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采用自编的刻板印象调查问卷就普通大学生对听障大学生体育刻板印象进行了调查,研究结果表明:普通大学生对听障大学生在运动心理品质上存在积极的刻板印象,在听障大学生的技战术方面的体育刻板印象较为消极.并分析了此类体育刻板印象的影响因素,提出普通大学生反向体育融合,加强听障大学生的自信心的培养,最大限度的减弱消极体育刻板印象带来的负面影响.  相似文献   

借助形象学理论,对体育形象内涵进行初步界定,对体育形象的价值进行分析.主要结论:体育形象定位中“大国”与“强国”之争是关键,要强化体育的文化符号作用,重视西方媒体对中国体育“刻板印象”的报道,积极开展体育首脑外交,准确定位中国体育形象.  相似文献   

刻板印象威胁作为一种广泛且普遍存在的情境威胁同样存在于我国普通高校体育场域.对我国普通高校体育弱势学生刻板印象威胁现象进行分析,认为:体育弱势学生的消极自我概念和成功期待与“他者”消极刻板印象的认知失衡,是导致普通高校体育弱势学生刻板印象威胁的深层原因.分别从弱化群体边界,营造无障碍环境;回归生活世界,强调体育生活体验;鼓励自我肯定,树立角色榜样等方面探讨体育弱势学生刻板印象威胁效应的应对策略,旨在为实现”融合——共享”这一高校特殊体育教育目标提供理论参考.  相似文献   

采用内容分析法,以<纽约时报>、<泰晤士报>2004-2008年涉华报道为研究对象,探讨了在北京奥运背景下国外媒体中中国国家形象的变化.研究认为,北京奥运背景下,两报对中国的关注显著上升;均以语词客观,但材料具有倾向性的方式塑造中国国家形象;两报中的中国国家形象是经济发展迅速,但政治封闭,社会矛盾和突发事件频发的国家;<纽约时报>对中国的态度向积极方向改变,<泰晤士报>涉华报道有去政治化趋势.研究认为,北京奥运背景下西方媒体中极端的中国形象得到了部分修正,但偏见依然存在;中国政府和媒体的形象自塑难以撼动西方媒体对中国的刻板印象;全球性媒介事件的生产是新闻事件国内化、国家化的过程.  相似文献   

性别刻板印象是社会生活中被人们广泛接受的对男性和女性的固定看法。研究探索高职院校学生的健美操性别刻板印象和选课意向的现状及两者之间的关系。研究发现:①高职院校男生健美操性别刻板印象与选课意向成负相关,能预测选课意向的是艺术性刻板印象和音乐刻板印象。②高职院校女生健美操性别刻板印象与选课意向成正相关,没有一个维度可以预测女生的选课意向。  相似文献   

1.性别刻板印象对妇女参与体育运动的影响刻板印象又叫“定性观念”,是人们对不同事物进行概括以后形成的相对固定的看法,当人们以性别为框架赋予男女以不同的特征框架时,性别的刻板印象就产生了。这种由男女生理性别差异导致的社会生活一切活动以男人为中心、女人应该处于被动  相似文献   

通过Brigham刻板印象测量方法,对"体育类考生不好学、学不好"的刻板印象进行验证。结果表明高中生普遍认为体育类考生在学习能力、学习策略、学习兴趣、学习意志、学习天赋、课堂表现等六个方面不如文理科类考生;女学生的刻板印象程度高于男学生;高二刻板印象程度在三个年级中最低。  相似文献   

大型体育赛事形象景观研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赛事景观是为表达赛事的基本属性、价值和宗旨,营造符合赛事品味的气氛而专门设计、制作和实施的各类物质景物.大型体育赛事的形象设计和应用主要为赛事名称、赛事标志、赛事徽记和赛事形象.全运会作为我国规模最大、影响最广的综合性体育赛事,没有自己的赛事标志,只有举办届次全运会的会徽,这种状况严重影响全运会赛事商业价值的开发,制约了全运会社会效益的扩大等.  相似文献   

