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学科教学知识是教师专业知识的核心知识领域,对于教师专业能力的发展起着至关重要的作用。学科知识是学科教学知识发展的首要条件。学科教学知识是教师自主地将学科知识和教学知识通过一定方式转化而建构的。教师的角色意识是实现这一转化的重要影响因素。职前教师的学科教学知识发展应该以核心教学知识为基本任务。学科教学知识发展的实践路径主要有:以学科教学论为关键课程发展学科教学知识,通过教学见习获得学科教学知识,通过真实情境下的教学实习建构学科教学知识。  相似文献   

顾春燕 《英语辅导》2011,(3):144-147
学科教学知识是一种教师独有的知识,是学科知识和一般教学法知识的整合。外语学科教学知识作为外语教师教学的知识基础,具有专业性、个体性、建构性和实践性等特征。围绕外语教师专业发展的核心,要改变外语教师教育中学科教学知识缺失的状况,就要突出师范性,重视实践性,让教师在反思性实践中不断生成学科教学知识,促进专业发展。  相似文献   

基于核心素养培育的课程改革对传统思政课教师学科教学知识提出新的要求,明确思政课教师学科教学知识的基本特征,探究思政课教师学科教学知识的结构和发展路径,对于思政学科核心素养的提升和新时代思政课教师专业发展具有重要意义。结合已有研究成果和思政学科特点,本文重点阐述了思政课教师学科教学知识的结构和发展路径。思政课教师学科教学知识包括四个组成部分:思政学科的课程知识、教学内容知识、关于学生理解的知识和教学策略知识。从教师学习的角度来看,思政课教师学科教学知识的发展路径包括理论学习与实践学习并重、浅层学习向深层学习转化、构建开放式的思政课教师学习共同体。  相似文献   

国内关于"学科教学知识"的研究主要集中在学科教学知识的内涵、特征、构成要素、发展的途径与策略等方面的研究以及师范生的学科教学知识发展研究等。学科教学知识研究中存在的不足主要在于重复研究较多、缺乏对特定学科教师的学科教学知识的深入研究、缺乏对教师学科教学知识发展阶段的研究、缺乏对师范院校促进学生学科教学知识发展的深入、系统研究。  相似文献   

对四川省Y县306名中小学教师学科教学知识的调查发现,民族地区中小学教师普遍对学科教学知识不了解;学科教学知识构成要素中存在学科知识不扎实、学生知识欠缺、教学策略知识缺乏以及教学情境知识薄弱的问题;学科教学知识及其四个构成要素在不同性别、民族、年龄、教龄、学历、师范教育背景、任教学科、平均课时方面均存在显著差异;“自身的教学经验和反思”“教师培训”“教学研究”“有组织的专业活动”是教师学科教学知识发展最重要的四种来源。可以通过唤醒教师的自觉性、加强对学科教学知识的管理、重视和改进教师培训、开展教学研究和强化反思来提升民族地区中小学教师的学科教学知识。  相似文献   

学科教学知识是物理教师从事专业教学所必须具备的核心知识,是物理教师专业发展的基础.学科教学知识的核心内涵是把学科知识转化为可以让学生学习的形式.物理教师的学科教学知识结构包括物理教学理念知识、物理课程知识、关于学生理解物理学的知识、物理教学策略知识、物理学习评价知识.学科教学知识来自于教师的实践智慧,并通过教师的教学活动、教学评价、教学反思等诸多过程而获得,是物理教师在教学情境中通过与情境的互动而建构起来的知识体系.  相似文献   

教师教学知识是教师专业化程度的重要标志,本文以MKT理论的发展为例,介绍美国在教师教学知识方面的研究。本文分别从重视教师的学科内容知识、逐渐关注教师的教学内容知识、学科内容知识和教学内容知识并重、学科内容知识与教学内容知识的融合等4个阶段论述了MKT理论的发展过程。在说明该理论的影响后,指出教学知识结构的综合性和研究方法的科学性是美国教师教学知识研究的两个主要特点。  相似文献   

学科教学知识是随着教师专业成长而不断生成的学科教师特有的某一特定主题的不同于学科教学法知识的教学知识,相对于卓越教师专业知识结构中的其他知识类型而言,学科教学知识在卓越教师专业知识结构中具有独特的价值。但长期以来我国卓越教师学科教学知识并没有受到足够重视,存在着教师职前培养中学科教学知识重要地位阙如、教师职后培训中学科教学知识的讲演式难题、教师自身成长中学科教学知识的轻视化现状、教师学科教学知识科学研究的整体性缺失等问题。因此,科学而合理地反思卓越教师专业知识结构中学科教学知识的形成机制是当务之急,需要从教师职前培养中合理确定学科教学知识的比重、教师职后培训中不断加强学科教学知识的训练、教师专业成长中积极反思学科教学知识的功用、教育研究中广泛开展学科教学知识的探究等方面来提高学科教学知识的重要地位。  相似文献   

