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的等待接球。9)接球后应尽量减少在自己手中停留的时间 ,应立即衔接传、投、突等动作。更要避免接球后运一下球的坏习惯 ,以便快速的创造更有利的攻击机会。2、传接球技术教学训练的注意事项1)教学训练时应对动作要领要严格要求。在掌握了动作要领的基础上 ,再要求速度和技巧。教学训练要结合实战进行。2)接球与传球要同时训练。接球结束即传球或其它进攻动作的开台 ,应严格要求 ,形成习惯。3)教学训练传接球时 ,应从单、双手胸前传接球着手 ,并要以单、双手胸前传接球、单手传接球、反弹传球、肩上传球、头上传球等几种主要传接球…  相似文献   

传接球技术是足球运动中最基本的技术之一,它包括脚传球、头传球、脚跟传球、大腿接球、脚接球、头接球、胸接球等多种形式,掌握良好的传接球技术也是进一步学习突破过人技术和射门技术的基础。然而,掌握良好的传接球技术需要发展相应的速度素质和多方向加速能力,这样才能在比赛中更好地灵活运用各种技术。本文以传接球基本技术为切入点,介绍与之相配套的足球专项躯干支柱力量、颈肌力量、多方向移动与加速的练习方法,指导读者如何练习传接球技术和快速跑动技术。  相似文献   

万立江 《体育教学》2011,(6):76+2-76
传接球是篮球训练和比赛的重要环节,广受教师和教练员的重视,传球方式有:三线传接球、三人“8”字围绕传接球、四角传接球等等,这都是有规律地传接球,学生的配合意识往往得不到更有效地开发。无规则地传接球是让同伴在比赛中,瞬间做出快速反应的配合;让防守者防不胜防,快速制胜的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

行进间双手胸前传接球是篮球教材中的一项基本内容。在教学过程中发现,很多学生传球不及时、不准确、不到位,接球后手脚配合不协调,出现“带球跑”的违例现象,为解决这个问题,我在教学实践中采用强化基本技术,分解关键动作,循序渐进练习的方式,取得了较好的教学效果。步骤如下:一、打好基础作铺垫在讲授原地双手胸前传接球时,我重点强调传接球的手型,使学生在传接球过程中形成正确的手法,以达到用力均匀、传球  相似文献   

许战光 《体育教学》2008,(11):61-61
在教双手胸前传接球时,我把学生分成两人一组进行传接球。学生不断地练习传接球,可就是接不住,球滚得到处都是,我刚要讲话,这时一个学生在嘀咕:“又是传球,没劲,这么多要求,不准这、不准那的你来试试。”我仔细一看原来是校篮球队的于同学,我这时一股无名怒火跃上脑门,我知道他篮球打得不错,让他们练习传球确实没有意思,我口气一转:“那你们说说,怎样才能让同学们在练习传球时不掉球,又不会觉得枯燥呢?”  相似文献   

张闻 《精武》2014,(36):37-38
在中学生运动员所开展的足球比赛中,全面而娴熟的技术将对比赛结果起到至关重要的作用,而传接球技术发挥层度的高低更是重中之重。简而言之,就是在比赛过程中如果想要好的成绩,就必须要拥有良好的传接球技术并发挥出色,因此就必须加大对中学生足球运动员传接球技术的全面训练,如快速传接球、有对抗性传接球、传球意识等上面加大功夫。  相似文献   

4)纵横切传接球练习   方法:全队分两组按图 16所示站位,⑥持球传给摆脱接球的④立即纵切,未接到球后立即跑到底角接④的传球,④传球后快速摆脱横切篮下接⑥的传球投篮,⑥抢篮板球,双方交换位置站在对队排尾,下组重新开始练习。   要求:传球应快速、准确、及时;快速摆脱切入,侧身观察。   5)底线 8字传接球练习   方法:全队分五人一组如图 17所示站位。④和⑤在外线传球,⑧给⑥做掩护,④传球给⑥投篮,⑥投篮后自抢篮板球传球给⑤,然后跑去给⑦做掩护,⑦在篮下接⑤的球投篮。投篮后自抢篮板球传球给④继续给⑧做掩…  相似文献   

