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Examples of ‘plagiarism’ and ‘piracy’ are explored in the context of copyright legislation, and the practical role of ‘fair dealing’ is examined. The article shows how a tension exists at the heart of copyright: that between the ‘right of protection’ and the ‘right of communication’. It argues that this tension produces a business dynamic which publishers can exploit to their advantage and which means that piracy (even, and perhaps especially, in the electronic realm) can be regarded more as an opportunity than as a threat.  相似文献   

By providing historical context for the recurring regulatory retreat in the face of structural problems in the news media, this study examines the policy discourse that continues to define the US journalism crisis and government’s inability to confront it. To contextualize this pattern, I compare two historical junctures, the first occurring in the 1940s, exemplified by the Hutchins Commission, and the second occurring in the more recent policy debates during the years 2009–2011, exemplified by the Waldman Report. Both of these historical moments represented a societal response to a journalism crisis, and both entailed deeply normative discussions about the role of media in a democratic society and government’s role in managing that relationship. A comparison of these historical case studies brings into focus recurring weaknesses in liberal reform efforts. Specifically, it highlights what I refer to as the “discursive capture” reflected in common assumptions about the proper relationship between media and government, and how this American paradigm is constrained by an implicit market fundamentalism.  相似文献   


This article offers a conceptual overview of the key principles of the culture-centered approach (CCA) as a meta-theoretical framework for addressing health inequalities by building communicative infrastructures for listening to the voices of subaltern communities that are hitherto erased from dominant discursive spaces. Complementing a growing body of scholarship that draws on the CCA to address the structural contexts of health in the subaltern margins across the globe, this article lays out the methodological framework of the CCA. It highlights the key conceptual anchors that serve as foundations of the approach, suggesting that participation, partnerships, communication, dialogue, and reflexivity offer methodological tools that interrogate the reproduction of erasures within dominant structures, and create entry points for subaltern voices to arrive into hegemony. The essay wraps up by offering specific strategies and tools for designing culture-centered projects that may be adopted by activists, community advocates and organizers, and academics working in academic-community partnerships in the backdrop of health disparities.  相似文献   

As a contribution to the historiography of female criminality, this article charts the discursive contours of media representations of female habitual criminals. The discussion is based on analysis of the ways in which the late Victorian and Edwardian newspaper press in New Zealand reported cases of female criminals through the gendered and classed trope of ‘the adventuress’. The specific focus is on how concepts of class were implicated in the ways in which competing representations of female fraudsters, swindlers and thieves were portrayed in syndicated international articles and local news media. It is argued that representations of adventuresses sensationalised as headline-making anomalies in the news media need to be understood within the context of changing constructions of the thief. Newspaper reporting of their ‘exploits’ operated as implicit cautionary moral tales that reinforced normative constructions of feminine respectability.  相似文献   

This paper uses a frame analysis method to highlight the ways in which the quick-service restaurant (QSR) industry – or fast food restaurant industry – uses official websites to communicate messages about nutrition and health to consumers and other relevant publics, especially using the language of corporate social responsibility. In the context of the increasing association of QSR industry food to the obesity epidemic in the U.S.A., several large fast-food chains have developed elaborate communication strategies to address the health concerns among the general public of their foods. Using a frame analysis method, I demonstrate that the industry consistently draws on metaphors of ‘individual responsibility’ and ‘personal choice’ in choosing healthy food, while establishing the primary role of moderation and exercise in preventing obesity. As a contribution to the field of PR, this emic frame analysis features an integrative approach that combines both message features in context with message intention. I also discuss practical applications of the study findings.  相似文献   

As an important dimension of contentious politics, online political discourse reveals crucial issues related to ideology, power, and identity in times of political struggle. Drawing on Norman Fairclough’s intertextual analysis approach within the paradigm of Critical Discourse Analysis in an online discursive context, this study examines the role of intertextuality in the discursive construction of social movements. It does so by analyzing how different social actors employ discursive tools to construct the pro-democracy Umbrella Movement in their online commentaries. Focusing on discourse, genre, and style, this study demonstrates how online texts draw from different intertextual resources and how they echo the broader nationalist discourse in China. In addition, this paper also uncovers how the circulation and combination of these intertextual resources in an authoritarian context form specific constructions of the Umbrella Movement.  相似文献   

In this article, I develop the notion of precarious privilege to investigate dialectics of cultural (re)production, in relation to both specific discursive practices and broader discursive formations. Using the Indignad@s social movement as an example, I locate, interpret, and critique a series of disidentification dynamics shaping the movement as a whole, as well as the rhetoric of specific participants. Regarding the rise and development of Indignad@s, precarious privilege illuminates a conflicted social position enabled by disidentification from the current crisis of neoliberalism in Western Europe—a conjuncture that the movement strives to both expose and exploit. As for the views expressed by specific activists, precarious privilege helps explain the discursively enacted disidentification from the imagined aspects of their and others’ (supra)national cultural identities. Grounded in this analysis, I emphasize the potentiality but also the limitations of this generalized tension between residual and emergent dynamics shaping Indignad@s’ political practices.  相似文献   


