伸缩的器官,叫固有感受性感觉器.由它向专管全身运动的中枢神经传递信号,反复刺激该器官,它会反复传递信号,从而使运动神经的功能得以改善.日本最早采用PNF训练法的是职业棒球投手.目前,这种训练方法已推广到足球、排球、篮球等其它体育运动中.PNF可分为36种运动.其中最具代表性的是“保持松驰”的负荷运动,由运动员和教练2人一组进行练习.教练两手用力紧贴运动员的手腕,运动员则朝教练施力的反方向活动手腕.脚的训练方法跟手一样.还有一种是“反复收缩”.运动员的手脚沿一定轨迹上下反复多次运动,通过这些运动刺激运动员的肌肉和肌腱,扩大关节活动范围,取得提高肌肉伸缩力量的效果.担任日本石油公司棒球部教练的前田健,对7个捧球投球手进行PNF训练后,发现投手投出球的初速度平均提高2.7公里/小时.据调查,180多名疲劳性腰痛的运动员进行PNF训练后,有88%逐渐重返体育竞技场.  相似文献   

PNF拉伸被称为本体感觉神经肌肉促进疗法,最早运用在医疗康复领域中,可以改善特定肌肉的功能和有效提高关节的柔韧性。近年来被引用到竞技体育中,用以发展运动员的柔韧素质。本文从运动康复和运动训练两个方面入手,了解PNF拉伸在运动康复和运动训练领域的应用价值,为今后在康复和训练的实际应用提供参考。  相似文献   

为了探讨跨栏运动员有效的拉伸练习方法,通过对45名跨栏运动员进行拉伸练习的比较试验研究,分析跨栏运动员在准备活动中分别进行两种不同的拉伸练习(静力拉伸练习和PFN法拉伸练习)后,其对跨栏运动员柔韧性的影响。结果表明PFN法拉伸练习更能有效提高跨栏运动员的柔韧性。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of modified Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) flexibility techniques on hip flexion in college males and to determine if local cold application enhances the effectiveness of these techniques. Male subjects (N = 120), with an average age of 21.5 +/- 2.7 years, were randomly assigned to one of four different kinds of stretching treatments with cold or no cold application (15 per group). Range of motion (ROM) in degrees was determined following four stretching techniques: three modified PNF (PCP, 3-PIECP, 3-PIFCP) and a passive stretch (P). Data were analyzed using a 2 (conditions) x 4 (treatments) ANOVA. There were no significant differences in ROM between cold and no cold conditions. Significant differences existed among ROM techniques (p less than .05). Post hoc analyses revealed that the three modified PNF techniques resulted in greater ROM than the passive stretch technique. However, we conclude that cold application does not influence the effectiveness of selected stretching techniques.  相似文献   

Literature concerning the theoretical role of spinal reflex circuits and their sensorimotor signals in proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) muscle stretching techniques was examined. Reviewed data do not support the assertion commonly made in PNF literature that contraction of a stretched muscle prior to further stretch, or contraction of opposing muscles during muscle stretch, produces relaxation of the stretched muscle. Further, following contraction of a stretched muscle, inhibition of the stretch reflex response lasts only 1 s. Studies examined suggested that decreases in the response amplitude of the Hoffmann and muscle stretch reflexes following a contraction of a stretched muscle are not due to the activation of Golgi tendon organs, as commonly purported, but instead may be due to presynaptic inhibition of the muscle spindle sensory signal. The current view on the complex manner by which the spinal cord processes proprioceptive signals was discussed. The ability of acute PNF stretching procedures to often produce a joint range of motion greater than that observed with static stretching must be explained by mechanisms other than the spinal processing of proprioceptive information. Studies reviewed indicate that changes in the ability to tolerate stretch and/or the vis‐coelastic properties of the stretched muscle, induced by PNF procedures, are possible mechanisms.  相似文献   

