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Summary Some of the strategies utilized by universities to carry out the public service mission to their communities include cooperative extension, evening colleges, workshops and seminars, community forums, research and technical assistance, and minority outreach.A conceptual framework originally developed by Armand Lauffer for describing continuing education in the human services, was found useful in analyzing the multiplicity of public service activities of an urban university. The framework indicates that continuing education activities are targeted either at the individual or an agency, and that such programs are oriented either to service or change. Within the framework Lauffer identified four models of practice: (1) the consumer choice model (services provided to individuals); (2) the training model (changes planned for individuals); (3) the systems change model (changes planned for agencies or organizations); (4) the consultative model (services to agencies or organizations).On the basis of the foregoing framework, four general categories of activities within urban universities were discussed: continuing education schools or colleges, public affairs departments or colleges, traditional academic departments or colleges, and university externalities. It was concluded that most continuing education units serve through the consumer choice model, that public affairs units tend to emphasize the training and systems change models, and that the traditional collegial units tend to fit the consultative model.The concluding part of this paper suggests that the delivery of public services by urban universities would be enhanced by developing facilitative structures, establishing a common definition of the public service mission, clarifying goals and responsibilities, inventorying public service activities and interests, and reviewing and evaluating existing public service functions.Don Deppe is Director, Center for Applied Urban Research, University of Nebraska at Omaha.David Hinton is Assistant Dean, College of Public Affairs and Community Service, University of Nebraska at Omaha.John Kerrigan is Dean, College of Public Affairs and Community Service, University of Nebraska at Omaha.  相似文献   

The deaf education profession faces a critical juncture. First, the 2006 leadership crisis that swept deaf education's flagship institution--Gallaudet University--will propel professionals to think deeply about promoting diversity, equity, and access in deaf education teacher and leadership preparation programs. Second, personnel shortages require attention: Teacher and leadership voids in university and K-12 programs loom if training efforts are not increased. Teaching and leadership needs center on three challenges: (a) understanding the changing demographic composition of the student, teacher, and leadership populations; (b) developing an evolving curriculum founded on research-based practices; (c) continuing to enlarge the knowledge base through applied research in the social sciences. Two case studies examine teacher training and leadership programs at universities that address these challenges. The importance of workplace deaf-hearing bicultural teams is examined. Implications for the preparation of teacher and leadership personnel in deaf education are discussed.  相似文献   

进城务工人员的继续教育初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析进城务工人员继续教育的隐性需求及导致显性需求远远小于其隐性需求的主要因素后,得出高校应通过完善学分制、将学历教育分解、校企合作办学等方式来满足进城务工人员的继续教育需求,政府应搭建平台、制定政策来促进进城务工人员的继续教育发展。  相似文献   

This paper discusses problems with the prevalent view that public resources for education in developing countries should be reallocated from higher to lower levels of education. There may be a case for maintaining and even increasing spending on higher education, as long as public funds can be directed to research and other “public good” functions of institutions of higher education. Current measures of social returns to primary, secondary and higher education do not reflect unmeasured social benefits at each level; since we do not know the relative size of these benefits across levels, we do not know the true ranking of social returns across primary, secondary and higher education. The true social rate of return to certain components of higher education, such as research and postgraduate training in science and technology, and creation of other skills where social returns probably exceed private returns (such as public administration) is probably high, and in some settings, may now be as high or higher than the social rate of return to primary and secondary education. Moreover, achieving and sustaining adequate levels of quality to capture these social returns requires minimal stability in public financing, arguing against major reallocations away from higher education. But this does not argue for more public spending on all higher education programs. On the contrary; within the envelope of total public spending on higher education, reallocation away from public spending on undergraduate training makes sense, since such training probably has low social compared to private returns, and can be accomplished by greater reliance on private universities and by increasing tuition and other fees in public universities, while ensuring equitable access through loan and scholarship programs.  相似文献   

This article presents a concise, historical overview of university extension and continuing education in western Canada. It argues that, over the course of the twentieth century, the major universities in western Canada made three basic claims regarding the purposes of their extension and continuing education units. Prior to 1940, universities claimed that such units extended the resources of the university for the benefit of citizens not enrolled as full‐time students. In the 1940s and 1950s, universities claimed that such units fostered social and economic progress. Since the 1960s, universities have claimed that such units existed to meet the lifelong learning needs of individuals. This article argues that the evolution of such claims reflected ideological and political‐economic developments, such as the rise of wage labour as the primary means of making a living in the region.  相似文献   

随着我国社会和经济的发展,对各级各类人才尤其是应用型人才的需求越来越高,给普通高校发展继续教育提供了难得的机遇。普通高校要适应时代发展的新形势,大力发展继续教育,担负起"建设学习型社会"的重任。通过分析发展继续教育的机遇及现实工作中的问题,提出几点普通高校发展继续教育的对策和建议。  相似文献   