<正>笔者参加了浙江省五城区第四届小学体育教学研讨活动并执教了水平二四年级《篮球双手胸前传接球》的第一课时片段课(25分钟),现将课的设计思路与环节安排一一阐述,以期与同仁分享,共同探讨。一、教学目标1.通过本次课的学习学生能初步了解篮球双手胸前传接球的技术要点,明白传球的动作、路线和接球的方法,激发学生的参与兴趣。2.通过本次课的学习大部分学生能初步掌握篮球双手胸前传接球传球时蹬腿、  相似文献   

在高校足球专项课教学中,传接球技术占有很重要的地位。它是各种技、战术思想实现的重要保证。笔者针对学生在教学实践中缺乏合理有效地运用传球技术的能力、传球准确性较低的问题,设计了一种抢球传球教学手段,较有效地解决了这一难题。  相似文献   

传接球是篮球运动中的重要技术,它是组织战术的纽带和桥梁。队员之间任何有攻击的联系都是通过传接球来实现的。美国著名教练罗伯特、麦特卡夫曾指出:“我认为篮球比赛传球比运球更重要,因为篮球运  相似文献   

郭惠先 《体育学刊》2007,14(4):98-100
对第18届世界杯足球赛16强的16场比赛的铲球技术进行统计分析,探讨高水平球队铲球技术运用的规律。结果显示,随着比赛的进行,铲球次数递减,提高体能储备,才能保证在全场的强对抗中有充沛的体能进行抢截,保证铲球动作的合理性和准确性。后卫、前卫球员讲究铲球的准确性和有效性,前锋球员追求抢点铲射的意识和铲球技巧。提高正面铲球的成功率,方能减少铲球犯规而给对方制造机会。  相似文献   

Handling errors are often seen in professional rugby games and even more so in amateur rugby. This paper analyses the problem of ball mishandling using high-speed video footage of passes and a bespoke finger friction rig. The high-speed video analysis showed that when the ball is caught, often there is a fluctuating movement of the fingers over the surface of the ball. It also showed that the fingers move over the surface of the ball when the ball is thrown, confirming that the dynamic friction is a good measure of how easily a ball can be handled. Rugby ball surface samples were used, on a finger friction rig, to assess the coefficient of friction between the finger and the balls. The currently manufactured balls displaying the highest coefficients of friction in clean, dry conditions were the design with square, ‘sharp’ pimples and also the design with a mixture of small and large pimples. The most consistent ball across wet and dry conditions was the ball with round, large, densely populated pimples. It was also shown that when water is added to the surface of the ball or finger, there was little variation in performance between the ball varieties.  相似文献   

2006年德国世界杯足球比赛进球特点的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对2006年德国举行的第18界世界杯所有32支球队64场比赛的射门进球得分情况加以研究,从中揭示出第十八届世界杯射门进球得分的基本特征、影响进球的主要因素以及各队进攻战术手段运用与进球关系的分析,为提高我国足球运动水平和实践训练提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Oblique impact of a tennis ball on the strings of a tennis racket   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Measurements are presented of the friction force acting on a tennis ball incident obliquely on the strings of a tennis racket. This information, when combined with measurements of ball speed and spin, reveals details of the bounce process that have not previously been observed and also provides the first measurements of the coefficient of sliding friction between a tennis ball and the strings of a tennis racket. At angles of incidence less than about 40° to the string plane, the ball slides across the strings during the whole bounce period. More commonly, the ball is incident at larger angles in which case the ball slides across the string plane for a short distance before gripping the strings. While the bottom of the ball remains at rest on the strings, the remainder of the ball continues to rotate for a short period, after which the ball suddenly releases its grip and the bottom of the ball slides backwards on the string plane. The bounce angle depends mainly on the angle of incidence and the rotation speed of the incident ball. Differences in bounce angle and spin off head-clamped and hand-held rackets are also described.  相似文献   

本文讲解了果岭边沙坑球基本技术:从球位、站姿、杆面、提倡“V”型挥杆进行了分析。例举了果岭边沙坑球功能性训练方法:1.架球梯(避免翻手腕动作)训练;2.沙坑画线(入沙点精准)训练;3.爆炸式(利用反弹角)训练。针对下坡沙坑球、上坡沙坑球、人高球低沙坑球、人低球高沙坑球、球陷入沙坑(荷包蛋)四种特殊果岭边的沙坑球进行了详细的技术分析。  相似文献   