教师学科教学知识能够体现出教师专业的"专业特质".教师的教育实践与反思是教师学科教学知识发展的基本方式.教师学科教学知识的发展一般经历"分离"、"初步形成"、"融合"与"个性化"四个阶段,每个阶段的发展时间与发展方式都具有相应特征.  相似文献   

论教师学科教学知识及其养成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师学科教学知识(Pdagogical Content Knowledge)简称PCK,它是教师通过学科内容知识和有效教学策略交互作用(intersection)帮助学生有效学习的知识;这种知识要求教师在完全理解所教内容,了解和掌握学生的文化背景、先前知识和经验的基础之上,运用多种方式进行教学.教师学科教学知识是教师知识的核心,它是保持教师知识复合性、动态性的原动力,并且拓宽了教师专业发展的知识基础.教师可以通过教育叙事、教学反思和树立动态的课程观在教育实践中养成学科教学知识.  相似文献   

Theories associated with teacher knowledge suggest that teachers transform subject content knowledge into pedagogical content knowledge in teaching to enhance the content comprehensibility. It is assumed that the connection between teacher content knowledge and curriculum is characterized by the content knowledge transformation. This study, using an interpretive research method combined with cognitive knowledge elicitation and mapping approaches, examined the subject-pedagogical content knowledge transformation process that was associated with the teachers' curricular decision-making in secondary physical education. Findings indicated that the teachers shared a common subject content knowledge base but demonstrated a personalized pedagogical content knowledge repertoire, suggesting that the teachers' pedagogical content knowledge was personally constructed even though they shared a subject content knowledge base. The classroom curriculum was closely connected to the pedagogical content knowledge base. In addition, the teachers' curricular decisions regarding content inclusion/exclusion were primarily based on their perceptions of student learning abilities. The findings may imply that enhancement of prospective teachers' pedagogical content knowledge should be emphasized in teacher preparation programs because it serves as a bridge linking the subject content knowledge with the curriculum delivered in classrooms.  相似文献   

Teachers’ content-related knowledge is a key factor influencing the learning progress of students. Different models of content-related knowledge have been proposed by educational researchers; most of them take into account three categories: content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and curricular knowledge. As there is no consensus about the empirical separability (i.e. empirical structure) of content-related knowledge yet, a total of 134 biology teachers from secondary schools completed three tests which were to capture each of the three categories of content-related knowledge. The empirical structure of content-related knowledge was analyzed by Rasch analysis, which suggests content-related knowledge to be composed of (1) content knowledge, (2) pedagogical content knowledge, and (3) curricular knowledge. Pedagogical content knowledge and curricular knowledge are highly related (rlatent?=?.70). The latent correlations between content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge (rlatent?=?.48)—and curricular knowledge, respectively (rlatent?=?.35)—are moderate to low (all ps?<?.001). Beyond the empirical structure of content-related knowledge, different learning opportunities for teachers were investigated with regard to their relationship to content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and curricular knowledge acquisition. Our results show that an in-depth training in teacher education, professional development, and teacher self-study are positively related to particular categories of content-related knowledge. Furthermore, our results indicate that teaching experience is negatively related to curricular knowledge, compared to no significant relationship with content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge.  相似文献   


Teachers’ professional knowledge is considered one of the most important predictors of instructional quality. According to Shulman, such professional knowledge includes content, pedagogical content and pedagogical knowledge. Although recent research shed some light on the structure of the dimensions of professional knowledge, little is known how teacher education impacts pre-service physics teachers’ professional knowledge. In an effort to address this issue, we examined the content, pedagogical content and pedagogical knowledge of N?=?200 pre-service physics teachers enrolled in different years of teacher education at 12 major teacher education universities in Germany. We used structural equation modelling (1) to examine the relations amongst pre-service physics teachers’ content, pedagogical content and pedagogical knowledge, (2) to explore how the three kinds of knowledge and their relations differ across different stages of teacher education and (3) to identify factors affecting the level of each component of professional knowledge. Our findings suggest that content, pedagogical content and pedagogical knowledge represent distinct types of knowledge. Furthermore, our findings show that in the first years of professional education, pedagogical content knowledge is more closely related with general pedagogical knowledge while in later years, it is more closely related with content knowledge, suggesting that it develops from a general knowledge about teaching and learning into knowledge about the teaching and learning of specific content. Finally, beyond school achievement and years of enrolment as predictors, we find in particular the amount of classroom observations to have a positive impact on the professional knowledge of pre-service physics teachers.  相似文献   

Educational research has introduced different models for the professional knowledge of (pre-service) teachers. Existing studies show major differences regarding the construct of content knowledge, which is often conceptualized based on school subject knowledge and varies with respect to academic content knowledge. The latter indicates that the question of what content knowledge teachers need has yet to be resolved. This question is particularly relevant from the perspective of teacher education at universities, since pre-service teachers for secondary schools are usually taught academic content knowledge. In this article we suggest a model of the discipline-specific teacher knowledge that includes pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) alongside two constructs of content knowledge: academic content knowledge (CK) and school-related content knowledge (SRCK). Findings from two studies for the subject area mathematics confirm that the components are empirically separable and that the three-dimensional model is superior to the two-dimensional model (CK, PCK). Moreover, the new construct SRCK holds potential for the investigation of the knowledge of pre-service teachers.  相似文献   

