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流动学前儿童的社区教育问题值得关注.通过采用深度访谈、实地观察等研究方法,对已入园的流动学前儿童的社区教育进行了微观层面的研究.研究结果表明:社区缺乏参与流动学前儿童教育的意识,教育内容单一,方式被动.在探讨这些问题存在的原因基础上,提出社区要主动服务流动学前儿童家庭教育,为幼儿园教育提供便利资源;幼儿园要关注流动学前儿童,为他们的教育争取更多的社区帮助;家长要提高自身素质,克服困难积极参与孩子的社区教育;社区、幼儿园、家庭应共同努力以便为流动学前儿童提供良好的"三位一体"教育.  相似文献   

本研究通过对某市学前流动儿童家庭的社区服务需求调查,结果表明:学前流动儿童家庭对社区服务需求较强;学前流动儿童家庭极为重视子女的发展;学前流动儿童家庭对社区机构的教育需求迫切。为此,本研究提出以下建议:政府应从政策、财政资金、服务人才队伍建设支持社区机构;社区机构应从明确服务目标、丰富服务内容、创新服务形式、提高服务人员专业素养等方面完善社区服务体系;幼儿园应关注学前流动儿童群体需求、丰富社区机构教育资源;学前流动儿童家长应积极参与社区机构活动,提升家庭教育技能水平。  相似文献   

近年来,随着流动学前儿童安全事故的频繁发生,学前儿童的安全教育越来越受到社会各界的关注。流动学前儿童安全教育存在教育内容不全面、教育方式单一、教育过程缺少互动、教育缺乏耐心等问题。为此,从社会工作视角提出提升流动家庭安全教育意识、构建安全教育网络、链接安全教育资源等对策。  相似文献   

本研究主要使用李克特量表进行调查,比较学前流动儿童公共教育状况与需求。结果显示:学前流动儿童教师应更注重幼儿人身安全防范,并加强幼儿安全教育;幼儿园和社区教育组织应努力满足家长对幼儿早期阅读的需求;家长与幼儿园教师、社区教育工作者之间应加强教学内容的沟通,相互补充,以满足幼儿家长的教育需求。  相似文献   

本研究选取保定市186名4-7岁学前流动儿童为研究对象,采用《4-7岁儿童社会性发展量表》对其社会性发展水平进行调查,结果表明:与常模相比,学前流动儿童社会性发展总分符合常模正态分布;学前流动儿童社会性发展总分存在显著的性别差异,男孩总分高于女孩;学前流动儿童社会性发展总分随年龄增长、家庭定居市区时间的增长及母亲文化水平的提高而呈增长趋势。学前流动儿童家庭、社区、幼儿园应通力合作,采取相关干预措施,促进其社会性发展。  相似文献   

流动学前儿童问题日益严重,越来越多的研究者就流动学前儿童的学校教育、家庭教育、心理健康、社会适应、人身安全、卫生保健服务等多维度展开研究。近18年关于流动学前儿童研究的核心论文,探讨了流动学前儿童面临入园教育机构资源差、园内教育过程不平等与教育效果差的问题,家庭教育面临教育内容不全面和教育方式不科学的问题,心理健康面临焦虑时间长、缺乏自信和自控力的问题,卫生保健面临保健服务利用率普遍低的问题等。这些研究较为全面地揭示了流动学前儿童在城市的生活状况和受教育状况,但在研究对象、研究方法、研究视角和理论发展方面仍有不足,这是后续研究应该继续拓展的方向。  相似文献   

研究者以北京四环游戏小组为研究对象,从关注流动学前儿童的生存状态出发,运用行动研究法,尝试对流动学前儿童开展生命教育,重点是探索适合流动学前儿童实际需要的生命教育的目标、内容和途径等.  相似文献   

语言是人类最重要的交际工具,口语表达能力是衡量儿童语言发展的重要指标。本研究使用多彩光谱故事板对江苏省某市5所幼儿园的114名4-6岁流动学前儿童进行测查。结果表明:流动儿童早期口语表达能力整体落后,且各要素发展不均衡;不同年龄段儿童之间的表达能力存在显著差异;同年龄段儿童在口语表达各要素、语言风格和特点上存在很大差异;父母的受教育程度、班级中的书籍种类对其有显著影响。未来,应从政府、幼儿园、家庭和社区等多维度出发,为流动儿童构建完备和强健有力的教育支持系统,以提升其口语表达能力的发展。  相似文献   

家庭是学前儿童生活的第一所学校,父母是影响学前儿童阅读发展的第一任教师。本文通过分析影响学前儿童阅读能力的家庭因素,为父母提供培养学前儿童阅读能力的相关策略。父母应该树立科学的家庭阅读观念;创造良好的家庭阅读环境;积极开展亲子阅读活动等,促进学前儿童阅读能力的发展。  相似文献   