对新型乒乓球性能的计算与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据国际乒联透露,为提高乒乓球的观赏性,吸引群众,将把现用乒乓球的直径由38毫米改为40毫米,被称为“新型球”或“大球”,并将在1997年第44届世乒赛期间举行一次实验性的大球比赛。为了解大球的性能,探索其可行性,以尽快掌握其运动规律,对大球的参数和性能进行了计算与分析。如果制作大球的材料与小球的相同,计算结果:大球的质量增加0.2717克,材料体积增加0.1884厘米3,球的体积增大4.781厘米3,绕通过质心额状轴为转动惯量增加1.391立方厘米。如果用大球比赛,以与击小球同样的方式和大小相等的力来打击大球,大球的转速将比小球减少9.41转/秒(约减少1/5),速度减慢4.14米/秒(约减少1/10),但大球的性能发生了明显的变化。  相似文献   

A determination of the dynamic response of softballs   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
An apparatus is described for measuring the stiffness and coefficient of restitution (COR) of balls with application to softballs. While standardized test methods currently exist to measure these properties, they do not represent the displacement rate and magnitude that occur in play. The apparatus described herein involves impacting a fixed, solid cylindrical surface (matched to the diameter of the bat) with a ball and measuring the impact force during impact and speed of the ball before and after impact. The ratio of the ball speeds determines the COR, while the impact force is used to derive a ball stiffness. For an example of the contribution of the new ball test, the performance of hollow bats, which is sensitive to ball stiffness, was compared. Bat performance showed a much stronger dependence on the proposed ball stiffness than the traditional measure. Finally, it was shown that to achieve similar conditions between impacts with fixed and recoiling objects, the impact speed should be chosen so that the centre of mass energy was the same in the two cases. The method has application to associations wishing an improved method to regulate ball and bat performance.  相似文献   

目的对世界前5名优秀羽毛球女子双打运动员在2019年世界羽毛球锦标赛1/4决赛、半决赛及决赛中的发接发技战术运用进行数据分析,旨在为羽毛球运动员的多元化发展方向提供思路。方法文献资料法、录像统计法、数理统计法等。结果发球大部分以反手发网前场1号区为主,并以前场5号区、后场4号区及6号区为辅助进行技战术相结合的发球方式;接发球过程中,女子双打运动员如遇到对手反手发网前球,接发球方则以推压、扑球为主,其次是抢搓、拨及挑球,如遇到对手发反手后场球,接发球方则以杀球为主,其次高远球、吊球与之配合使用。结论运动员在加强训练的同时,也要研究其他国家优秀组合的打法,做到科学训练,让技术全面发展、娴熟多变。  相似文献   

The effects of three different colour patterns on the surface of volleyballs (versus that of a plain white ball) on the behaviour of a reception player were examined by presenting sidespin volleyball serves. Expert (n = 10) and novice (n = 10) volleyball players intercepted volleyballs projected straight at them or at an initial angle of 9.5 degrees outwards but eventually curving towards the players' original position. In the latter trajectories, players generally took one or more steps laterally before returning to the landing position of the ball. These excursion patterns were significantly more pronounced with the white balls than the coloured balls. Differences between balls of different colour combinations were also observed. The first finding supports the thesis that next to a prospective type of control, such as on-line maintenance of a certain spatiotemporal relationship between the player and the ball, properties of the ball itself allow prediction of the future path of the ball. Differences between types of colour patterns are explained within the framework of the between-colours wavelength contrasts of each type of ball.  相似文献   

香火球运动是一项具有悠久历史,流行于广西壮族同胞生活中的少数民族传统体育活动,其源于广西南宁市良庆区古元坡村村民张元亨与其母艰苦生活的美丽传说。香火球运动极富地方民族特色,活动规则类似于现今的羽毛球,区别在于用手代替球拍击球。香火球运动延续了广西壮族同胞对火、祖先和英雄人物的崇拜,表现出坚韧与和谐共存的人文精神,以及明显的地域边缘文化色彩。香火球运动的传播应充分考虑全球化的时代特点和发展趋势,保留和发挥香火球文化中传统的精华部分,使香火球这一独特的壮族历史文化遗产日久常新。  相似文献   

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