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Much of the literature relating to organisational change within academic departments focusses upon the role of the academic leader in creating an appropriate environment and process for change. Often scant attention is paid to the role of other individuals in impeding or facilitating change. This paper provides a case study of teaching development and change based in considerations of organisational culture as conceptualised by Schein (1985). It details the strategies used by a small group of junior academics to challenge the existing organisational culture and, through a focus on teaching improvement, achieve personal reward, organisational growth and the creation of a new but complemtary organisational culture. From the case study is drawn a list of key factors of relevance to academics or staff developers interested in initiating or supporting a grass-roots movement for change.  相似文献   

During 2004, the School of Education at the University of Ulster embarked on an innovative three-year project designed to embed community relations objectives within initial teacher education. With the advent of more peaceful times in Northern Ireland, this was a precipitous time for initial teacher educators to review the preparation given to beginner teachers for teaching in an increasingly pluralist society emerging from conflict. The present paper reports on one very specific and time-limited element of the broader project. That is, development work designed to investigate the possibilities of using processes of self-review and evaluation as a lever for improvements in initial teacher education for community relations. Following a brief contextualisation, the background to, and the development of, a set of materials designed to support rigorous and systematic self-review of all aspects of provision in a university-based initial teacher education department is described. The Community Relations Index for Initial Teacher Education (Cr-ITE) was envisaged as being of use to initial teacher education establishments in order to help teacher educators take responsibility for rigorous learning from their practice, whilst placing inclusive values at the centre of organisational development. The final section includes further critical reflection on the role of organisational self-review in transforming teacher education for inclusion in a society emerging from longstanding communal conflict.  相似文献   

This paper reports aspects of an international study of leadership of teaching in 19 departments with outstanding teaching records in 11 research‐intensive universities. Leadership was found to take different forms in different discipline areas, in different organisational cultures, and in response to major problems affecting the department. While most of the heads conceived of leadership of teaching in similarly sophisticated ways, and there were other common themes across contexts, how these conceptions were evident in action to support and develop teaching was highly context‐dependent. To illustrate this point, two departments are contrasted in terms of leadership activities found most frequently across all 19 departments. It is clear from this comparison that teaching excellence was achieved in entirely different ways involving widely contrasting leadership behaviour. The paper argues that advice and guidance for heads of department on their leadership of teaching should pay careful attention to the context rather than make assumptions about the general applicability of leadership theory or advice.  相似文献   

新形势下高校院系办公室工作的新思路   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着高校内部管理体制改革的不断深化,院系办公室作用不断被强化,能否发挥其中枢和窗口作用,关系到院系教学、科研等各项工作的开展和院系的形象。为此必须明确院系办公室的特点和职能,切实加强队伍建设,创造性地开展工作。  相似文献   

善行旅游是基于东方传统文化基因而产生的一种新型旅游消费理念与行为,是旅游可持续发展和本土化实践的一种新尝试。它的理念基础是以善知、善念、善行为代表的东方文化基因,核心精神是善待自然、善待他人、善待自己,实质是肩负道德责任的旅游,目标是旅游可持续发展。善行旅游吸取了生态旅游、可持续旅游、绿色旅游、低碳旅游的共同点——亲近自然的同时保护自然,以此来实现全球大环境下的可持续发展。善行旅游更加强调人的行为对自然产生"善"的影响,以善行这种行为来向自然、他人传达自己的想法。对旅游者、政府、旅游企业来说,无论是在实际措施、做法上,还是在内在的精神认知上,都有着较高的要求。善行旅游理念的树立与实践具有重要的现实意义,面临着诸多的机遇与挑战。政府部门、中介机构、旅游经营者应各司其职,共同推进善行旅游理念的传播并付诸实践。  相似文献   

目的 对综合医院实习教学进行合理评价并帮助改进.方法 根据某综合医院实习教学工作统计报表,对该院各科室实习教学量化指标进行因子分析.结果 因子分析反映出各科在科室因子及教研室因子两个层面存在差距,且与实际状况吻合.结论 因子分析方法能够客观评价各科实习教学工作,管理者应进一步激发一线科室积极性.  相似文献   

The qualitative study reported on was, undertaken from a distributed leadership perspective, and was an attempt to provide understanding of how heads of department (HoDs) develop educators within the organisational context of different schools and subject departments. The findings are related to the current policy framework for professional development in South African schools. Two fee-paying and two non-fee-paying schools were selected and interviews were conducted with HoDs from single subject (unitary) and multi-subject (federal or confederate) departments in each school. The data was transcribed, coded, analysed and related to the research question. The findings confirmed that HoDs are a key link between principals and the educators in their classrooms. This supports the view that HoDs have formal responsibilities and accountabilities and they wield a horizontal and a vertical influence. Recommendations are made to improve professional development practice by HoDs in particular and in the education system in general.  相似文献   

Collective approaches to practice development are increasingly common in the teaching profession. Such initiatives frequently involve groups of teachers taking responsibility for introducing, sharing and developing new pedagogical resources and for aiding their integration into existing practices. This article explores teachers’ knowledge work as a component of collective practice development, and investigates how engagement with knowledge is constructed in different school environments. Drawing on research that followed an Assessment for Learning (AfL) project in a Norwegian city, the article examines how two groups of lower secondary teachers worked to support the introduction and development of AfL resources at their respective schools. The analysis reveals how their knowledge work was framed in different ways through available organisational roles and resources, and discusses the implications for initiatives aimed at collective practice development at the school level.  相似文献   