教材的主要职能在于传递知识,知识内容是教材的核心。因此,想要深入分析教材存在的深层次问题需从微观的知识内容层面入手。现有采用统计关键词频次的内容分析,无法解释教材的知识内容结构及各部分内容之间的联系等问题,而采用语义图性质的概念图又难以保证教材分析结果的客观性。可见,如何客观地可视化表征教材知识内容是从知识层面分析教材的关键。知识建模图是严格按照操作规范绘制而成的,包含教学内容知识点及其关系的知识结构隶属图,不同的绘制者针对相同内容所绘制的知识建模图具高度一致性,其可作为分析教材内容的客观工具和基础数据。因此,基于知识建模图为数据基础,提出了分析教材知识内容新理路,即分析教材的目标定位准确性、知识点类型分布、知识建模图形态结构、目标知识点与先决知识点的紧密性、例题与习题知识点的一致性等方面的特征,可准确揭示教材定位是否适切、教材内容能否达成课程目标、组织方式是否恰当、内容编排能否促进目标知识点的学习、事实范例的选择是否有助于知识点的迁移与能力的提升等问题。基于知识建模图的教材知识内容分析理路,可成为今后教材分析的一种新思路,对有理有据地分析、优化教材的组织结构和内容体系,具有积极意义。此外,采用该理路分析教材,还利于学科知识建模图的积累,并且这些学科知识建模图可广泛应用于教学资源聚合、校本课程优化、教育数据处理、个性化学习推荐和教师教学增效等方面。这对加快智能教育从感知智能向认知智能的转变与演进,具有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

Teaching grammar has been mandated in statutory curriculum documents in England since 1988. Yet despite this, research evidence continues to suggest that metalinguistic knowledge is an area of challenge for many teachers. Drawing on data from a larger study, this paper considers the role of teachers' grammatical knowledge, both content and pedagogical content knowledge, in mediating learning about writing in the classroom. It also illustrates how students' learning about writing is influenced by teachers’ metalinguistic knowledge. The study highlights that grammatical pedagogical content knowledge is more significant than grammatical content knowledge in supporting meaningful teaching and learning about writing.  相似文献   

教师不仅要拥有深刻的学科知识而且还要拥有宽广的学科教学知识。有效的课堂教学是两者的有机融合。通过从学习者的视角剖析一堂数学课的教学,具体分析了学科知识和学科教学知识在课堂教学中是怎样有机融合的,在经验层面证实了上述观点。该课例是青浦经验新行动的产物。青浦经验从本质上说是学科知识和学科教学知识有机融合的产物,是指导有效教学的本土经验。学科知识和学科教学知识的有机融合是数学和教育在课堂教学中的诉求,也可更好地解读本土经验。  相似文献   

言与意、知与智是中国古代哲学中的一个基本问题,也是教学论研究中不可回避的问题。知识具有实质内容与形式特征两个维度,智慧蕴涵在知识内容与形式之中,智慧生成包括对知识内容的理解与知识形式的复演。不同知识有着不同的实质内容与形式特征,具有不同的智慧功能。转变教学方式,掌握知识形式,是由知识通达智慧的重要途径。  相似文献   

信息技术支持下的学科教学知识(TPACK)是学科教学知识(PCK)在信息化时代的发展。技术知识(TK)、教法知识(PK)和内容知识(CK)是TPACK结构模型中的基础成分;学科教学知识(PCK)、技术支持下的内容知识(TCK)、技术支持下的教学知识(TPK)和技术支持下的学科教学知识(TPACK)是TPACK结构模型中的互动成份。TPACK框架在理论上、在教师教育、在教学实践上等诸方面为信息技术与学科课程整合提供了新思路,将有助于我们推动学科教学知识发展,将为学科教育的信息化提供有力的教学知识基础。  相似文献   

This study investigated eighth-grade science students’ (13–14-year-olds) perceptions of their vocabulary knowledge, learning, and content achievement. Data sources included pre- and posttest of students’ perceptions of vocabulary knowledge, students’ perceptions of vocabulary and reading strategies surveys, and a content achievement test. Students’ perceptions of vocabulary knowledge were compared before and after instruction to see whether students believed they gained knowledge and the ability to explain categories of technical science terms. Students’ perceptions of vocabulary knowledge increased as a result of instruction. The participants had favorable views of the vocabulary and reading strategies implemented and believed the literacy approaches were important for their developing science knowledge. In addition, students’ content achievement was compared to a national data set. Students in this study outperformed a national data set on all content knowledge items assessed. Students’ perceptions of their knowledge and vocabulary and reading strategies were congruent with their content achievement. This study is one of the first to highlight the pivotal role students’ perception of vocabulary knowledge and vocabulary and reading strategies plays in science content learning.  相似文献   

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