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本文通过对环境卫生学期末考试试卷的信度、难度、区分度及学生成绩进行分析,评价试卷质量并分析学生对知识的掌握情况。本试卷客观题信度为0.82,主观题信度为0.68,难度为0.575,区分度为0.375,试卷信度、区分度较好,但多选题、简答题偏难。学生及格率为50.63%,今后应适当降低试题难度。  相似文献   

目的:评估“诊断学”理论考试卷的质量,基于试卷分析改进教学策略以提高教学质量。方法:汇总中山大学2018级临床医学专业“诊断学”理论考卷177份,采用SPSS 26.0进行试卷分数的频数、均数、信度和效度统计,分别计算试题的难度及区分度。根据试卷信度、效度、难度级区分度进行试卷质量分析,并基于试卷分析提出教学策略改进方案。结果:177名学生的考试成绩为34.5~84.0分,平均为62.23±10.66分。试卷总体信度(?)为0.778,总效度(V)为0.534,总体难度(P)为0.622,区分度(D)为0.52;学生总失分率为:38%。结论:本次考试试卷难度偏难,效度偏低,信度及区分度良好。学生在知识灵活应用方面掌握欠佳,需根据试卷分析情况,改进教学策略,以提高教学效果。  相似文献   

罗汀 《考试周刊》2011,(57):2-4
对试卷的难度和区分度进行分析.可以加强对教师教学、学生学习的评价,同时发现试卷中存在的问题,加强试卷质量监控。  相似文献   

为了衡量学生对知识的掌握程度、检查教学效果、不断提高教学质量,运用SPSS软件对南京林业大学2007级旅游管理专业学生的旅游学概论课程期末考试试卷进行数理统计分析。结果显示试卷的难度系数为0.69,区分度为0.21,质量一般,大部分学生对重点难点知识掌握较好,但基本知识的掌握和综合应用能力较差,因此,应注意提高试卷的区分度,加强试卷库的建设,改革教学手段。  相似文献   

利用SPSS统计软件对高等数学试卷成绩进行频数分析、难度分析、区分度分析、信度分析,给出了较合理的评价.分析过程表明,应用SPSS统计软件对学生的高等数学试卷成绩进行分析是非常方便适用的.  相似文献   

本文论述了难度、区分度、信度、效度指标用于试卷质量分析时的含义和计算方法,并用难度、区分度、信度指标对学校12春工商管理专业的《企业信息管理》期终考试试卷进行了定量分析,为科学出好试卷提供了依据.  相似文献   

为了评估我校生物系2011级有机化学期末考试试卷的质量,改进有机化学教学方法和提高考试试卷质量提供依据,运用教育测量学原理与教育统计学方法对试题进行统计分析。结果表明学生成绩呈正态分布,平均分为73.03分,标准差8.33分,平均难度0.71,区分度0.74,信度0.78,效度0.88。本次考试的学生成绩呈正态分布,试题难度适中,区分度良好,试卷反应了学生对有机化学的掌握程度,可信、有效。  相似文献   

为衡量学生时知识的掌握程度、检查教学效果、不断提高教学质量,运用SPSS15.0对郑州航空工业管理学院2007级2008-2009学年第一学期2609名学生的<线性代数>期末考试试卷进行抽样,并对抽样结果进行统计分析.结果显示试卷的难度系数为0.78,区分度为0.398,信度0.79,质量良好,大部分学生对重点难点知识掌握较好,但还应注意适当增加试卷的难度.  相似文献   

评估我校2012级药学专业药物合成反应期末考试试卷的质量,反馈教学信息,为提高教学质量提供依据。选择2012级四年制药学本科全部学生的期末考试试卷进行统计分析。考试成绩符合正态分布,平均分(75.4±14.6),难度0.73,区分度0.31。本试卷题型分布还算合理,区分度也好,比较客观地评价了学生对此课程的掌握程度,以后应加强学生合成反应及机理的掌握。  相似文献   

