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在教学中,我们常常遇到“It+be+时间词+连词+其它成分”这种句子。很多学生对其中连词的选用感到困难。下面我们观察和分析一下这类句子的特征。 一般来说,可用于这类句子的连词有that,when,since和before。一、that与when 我们先观察下面两组句子:G1 1. It was in September that we began our senior high school. 2. It was at midnight that we got everything ready for the meeting. G2 1. It was September when we began our senior high school. 2. It was midnight when we had got everything ready for the meeting. 这两组句子十分相似。但是只要仔细观察,我们就可以发现它们的差异:第  相似文献   

连词 when 是一个常用词,在状语从句中,一般情况下翻译为"当……的时候"。但在一些特殊情况下,when 含有很复杂的意思,不能一律译为"当……的时候"。一、when 译为"突然"例如:1.The lady was walking through the streetwhen she found her bag cut open.  相似文献   

when可以用作并列连词,引导并列分句,也可以用作从属连词,引导时间状语从句。从属和并列意义迥然,但常有初学者一味把when理解为“当……时候”,所以有时难免误解文意。现从以下几个方面对其用法加以简述。1.when用作并列连词时,意为“and just then”。这时 when连接的后一个分句常含有“出乎预料,来得突然”之意,谓语动词也往往是短暂性的动词。而前一个分句的谓语动词则常用过去进行时或“was/were about to do”结构。when连接的分句中常有suddenly,all at once等词语。例如:(1)The children were running to move the bag of rice when they heard the  相似文献   

when作为从属连词可引导宾语从句和时间状语从句,但二者在时态语法规则方面有较大区别,现就具体试题,作些归纳与延伸。 1.I don’t know when the train__tomorrow。 A.leaves B.will leave C.left D.was leaving 析:因为是由when引导的宾语从句,主句为一般现在时,从句中所表示的动作并未发生。故B正确。  相似文献   

Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived? 1.【原句】The girl was shopping whenthe alien got out.While the girl was shopping,the aliengot out.【讲解】when和while都可以作连词,意为“当……的时候”。when引导的从句中动词多为短暂性动词,主句动词多为延续性动词,主从句一般不同时使用进行时态;while前后两个动词可同为延续性动词,即可同时使用进行时态;当从句用延续性动词且为进行时时,二者可互换。例如:When/While the alien went shoppinga souvenir,the girl called the police。【真题】①Bad luck:We Mount Emeiwhen it rained heavily.(2005江苏省泰州市)A.climbed B.were climbingC.are climbing D.have climbed【点拨】选B。由句意及从句的时态可判断出空白处应填入过去进行时。本句中的when意为at ...  相似文献   

It is+time+clause是英语中一个常用句型,也是高考必须把握的热点和难点,现归纳如下: 一、用在when引导的定语从句中,其功能相当于一个由并列连词连接的分句例It was October the thirty-first when we went to Beijing.=It Was October the thirty-first and on that day we went to Beijing.我们是12月31号去的北京。二、用在that引导的强调句中。注意时间前介词的应用  相似文献   

状语从句是英语学习中非常重要的一个语法项目,也是各类考试考查的重点。而时间状语从句是其中最为常用的一种,用来说明主句动作发生的时间。在时间状语从句中要用一般现在时表示将来时间:用现在完成时表示将来完成时间。引导时间状语从句的常见连词有:1.when,while,as意思是“当……时”e.g.When the teacher wentinto the classroom,the studentswere reading.当老师走进教室时,学生们正在读书。When/While/As you wereenjoying your trip,I was busyworking.当你正高兴的旅行时,我正在忙于工作。As/When they came the Dingling Tomb…  相似文献   

在中学英语中,连词词组as soon as,no sooner…than,hardly…when,scarcely…when可译为“一……就”,此用法很普遍。但教材中出现这样一个句子“The young lady rushed into the room immediately she heard the noise.”句中immediately用作连词,给学生对整个句子的理解带来了困难,副词immediately作连词用时,译为“一……就”,用来引导一个时间状语从句,  相似文献   

学英语的人对When-词并不觉得陌生,但when有一用法却很特殊且多数词典均未涉及。请看下列句子: 1.I was thinking of this when I heard my name called. 2.He was just about to dive when he saw the shark. 3.I was watching the television,when suddenly the lights went out. 4.One evening little Hans was sitting near the fire whne he heard a loud knock at the door. 这些句子里的when其用法有哪些特殊之处?本文将从语义、语法和汉译处理三方面分析其特征。为分析方便起见,下文将位于when前面的分句叫做when前分句(pre—when clause),简称when前句,将位于when后面的分句叫做when后分句(post—when clause),简称when后句。  相似文献   