Literature concerning the theoretical role of spinal reflex circuits and their sensorimotor signals in proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) muscle stretching techniques was examined. Reviewed data do not support the assertion commonly made in PNF literature that contraction of a stretched muscle prior to further stretch, or contraction of opposing muscles during muscle stretch, produces relaxation of the stretched muscle. Further, following contraction of a stretched muscle, inhibition of the stretch reflex response lasts only 1 s. Studies examined suggested that decreases in the response amplitude of the Hoffmann and muscle stretch reflexes following a contraction of a stretched muscle are not due to the activation of Golgi tendon organs, as commonly purported, but instead may be due to presynaptic inhibition of the muscle spindle sensory signal. The current view on the complex manner by which the spinal cord processes proprioceptive signals was discussed. The ability of acute PNF stretching procedures to often produce a joint range of motion greater than that observed with static stretching must be explained by mechanisms other than the spinal processing of proprioceptive information. Studies reviewed indicate that changes in the ability to tolerate stretch and/or the viscoelastic properties of the stretched muscle, induced by PNF procedures, are possible mechanisms.  相似文献   

基于运动人体科学与运动训练学的相关理论,采用文献分析法、参与观察法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法等研究方法,对竞技太极拳中32系列难度动作落地单脚支撑技术特征进行理论分析和规律探讨。旨在从整体上系统地理解竞技太极拳中32系列难度动作各阶段间的关系,进而准确把握此类动作训练方法设计的理论基础,从而设计科学合理的训练方法,以提高运动员32系列难度动作落地单脚支撑的稳定性。研究得出,可通过SWISS球上俯卧转体等训练提高核心肌群的协调控制能力,BOSU球上单双腿直立或半蹲等练习增强髋关节肌群的离心收缩能力和协调控制能力,仰卧屈膝足跟夹SWISS球、手法松解等方式增强膝关节不同肌群的等长收缩、向心收缩、神经协调控制能力;通过踝关节PNF拉伸、跖趾关节PNF拉伸等增强足底非固有肌离心收缩能力和柔韧性,提高足底固有肌的神经协调能力。  相似文献   

胡胜 《当代体育科技》2020,(12):51-51,53
本文通过综述几种常见的力量功能训练方法,为提高运动训练成绩和大众体质健康健身服务。近年来,力量训练方法越来越多,有速度力量和耐力力量训练。常见的力量训练功能训练有振动训练、PNF训练、悬吊训练、超等长训练、本体感觉与核心训练。力量训练通常与速度、敏捷、耐力和反应训练密切相关,适时加强与力量有关的素质练习尤为重要,只有这样才能提高力量训练的效果,保持运动成绩,以力量为基础的功能训练衍生出来多种训练方法,本文对这些方法梳理和总结,为后人研究学习提供方便。  相似文献   

健美操专项柔韧素质训练方法实验比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索高校健美操专修学生柔韧素质发展的有效训练方法,结合健美操项目柔韧素质的特点,采用4种柔韧素质练习方法进行小组对比实验,得出PNF牵拉法是高校健美操运动4种训练方法中发展柔韧素质的最佳方法,其次是动静结合拉伸法,而单纯静力性拉伸法和单纯动力性拉伸法的效果相对较差。  相似文献   


The effects of flexibility conditioning on neuromuscular and sensorimotor performance were assessed near to full knee extension (25°). Eighteen males who were randomly assigned into two groups underwent eight weeks (three-times per week) of flexibility conditioning (hip region/knee flexor musculature; dominant limb) involving either proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) (n=9) or passive stretching (PASS) (n=9). Both modes of flexibility conditioning are popular within contemporary exercise and clinical settings and have demonstrated efficacy in improving range of motion. The contralateral limb and a prior ‘no exercise’ condition were used as controls. The PNF and PASS modes of conditioning improved passive hip flexibility to a similar extent (mean 19.3% vs. baseline, intervention limb, p<0.01) but did not alter knee flexor strength (overall mean 309.6±81 N) or sensorimotor performance (force and positional errors: 2.3±8.2% and 0.48±7.1%). Voluntary and magnetically evoked electromechanical delays (EMDV and EMDE, respectively) were increased but to a greater extent following PASS compared to PNF (PASS: 10.8% and 16.9% lengthening of EMDV and EMDE, respectively vs. PNF: 3.2% and 6.2%, p<0.01).The attenuated change to electromechanical delay (EMD) performance during PNF conditioning suggests a preserved capability for rapid muscle activation, which is important in the maintenance of dynamic joint stability. That PNF was also equally efficacious in flexibility conditioning would suggest that this mode of flexibility training should be used over passive to help preserve dynamic joint stability capabilities at this extended and vulnerable joint position.  相似文献   

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