李显峰  王渊  魏聪明 《陕西教育》2009,(7):107-107,98
目的:分析我校网页制作期末考试试卷质量和考试结果,通过试卷分析获得反馈信息,进一步改进教学方法.方法:随机抽取100份试卷,用Excel2000进行统计处理,采用试卷分析与评价指标,对学生考试成绩和失分原因进行分析.结果:考试成绩呈正偏态分布,平均成绩72.3,整体难度为0.72,区分度为0.34.信度为0.81.结论:这套试题具有良好的区分能力和可靠性,基本能达到试卷要求的各项指标.能较好地反映学生的真实水平,对改进教学方法和提高命题水平有重要意义.  相似文献   

Supplemental Instruction (SI) can be an efficient way of improving student success in difficult courses. Here, a study is made on SI attached to difficult first-year engineering courses. The results show that both the percentage of students passing a difficult first-year engineering course, and scores on the course exams are considerably higher for students attending SI, compared to students not attending. The study also shows that a higher percentage of female students attend SI, compared to male students. However, both genders seem to benefit to the same degree as a result of attending SI meetings. Also all students, independent of prior academic ability, benefit from attending SI. A qualitative study suggests that SI meetings provide elements important for understanding course material, which are missing from other scheduled learning opportunities in the courses.  相似文献   

良好的学习方法,不论是内在的或外在的认知过程,只要能够促进知识概念的学习、能达到长久的记忆和灵活的运用都可称之为学习策略。文献上认为图解法能帮助学生彻底了解基本概念、分析及解题能力,图像表征不只让同学印象很深刻,更能提升同学的逻辑思考能力。研究以侨光科技大学的会计信息系的学生为实验对象,以成本会计科目作为实验教材,研究发现融入图解法教学的实验组学生,无论在后测成绩、进步幅度等整体成效均优于控制组,显示融入图解法教学之解题策略有助于提高解题之成效。研究显示,学习能力对成本会计题的学习成效有两个影响:第一,在整体解题成效分析中显示,高学习能力组学生的进步幅度较小,而对低学习能力组学生的效益较大;其次,在三大类型题个别成效分析中显示,在简单基本题及中等困难题高学习能力组的后测成绩虽较高,但进步幅度较小,而在复杂计算题显示高能力组学生在本题的解题表现略优于低能力组学生。  相似文献   

Summary and Conclusion The basic questions involved in this investigation were the effect of initial standing and item difficulty on the gain established on final over initial measures in achievement testing. The hypotheses were advanced that the use of gain discriminated against bright students on two counts; first, by limiting possibility for gain and second, that equal gains might really represent different levels of performance. It has been shown that the use of a measure of achievement, the effectiveness index, which is independent of initial standing, shows a higher positive correlation with intelligence than the correlation obtained between gain and intelligence. The use of partial correlation to hold the factor of initial standing constant raised the relation found between gain and intelligence in 11 out of 12 cases, indicating that the higher initial standing of brighter students tended to limit their performance. Further, it has been shown that the gain of bright students tends to be established on more difficult items. In addition, the film apparently facilitated the success of students with above average intelligence on difficult items since the relationship found between intelligence and gain or nongain on test items was markedly higher in experimental than in control sections. To the extent that the gains made on the tests employed in this investigation are representative of gains made on achievement tests in general, in pretest and posttest situations, it may be concluded that bright students are discriminated against when gain is the measure of performance. The bright students must overcome the twin difficulties of establishing their gain on more difficult items in competition with students who havemore items on which improvement, i.e., gain, may be established. It is obvious that groups and individuals differing widely in their initial performance on tests should not be compared using gain as a criterion unless there is some compensation for these factors. This paper funishes additional evidence relative to a statistical procedure—the “Effectiveness Index”—discussed by Hovland, Lumsdaine, and Sheffield inExperiments on Mass Communication. It was originally presented to Section Q of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at the St. Louis Meeting, December 1952. The Study was made possible by a grant from the University of Nebraska Research Council. Dr. Herbert A. Smith is Associate Professor of Secondary Education and Supervisor of Science, the University of Nebraska.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the contribution made by mature part-time students to the statistics on higher education. It shows that part-time numbers currently account for approximately 40% of total student numbers in the UK, 33% of university students, (mostly in the Open University) and 43% of the total in polytechnics and colleges, (1989–90 figures). The majority are mature people, over 25 years of age, who combine both education and employment. The principal change over the past ten years has been the increasing proportion of women, who now form more than 44% of the total number of students and 42% of the part-time total. A theoretical analysis is carried out, using the Human Capital model, which shows that part-time higher education might produce significant rates of return, both to the individual and society. It is noted that most of the research efforts in the UK, into the benefits of higher education, have concentrated on young, 18–21 year olds, who study full-time, and that current government policy is primarily concerned with improving the participation rate of this age group. This paper concludes that there is sufficient evidence to warrant a more thorough investigation of the costs and benefits of part-time study and suggests that there is considerable potential for expansion in this area.  相似文献   