新课程改革对小学教师角色提出了新的要求,但由于社会、学校和教育部门以及教师自身等方面的原因,在实践教学中,小学教师并没有扮演好这些"理想"角色,造成了教师角色冲突.为了缓解教师角色冲突:首先,社会对教师要有一个正确、合理的认识;其次,学校和教育部门要为教师提供专业成长的支持,以及要改善教育评价体系;再次,教师自身要加强...  相似文献   

隐性文化是学校在长期历史发展和教学实践过程中形成的文化环境和精神氛围的综合,它通过非计划性、无目的性、潜移默化的形式传递给学生非学术性知识.隐性文化可以提高大学生的思想政治觉悟和道德水平,培养大学生高尚的道德品质和良好的行为规范,培养大学生的社会责任感,提高大学生的心理素质,培养大学生正确的审美观和高尚的审美情趣.  相似文献   

教学档案在高校教学与管理中扮演着重要的角色,与教学中心工作相辅相成。管理者应重视教学档案的收集,科学分类并进行规范化管理,最终达到教学与管理双赢的目的。高校二级教学单位(院级或者系级)作为学校教学任务的载体单位,也是教学档案的主要管理部门,二级教学单位如何对教学档案进行收集、管理,如何对原始档案、电子档案数据库再开发、再利用是本文研究的重点。  相似文献   

Peer Observation of Teaching (POT) is a little used way of stimulating reflection on and improvement of teaching. It is an unusual form of staff development [SD] that emphasises continuous processes and peer feedback rather than course attendance. This paper describes the principles and practice of POT, including potential benefits and drawbacks and discusses the conditions necessary for it to flourish in departments and institutions. It argues that POT overcomes the problem of staff ownership'of SD by connecting with peer culture but may be promoted, implemented and supported by SD functions linked to personnel departments. Thus SD functions may play a more substantial role in their organisations'development than hitherto.  相似文献   

新课程改革对小学教师角色提出了新的要求,但由于社会、学校和教育部门以及教师自身等方面的原因,在实践教学中,小学教师并没有扮演好这些"理想"角色,造成了教师角色冲突。为了缓解教师角色冲突:首先,社会对教师要有一个正确、合理的认识;其次,学校和教育部门要为教师提供专业成长的支持,以及要改善教育评价体系;再次,教师自身要加强角色学习,提高角色能力,进行角色整合,创造自我角色。  相似文献   

The study examines the role of the Head of Department in UK secondary schools in terms of its potential for school improvement. Thirty-two heads of department in secondary schools in Birmingham and Manchester were shadowed and interviewed in order to identify: (1) their leadership and management styles; (2) the sense of empowerment felt by each; (3) initiatives for improving teaching, learning and achievement in their departments; and (4) obstacles to improving teaching, learning and achievement. Four deputy head teachers in the sample schools were also interviewed with the purpose of eliciting their views on the role of the head of department in facilitating school improvement. The findings support the prediction that distributed leadership (or shared power) among senior and middle managers in UK schools still remains rhetoric rather than practice and that there is a growing need for current middle management development and training provision to change radically if middle managers are to be supported as curriculum leaders and managers  相似文献   

培养创新人才是高校肩负着的历史重任,而高校实践教学在创新能力培养中具有不可替代的特殊作用,同时,培养创新能力也是高校实践教学的活力所在。现阶段,高校必须重视实践教学环节,要建立一支稳定的实践教学队伍,大力改进现有实践教学设施和条件,进一步优化实践教学模式,以便为培养创新人才服务。  相似文献   

教学督导是高职高专院校内部教学质量监控的重要组成部分,必须建立、健全组织机构。制定相应的制度,明确教学督导的职责和定位,在促进学校教学改革、加强教学管理、提高教学质量上发挥其他教学行政职能部门不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

成人高等院校系级教学档察管理初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成人高校的系级教学档案管理工作,是学校教学工作的基层工作之一。它与普通高校的系级教学档案相比,有自己的特点和模式。成人高校系级教学档案主要分为三大类:教学管理类、教师业务类、学生档案类。作好成人高校系级教学档案的收集、管理、利用工作,能够促进成人高校系级教学工作和其他工作的发展。  相似文献   

Drawing on in‐depth interviews with 27 women academics in faculties of education in Canada, this article explores some of the consequences of the gendered division of labour in universities. Jean Baker Miller's phrase, ‘doing good and feeling bad’, characterised the women in the study. They reported working excessively hard, taking responsibility for supporting others, including colleagues and students, and being ‘good department citizens’. Yet they seemed disappointed by the results. Their ‘feeling bad’ is related to the reward system in academic life; a sense that there is an unequal division of labour, with women ‘working harder'; and an expectation that women will take greater responsibility for the nurturing and housekeeping side of academic life. The article explores ‘individual’ and ‘structural’ explanations for the findings and raises further questions about caring in university teaching, the situation of tokens and outsiders in university departments and the prospects for altering university priorities in these times of cutbacks and retrenchment.  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育的迅速扩张,大学生就业难已经成为全社会关注的热点,有必要就高校内部体制进行改革。实行以系部为责任和权利主体的学生就业促进新机制,形成以系部为核心全校教职工共同关注的学生就业促进的新格局。以就业为导向,促进高等教育结构和教育教学的改革,实现规模、质量、结构、效益的协调发展。  相似文献   

高职高专学院毕业实践教学体系是实现其培养目标的关键。加快建立和完善职业教育毕业实践教学环节质量保证过程管理体系,形成了以毕业实践(综合训练)为核心,以过程管理为重点,学院教务部门和各系分工负责、密切配合的毕业实践(综合训练)教学环节质量监控过程管理体系。  相似文献   

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