本文以上官鹏飞事件为例,基于我国搏击赛事对选手保护的现状,通过对比国外高水平赛事,认为长期以来我国搏击赛事组织不规范、职业化改革反复、体制不健全等原因造成了对运动员人身安全最大隐患,从而为健全我国的搏击赛事体制提供有益的参考.  相似文献   

刻板印象是指对社会群体不准确和简单化的见解,致使旁人依此对其有固定的看待。按照这个定义,性别刻板印象则可以理解为对男性和女性的一些独有看法。研究结果表明,性别刻板印象对普通专业学生的影响要大于对体育专业学生的影响,普通专业体育选修课的性别差异显著。体育专业学生主选课性别差异不明显,但在个别项目的选择上还是存在显著差异,例如:健美操、篮球、田径。  相似文献   

结合体育旅游的特点以及长沙市的本土特色,基于SWOT分析法对长沙体育旅游的发展进行了探讨和研究,初步得出长沙发展体育旅游具有区位、资源、交通、客源、媒介宣传等优势;自身劣势包括体育赛事级别不高且没有形成常态化,项目形式单一并缺乏地方特色,专业人才匮乏,旅游管理水平落后,政策法规有待完善等;需要把握的机会有体验经济时代、老龄化、两型社会构建、政府支持等;面临的威胁有大型体育赛事较少、自然环境保护威胁、旅游地安全保障措施不健全等。针对SWOT分析结果,提出长沙市体育旅游业的发展对策。  相似文献   

Building on previous research in which we provided an opportunity for female college athletes to construct their own photographic portrayals, this study explored young female athletes' perceptions of the college athlete photographs. Fifty-two girls participated in focus group interviews where they viewed and discussed the images. The young athletes particularly liked images they perceived to show authentic athletes (e.g., in athletic settings, with appropriate sport attire), images they could relate to due to personal experiences, and images that reflected competent and passionate sportswomen. Images perceived as revealing a lack of motivation, poor sporting attitudes, and nonathletic poses generally were disliked. Images depicting multiple social identities (e.g., an athlete in a dress) were controversial and generated much discussion.  相似文献   

By 1837, the sporting landscape of England was populated by a number of professional pedestrians who competed in a range of events that were extensively covered in the sporting press. These men distinguished themselves from their competitors through their use of ‘colours’ and a range of different athletic clothing. In the later stages of the nineteenth century, the dominance of the professional athlete was challenged through the formation of clubs and associations by a public-school- and university-educated middle class. The somatotype and clothing strategies of the Victorian athlete altered as a result. Their assumption of an innate physical superiority, allied to a preference for the all-rounder with his elegance and style, rather than the muscular, specialized sporting bodies of working-class professionals, were important features of an amateur ethos which drew much of its references from the Classical world. Through a discussion of how middle-class amateur athletes used Classical precedents, science and clothing to create the ‘university athlete’ and the ‘university costume’, in order to reinforce the distinctions between their own bodies and those of the professionals, this paper explores the transition from pedestrianism to organized athletics.  相似文献   

Building on previous research in which we provided an opportunity for female college athletes to construct their own photographic portrayals, this study explored young female athletes' perceptions of the college athlete photographs. Fifty-two girls participated in focus group interviews where they viewed and discussed the images. The young athletes particularly liked images they perceived to show authentic athletes (e.g, in athletic settings, with appropriate sport attire), images they could relate to due to personal experiences, and images that reflected competent and passionate sportswomen. Images perceived as revealing a lack of motivation, poor sporting attitudes, and nonathletic poses generally were disliked. Images depicting multiple social identities (e.g., an athlete in a dress) were controversial and generated much discussion.  相似文献   

This paper examines the gendered performances and identity construction of UK female University soccer players and netballers (n?=?31). Focus group interviews explored their sporting experiences with reference to body perceptions, and perceptions of their sporting bodies outside sporting contexts. Three themes resulted from data analysis, these being; (1) UK culture, body performances and femininity, (2) sporting culture, body performances and femininity and (3) transiency of body satisfaction across sport and non-sport contexts. Findings suggest that sport may not always provide an opportunity to challenge and resist dominant discourses. In both netball and soccer, a range of surveillance and management practices were used that served to perpetuate the value of a ‘feminine’ and assumed heterosexual body, and legitimize their sport participation through an emphasis on a hyper-femininity. The influence of sport subcultures on gendered performances and identity construction, along with implications for marketing sports participation to women are discussed.  相似文献   