流动学前儿童家庭教育问题值得关注。本研究采用深度访谈、实地观察等研究方法,对已入园的流动学前儿童家庭教育进行了微观层面的研究。研究结果表明:流动学前儿童家庭在家庭教育意识、内容、方式、亲子互动和环境条件上存在多方面问题。在探讨这些问题存在的原因基础上,提出以下整改意见:家长需提高自身素质;幼儿园和社区应提供家教帮助和指导;政府应提供优惠政策和采取措施改善流动学前儿童生活环境,共同为流动学前儿童提供良好的家庭教育。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics and findings of an early literacy intervention program implemented to facilitate the development of critical emergent literacy skills among children identified as low-income and at-risk in the context of collaborative, pre-kindergarten/Head Start classrooms. Using data from a sample of pre-Kindergartners (n = 154), the intervention reveals the effectiveness of early literacy intervention in the areas of vocabulary, phonological awareness, and print knowledge. The study suggests the possibility of preventing literacy delays and referrals for specialized, special education services for young children through early intervention at the preschool level.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explored reading literacy performance of Norwegian students (Grades 1–10). Semistandardised interviews were conducted with 36 academics, school administrators, and teachers to investigate reading literacy development, factors associated with literacy performance, and recommendations for improvement. Reading literacy lessons were also observed in 10 classrooms to determine how reading literacy is developed. Data from the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement study ( Elley, 1994 ) and the Programme for International Student Achievement study ( OECD, 2001 ) were analysed to enrich understanding of the Norwegian literacy situation. Recommendations include greater reading education for teachers, communication and collaboration between stakeholders, engagement and interest in reading, balanced reading instruction, development of linguistic awareness, use of early intervention programmes, explicit strategy instruction, and use of bilingual education.  相似文献   

This work describes a questionnaire survey conducted in a county in central Portugal. The intention was to ascertain preschool teachers’ opinions about early literacy development and its place in preschool education, and to investigate the skills and knowledge seen by teachers as important for early reading and writing development. The results show that, overall, teachers regard preschool education as important for future literacy acquisition, but the majority do not think that early literacy activities should always be part of the preschool curriculum. Concerning the skills that they perceive as important in terms of literacy development, greater emphasis was attributed to verbal, perceptual (auditory and visual) and fine motor skills. Letter/sound knowledge and phonological awareness were considered the least important. Various inferences are drawn, and recommendations for future policy decisions are offered.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的高速发展,人口流动成为我国社会发展过程中必然出现的一种现象。流动人口举家迁移趋势的增加必然会带来大规模的流动人口子女。由于环境变化、背景差异等许多原因,流动儿童的法制教育状况十分堪忧。本文从影响流动儿童法制教育的主要因素、重要性以及改善策略等方面对流动儿童法制教育进行探析,以期能够对我国流动儿童教育事业做出一点贡献。  相似文献   

选举权是公民享有的一项重要的政治权利,但是现行的法律和制度设计并不能完全保障每一个具有选民资格的公民的选举权都得以充分实现,尤其是那些日益庞大的"流动中的选民"。应该通过完善相关选举法律和改革相关选举制度的途径,来推动"流动选民"的选举意识和参与,保障"流动人口"的民主权利得到真正实现。  相似文献   

This work describes a survey conducted in Syros Island in Greece. The intention was to ascertain kindergarten teachers' perceptions about early literacy and the skills and knowledge they consider as important for pre‐school aged children. The participants were all the kindergarten teachers of the island (N = 19) and the data were collected during a workshop where three groups tried to make a conceptual map of ‘literacy’. The results show that, overall, kindergarten teachers adopt a very broad definition of literacy as communication ability but restrict their practices to phonics instruction. Because this attitude differs significantly from the provisions of the official curriculum, which is based on emergent literacy perspective, it is obvious that due to the lack of specialised education and support the participants prefer a hidden curriculum, which is based on the assumption that mere acquaintance with graphophonemic relations is enough for the initial level of education. The findings of this research show that teachers lack awareness of recent research and pedagogy concerning early literacy development and demonstrate the urgent need for development of specialised educational programmes for in‐service kindergarten teachers.  相似文献   

流动儿童是在当前户籍制度下人口流动的必然结果,他们在流入地受教育面临着诸多问题:在公立学校受到歧视,在民办子弟学校只能接受低质量的教育.流动儿童的高质量教育,对社会稳定和发展有着十分积极的现实意义.解决流动儿童面临的问题需要改革当前户籍制度,完善教育制度加强对流动儿童教育的倾斜,强化对流动人口和流动儿童的社会教育.  相似文献   

The increasing availability and use of technology applications for teaching emergent literacy skills in early childhood education settings nationwide requires that early childhood education professionals develop skills with readily available software programs. This paper provides general recommendations in using Microsoft® PowerPoint? to support emergent literacy skill development for young children at-risk or who have disabilities. Specific suggestions are presented in the areas of phonological awareness, alphabetic principles, comprehension, concepts about print, and vocabulary development.  相似文献   

Children with weak oral language skills are at risk of experiencing difficulty with early literacy acquisition. Intensive small group intervention during the pre-primary year has the potential to improve children's success in developing emergent literacy skills. Education assistants are a potentially powerful resource for supporting students at educational risk. In this study, education assistants at four schools were trained to provide a daily half-hour emergent literacy program to pre-primary students with low oral language skills. The program focused on developing phonological awareness, letter-sound knowledge and vocabulary using both explicit and in-context (embedded) learning activities. The students undertaking the program made significant gains on early language and literacy measures. Case studies are presented that illustrate the strengths and limitations of the intervention for children and schools.  相似文献   

上海流动儿童学前教育社会支持系统的现状与改进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前上海市流动儿童接受学前教育的情况不容乐观。政府支持系统的缺乏、群体支持系统的分散以及个体支持系统的单薄,使得流动儿童很少能接受系统的学前教育。为改变这一不公平的现状,政府应成为流动儿童学前教育的责任主体,制定针对流动儿童的专项学前教育计划,扩大接受流动儿童的园所数量,并提升其教育质量;幼儿园和社区应为流动儿童接受正规与非正规的学前教育提供充足的机会,同时引导流动儿童家长树立正确的教育观念,采取正确的教育方式,提高其家庭教育的质量。  相似文献   

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