朱云 《惠州学院学报》2011,31(2):126-128
在高等教育大众化、大学适龄人口下降的社会背景下,日本大学图书馆陷入了经费、人员减少和服务要求加强的两难困境。为了保证所属大学教学、研究正常地进行,日本大学图书馆采取了一系列措施和对策,旨在加强馆务管理、扩大服务范围、提高服务水平。这些措施取得的了显著效果,同时也带来了新的问题。尽管我国大学图书馆的运行机制与日本不同,但它的一些思路和做法的确值得我国的大学图书馆学习和探讨。  相似文献   

Students with learning disabilities (LD) from selected Midwest colleges and universities participated in a study to determine the differences between LD programs at community colleges and four-year institutions; the level of satisfaction with college LD programming; and the services most important to students. Focus groups were held at five institutions including two community colleges, two independent institutions, and one public university. Focus group participants included male and female students aged 16 to 56 years and enrolled in freshmen through graduate levels. The literature suggests that the focus of LD programs and the types of services vary between two-year and four-year institutions due to differences in missions and the characteristics of the students served. However, results from the data in the present study reveal that the types of LD services offered among the institutions participating in the research were quite similar, but the quality of services varied. Students at the large public university had difficulty getting note takers, books on tape and tutors, and obtaining adequate assistance from LD staff. Participants from the smaller community colleges and private colleges and universities considered the smallness of their institutions to be a benefit. The LD program was easily accessible and LD staff were always available. Although the participants in the study who had received LD services in high school believed the services at their college or university were comparable or better, existing programs need to be evaluated to identify services in need of improvement.  相似文献   

Higher Education     
We attempt to prove the hypothesis that, under certain conditions, a phenomenon of propitious selection may arise on the higher education market: When talented university entrants favor applying to branded universities, the latter are able to automatically build up a positive reputation without having to actually improve the quality of their educational process. We have performed an econometric modeling and regression analysis on a set of data that were obtained from a survey of Moscow university freshmen to show that high school graduates with high scores on the Unified State Exam (USE) really are oriented toward branded universities and that these prospective students believe that obtaining a prestigious degree is even more important than entering any particular profession. Entrants lack complete information about the quality of education at any given university. The analysis of university rankings presented in this article shows that they are unable to completely solve this information asymmetry since they contain signal distortions introduced by their ranking methodology. These rankings primarily prioritize the research activity of faculty members, and they ignore their teaching performance and work with students. Therefore, often universities design their policies in such a way as to privilege the criteria that are used in rankings, and they focus on improving precisely these indicators at the expense of other considerations. As a result, branded universities are able to distinguish themselves from conventional higher education institutions not by actually providing higher quality educational services, but by selecting the best applicants and benefiting from the powerful peer effect of having these students study together. In this way, these universities can produce excellent graduates that ensure their positive reputation in the eyes of employers and at the same time increase their brand value by raising their position in the rankings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore geographic mobility among university students in Peru and to understand how mobility patterns differ by region and by demographic indicators of inequality. The ways that students may be able to move geographically in order to access quality higher education within the educational system can be a driver of equality or inequality, depending on who is able to take advantage. Using data from a university census, we examine how demographic indicators of inequality are related to geographic mobility for university attendance, how prior geographic mobility predicts later mobility for university attendance, and how these relationships differ based on the number and quality of universities in a region. Results show that sociodemographic variables related to social inequality explain a substantial amount of students' postsecondary mobility. However, some of these relationships do not operate in the same way in all of the regions. Depending on the availability of universities and their quality, patterns of association between inequality and geographic mobility change. Implications for higher education policy as well as further research examining geographic mobility and inequality in education are discussed.  相似文献   

刘芳芳 《大连大学学报》2014,(2):127-129,133
随着国际经济合作交流的日益增强,英语口译人才需求不断增加并呈现日益专业化的特点。而英语口译人才培养上还存在一些问题,比如高校培养目标、课程设置、教学模式不够合理,企业和翻译协会等社会机构继续教育弱化,使得口译人才供需矛盾仍较为突出。本文从高校、企业和翻译协会等方面,综合提出加强英语口译人才培养的对策,以满足辽宁省外向型企业对英语口译人才的需求。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,社会对法学人才的需求呈现出多样性,为此,各高校的法学教育在完成法学专业对人才培养共同性要求的基础上,必须根据自己所处的地理位置、师资条件、办学传统与条件,特别是所依托学校的强势学科等实际情况,要在人才培养目标、课程体系建设以及教学模式等方面,走一条有特色的法学专业人才培养之路,以满足社会不同需求主体的不同需要,避免人才培养中的"千人一面,千校一面"问题。  相似文献   

加州大学伯克利分校是美国著名的研究性大学之一,该校通过提供就业岗位、购买商品和服务、培训人才、科学研究、学生和校园游客的消费、文化娱乐活动、体育活动、学术讲座、服务性学习活动、对中小学教育的扶持、社区伙伴关系、志愿者活动等,为地方社会经济发展作出了重要的贡献。  相似文献   