As a result of the occasional unethical business practices of its members, such as price gouging and ticket fraud, the secondary ticket market for sporting events has struggled to gain legitimacy from the perspective of leagues, teams, and consumers. However, as this industry has grown exponentially in the past decade with the advent of the Internet, entities that resell tickets have implemented several strategies for improving the negative images resulting from these unethical practices. As primary and secondary ticketing operations continue to merge through secondary market sponsorships, teams and other sport properties must carefully consider public perceptions of this market before determining their own level of involvement with it. Understanding what strategies the members of the secondary market use to repair and enhance these perceptions is the first step in making that judgment. The purpose of this study was to examine the legitimacy-building strategies in a National Football League (NFL) market for each segment of the secondary ticket market (scalpers, licensed ticket brokers, and secondary ticket market websites). Additionally, a new strategy for legitimacy-building (legitimacy acquisition) is also presented.  相似文献   

体育赛事组织者是指组织、策划体育赛事,享有相关权利并承担相应义务的个人或组织。传播技术的发展使体育赛事的观众规模迅速扩大,在带来巨大收益的同时,也让体育赛事组织者面临权利保护的难题。鉴于我国当前无明确保护体育赛事组织者传播权的法律,以往的相关判决中常用体育赛事组织的章程证明体育赛事组织者对其体育赛事享有传播权。体育赛事组织的章程具备一定的法律效力,但由于赛事传播权属于绝对性权利,而体育赛事组织不具备立法主体资格,其章程规定不能作为体育赛事组织者享有赛事传播权利的法律依据。对比他国采取的保护模式,认为我国可在《体育法》《著作权法》上明确对体育赛事组织者传播权的保护,同时权利人还可借助《合同法》《物权法》的相关规定,主张其对体育赛事节目享有的控制权。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2014,17(2):121-132
The sports industry is viewed as being of growing economic significance, reflected in its promotion in public policy. One specific aspect of this policy is to argue that investment in international sporting success creates pride from sporting success, which contributes to subjective well-being (SWB). However, though it has been argued that indicators of sporting success, such as the number of medals won at major sports events like the Olympics, act as a proxy for pride from sporting success, there have not been any direct tests of this hypothesis. Controlling for the impact of physical activity, attendance at sports events and other standard covariates, this paper addresses this hypothesis by focusing on a variable which directly measures pride felt from sporting success (Pride) by individuals. Because of the possibility that a latent characteristic such as nationalism, or overall national pride, might be linked to both Pride and SWB, i.e. an endogeneity problem is present, an instrumental variable technique is employed. The findings do not support the hypothesis that pride following from sporting success can contribute distinctly to SWB. Moreover, the hosting of events may be more important than success at them, a point suggested by the positive association between attendance at sporting events and SWB. As such the goals of public sector investment in both hosting major sports events as well as investment in sports development to achieve international sporting success are shown to be more distinct than implied in much of the policy announcements and require more careful scrutiny.  相似文献   

探讨了基于大型体育赛事的公共科技发展的战略管理流程。从公共科技的内涵以及大型体育赛事促进公共科技发展的事实出发,提出政府部门在举办大型体育赛事时能通过制定和实施公共科技发展战略有效地为公众提供公共科技服务,并提供了战略管理的规范性路径。  相似文献   

本文以第26届大运会为例,对主赛区的《深圳晚报》《深圳特区报》和《深圳商报》三家定位相似的同城都市报的报道内容进行分析发现,虽然体育赛事以成为各类都市报纸新闻报道的内容之一,但各报对报道内容的定位差异明显,不同的都市报对体育新闻的选择有自己的价值及利益取向。此分析可为今后我国都市报大型体育新闻的报道内容与结构优化提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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