Although widely adopted at university and college libraries in the United States, Electronic Reserve services in Canada have developed at a much slower pace. Based on the results of an extended pilot project for Electronic Reserves at a medium-sized university library in Canada, the author concludes that the most significant barrier to this development is the restrictive nature of copyright law in Canada. Results of an informal survey of university libraries in Canada seem to confirm this assumption. A brief overview of copyright law in Canada as it pertains to Electronic Reserves is discussed, as is the process of copyright reform recently undertaken by the Canadian government. Finally, an argument in favor of a broadened interpretation of ‘fair dealing’ (the Canadian version of ‘fair use’) is made as it may pertain to the development of Electronic Reserves services in Canadian academic libraries.  相似文献   

This paper adopts the academic tool of discourse analysis to examine the ‘new visual turn’ of the Communist Party of China’s propaganda work since the 18th CPC National Congress when Xi Jinping was inaugurated as the leader of Chinese Communists. A thorough review of the new visual means the Party uses for photojournalism, TV news, animated cartoons and online promotional videos points to three developments markedly different from traditional discursive strategies: a full embrace of Confucian ethics, articulation of the Internet-based popular culture and subcultures, and an effort to fortify Xi’s personal authority as a political idol. The paper concludes that the ‘new visual turn’ of CPC propaganda after the 18th Party Congress suggests that the Communist discourse has evolved to a new stage where sophisticated manipulation of sleek technological tools substantiates a rigorous, dynamic CPC discursive system more at ease with itself and more powerful than ever in shaping the mainstream political culture in China.  相似文献   


This thematic analysis of 510 news articles – spanning the leftist-rightist ideological spectrum – examines media rhetoric surrounding President Trump’s 27 January 2017 Executive Order (EO) 13769 barring immigrants and refugees from U.S. resettlement. In this article, I examine how both liberal and conservative news media rhetoric reinforce respectability politics that create a hierarchy of victimhood for those affected by the EO. Interrogating U.S. civil society’s discursive construction of the forced migrant, I expose expectations for appropriate roles for these communities seeking asylum, though these roles are often veiled by normative U.S. mythology. As this analysis illustrates, the news media articles’ discursive erasure of Syrian, Iranian, Sudanese, Iraqi, Libyan, Somali, and Yemeni immigrants and refugees elide forced migrant self-representation and neglect the political/historical reasons for fleeing from their nations of origin.  相似文献   


This study documents the use of humor in an instructional setting outside traditional classrooms. Specifically, it studied the use of instructional humor in training elite and aspiring gymnasts. Analysis of practice recordings, firsthand observations, and interviews with coaches, staff members, athletes and their guardians, revealed that coaches employed instructional humor in patterned ways and at patterned times to encourage the learning process. This study is the first to document that coaches used humor to address athletes’ potential identity harm due to failure during practice (labeled here, ‘identity distracting function’) and to reaffirm athletes’ relational standing with coaches and peers in spite of those failures (labeled here, ‘relational reaffirmation function’). The study also identified situations in which humor is inappropriate during training. Thus, this study identified new functions of instructional humor used during the learning process for aspiring elite athletes. The transferability of findings to other settings is also described.  相似文献   

In September 2017, Hurricane María rattled Puerto Rico and its Caribbean neighbors. To study this US colony’s post-hurricane crises, long-time histories and present experiences with what I call ‘energy coloniality’ and ‘energy privilege’ must be foregrounded. This approach allows for an understanding of this unnatural disaster as just one of countless systemic colonial and neoliberal entwined cruelties, driven by disaster capitalism. Informed by fieldwork and years of ‘e-advocacy,’ I critique four rhetorical problems that shape everyday and extraordinary emergencies in Puerto Rico. While I focus on this archipelago, hegemonic emergency discourses are widespread and linked to what I term the ‘emergency manager effect.’ This shock doctrine outcome is constituted by neoliberal and colonial governance and discourses, whereby undemocratically appointed overseers manage local places and peoples, who are perceived as anachronistic and incapable of solving problems independently. Delinking from these exploitative strategies and systems requires intervening in the entanglements of energy coloniality, energy privilege, and neoliberalism, as reckless extractivism continues to disproportionately target frontline communities.  相似文献   

I describe my approach to writing this essay as one of interiority, of exploring my deep inner thoughts and reflections on why I did what I did in CSCA over the years. Beyond saying that my CSCA activities were my attempt to be a good citizen of the academy through what is normalized as professional participation, I, through deeper reflection, now aim to write an African American female scholar’s interiority as discursive content.  相似文献   

The news media’s use of polls is by no means the special preserve of democracies. Using the case of Chinese government’s official medium (i.e. the People’s Daily), this study set out to assess how poll results are communicated to the public in China by examining the presentation of methodological information in its poll stories, and how its web counterpart, the People’s Daily Online website, differs in its coverage of polls from a technical point of view. It then examined the outlets’ interpretations of poll results and the media logic the coverage implies in comparison with the political logic that shapes poll reporting in China. Further critical discourse analysis reveals the use of authoritarian populist rhetoric as a discursive strategy in both outlets’ representation of public opinion. Compared with the print outlet, the online outlet showed a more marked inclination to describe a certain class as ‘the people’ in anti-elite rhetoric.  相似文献   