经过三十多年的发展,我国民办高校已经成为高等教育事业的重要力量。虽然我国高等教育的格局是公办教育与民办教育并存,但是相对于公办高校,民办高校地位低,影响力差。同时,快速变化的社会环境、日趋激烈的高校竞争、高校毕业生的供需错位、生源下降的威胁,都使民办高校面临巨大的挑战。对民办高校而言,树立依托于地方、服务于地方的发展理念,从服务地方经济社会的角度出发,发挥优势,正视不足,根据地方产业、行业的特点进行针对性的人才培养,构建完善的服务地方的理念、机制和措施,才能在激烈的竞争中独树一帜,可持续发展。  相似文献   

湖南省独立学院学生教育消费满意度现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
独立学院在我国高等教育服务供不应求的背景下产生,并获得了长足发展,但独立学院所提供的高等教育服务质量如何呢?笔者以湖南省为例,选取湖南省3所独立学院,对其学生进行教育消费满意度调查,并与其母体公立高校的学生对比,结论是独立学院学生教育消费成本偏高,而满意度普遍偏低。文章探讨了导致这一问题的原因,并提出了提高学生教育消费满意度的措施。  相似文献   

破解大学生就业难题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生就业存在舆论误导、供求信息脱节、专业盲目设置、用人单位难以公平招聘及其效率低等问题。破解大学生就业难题:国家要加快发展经济和调整产业结构,构建大学生充分就业的基础;高校要把社会需求作为培养学生的出发点和归宿,调整专业结构积极拓展素质教育;大学生应切实转变就业观念,全面提高自身的综合素质。  相似文献   

The economics of the University of the Air of Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
According to the present plan, the enrollment of the University of the Air of Japan will be approximately 30,000 students when it reaches its steady state. Its current expenditure is estimated to be Yen4.1 billion at 1979 prices; adding the annual cost of facilities and equipment and the service that the National Center for Development of Broadcast Education performs for the university, the total amounts to Yen 5.0–7.1 billion. Adding this to the students' study expenses, Yen 6.7–8.7 billion will be required to operate the university. About 50–60% of the cost will be borne by the national treasury. The current expenditure of the university is estimated to be Yen 171,000–237,000 per equivalent undergraduate.As compared with the current expenditure in the humanities and social sciences programs of conventional universities, the academic structures of which are similar to that of the University of the Air of Japan, the current expenditure per equivalent undergraduate is estimated to be 1/4, 1/3, and 2/3 of that at national universities, public universities and day programs of private universities, respectively, and equal to that of evening programs of private universities.From the viewpoint of cost per graduate, it is equal to that of evening programs of private universities, their day programs, public universities, and national universities, when the graduation rate is 60%, 50%, 25%, and 20%, respectively.  相似文献   

The idealistic purpose of university ranking is to encourage the self-improvement of universities as well as providing reliable information to users on higher education quality for public accountability.Nevertheless,most current rankings advocate indices related highly to the academic selectivity of institutions,while having nothing to do with quality of their performances.At the same time,since the rankings are mostly pushed by competition among universities as quasi-merchandise,it was inevitable that some social values of higher education as labor training and research were emphasized more than others such as student individual development and social justice,which are more invisible but influential from a long term.The rankings therefore ruined the ecology of higher education competition and made social injustice more serious.Value-added evaluation might bring some light to the darkness of rankings but not the primary way to solve the problem since it is functioned as one of the many measures in quality assessment.  相似文献   

In Australia, anti-discrimination legislation and government policies have been introduced which aim to facilitate the inclusion of people with disabilities in employment and education. However in the area of nursing, attitudinal barriers persist that effectively hinder the full participation of people with disabilities in nurse education programs. These attitudinal barriers prevail despite such legislative and policy changes, and run counter to changing community views about disability. Normative assumptions about the ideal attributes of nurses appear to influence these attitudes, especially in the area of admission of students with disabilities to nurse education programs per se, and to their participation in the practicum component of nurse education programs. This paper reports on research conducted in Victoria, Australia, by nurse academics and equity practitioners at three Victorian universities, into the barriers facing such students. The research examined the views of undergraduate student nurses, their lecturers and their clinical educators, nurse clinicians, and university disability practitioners about the participation of people with disabilities in nurse education programs. The research also sought to document their responses to a framework, developed through the research that aims to facilitate the inclusion of students with disabilities in undergraduate nursing programs. It did this against a pluralistic and technological milieu that in the researchers' view requires a more diverse mix within the nursing profession.  相似文献   


Quality preparation of doctoral students is a key to the survival of physical education teacher education. Past research has revealed a shortage of students graduating with a doctoral degree in physical education and a general reluctance of teachers to leave their jobs to pursue an advanced degree. As the number of universities preparing new physical education teacher education assistant professors decreases, those in the profession are concerned for the future of teacher education. Unlike other professions that prepare more doctoral students than the market can accommodate, this is not the case for physical education teacher education doctoral programs. This article will provide summary information on supply and demand, which will be used to identify trends and recommendations for the future. This article will explore the status of doctoral programs in the United States and whether university programs will be able to prepare a sufficient number of professors to replace the aging physical education teacher education professoriate.  相似文献   

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