补充说明以下句型的用法:主句中动词was/ were doing when从句中动词过去时。这个句型可以用while引导的句子解释。如: 1)Millions of people all over the China were watching TV when the spaceship landed safely. =While millions of people all over the China were watching TV,the spaceship landed safely.飞船着陆时,全国亿万人民都在观看电视直播。  相似文献   

1.as,when与while当老师进来时学生们正在大声吵闹。误:The students were shouting in the classroom while theteacher came in.正:The students were shouting in the classroom when theteacher came in.辨析:这三个词都可用作连词,引导时间状语从句,表示“当……时”。(1)  相似文献   

1.楼下那个人睡不着觉。[误]The downstairs man couldn’t go to sleep.[正]The man downstairs couldn’t go to sleep.[析]以today,here,there,downstairs,upstairs, below,above等作定语修饰名词时常放在名词之后。2我正想出去,铃响了。[误]I just went out when the bell rang.[正]I was just going out when the bell rang.[析]由when连接的两个分句,其中—个谓语动词是延续性,另一个谓语是终止性动词时,此处的when是并列连词,意为“这时 (突然)”,所以要将went out改为was going out.  相似文献   

请先看2004年北京春季高考试题第26题:Wewereswimminginthelakesud-denlythestormstarted.A.whenB.whileC.untilD.before析:A分析语境可知,该空表“正在这时”,应填when引导。when是高考热点考点,它有下列用法:一、并列连词引导并列句when作为并列连词引导并列句时表示“正在这  相似文献   

when与while既是高考的热点,也是学生的难点。为便于学生掌握,现做如下归纳:一、when与while作并列连词,引导并列句。1.when引导并列句,表示"就在那个时候",相当于"and then"。表示"将要干什么事那时",常用句型"be about to do sth.when…"与"be on the point of doing sth.when…";表示  相似文献   

一、用作连词两者均可用作连词,表示“虽然”,常可换用,只是although比though.更为正式。如:Although[Though]the sun was shining,I took an umbrella(just) in case.虽然有太阳,但我仍带了雨伞以防万一。  相似文献   

王秀云 《考试》2008,(Z1):52-53
when,while及as都能引导多种状语从句:一、when常见考点1、"当……时候",引导时间状语从句。When he was a young man,he was fond of hunting. It was already 10:00PM,when I finished the work. 2、"正在那时,这时"等于and at that time,引导时  相似文献   

1.Father and son Father:You know,Mike,when Lincoln was your age,he was a very good pupil.In fact,he was the best pupil in his class.Mike:Yes,Father.I know that.But when he was your age,he was President of the United States.2.How do you find it?Teacher:Mike,you copied from John’s paper in today’s exam,didn’t you?  相似文献   

时间状语从句的内容很多,同学们不易掌握。但只要掌握其中一些重要的知识点,并将它们融会贯通,就能收到事半功倍之效果。一、w hen 含有“当……时候”之意,这一点同学们都了解。可是它还有个特殊的用法,即当“这时”讲,这是考试中经常要考查的知识点。when 当“这时”讲时,不是用作从属连词引导时间状语从句,而是作为等立连词连接两个并列分句。 when 前面的分句往往是特定的几种时态。例如:(1)H e was w atching TV w hen som eone knocked on the door.(过去进行时)他正在看电视,这时有人敲门。(2)She was about to go to bed w hen th…  相似文献   

Theoretical and experimental analysis of a new refrigerant mixture BY-3 was conducted based on a single-stage vapor compression refrigeration system. The water-water heat pump system used BY-3 to produce hot water when the low temperature was 20 ℃. The following results were obtained: the highest temperature at the condenser outlet reached about 85 ℃; when the difference between the water temperatures at the condenser outlet and the evaporator inlet was less than 40 ℃, the coefficient of performance (COP) was larger than 4; when the difference reached 55 ℃, the COP still kept 3; the discharge temperature of BY-3 was lower than 100 ℃, and the refrigerant vapor pressure kept lower than 1.8 MPa. When the water temperature at the condenser outlet reached over 85 ℃, nearly a 5 ℃ superheating temperature was maintained.  相似文献   

汉语中的“一……就……”用来表示两个动作或状态时间上的前后关系。译成英语时,可用连词,名词词组或介词等。本文拟就“一……就……”的常见英译法结合中学教材作一归纳,以供教学参考. 一、连词 1.no sooner…than No sooner had she said it than she realized her mistake.话刚一说出口,她就认识到错了。 I had no sooner closed my eyes than I heard her cry of alarm.我刚闭上眼睛,就听到她惊骇的叫声。 2.hardly…when Hardly had the game started when Brown scored a goal.比赛刚一开始,布朗就进了一个球。 Mother had hardly shut the door when the wind blew it open again.母亲刚把门关上,风就又把它吹开了。 3.scarcely…when/before  相似文献   

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