In 2010, in response to the Australian Government’s November 2009 apology to Forgotten Australians and former child migrants, a scoping study was undertaken by the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) to assess the options for a national ‘Find and Connect’ service to allow people to locate and access relevant records and have recourse to support services. The scoping study noted that Pathways, a web-based public knowledge space and a product of the Victorian ‘Who Am I?’ research project, was a community-based information resource without equal in the out-of-home care sector in Australia or indeed internationally. The scoping team made the observation that Pathways, due to its quality of content and coherent structure, appeared to be based on a set of principles and wondered what they were. In response the research team set about articulating the principles that underpinned their approach to archival documentation and the use of digital technologies – principles that had emerged through more than two decades of public domain, archive-focussed projects. This paper presents those ten principles and discusses them within the context of Pathways and the ‘Who Am I?’ project. The principles played a key role in FaCHSIA adopting Pathways as the model for the national Find and Connect database and web resource, launched on 15 November 2011. The principles underpin community knowledge building in the fourth or pluralised dimension of the Records Continuum. The paper ultimately argues that all stakeholders (all people and organisations connected with records) should have the ability to contribute to the utilisation of those records through the improvement of documentation and that some archival systems do have a duty of care to ensure they can inter-operate with community-generated knowledge.  相似文献   

The H-2A temporary agricultural worker program is a large-scale governmental program that is touted as a legal and documented avenue for nonimmigrant foreign workers to gain temporary employment in the USA. This paper historically situates the H-2A program within the larger history of American temporary work programs and argues that the H-2A program has inadequately curtailed the exploitation of temporary agricultural workers by focusing on documenting immigration through a lengthy application process and complex classification system, while failing to properly document the employment conditions of temporary agricultural workers once they have arrived in the USA. The analysis of the federal government’s documentation and classification practices exposes how discursive practices are legitimized through the legal codes of two statutory regimes, labor and immigration law, and exposes how these discursive practices create rigid worker classifications that largely structure the debate on immigration and the rights of documented and undocumented workers.  相似文献   

Background: The Northern Territory Department of Health and Families’ (DHF) Library supports education programs for all staff. DHF is implementing an elearning strategy, which may be viewed as a vehicle for coordinating the education function throughout the organisation. Objective: The objective of this study is to explore the concept of elearning in relation to the Library’s role in implementing an organisation‐wide elearning strategy. Methods: The main findings of a literature search about the effectiveness of elearning in health professionals’ education, and the responsibility and roles of health librarians in elearning are described. A case study approach is used to outline the current role and future opportunities and challenges for the Library. Discussion: The case study presents the organisation’s strategic planning context. Four areas of operational activity which build on the Library’s current educational activities are suggested: the integration of library resources ‘learning objects’ within a Learning Management System; developing online health information literacy training programs; establishing a physical and virtual ‘elearningLibrary/Centre’; developing collaborative partnerships, taking on new responsibilities in elearning development, and creating a new elearning librarian role. Conclusion: The study shows that the Library’s role is fundamental to developing the organisation’s elearning capacity and implementing an organisation‐wide elearning strategy.  相似文献   

This paper examines some of the labor processes involved inthe expansion of digital journalism to comment on the nature and implications of transformations in journalistic work in a digital age. Specifically, I survey four practices that stand out as putting pressure on traditional journalism production: outsourcing, unpaid labor, metrics and measurement, and automation. Although these practices are unevenly incorporated into mainstream news production (and in some cases are still marginal), they demonstrate viable options for media corporations seeking to streamline production. Drawing on labor process theory, I emphasize that media corporations use strategies of efficiency and rationalization to lower labor costs. Unpaid labor, robot reporters, algorithms, and outsourcing demonstrate that changes in the media production process are not the inevitable results of technology but, as the long history of journalism and technological change demonstrates, strategies for lowering labor costs.  相似文献   

Progress to open access (OA) has stalled, with perhaps 20% of new papers ‘born‐free’, and half of all versions of record pay‐walled; why? In this paper, I review the last 12 months: librarians showing muscle in negotiations, publishers’ Read and Publish deals, and funders determined to force change with initiatives like Plan S. I conclude that these efforts will not work. For example, flipping to supply‐side business models, such as article processing charges, simply flips the pay‐wall to a ‘play‐wall’ to the disadvantage of authors without financial support. I argue that the focus on OA makes us miss the bigger problem: today’s scholarly communications is unaffordable with today’s budgets. OA is not the problem, the publishing process is the problem. To solve it, I propose using the principles of digital transformation to reinvent publishing as a two‐step process where articles are published first as preprints, and then, journal editors invite authors to submit only papers that ‘succeed’ to peer review. This would reduce costs significantly, opening a sustainable pathway for scholarly publishing and OA. The catalyst for this change is for the reputation economy to accept preprints as it does articles in minor journals today.  相似文献   

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