Revision is recognised as a key and complex element of the writing process. Despite this, research shows that students find it difficult effectively to revise their own writing due to a lack of metacognitive awareness and understanding of the processes they undertake when writing. The first part of this inquiry studies nine students’ understanding of the writing process and the revision strategies they employ using think‐aloud protocols and follow‐up interviews. Although the students all agreed that revision was an important part of improving their writing, they could not, or found it difficult to, articulate reasons for the changes they made to their writing. Therefore, the second part of the study explores the potential of collaborative writing to encourage and facilitate metacognitive talk through the implementation of a strategy where students are paired with a ‘writing buddy’. Observations of classroom work and interview responses of students showed that the scheme was successful in providing students with an experience of writing which was social, flexible and holistic, where talk is used to externalise thinking in order to develop a metacognitive understanding of the writing process.  相似文献   

近年来,大学不断扩招造成学生数量急速上升,使得对大学班级管理难度加大。对大学班级和大学生的管理直接影响学校的教学质量和管理水平,也对大学生自身的身心健康产生很大影响,解决好大学生班级管理的各类问题显得尤其重要。  相似文献   

对高职新生报到率趋低的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,高职院校新生报到率呈下降趋势,成为高职教育发展中的一个突出问题.高职新生报到率低的原因有多方面,譬如:社会对高职教育认识不高;投入不足,办学条件难以改善;办学特色不甚鲜明,专业设置不够合理;师资队伍总体水平不高;学校管理水平不高等.本文针对上述原因提出了解决的策略.  相似文献   

近年来,我国的高等教育取得了长足的发展,无论从各种层次的学校数量、在校生规模,还是教学质量都取得了令人可喜的成绩。但是,大量高校毕业生特别是营销管理类学生难以找到合适的就业岗位,究其原因主要是毕业生的规格和质量不能满足企业生产经营的需要。文章分析了当前市场营销专业在实践能力培养方面的误区,并提出了具体的培养途径。  相似文献   

近年来随着研究生党员队伍的壮大,受党员自身和支部设置等诸多因素的影响,支部活动的开展遇到了一些瓶颈。在网络高速发展的时代,如何有效融合线上线下开展支部活动成为重要研究课题。文章总结了四川大学计算机学院研究生党支部一年来线上线下融合开展活动的实践与探索,并对其进行了研究和讨论。  相似文献   

“组合数学”教学模式的改革探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
组合数学是高等院校数学及计算机学科的一门重要专业课程,它涉及的内容多,所需的技巧及方法复杂,因而学生不易掌握。结合多年的科研及教学实践,提出一些适合于组合数学的教学方法,使学生能领略组合数学的魅力,激发学生学习组合数学的热情。  相似文献   

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